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December 6th, 2014

[info]marajade in [info]thedoorway

Left in Nick Fury's usual chair )

[info]mostresilient in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Regina Mills

Today began as almost every Saturday morning has since my arrival here though there are a few differences now. It is perhaps because of these differences that I managed to overlook the fact that today happens to mark two years spent here. With friends, family, and acquaintances coming and going and a few even repeating that cycle. I began to think of whether or not I should acknowledge this milestone or completely ignore it. My heart was set on ignoring it but then an adorable little someone reminded me that I have a lot more to be thankful for in the last two years than I ever would have had back home. So, in acknowledgment, I'm announcing that I will be offering magic lessons to those willing to learn. If you're interested you may let me know below or contact me privately if you'd rather keep it confidential. There are a limited number of spaces so enrollment is on a first come, first serve basis.*

Emma Swan
No lesson this coming week. I'll treat you to dinner or drinks instead

[*ooc post with important links coming soon]

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

Network post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

I think I'm possibly alone in thinking that the shop windows always go a bit over-board.

[Filter: Refugee Supernatural Task Force]
For those of you who are in the fighting group, please review the current patrol schedule and let me know if I should make any changes. If anyone wants to be added - or if any of you know others who would be good at helping with this sort of thing feel free to speak to me and I can speak with them, or you can speak with them directly and direct them to me.

[Filter: Lilah]
I've got a reservation for tomorrow night at seven pm - if you're free. It's been a while since we did dinner out.

[ETA: Filter: James]
Would it be possible to get a few of the watches with the RSTF people on it. I believe most have agreed to be on it, and if anyone doesn't want to be that's fine, but if we have a couple I'll keep one, and I'll probably give one to a few of the others - Buffy and Faith perhaps, maybe you should keep one, and that way if one or more of us disappear, others will still know and be able to report back to the group.

[info]jedifarmboy in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Luke Skywalker

This amused me far more than it should have )

[info]barbiefangs in [info]thedoorway

Second Annual Potts Tower Date Auction

Who: 50 volunteers to be bid on, bidders, onlookers...
When: Starting 7pm - late
Where: Fangtasia upstairs
What: Second Annual Potts Tower Date Auction
Rating: Probably low. Keep everything appropriate while you're in the club.

Say you'll see me again even if it's just in your wildest dreams )

[info]youknowspies in [info]thedoorway

-- You know Mikey, while you're out it'd be great if you'd get some yogurt that wasn't made for hippies.
-- Audrey's nice and all, but I like my dairy products to have some dairy in them.

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

Tree is put up and Im listening to Christmas music while drinking a glass of wine. Finally a night to sit back and relax.

[info]artisticmother in [info]thedoorway

Finally getting back to my painting. It feels great!

[info]littlestsummers in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Dawn Summers {slightly backdated to before the date auction}

If you don't have anything to do this evening, you ought to come out to Fangtasia and find yourself a date. I've dressed up and it should be lots of fun and festive opportunities and chances to meet new people, which is the part I'm looking forward to the most.

And of course if anyone devilishly attractive wishes to bid on me, well, I won't complain a bit!

Shopping, and girls night, and let's make it happen, yes?

I know it's silly, but I miss Chuck.

[info]naturestoolbox in [info]thedoorway

[ooc: pretend this was earlier today]

Oh! New York City! I can't wait to explore it all! After I get some supplies. I am eternally grateful for this stipend, even if I need to make some pro and con lists on what to buy first before I find a job. Oh, who am I kidding? A chem set will always be number one.

Hiro! GoGo! They say you're here! I need to give you a hug, Hiro, but first, GoGo! There's a club and it's having an auction and we're going! So, you and me, nearest thrift store and then to this club!