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April 17th, 2015

[info]kamala in [info]thedoorway

Uuuugh why must college require so much WRITING? Why is it always like.. describe this-and-that about yourself essays? Why can't I just submit a fic and be like "look I'm this talented, just take me"???

[info]kickerofbutt in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Young Avengers + Friends
I can't stop thinking of I think I need a break from the city. If you guys wanna join, you can. I'm thinking somewhere in South America on Saturday. If you have other plans, then its okay. I still just need to get out.

[info]legacy in [info]thedoorway

All Star Wars
    I'll try to keep this short; I am not who I said I was when I first arrived. Since my wife showed up it's become increasingly more apparent to me that our presence here was not likely by chance. I know there's a significant gap between all of us, so I doubt many of you have much knowledge on our era. From what I understand of how the calendar years work for many of you, I come from the year 3954 BBY. My name is Revan, and though I was once known as Darth Revan, I found redemption in the light side of the Force and helped the Council defeat Darth Malak. Although where I come from I was called the Prodigal Knight, I am no longer technically considered a true Jedi by the Council of my time due to my marriage.

    I understand if there are questions or suspicions you may have, but I am willing to share what I know of the Force nonetheless. I have a feeling I may know more than many of you anyway. I apologise for the deception. I felt it was necessary to utilise a false identity until I was sure of what this world was.

Johanna Mason
    Sorry I haven't been around lately. Since Bastila showed up, I've been a little distracted.

    Would you like to join us for dinner tonight?

Bastila Shan
    Suppose I should probably look for a job now that the gizka's out of the bag, huh?

[info]oldfossil in [info]thedoorway

network post; obi-wan kenobi

Filtered: Jedi / Force Users / People Inclined to Be Jedi / Former Jedi (basically you know who you are)
I believe the time has come for us to organize ourselves. With the recent disappearance of many here, we need to be prepared should any threats come through from our galaxy. The Jedi Order has all but disappeared in my own time, but I remember well the sense of solidarity that came from having fellow Jedi nearby. Whether to train or mull over difficult problems, we are all friends & allies in the Force. I hesitate to make a decision without everyone's input, but should anyone be interested in what I propose to be a New New Jedi Order, you may join us here.

[info]faywray in [info]thedoorway

Ah, mornings. Dragging yourself out of bed splashing yourself with water and coffee. But for me the worst park is sinking in to an hour of crowded subway platforms and pushy people to bring you from where you want to be to where you have to be.

But the next time you're stuck on a subway seat between two jerkbags who are saving room for cats just remember: You could be a Female Western Gray Whale. Their commute is something like 14,000 miles and takes 172 days. So maybe having to wait a few extra minutes for the next C train isn't all that bad after all.

[info]professorxavier in [info]thedoorway

I know that many of you may have been alarmed, taken aback or put off by Potts Tower Presidential Candidate Erik Lensherr's network address. And I wanted to take a moment to speak on his behalf, and perhaps speak on the subject of his passion, his determination and his unyielding devotion to shaping the outcome of the future. His accomplishments, I think, might have been a bit lost in his rhetoric and I wanted an opportunity to set the record straight.

Erik was instrumental in building a safe environment for unwanted or misunderstood children, helping them to hone their particular skills, gifts and abilities and making them feel loved and appreciated for who they are and the unique perspective they have to bring to the world.

No one understands what it is like to be ripped from their home and thrown into a new environment with little to no means of survival better than Erik does. He understands what it is like to be a victim of the Tesseract's whim and he understands how difficult it can be for refugees here. And he will do everything he can to make the tower a safe and supportive space, a retreat from a world that may not care or understand you, a place among your peers when you can be loved and supported. I know this because I have seen him do this before.

Relentlessness is not to be feared.

It takes courage and determination to instigate change. And as the world is changing against us, it will take even more courage and determination to fight against those tides. As people continue to protest against the Potts Tower refugees, as residents here are losing their jobs because of the public opinion of White Event affected individuals -- we need a strong voice, and perhaps a strong hand to make sure that this discrimination goes no farther. To make sure that our rights and liberties are and will always be protected. So yes, it may mean a leader who is relentless, but isn't having someone relentless in our favour better than someone who will compromise with our freedom on the line?

Also, I'm pretty sure he stopped the Cold War.

I mean it. I'm pretty sure he stopped the Cold War.

[info]cheerhappy in [info]thedoorway

To the youths of Potts Tower:
Most of you don't know me, because I just arrived a couple weeks ago, and I don't know most of you yet, but I'd like to! My name is Claire Bennet. I'm 17, a former cheerleader and Homecoming Queen, and immortal and I'd like to represent you on Potts Tower Council.

Now I know that others have been here longer and have had more time to make friends and spend time with you, but in some ways my lack of experience with you all is a good thing: it means I'm unbiased, and I don't have any prior feelings (good or bad) toward any of you.

Now because we haven't met, my friend Teddy and I are throwing you all a pizza pool party tonight on the 13th floor. Whether or not you're voting for me, come anyway - eat pizza, candy, drink soda, swim (or not - that's up to you!) and just say hi. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you!

Claire Bennet

[info]oyspaceman in [info]thedoorway

Well there certainly have been quite a lot of speeches and grandstanding, hasn't there? As for me, you won't see me campaigning - in fact, I can honestly say that I don't really care who you vote for so long as you place a vote for the individual you feel would be best suited to the office, and not let any decide for you.

Now if anyone needs me, I'll be down in the Hub brewing up a fresh batch of teas and coffees for the afternoon.

Inara, do you want to join me?

[info]shabbywolf in [info]thedoorway

I know you hardly know me, and you're a few years younger than me, but there are few people I've trusted in my life more than I've trusted you.

[...] I could use advice, if you've a moment.

[info]secondspectre in [info]thedoorway

You'd think after so much time in space I'd be glad to settle down, but I guess I haven't gotten over the culture shock yet. This feeling of being fictional really kind of takes the gravity out of everything, makes my universe -- which I used to think was so vast -- feel so small. It's overwhelming, I guess, and I can't say I'm getting comfortable.

At the same time, it's comforting to know that even universes away I can get a good steak sandwich.

I know I've been scarce the last week or so. Shepard's disappearance hit me hard; I really wasn't ready to lose him again. At some point I've got to just dust off and keep going.

[info]jedifarmboy in [info]thedoorway

Who: Luke Skywalker
When: Early morning April 16
Where: Carol's apartment (Carol's presence is used with permission of Patty)
What: Luke feels a disturbance in the Force
Rating: A for Angsty
Status: Complete narrative

Goodbye )

[info]acanarycry in [info]thedoorway

[Fangtasia staff]

Well at least it's not a slow night?

[Amazing Avengers (Bruce Banner / the Hulk (616), Amadeus Cho, Henry Jekyll, Rick Jones)]

Calling an assemble. We've got some weird thief guy who's made his way into Fangtasia.

Heads up, no violence. It's a thing. I wouldn't recommend trying.

[info]theboomstick in [info]thedoorway


I'll probably have more string for you when I get back. Promise it'll be free of treason.

[SHIELD Emerging Threats (Dorcas Meadowes, Oliver Queen, Steve Rogers (616))]

We've got a sighting in Minsk. Zlakob's finally finished with his disappearing act. Which is actually pretty spooky that someone can manage that.

Which means we head out in an hour to try and figure out where on Earth he's been.

And announcements. Kane's apparently gone back through the tesseract. So you lot are stuck with me in charge without her to play nice for you. And one of the Steve Rogers' has signed up with us. Welcome aboard Doom Squad, Cap.

[info]slayersocialwrk in [info]thedoorway

So where's a girl gotta go to find a good fight? Muggers are so 1996.

[info]ocorellia in [info]thedoorway

network post; han solo

Filtered Leia Organa Solo, Anakin Solo, Jaina Solo, Luke Skywalker & Mara Jade
So. Pancak Statu I've got a deck of cards and takeout that says we need to have a family dinner. How about tonight?

[info]mysteryofset in [info]thedoorway

To whomever built the shoddy pile of cushions in the elevator. I have deposited it on the 13th floor.

Is there some reason the halls are infested with pillows?

[info]nomaderwhat in [info]thedoorway

[Floors 14 and 15 (Star Wars Floor, Val, Carol, Tris, Raven, and Monty)]

So I know Steve has left and he was your Housing Adviser for a pretty long time. And it's kind of a shock now that he's not around to help.

I've asked around and thought maybe I'd be all right stepping into the role. I know most of you already. And you don't even have to go anywhere new. I've started moving into 1509.

[Steve Rogers (616)]
