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December 27th, 2014

[info]partsaregone in [info]thedoorway

Does anyone want to spar? I could use a distraction.

[info]neversaidpilot in [info]thedoorway

Man, I forgot how amazing Christmas is in NYC, that I'm starting to wonder why it was that I moved out of here again.

Filter: Anne Weaver
I hope a lack of "I got other plans that day" means it's a yes to those tickets?

[info]neversaidpilot in [info]thedoorway

Filter: MCU-Avengers
I'm out of commission too. My brother just called to tell me in a panic that my nephew seems comatose. If my health state wasn't already sub-par when I woke up this morning, my mental state is definitely not great right now. Sorry, guys.

I'm going to stay with them in Harlem.

Filter: Anne Weaver
It's got me and my entire family. And one of the youngest isn't waking up.

Are you okay?

[info]lauriejuspeczyk in [info]thedoorway

There is something about this time of year that's always felt to me like the span of time between a wake and a burial.

RIP 2014.

[info]youcanseeme in [info]thedoorway

Left for Katniss in her apartment without note or sign of entry. Or realization about Christmas cause no one's explained that to Cole? )

[info]ohfitz in [info]thedoorway

-- Hi!
-- Good Afternoon :)

[info]thefreemason in [info]thedoorway

As a new year approaches, I can't help but brace for the worst...even while hoping for the best.

[Beverly Katz]
I hope you'll forgive my tardiness. The holidays quite got the best of me. Perhaps now we can sort out a proper evening?

[info]webdesign in [info]thedoorway

[David Alleyne]
I think I screwed up, and I don't think I can fix

[info]threadtheneedle in [info]thedoorway

Who: Wash and Carol
When: Backdated to 12/21
Where: Carol’s room at SWORD
What: Wash has come to see Carol
Rating: Memory loss and pain.
Status: Complete

Hey, Captain. How's your head? )

[info]fireandarrows in [info]thedoorway

if the large elf man isn't real and Snow isn't here

who else would come into my apartment and leave me a present?

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

MARA JADE & ANGEL (separately)

[info]wannahookup in [info]thedoorway

Does anyone ever actually keep New Year's resolutions or is it just something to make yourself feel good about yourself for just the month of January? Or do you purposely pick something that'll only be good for one month?

[info]leiao in [info]thedoorway

Oh, thank you to whoever gave me the jewellery and dress. They were absolutely wonderful.

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas.

To all that gave her gifts
Thank you so much for the presents. I very much appreciated it and I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.

[info]anotherway in [info]thedoorway

If I never hear another Christmas song for the rest of my life, I'll be happy. Thank God that's over for now.

I'm sorry about the mess in the apartment. And all the damn music. I don't know what got into me.
How did you handle watching your show?

[info]ingoodform in [info]thedoorway

I think I like Christmas. Any holiday where I'm gifted with bottles of rum is a good one in my book. If I've one complaint it's that there should be more of them.

[info]changetherules in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Helena G. Wells

There are two things that I simply must share. The first is that it is Myka's birthday today, and though I'll leave it to her whether or not she shares her age, I wanted to be sure everyone knew to give her well wishes. Happy birthday, Myka.

The second is that on Christmas day, Myka proposed marriage, and I accepted. Nothing has been settled yet as far as the details, only that we will someday be married.

[Filtered against Myka]

I would greatly appreciate any recommendations of jewelers.

[info]doctorbanner in [info]thedoorway

It may come as a surprise to certain people who've gotten a lot of mileage out of my unwillingness to leap on the annual bandwagon of Compulsory Gaiety that I actually like New Year's Eve. It's always been one of my favorite holidays, and I used to enjoy it in the traditional fashion, in a sloppy hurry to get the hell out of whatever year it happened to be.

I still like it. Once you hit a certain age champagne hangovers start getting a little more unfriendly, so of late I've been celebrating quietly, which I prefer in any case. It's a decent time for reflection, if you're going to choose some arbitrary moment in which to concentrate your meditation. (The view from my apartment allows me to reflect, for instance, that at least I'm not fool enough to go anywhere near Times Square.)

I hope everyone has a quiet transition out of 2014.

[ Tony Stark (MCU) ]

Are we having issues with the security systems? My access to the lab is screwed up.

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
I need to tell you a thing.

[info]thehereandnow_ in [info]thedoorway

For some reason I've decided that I'm better off not watching my show every week, and focusing on my life here. It's a good life, with most my favorite people here, which obviously colors my opinion. I wish Henry would show up, but I'll keep hoping and one day he will. It's a bit of a family tradition: we always find each other.

I discovered on Thursday that the expectations I had for how a baby will enjoy Christmas are wildly different than how they actually DO enjoy it. I had all these visions of him impressed with the wrapping paper and the lights and the tree, and Neal did enjoy the lights and the tree and the music, but he could not care less about the paper and the boxes. Mainly he slept through the unwrapping of presents. Next year, I guess?

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

Who: Luke Skywalker and Sam Winchester
When: Tuesday December 16 (backdated)
Where:Sam’s Bar
What: talking about the developments in the Solo-Skywalker clan
Rating: emotions and feelings.
Status: logged, complete.

... )

[info]unaskedquestion in [info]thedoorway

Hey Ashley, if I tell you I tivoed Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever off lifetime, are you going to leave for four months again?

Also, open invitation to anyone else. Apartment 504. I will trade popcorn and sodass for thumbtacks or twine.

[info]becauseimhappy in [info]thedoorway

I think I'm gonna watch those hobbit movies tomorrow.

No, I lied. There's football on, I'm watching that.

[info]anakinsolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Anakin Solo

It's kind of Astromech Droid central around here? And I'm completely all right with that.

[Filter: Jon]

[Filter: Anya & Rikki]
So, I know you were both willing to watch films with me, and I think it's time to do that if you guys are still willing to watch with me.

[Filter: Rikki]
So, you survived Solo + Skywalker Family Christmas with minimum insanity.

[info]hundredtexts in [info]thedoorway

» Hey, so
» I got this idea on how to start the new year
» And stay warm at the same time without much effort

[info]sitwell in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Nick Fury, Mara Jade, Akela Amador, Natasha Romanoff]
Now that necessities are done, I can think about furniture.
[Filtered to Akela]
So this is the refugee network I was telling you about. Pretty much the brief's to keep a low profile. I guess Carter pretended to be Alice in Wonderland for a few months on it. But she wasn't a wanted fugitive and I don't think you'd pass as a disney princess.

Still it stayed secure through this summer's and spring's explosions, so it's more reliable than other comms we have. Romanoff's around, Phil's team sometimes, Fury's when he's communicado. Even a surprising amount of actual SHIELD.</b>
[Filtered to Newt Geiszler]
You don't write, you don't call. A guy could get a complex.

What are your thoughts on waterproofing robotics?