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December 30th, 2014

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

[Kate Bishop, America, Noh-Varr, Julie Power, Kamala, Loki]
Jsyk totes in Brazil and/or Mexico.

I'll bring back presents! Probs on New Years Eve?

[info]littlequeen in [info]thedoorway

It's nice having so much going on, but it's hard to really get into the swing of things when there is just so much going on.

I kind of wish it was a little quieter sometimes.

Hopefully January I'll be able to look into colleges more seriously.

[info]thewritergirl in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Bonnie & Caroline )

So, the ball dropping, worth seeing in person? Or over hyped?

[info]someonehasto in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to TVD World

The Vampire Academy lot are having a New Year's party on their floor.

We're all invited, if anyone wants to go with me.

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

Even though I grew up on a ranch in the Mojave where snow was something that rarely happened (unless you were in the mountains), I've come to enjoy it in the winters at the ranch. There hasn't quite been enough yet to hook up the sleigh though, but the milder weather has meant more time for riding and doing projects.

Just want to extend the invite to anyone who wants to get out of the city that there's plenty of room out at the ranch. We've got riding, sledding, cross country skiing, fireplaces, and plenty of space. And if we get some more snow, there will even be sleigh rides.

I've got some free time while classes are on break. Want to see if we can get that copter up and flying?

[info]spidergirl in [info]thedoorway

Okay, what are you guys doing for New Years? I'm torn between patrolling, because let's face it: lots of pickpockets and jerks out there.

But I kind of also wanna celebrate too. Because duh, we're young. It's right there in our name.


[info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

Anyone have new years eve plans? Our flat offers a good view of the fireworks and well, nothing like ringing in the new year with good friends.

I'm in the mood to make a bowl of Smoking Bishop.

[info]thedustdevil in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Serenity Crew]
Now I know it's been difficult settlin in here, and part of that's what, and more who, we've been missin. Another good part of it's not bein bound on the same vessel day in, day out. If that's what we're good for, so be it.

But we are six people a long way from home and with a past in common. I'd say that's worth stickin together. And I do imagine Mal might be a bit put out if he shows up and we've all gone our own separate ways.

So I've come to learn people on this rock use the end of their year as a chance to make new goals and the Tesseract seems keen to give me that chance. So I'm gonna make that to you. I want to make a stronger effort to keep this crew together and I hope you will too.

[info]naturestoolbox in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Big Hero 6 gang and friends
Has anyone made plans for New Year's Eve? Because I have a list of possibilities!

[info]doctorfun in [info]thedoorway

who the doctor & ianto
what he's bringing k-9 for a proper introduction!
where torchwood-to-be
when 12/30
warnings nah!

... )

[info]wasstrigoi in [info]thedoorway


>> My roommate is throwing a New Years Eve party for those from our world and our friends.
>> I was hoping you'd want to come.

[info]livinglegend in [info]thedoorway

[Bucky Barnes (EMH)]
I need to call in a favor, Bucky.