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February 22nd, 2015

[info]sonofdurin in [info]thedoorway

Can any of you see this?

[info]ralphcolumbo in [info]thedoorway

I'm not entirely certain what is going on tonight, but it seems as if people are finding themselves in unusual environments yet still able to communicate with those of us still in the New York we were in today.

Can those of you so affected explain what you're seeing, perhaps with it all in one place we can find some pattern.

What happened, what are you seeing? and when did this take place?

[info]dumblebee in [info]thedoorway

Who: Albus Dumbledore and friends
When: Saturday night, midnight onward.
Where: Albus' Midnight Channel dungeon
What: It's dungeon time. Albus apologises in advance
Warnings: Well, violence and bigotry and internalised homophobia and taking over the world and so on.
Status: OOC/Comms etc

Come by here for threading, comms, assorted chatter for Albus' dungeon.

[info]jainasolo in [info]thedoorway


TEXT TO NAME: Anakin Solo

-- You are not going to believe where I am.
-- Turn on your TV.
-- I don't know how I got here but I'm in some kind of dungeon video game world.
-- In a spaceship
-- With Master Kenboi
-- Who seems to have a fear of flying. What the kriff is up with that?

[info]masterburglar in [info]thedoorway

Who: Bilbo Baggins and his companions (Fili, Thorin, Aragorn, Gimli, Tauriel...anyone else who might want to be involved who would know Bilbo is welcome to join in too!)
What: Bilbo's dungeon
Where: Middle Earth bubble dimension (yes, that's it's official name here! Old Creepy castle, orcs and goblins oh my!)
When: Let's say this was up Saturday, February 21 with the rest
Warnings: Probably killing of bad things. Mentions of dragons (say hello to Smaug!) The Hobbit spoilers if you haven't seen the movies yet...all those good things!

So this is the official in game posting... )

[info]ldoyouknow in [info]thedoorway

Am I to believe that the same thing that brought us here, to this dimension outside of all worlds, is what is causing what's happening at the moment? From my best understanding, at least six different worlds have appeared. We seem to all be in the same universe still, however, as it seems some are able to communicate.

Judging from reactions, I would assume that something like this--or similar, at the very least--has happened in the past.

[Filtered to Mona]

Are you able to read this?

[Filtered to SHIELD]

I may be very new to SHIELD, but what intel do we have on whatever is causing this to happen? It seems like something is happening to many people here, but I can't gather enough facts just yet to put together a pattern.

[info]imanavenger in [info]thedoorway


Our meteor has been located. Currently it's in the posession of the US military and it would seem they want to play a game of finders keepers.

Blake and Organa. You're tasked with me to pull every trick in the book we can to try and change their mind.

Everyone else? I want to know why half of our staff including Director Brand currently resides in the television. If this is the tesseract and we can find a way to reverse it, then I want it done. Summers I want you on point for this.


I know we agreed I could go back to work but you weren't suppose to go on vacation to shoot aliens without me.


I saw that the Skywalker clan grew.

Should we be concerned?

[info]lildampeer in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Rose Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov
WHERE: Their apartment in Potts tower
WHEN: Mid-evening on February 22nd
WHAT: Rose is shaken by everything that happened in her Midnight Channel dungeon and Dimitri attempts to make her feel better.
WARNINGS: Vague talk of mental illness, but it’s overall tame
STATUS: Complete log.

--- )

[info]lostfaith in [info]thedoorway

( RSTF Patrols* )
Check in. Who's stuck in those channel things, who's still here? It looks like we'll be short tonight, so if you can step up and take an extra patrol, that'd be cool.
I know at least one person on tonight's schedule is stuck. Guessing there's more.

*alternates as well as those on the schedule

[info]harvardbound in [info]thedoorway


Are you okay?

[info]dumblebee in [info]thedoorway

[OOC: Albus is flicking back and forth between himself and being trapped in the dungeon where he thinks he and Gellert are taking over Europe together. And are together. :D]

What? Where am I? What is this? Why is Gel-

Yes, yes, Gellert. You're too impatient. You can't just steamroll your way across Europe. We need to-

This... this is not where I should be. I was... in my apartment-

Gellert! You are far too distracting. How am I supposed to work when you do that-

I don't know where I am or what's happening. But this is wrong. It's all wrong. Help.

[info]mercilessworld in [info]thedoorway

Do we never have a free day here with nothing happening? It's not as bad as it is back home, but it's still something every day.

[Fantastic Avengers]

Check in, please. Where are you all at?

[info]tonystark in [info]thedoorway

[Stark Resilient]
My ability to focus on this project has been compromised.

I have a song about hummus stuck in my head.

Group dinner at Naya and then fresh eyes before we present tomorrow?

[info]baymax20 in [info]thedoorway

I am Baymax.

I read that many of you are distressed. On a level from 1-10, what is your stress level? What assistance do you need?


I do not understand all of what is happening. I only know that people seem to be in trouble.

[Filtered to Big Hero 6]

Wasabi thinks it is a good idea to meet to help everyone. Please reunite at Hiro's apartment as soon as possible.

[info]anakinsolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Anakin Solo

You know, a bunch of people giving gold statues to other people seems like a good change of pace television wise.

[Filter: Jaina]
Where are you? Are you back in your apartment?

[Filter: Rikki]
This week.

[info]80sreference in [info]thedoorway

narrative: big boss battle

Who: Peter Quill, monster!ickle!Peter Quill, Jaina Solo, Anne Weaver, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Beth Greene, Abigail Brand, & Thor
When: Sunday, February 22nd 2015
Where: Cora's Apartment, 1204 in Peter's Dungeon
What: Personal growth, admitting feelings...
Rating: PG?

Peter would have rather listened to nineties music all day long than go through a self-confessional of some sort. )

[info]takesthecake in [info]thedoorway

Who: Ryuzaki (L) & Light Yagami
When: February 15th
Where: Apartment 1410
What: Light learns more about what keeps L up at night.
Warnings: Mentions of death, mind games, illness, dubious friendship.
Status: Complete.

This fear is one I have not experienced before. )

[info]nonbender in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Korra
Let me just say that for the record, I'm so glad you didn't get sucked into another world. I could say 'without me', but I'm like this place just fine, so.

[info]80sreference in [info]thedoorway

network post: peter quill

Filtered: White Team aka Jaina Solo, Obi-Wan Kenobi, & Anne Weaver
Hey guys, nice team building exercise huh? Thanks for having my back in there, really. I'll buy everyone drinks.
Filtered: Beth Greene
So long as it's chill with you, honorary siblings? I can make sure any guy who gets ideas about you sees sense in treating you well. You know, big brother stuff.

Filtered: Abigail Brand
You know, I have no idea where you live. But I bought something for you, if there's a place I can send it. And if it's a PO box, do you know if those take packages? This wouldn't fit in an envelope.
Filtered: Cora Amell
I don't know if you've been watching TV lately. I believe you were in it too. But... no nothing attached to it, no expectations, I love you. I don't know if I'm the only one I fooled the last couple months, but I just want you to be happy. If I knew how to bring Zevran here, he'd be here by now. But if there's anything else I can do, let me know. Have you thought about full body blood transfusions?

[info]80sreference in [info]thedoorway

Delivery: Abigail Brand

Delivered to Abigail Brand at SWORD )

[info]mygodhasahammer in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Asgardians]
I am back. Somehow.

Fandral, I hope you survived your party unscathed?
[Filtered to Peter Quill]
If I Your words are kinder

I am not entirely certain what has just passed, my friend, but your words are kind, perhaps speaking more of faith than history. I apologize if I have let you down.

[info]featherington in [info]thedoorway

Who: Penelope Featherington & Sully, Lydia Martin, Laurie Juspeczyk, Howard Stark, Helena Wells Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde, Tony Gates, Mary Margaret Blanchard, Fandral
When: Sometime before midnight, February 23.
Where: The ballroom inside Pen’s midnight channel
What: Penelope faces down her worst enemy.
Rating: Lowish?
Notes: Just a note, bullying is mentioned. If any of her dungeon-mates wants to jump in to add a bit of narrative, please feel free to do so! <3

I want to go home now. )

[info]lildampeer in [info]thedoorway

We're out.

( Filtered to those who were in Rose's dungeon thing )
I'm sorry.

( Filtered to Jack and Ianto )
This is me calling in sick for, like, the next two days.