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November 14th, 2014

[info]diogenesagent in [info]thedoorway

I am quite relieved to have found some employment. As much as I have needed the time to acclimatise to this world, I'm not a man who likes to remain idle for too long. I have quite deliberately not been looking to continue the career I had at home. To be quite frank, I am eager to have some respite from it, at least in the short term. However, my former career has given me the skills to pursue my current employment. Who knew that the tailoring skills I learned in Calcutta Kolkata for a mission would be of such use now?

[info]everymansdream in [info]thedoorway

So I think I got stood up by a blind date last night...that was set up in the weirdest way possible.

[info]thornedroza in [info]thedoorway


Usually I hate to do this but can someone walk home with me? I'm so wound up right now I don't trust myself to not kick a little old lady in the face if she makes a move at me. I'm at the bank.

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

So, just for everyone's information.

Be careful when you play Jumanji. I know I should've learned that lesson from the movie, but I didn't think I could actually end up in the jungle.


[info]webdesign in [info]thedoorway

Who: Peter Parker (MCU) & Chloe Sullivan
When: Friday Morning-ish.
Where: The Daily Bugle
What: Peter bumps into a refugee recruit after she interviews for a report job at the Bugle!
Rating: PG

I'm not late. I'm right on time. )

[info]feigenbaum in [info]thedoorway

FILTERED TO ANGEL (After the bank robbery):
I need you to not freak out by what I'm about to tell you. Can you promise me that?

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

[Nick Fury, Natasha Romanova (both 616)]
So I sent a team out to follow up on the Virginia lead. They should be checking in with details either tonight or tomorrow morning, I'll keep you posted on the situation.
Hey. How have you been doing with everything?

[info]jailhouserocker in [info]thedoorway

You can tell the holidays are getting close because people in lines are getting feisty.

[Filtered to Sirius Black, James Potter, Pepper Potts & Tony Stark (MCU)]
So I was just down in Refugee Affairs, the department that does the post-SWORD processing for new arrivals and we were discussing the watches you guys have been making to let people know when their loved ones are taken back.

And they were wondering if they might be able to help you guys out on this project so it's less work on your end.

[info]thevenomchoseme in [info]thedoorway

Who: Agent Venom and Spider-Man
When: Friday night, 11/14
Where: Outside a certain house in Forest Hills
What: Flash's curiosity about just how similar all the worlds are gets the better of him, but luckily Spidey is there for a pep talk and advice.
Rating: PG. Warning for some references to child abuse and bullying and AU character death.

What if... you don’t wanna see if they’re happy, but... how much the same everything is? )

[info]ingoodform in [info]thedoorway

If the calendar's to be believed, I've been here a year to the day. It feels like it's been much longer to me but I suppose it's still a noteworthy occasion.

[info]parrviolet in [info]thedoorway

So the most exciting thing that's happened to me this week is the fact that I've been thinking about getting a haircut.

While it's Disney & Pixar, how come I couldn't come from a movie with a musical act? How unfair that I just don't randomly burst into song. I should do it anyway.

[info]rubythewolf in [info]thedoorway

So next month is going to be my birthday, and it'll be my first birthday here in New York. Also the first birthday without Gran. I know it wont be so bad, but I suppose it would help if I knew that Gran and I were still doing all right back home. I haven't been watching, but close enough tabs to know that she hasn't been featured in a while. As long as she's okay.

I just wanted to make sure that everyone has a good long length of time to figure things out for the 10th of December. Just in case.

Subtle was never really a strong suit of mine. So sue me, I like birthdays.

[info]westen in [info]thedoorway

[Filter: Audrey Nathan]

Something happened.

Don't worry. Not a bad something. Well. Not exactly.

[info]falsworth in [info]thedoorway

Filter to Michael Westen
Hello, old chap. Feeling better?

Filter to Howling Commandos (MCU)
Kamchatka's all well and good, gents, but sometimes a fellow needs a place just for him and his mates. I'm looking for a place outside of Potts Tower to put down roots, and there's a spot near Gramercy Park that looks promising. Should I purchase it, you would all, of course, be welcome to make your homes there, or at the very least visit as often as you'd like. Days at a time, even.

There are times when one wonders if one's grief is entirely out of proportion to how well one knew a person. As for myself, I can say that although I have not seen Margaret Carter much in recent months, it was only about six months ago that I spoke with her, laughed with her, knew her well on a regular basis. As an officer with the Strategic Science Reserve, Peggy was unparalleled. As a friend, she was a precious gem, and I can promise you that no one was more glad for her than I when I discovered that she had made a good life for herself, a happy one even. However saddened I am at her death -- and I am quite, quite sad -- I am even more happy that she led a full life and allowed to man to stop her from attaining the highest position within her organization. Her legacy, a niece who is as strong and brilliant as her aunt ever was, is a good one.

[info]kibwana in [info]thedoorway

network post: azari

Filtered: James Rogers & Sadie Kane

Next Avengers has been two people for some time now. James and I make a good pair, but it is less a team than a duo. Sadie, you've known us, all of us, the various times we've been here. You're like my sister. And you're the most remarkable and fiercest magician I've ever met. There's good to be done in these streets, so busy and teeming so as to miss other teams' notice. And truly, it is our time. And anyone who says otherwise should not be on the team. We don't need to be called the Next Avengers anymore. We aren't next. We're now.
Filtered: Ororo Munroe
I've chosen ten colleges and written the applications. Would you read the essays? I do not know what these institutions expect.
Friday night, and homework finished.

[info]addledmorality in [info]thedoorway

Moving from public places stunts to bank heists is an interesting choice.

Granted I approve. There's far more use to robbing a bank if it's done correctly than simply fear mongering. Not that fear mongering doesn't have its place, but without a clear goal it is a bit pointless.

[info]runbarryrun in [info]thedoorway

So, it's 11:18 at night, and my food stock is completely depleted. I know. That's on me for not being a responsible adult who can fix a late second dinner. Can anyone rec a good, cheap place to eat?