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November 18th, 2014

[info]jekyll_hyde in [info]thedoorway

I was sent a framed copy of this photograph. It came from the production company that made the movie I am from here and I know it is simply a cast picture of the actors but nonetheless it is very welcome.

[info]mulderitsme in [info]thedoorway

I realised today that we seem to be in a very pleasant lull of wide-spread tesseract related weirdness a la genderflipping and people being aged and deaged and so on. There have been some smaller things but nothing affecting large numbers of people. At least not that I've heard.

Of course, now that I've said that, I realise I've just jinxed us all. I apologise in advance.

[Filtered to Mulder]
Did you want to do anything for Thanksgiving? Maybe have dinner and invite some people over? I can't say I've always had success with cooking a turkey though. Mom was very protective of that part of Thanksgiving.


[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Asgardians Bros + MCU Avengers]
I think it's customary to begin each quest with items provided to you by someone incredibly intelligent and handsome (me) to assist you in your journey to ... fight bears, or whatever.

Sort of the Supernatural Aid section of the Monomyth.

So without further ado:

[OOC: I'll give you a link to a picture of your prize in the first reply. But you can assume it's a delivery, so long as he knows where you are]

[info]annewithane in [info]thedoorway

Tomorrow evening, the Youth Center will be celebrating Thanksgiving a week early. We're eating at around 6, but starting at 5 or shortly after the children are going to present a short program, and we're going to show A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. After dinner, we're going to celebrate November birthdays with birthday cake, ice cream, and pumpkin pie. Tomorrow night's activities are open to the families of our children, and friends of the youth center, and we would be honored if you would join us.

[info]flameon_ in [info]thedoorway

What I wanna know is, who's going to have the best Thanksgiving dinner, and what do you want me to bring? Your options are: green bean casserole, a bag of chex mix, or booze. Choose wisely.

[info]westen in [info]thedoorway

[Filter: Audrey Nathan]

Question for you. What are your plans for Thanksgiving?

[info]acanarycry in [info]thedoorway

Kids talking to papers about the dangers of trying to be a vigilante. I had thought the whole getting beat up for a living bit underscored that whole danger part.


You've some interesting hobbies, little bird.

[Bucky Barnes(616)]

You keep an eye on that kid, right?

[info]itsamonkthing in [info]thedoorway

It would seem that pumpkin has been replaced by peppermint. I can't deny that it's a very soothing scent.


Do we have any festivities planned for your birthday, Luke?

If not, then perhaps we shall begin the last minute planning.

Related, do we wish to have a Thanksgiving?