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February 18th, 2015

[info]rubythewolf in [info]thedoorway

Filter: OUATverse
Has anyone heard from Mulan? Inara has been looking for her, and she's not answering her messages.

Filter: Sam
I finally finished my chocolate stash.

[info]littlestsummers in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Dawn Summers

So I watched this like countdown to the Oscars thing last night, and Star Wars was like, their 'number one most important film' or whatever, and I'm sitting here going - but did it win Oscars? But apparently it did for like best score and and effects and was even nominated for Best Picture, which I did not know. I need to brush up on my Academy Awards/Oscars whatever trivia, clearly.

[Filter: Friends*]
I know it's terribly petty, but when the actress that plays you, and you both show up to the same show during fashion week, and your outfit is so much more awesome than hers? Yeah, that happened.

*You know the drill, it's Dawn so if you have interacted and think you might be, you probably are.

[info]webdesign in [info]thedoorway

[Dr. Jekyll]
Hey, Hi. Hi.

I’m sorry I haven’t been.
There was kind of an accident and

SO! You know how you know about people turning into

You got a minute, I’ve got something I need to run by someone.

[info]anotherdeadgirl in [info]thedoorway

So, turning nineteen feels weird. I'm almost not a teenager anymore. That's especially weird.

[info]snowflakeinhell in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Illyana Rasputina

Ugh, hipsters. That's what we say now, right? This total airhead came into Widdershins tonight all glittery and whining about being a vegan vampire and HOW is she supposed to FEED ETHICALLY wah wah wah. By the abyss, can somebody stake her? Or I guess tear her apart since she's apparently one of the sparklies. It's kind of inappropriate if I kill our customers.

[RSTF's Sams Winchester and Merlotte, Dimitri Belikov, & Faith Lehane]

A little spit goes a long way. Sorry it took so long to get a result-- I was reconstituting my scrying mirror. Sam and I can totally take a lot of stuff, but it wouldn't hurt for us to bring some backup to check this out. I know we just had a patrol together last night but I'm not sick of your company.

[info]battlescars in [info]thedoorway

Does anyone know if Sam Anders was sent back?

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

So Today's Google Doodle dedicated to Italian physicist, chemist and electrical pioneer Alessandro Volta kind of brings back awkward memories of my weird early teenage* electricity-welding Asgardian phase. And the possible assgardian jokes

What about everyone else. Anyone else have weird or embarrassing high school fads they totally fell into?

*Yes, I recognise the fact I'm still a teenager. And there's a pretty good chance I'll look back on wearing galaxy print bodysuits with the same horror. But that day is not today.

[info]livinglegend in [info]thedoorway

[Nick Fury (616)]
Did you put him up to this?

[info]unaskedquestion in [info]thedoorway

There's nothing quite like Lent to remind a recovering Catholic that they're lapsed.

On a more interesting and relevant note, this happened. I wonder if it was David Bowie's house.

[info]blanchard in [info]thedoorway

David's gone.

To everyone who knew and loved him: I'm so sorry. There's no good way to break the news of a Tesseract departure, is there? But please know that your friendships have meant so much to him, and to me.

God, he won't even remember his own son when he's

[Filtered to students of her ESD classes (Modern Education, Modern History, and Geography of this World; also CPR/AED/First Aid)]

I'm afraid I'm going to have to take the rest of the week off. Assignments will be collected next week instead. All I ask is that you enjoy the extra free time and, if you can, use it to try something new in this world. I'd love to hear about your experience when we meet again.

[Anne Blythe]

Do you think you could hold down the Youth Center without me for a few days?

[Emma Swan]

He was so happy to have this time with you here, you know. And to see you so happy with Killian. I'm glad he got the chance to.

[info]sitwell in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Akela Amador, Newt Geiszler]
How do you feel about rum, robotics, and something else that starts with R for the sake of consistency?
[Filtered to Tony Stark (MCU)]
That took a little longer than anticipated. What did you want to show me?
[Filtered to people who know Jasper's alive]
Now that football and made-up sports like cricket are done for the year. You know what time it nearly is...

Gentlemen (and we'll include ladies) Start your algorithms.

[info]houseoflife in [info]thedoorway

-- You know how to txt right?
-- Also what do you know about vampires?