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April 23rd, 2015

[info]neversaidpilot in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Poker Night group
Someone left behind a sweet pair of Ray Bans. Do I put this up for the next game or is anyone going to claim them?

[info]reddeath in [info]thedoorway

That certainly was a thing that happened.

But I got to ride on Steve's motorcycle, so it wasn't all bad.

[info]stevenuniverse in [info]thedoorway

Hi everyone! My name's Steven! Umm. I like frybits, playing the ukulele, and long walks on the beach. And I'm half Gem.

Like this:

[info]theregularguy in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Caroline Forbes & Birdie]
So I have to go do a thing. You've got this till I'm back right?

[info]besthawkeye in [info]thedoorway

All right. Gym suggestions. I need some. I've sat around enough and feel a serious need to get back on top of my usual regimen. Bonus points and a free cookie to someone who can point me to an archery range too. Even more points if you're a fellow fan of the arrows, or have an interest in being one.

[ Clint Barton (616) ]

Is it arm day, bow day, or leg day?

[info]hot_shot in [info]thedoorway

filtered post; johnny storm

[Filtered to Ben Reilly and Gwen Stacy]
Can you guys do a science thing for me? Do you know Mikasa? She got water powers during some thing but she hasn't really used them. She wants to try them out and I figured it'd be good for you guys to be there in case anything happens. Her stuff kinda sounds like Hydro-Man's deal but she's not sure if she can control water.

[Filtered to Sue Storm-Richards]
Hey, there's this girl on my Avengers team I'm on an Avengers team, how cool is that? who kind of needs help with her powers. I'm gonna ask Ben and Gwen to help but I think it'd be a good idea if you came too.

Oh, and can you remind me to throw a birthday party for someone next month?

[info]mulderitsme in [info]thedoorway

I've been watching the news of the return of the X-Files with... well, I can't quite determine if it's interest or morbid curiosity. It is however good to know that A.D. Skinner will be making an appearance.

[info]labrat in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Mikasa Ackerman; viewable by Ben Reilly
Hey, hon. How are you doing? Johnny just told me you happened to get water powers. I'm assuming from White Event?

[info]makaalbarn in [info]thedoorway

Hello. I am Maka Albarn. Apparently a new addition here. I would ask if my friends have been seen, but apparently they're not here. They're efficient in keeping track, at least. I suppose that is a good thing.

I thought I had seen a lot of things in my time. But I cannot get over your sun. Its so bland. not sentient at all. Never thought I'd miss seeing the sun laughing down at us all. I'm guessing your moon also isn't sentient? Makes me wonder what else is different here.

[info]anakinsolo in [info]thedoorway

Text Message to Rikki Barnes

[Rikki Barnes]
-- On a scale of 1 to 10 how horribly embarrassed should I be?

[info]fmapipsqueak in [info]thedoorway

Right, because the Colonel is really going to believe this one. Oh, right. I can hear him now. "Really, Ed? You got yourself that lost and found yourself in another world? Right. So that's where you disappeared to. Funny, I'd think it's because your head didn't reach my desk that I couldn't see you!"

Has anyone seen a six foot tall suit of armor walking around?

[info]ohsodashing in [info]thedoorway

Has my bedroom been replaced by a swimming pool?

I could have sworn the bedroom was here a moment ago.

[info]specimen in [info]thedoorway

    → I've been hearing that people are getting lost trying to find their rooms again around the Tower. Thought I'd check it out myself and when I tried to go back to my own room, I ended up in the gym instead.

    (5 mins later)

    → And I just walked into Hill's place.

[info]exterminated in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Whoverse and Torchwood (minus Ianto) & Hawke]
So... these cufflinks, these ones or these ones for Ianto's wedding anniversary present. Or should I just say what the hell and get all three?


[info]wonkytonks in [info]thedoorway


The RSTF need help containing a werewolf. Do we have anything that can hold a prisoner like that? I don't think a muggle jail would be a good place for him.

[info]elizabethtudor in [info]thedoorway

What is a condom? I think it is something I shouldn't be familiar with.

Mary Tudor
I know we aren't particularity close but may I ask you a slightly personal question?

[info]by_the_book in [info]thedoorway

Okay maybe I need to take some downtime. Maybe. A half day.

[Steve Rogers (MCU)]

What was that?

[info]powerman in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Ultimates]

I just found us the sweetest summer gig!

[info]by_the_book in [info]thedoorway

MSS Text

[Natasha Romanoff; Clint Barton; Steve Rogers; Sam Wilson]

Which one of you wants to train teenagers? Don't make me pick.

[Nick Fury (MCU)]

I may have done a thing.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

Who: Tony Stark & Steve Rogers (MCU)
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Random locations around Potts Tower
What: Trying to work out if there is some kind of system to the doorways
Rating: PG-13

But I got a blank space baby
And I'll write your name )

[info]magia_malificus in [info]thedoorway

So far, the day is turning out really well. If all doors led to places like this, I'd figure out how to do that on purpose rather then on accident.

[info]falcon in [info]thedoorway

And would you look at that, I finally went and found my way back to my own room. Maybe if I keep going, I'll find a door that opens back to my own universe, but until then, guess I better introduce myself for those of you I didn't wander in on.

I got a handle on what's going on here. S'far as being thrown into a new universe by a cosmic cube. That seems, I don't know. Basically reasonable and far from the weirdest thing I've had happen to me this week, so - sure. I can roll with this.

It's Sam Wilson. How y'all doing?

[Anakin Solo]
And an extra hello to you.

Funny story. I used to teach swimming lessons, way back when I was a teenager. So I was in the store at the check-out and one of the kids I taught he just looks at me and starts chatting, see he recognised me. And the kid's mom just got this look on her face like she had no idea who I was. Then it dawns on her and she says: I didn't recognise you with your clothes on!.

So see, you me and Rikki should get together sometime. So this doesn't end up happening to us. You wear a shirt and I might just have no clue.
[Outstanding Avengers: Wanda Maximoff, Oliver Queen]
Hey -- Looks like I'll be stepping in to take over for the Steve Rogers who left you hanging. Don't worry, I'm used to picking up his slack, old habits die hard and all that. But I'm thinking, much as I dig this whole "Dynamic Trio" we got going on -- you think maybe we should try and recruit some for the ranks?

[info]serzhant in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Bucky Barnes (MCU) & Nymphadora Tonks
WHAT: Bucky and Tonks have an invisible drink chat
WHEN: 19th April / 18h00, after this
WHERE: Sam's Bar & Grill
STATUS: Complete

it could have been much worse but it should have been better )

[info]lightinyou in [info]thedoorway

[Boy with Giant Hat]

I forgot to ask - are you fish people? Or bad sheep? Baa.