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May 13th, 2015

[info]partsaregone in [info]thedoorway

[Anne Weaver]

I've calmed down considerably. Want to tell me why?

[Felix Blake]

I feel like I should apologize, but since it wasn't my fault - I won't. I am sorry that you had to be subjected to that.


Do not set me up.

[info]by_the_book in [info]thedoorway

I may never watch a western again, let alone at 3AM after jalapeno cheese nachos.

[Sitwell/Steve Rogers (MCU)]

I do not harbor a deep seated sexism, and can only heartily apologize.


I need Legal to expunge a citation for horse theft. Fortunately, the subsequent restraining order was issued to the alias "Annie Colina", not one I've used in the past.

[info]doctorbanner in [info]thedoorway

I guess we now have proof positive that in any state of being - in any chemical-genetic formulation, in any decade, in any kind of hat - I am a dick.

Someone should write a paper.

[ Tony Stark (MCU) ]

Got your message, sweets.

[info]ooooshiny in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Kaylee Frye

I'm glad I didn't have any of them crazy dreams but reading the stuff from everybody else shore was fun!

So there's this fancy dance thing this weekend. Wanna take me?

[info]specimen in [info]thedoorway

plays the toughest hand, holds the longest stand

Who: Steve Rogers (MCU)
When: May 13, early afternoon
Where: Cabin in the woods
What: Everyone's ok? Everyone's back to normal? Good, unannounced bbl you guys got this right?
Rating: PG
Status: Complete
sometimes it feels like i'm all that they've got )

[info]specimen in [info]thedoorway

    -- I'm up at the cabin right now. You were right. Figured it was high time for a little break.

[info]legacy in [info]thedoorway

Well, that was awful. I move for immediate action of wilful ignorance of the past 72 hours.

The good news is no one is hurt; the bad news is I have an excess of junk I stole acquired so if you're missing stuff, let me know.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

You know, I’ve always been a fan of Humphrey Bogart, but I can say right now that if I ever see another black and white film as long as I live, it might just be too soon.

But the good news is that I’ve rediscovered the gimlet, and I’m loving it. It’ll be a nice lead into the summer.

Oh, and I’ve got a one-way ticket to Las Vegas. First class -- any takers?

[Avengers (All)]
So uh.
What did I miss?

Do we know what this was?
[Bruce Banner (MCU), Gwen Stacy, Carol Danvers (616), Amadeus Cho (616)]
So. This is just a blanket apology for anything I said or did to any of you in the past.... couple days. Please don’t bring it up in your eventual sexual harassment lawsuit against Stark Industries.
[Bucky Barnes (MCU)]
Hey, do you know where Steve is? Did you let him off his leash? I told you not to do that.
[Pepper Potts (MCU)]

I’m glad you were into it.

[info]labrat in [info]thedoorway

I am really okay with pretending the last 3 days just did not happen.

And focusing, instead, on the fact that my finals are over and Le Bain's rooftop lounge, this Friday, is being taken over by a portion of NYU's class of 2016. And everyone 18+ is invited.

Ashgfd I'm officially a senior!

[info]wannahookup in [info]thedoorway

Can't speak for anyone else, but watching people act out shit like in movies was pretty fucking entertaining. This shit should happen more often.

[info]jedifarmboy in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Luke Skywalker

For the record, I don't even know what a clarinet is much less how to play one.

[Han and Lando]
Please tell me that the two of you didn't actually try to teach me how to hot wire a car.

I'm sorry that I couldn't string two words together whenever I tried to talk to you. That at least was somewhat normal but I'm getting better. Also? If I were interested in going to the prom, you'd be the person I'd want to ask but since I'm not, can we stay home and just pretend we're seventeen and make out on your couch? Except with wine.

[info]jainasolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Jaina Solo

So help me if I ever act like that again, someone vape me. Just please. My head hurts from all the perk. Actually I'll make you a deal, Anakin. If it happens, we can just vape each other because you might possibly have been worse than me.

So I'm in my right mind now and I have an answer for you.


[info]chernaya in [info]thedoorway

network post: natasha romanoff

Filtered: Steve Rogers (MCU), Grant Ward
Apologies to the both of you for what you've been through the last couple days. Thankfully, I was armed with an icer and Steve doesn't get heart attacks. I've taken over Grant Ward's parole, Steve. That's why he was at my apartment. Grant, it's safe to come back.
Filtered: LEOPARD
As I'm sure you all noticed, many people were not quite themselves the last few days. Whatever hit us affected both myself and Jasper. That said, from what I remember, we weren't all that different. For those of you not already aware, Akela and Bucky mostly, I shot Grant with an icer last night. Sounds time to work on teamwork again.

[info]marajade in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Mara Jade

That was certainly one of the more vivid dreams I've had for a while.

[Filter: New York New Jedi Order]
I was going to post about this at the beginning of the week, but since the tesseract thought I should have some time in the middle of a western, it got delayed.

Next Monday, I have scheduled with a realtor to see several buildings that I think are possibilities for what we're looking for. I'm in the Tower for the moment, so if you'd like to look at them with me, meet me in the lobby at 7am.

Additionally, we had talked about operating a business out of it. Sam Winchester, a friend of mine, suggested the idea of meditation classes. He suggested that even without the Force, the Yoga/Tai-Chi/etc crowd might be really into that. It would be a very different type of business, but having a few morning or evening medication classes might be something that could be easily done, for additional income that would be perhaps a bit more reliable than selling comic books. Not that the comic book idea doesn't have its appeal. We could easily do both, though.

[info]witchypowers in [info]thedoorway

Cut for TO Spoilers )

[info]sitwell in [info]thedoorway

[People who know Sitwell's alive]
I could bother apologizing, but I actually kind of think I missed my calling.

You can reach me at my new number, 47.844 mHz.

[info]extremist in [info]thedoorway

I'm not sure if it even needs saying at this point -- but if anyone needs any healing for any reason, my services are available. It's good to see that everyone's gone back to normal, though! More or less anyway.

    [...] You noticed Justice quite quickly when we first spoke. I was wondering if I could ask you some question?

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

At this point, I imagine some cheeky comment about how life imitates art, from me, is a bit dried up. But I'm glad you've all made it through, and I'm sorry you've all embarrassed yourself. But, I've said it before and I'll say it again: it could have been worse.

And a lot of us already have experience with what being stuck in a genre is like anyway. And I, for one, had a grand time playing TVTropes Bingo with your colourful netposts. It's been a lovely distraction from wedding planning. Which... I think is all officially finished now.

[Bucky Barnes (MCU)]

We haven't really spoken. I assume because we really have very little in common, and I'd probably say something to offend you very quickly were we to have a conversation. Fortunately, I don't care.

That said. Steve asked me to let you know that he's off doing something for me and you're not to worry if you can't find him, or whatever.

[info]youcanseeme in [info]thedoorway

I can hear you all clearly again. The whispers are gone.
Tags: ,

[info]specimen in [info]thedoorway

FORWARD DATED TO 21:00 OF 5/13/2015

    -- How's everyone holding up? I have to admit, I haven't been crazy about the Tesseract lately. We should meet up ASAP and discuss the possibility that there may be ulterior motives at work here.

    -- You wouldn't happen to know where I could find a good drink with some good company, would you?

    -- Hey, pal, how you holding up?

    -- Are you ok?

    -- You ever manage to write up a petition that requires baseball players to wear bowler hats?

    -- Thanks again, pal. I really do owe you one.


    -- If I had known you'd scan the ocean looking for me, I would have left a note on your door or sent you a text message. I'm sorry I made you go and do that.

[info]callmeagent in [info]thedoorway

I have to say I can't really complain about the excitement of the past few days.

Where else would you run into dirigible pirates?


I hope this means we'll be seeing more of each other?

[info]extorris in [info]thedoorway

I think I'd do a lot of things to get my hands on some kolto right now. Not used to waiting this out.

Small price though.

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

[Team America: World Police -- Sam Wilson, Sharon Carter, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff (all 616)]
You kids read up on what happened at Senator Raleigh's office?

[info]fleet in [info]thedoorway

I know what they said. That this is all caused by some cube and somehow I'm a fictional character.

But I'm still not entirely convinced that Revan didn't somehow cause this. This sounds exactly like the sort of thing he'd be behind.

[info]threadtheneedle in [info]thedoorway

Nǐ hé duìzhǎng yīrán zhè cì hézuò zài ma?

[info]killtheswitch in [info]thedoorway

So, here's to being the people who got to keep our heads this time.

[info]ladyofwatchtowr in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Chloe Sullivan

Okay. So, this is weird. And yet...kind of cool. A little put out that they wouldn't let me ask more questions, or let me look around because whoa. I would KILL to get a better look at this cube thing that apparently yanked me through not just time and space but dimensions. Do they even realize how much of a tease that was?

Anyway. Right. I'm Chloe. I'm supposed to "explore". But, it's New York, right? Grid layout. Not hard to figure out.

[info]girlwonderteen in [info]thedoorway

It's nice to have everyone back to normal so patrols aren't so light anymore.

[info]homosuperior in [info]thedoorway

I will speak to the X-men.