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May 12th, 2015

[info]serzhant in [info]thedoorway

» Why would you ever let that lady out of your sight?
» She cooks the most amazing food.

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

Proof of a good marriage: Your husband doesn't laugh at you when you cry over your ridiculous television life, and gets deeply offended when some guy implies you are incompetent on a tv screen.

This is the first summer since we've been here that we aren't going to spend it on pins and needles that something terrible has happened to one of us. So that's new.

[info]parrviolet in [info]thedoorway


Well I'm happy that all I had left was finding shoes, and I'm happy that I finally checked that off the list.

I hope everyone's doing all right after the strange occurrences the other day. I've been here for a year, and I'm still constantly amazed on what sort of trouble the Tesseract can bring. It'd be fascinating to study, if I had any knowledge whatsoever in that department. Which I don't, so there you go.

[info]by_the_book in [info]thedoorway

Cup of coffee courtesy of the fine folks at The Hub. Sun's kissin the pavement. Time to start another day of cleanin up the lawlessness that calls this town home.

[info]fmapipsqueak in [info]thedoorway

Something cannot be created out of nothing. It's the first principle of alchemy and a logical science to the rest of the world. You must have something to make something. Plain and simple. I've been trying to calculate the science behind this Tesseract, taking down notes and everything from all the information plastered around here. Timelines are infinite, it seems, from every type of universe possible. I can't determine if there's a center point, just yet, to these multiple universes, something that controls them all completely.

....It's so INFURIATING that I can't figure it out! I think I got lost in my research for the past day or so.

[info]mykindastupid in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Inara Serra

You got a fancy dress? Stupid question, most like.

[info]inaraofserenity in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Inara Serra

[Filter: Kaylee]
The captain is completely impossible.

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

Book club tonight, Stark Room, Sam's Bar & Grill. I'm ordering pizza so if anyone who plans on coming has a request... now is the time.

[Filter: Lilah]
I should have probably asked before now, but would you like the opportunity to show your ring off against a lovely dress? If so, would you like to accompany me to the prom this weekend?

[Filter: RSTF]
We have some new members to our group this week.

Thankfully we are no longer dealing with an immediate werewolf threat. Phoebe and Piper have been working with our current, native werewolf population, but we should be aware in the next month's full moon that we may see some additional ones we were previously unaware of - so let's keep our eyes open.

For those of you who have just joined us, I'm going to be at Widdershin's tomorrow afternoon and if you have time and opportunity to come by I can review those beings that we know we have in this reality, and begin a review of some that there is a chance we might see - the full list, of course, is anything in a book. But thankfully, the more popular a book title is, the more likely we are to see it, so that helps us narrow it a bit.

[info]mulderitsme in [info]thedoorway

Steampunk pirates AU

[OOC: Let's pretend this was put up much earlier today. Some stuff came up that had me well and truly busy.]

Well now, isn't this a strange place. Not a dirigible in sight. I think I'm just going to go and stretch my legs for a bit.

[info]mykindastupid in [info]thedoorway

Filtered against Inara and Jayne

Right. So, I might be takin someone to this dance thing, and I might have said I'd take her to dinner before. And I might need a bit of help knowin where to take her that won't leave me in the poor house.

[info]chernaya in [info]thedoorway

network post: natasha romanoff

Filtered: Sheriff Fury, Deputy Hill, Madame Jade, Mr. Sitwell, & Captain Rogers
Folks, come on over to Queens Ranch. We have an intruder to identify and a body to bury. You'd think someone would be smarter than to ambush me in my own home by now.

[info]cheerhappy in [info]thedoorway

Who: Claire Bennet & Maka Albarn
Where: The dirigible The Yalta
When: Todayish/auish
What: The stowaway is found

Skies are crying, I am watching // Catching tear drops in my hands // Only silence as it's ending // Like we never had a chance )

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

Who: Tony Stark (voicemail for Detective Bruce Banner)
When: Late, Tuesday Night

Dial M for Murder )

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

Who: Tony Stark and Justice Hammer (Dream)
When: Tuesday night, late
Where: Tony’s dream. I feel like there’s sort of a weird not-divide when the “Alternate Reality” dreamers actually fall asleep. They just can’t really tell the difference.
What: Justice Hammer finds out that Tony has been helping PI Banner, and decides to put an end to Stark’s interference once and for all.
Rating: Well, the femme fatale rarely makes it to the end of a Noir Story. Luckily, this is just a dream, and Stark wakes up before the curtain drops, but you know. Certainly a bit of implied soon-to-be character death.

The Big Sleep )