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March 5th, 2015

[info]doctorbanner in [info]thedoorway

To: Betty Ross
From: banner@protonmail.ch
Subject: [no subject]
Date: 02:47 03-05-2015

you have 1 new message )

[info]dumblebee in [info]thedoorway

Who: Albus Dumbledore (though you're welcome to jump in if you wish)
When: March 4, evening
Where: Potts Tower, 13th floor patio
What: Albus' thoughts are going round and round and round.
Rating: PG

He could say with certainty that the change of scenery had been of no help at all. )

[info]fourstarsaiyan in [info]thedoorway

Public Entry as Son Goku

Okay, everyone! I am looking into starting my own dojo. Why not?

I am looking at where to put it and really have no clue about that sort of thing. Anyone willing to help out? Free lessons on me!

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

[Filter: Zoe Sage, Sam Merlotte, Severus Snape, Sydney Sage]
I've prepared the backroom of Widdershins for tonight. There is a place for Zoe to stay, contained. Sydney you will be welcome to be there, I've asked Sam to be around for the early part of the evening until we have a better idea of what we're dealing with. And Severus, if you are willing to be there - your expertise might be helpful.

Zoe, you should be there at least an hour before sunset, please.

[Filter: RSTF + Ianto Jones, Rose Tyler, & Jack Harkness]
I want to thank everyone who has volunteered for extra patrol tonight.

If you can make time in your schedule, please come by Widdershins today. Our research team has worked to put together a profile of the types of werewolves that we might be dealing with, and since there does seem to be some correlation between popularity of source material and individuals pulled through the tesseract - we've focused on popularity of source material to pull out some of the more likely possibilities. Keep in mind these are at best educated guesses. We don't have enough evidence from last months attack at this point to know one way or the other. We should have a better idea after tonight, but our goal is to keep anyone else from getting turned tonight if we can.

There are 9 tranquilizer guns. Piper has provided a selection of stunning potions which will also be available. Take what you are comfortable using. Our preference, is to stun, not kill. There are a number of werewolves who are unaware of what they are doing when they are in the wolf state and if that is what we are dealing with, we don't want to kill someone who may be able to protect themselves and others during the full moon in the future.

If you are not comfortable patrolling, stay inside tonight. If you want to stay inside and work on this problem we will be at Widdershins all evening.

Any questions?

[Filter: Lilah]
I'll be at Widdershins all night tonight hoping a teenage girl isn't going to turn into a werewolf. Please stay in?

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

I think we should head to the cabin tonight. Just in case the full moon affects you.

[info]anakinsolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Anakin Solo

So there were the green glittery Master Yoda jelly beans, and then there was the Master Yoda toy car, and now we have Master Yoda - kaleidoscope?

Cut for image not filtered )

I swear I don't go looking for these things they just are there and impossible to ignore.

[Filter: Anakin2]
So. I didn't actually know you had an apprentice of your own. Which is kind of cool. She seems nice.

[ETA after this around 3am: Skywalker & Solo Men, & Jon]

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank everyone who came out to the Purim party last night. I really appreciated having you all there and it was a lot of fun. Thanks so much! I hope to be involved with running more events at the Youth Center in the future so if anyone has any ideas of what they'd like to see or do, feel free to let me know and I'll see what I can do. :)

[Steve Rogers (MCU), Thor (MCU), Loki (616)]
I am not qualified fo
what am I doing
okay, Billy Kaplan. Get your shit together

I didn't go to the meeting last night because I was running an event at the Youth Center, but Loki went and he filled me in afterwards.

We sort of came to the conclusion that maybe someone who wants Midgaearth destroyed maybe tipped off the Celestials with a vote against us. Because as of yet, we haven't done a whole lot that would really, um, involve us a planet and a realm in the greater scheme of things. And if someone is speaking out against us, someone with some pull or influence, than maybe the best thing we could hope to do is figure out who that is and expose their lie in our own defence. So.

So, maybe we should brainstorm who that could... be?

[info]lord_ivashkov in [info]thedoorway

Sydney, just so you know, this does not count as your one cup of coffee a day.

[info]acanarycry in [info]thedoorway

You know this snow could end at any point and I'd be okay with that.


You know you missed a pretty important meeting there.

[info]dontcallmesnips in [info]thedoorway

If I never see another tribble again, it'll be too soon. I thought I was going to drown in them!

[Master Anakin]

Still hiding out?


So what's this I hear about jokes?

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Stark Dynasty]

How soon can you get to my office?

[info]unalivethem in [info]thedoorway

So I watched Moulin Rouge! (the exclamation mark HAS to be there) with Gaige. Then I "went out" and "got" the soundtrack. Yeah, I totally obtained it legally. Sure. That's the ticket.

But I just want to apologize for singing Your Song at 3am. And Nicole Kidman's diamond song. I sing loudly and proudly. And can't sleep at night. What's good for sleeping? Could someone just hit me on the head really hard? I'd be down.

Hey, is there just the one Nick Fury? Does this place have one? Does he have one eye? How did he lose it? How did YOU lose yours? How do you just LOSE an eye?

Anyway, enough chit chat. I WANT A JOB. I NEED A JOB. GIVE ME SOMEONE TO KILL.

[info]fearlesslamb in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Sam Merlotte and Ruby Lucas]
Can one of you fill me in on this?