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January 3rd, 2015

[info]missparanoia in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Abigail Brand

When I was a little girl, my mother used to make lists of resolutions that she'd put up on the refrigerator with the intention of making every single one of them happen. They'd get bacon grease on them, and water droplets, and fall off the refrigerator when it got closed to hard, and collect dust from the edges of the floor right under it, and sometime in February they'd finally get tossed in the trash or - as in one particularly bad year - burned over the sink with a cigarette whose use was decidedly not on the list that was being burned.

It's possible this is why I don't bother with resolutions. Small changes, made continually can shape your life with greater strength as the promise of sweeping promises and grand ideals.

[Filter: Dr. Stephen Strange & Dr. Beverly Crusher]
Dr. Strange, I'm Abigail Brand, director of SWORD. Recently we received a credential of yours through the Tesseract, which, unless I'm very mistaken, should be in your hands now.

Would you have a few minutes to speak with myself and Dr. Beverly Crusher, also of SWORD, about your experience?

[Filter: Luke Skywalker]
It's a little earlier than a month, but just checking in with you regarding your nephew. Have you had any concerns you think we should be aware of?

[info]mrlilyevans in [info]thedoorway

In 2015, I resolve:
  • to be awesome
  • to be handsome
  • to spend at least a few minutes with my son every day
  • and everyone else in my family too
  • to fly around the world on my broomstick
  • to make an edible chocolate castle
  • and then eat it from top to bottom
  • to make people laugh
  • to take my wife dancing
  • to kick the arse of any bad guys that show up around here
  • to make new friends among the good guys
  • to be ~magical~

This resolution thing isn't all that hard. I don't know why my professors always thought I needed to have more goals, I've always had plenty.

[info]grantward in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Grant Ward

[Filter: Natasha Romanoff (MCU)]
It seems to be working. A reply will be the true test.

[info]addledmorality in [info]thedoorway

The Youth Center has announced that they will be hosting the first annual Tumble in the Tower. Partnering with Kids in Motion there will be a $10,000 scholarship offered to the winner of the below 21 category.

If you're above there is also an exhibition but no prize money sadly.

Given just how many requests for sparring I see on here, I'd like to see a full roster. After all it's for a wonderful cause.


Darling, with the holidays over I'm just trembling with excitement for our little lessons.

Did Robin treat you well? Or should I have a talk with him?


You know, I could go for another coffee if you're of a mind.

[info]leiao in [info]thedoorway

Who: Leia & Jacen
Where: Jacen's apartment
When: Saturday mid-morning
What: Leia wants to talk to her son
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

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[info]fireandarrows in [info]thedoorway

I've been thinking about going to the woods.