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May 16th, 2015

[info]mysteryofset in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Young Allies, Jaina Solo]
The FBI raided Tiro al Segno. If we wish to do dinner before prom, I might suggest we skip pasta.

Which, do we?
[Filtered to Saul Goodman]
Theoretically, do you handle RICO cases?

[info]serzhant in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Bucky Barnes (MCU) & Jasper Sitwell (MCU)
WHAT: There's nothing quite like a drink and a talk
WHEN: 15th May / Evening
WHERE: A private beach in Thailand
STATUS: In Progress

i see the stars through a mirror
tired mechanical heart
beats 'til the song disappears )

[info]serzhant in [info]thedoorway

» Attachment

[info]malfoyheirdraco in [info]thedoorway

So things I've come to learn. Americans are rubbish with tea. Honestly. Where can I find a good cup of tea around here?

Apparently your heroes all run around in tights and iron suits. Right. Where were all of you when that no-nosed idiot was threatening our lives?

Muggles do have the most interesting ideas on how to adjust without magic. It's taken a bit, but I've been reasoning out a few things here. Like the television, or I guess as it's called in England, the telly. Works wonders for someone who's developed insomnia.

[Filtered private to Harry Potter-verse People]

Assuming I've done this bloody thing right. Are we going to acknowledge the very Muggle and American holiday coming up later this month? It was always custom when I was growing up for Mum to host parties.

Filtered private to Severus Snape )

[info]marytudori in [info]thedoorway

Who: Anakin & Mary
When: 5 May, backdated but it's such a pretty, awesome log!
Where: Potts Tower, Mary's apartment
What: Mary learns about the Force and how to manipulate it, and Anakin plays Jedi Master to Mary!
Rating: Low

Anakin plays Jedi Master to Mary Tudor )

[info]kamala in [info]thedoorway

Uuugh, you know what's worse than boys who suck? Boys who suck but you thought they were perfect because they led you to believe that and then when the truth comes out, they BLAME YOU for being misleaded!

I have a really bad headache. Does anyone have half a bottle of Tylenol to spare?

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

Oh, I forgot to mention - you were all Medieval Times, so I didn't want to bring it up. But! I have to go to the Prom dance thing tonight, because I'm representing the Youth Centre. We're handing out roses. You don't have to come with me if you don't want to, but you can. I'd love the company.

[info]lasthorcrux in [info]thedoorway

[Hermione Granger]

Do you want to dance?

[info]thedoorwaymods in [info]thedoorway

Who: Open to all!
When: 9 pm May 16, 2015
Where: Fangtasia
What: ESD Prom
Rating: IC/OOC. Keep PG-13 or lower

I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then )

[info]webdesign in [info]thedoorway

Who: Teddy Altman & Peter Parker
When: At the Prom!
Where: Fangtasia
What: Peter agrees to drop in at the ESD’s Prom to hang out with Teddy. Well, Teddy has a crush on Spider-Man, and Peter is an oblivious nerd & spends most of his time feeling guilty about having fun while he knows that Harry is both alive, and in trouble.
Rating: PG

Call it impulsive, call it compulsive, call it insane;
but when I'm surrounded I just can't stop. )

[info]river_dance in [info]thedoorway

Saturn will be at opposition next week.

[info]capitoldarling in [info]thedoorway

I would like to start a morning running group again. Who would be interested? Jaina, are you in?

[info]theregularguy in [info]thedoorway

[Text Message to Barney Barton]
-- Hey so how long do you think we can live off cake?
-- If like, I pick up some beef jerky or something too