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November 13th, 2014

[info]screwdestiny in [info]thedoorway

Cas is gone.

[info]weareleaving in [info]thedoorway

Who: Dwayne Hicks and a very sad ghost
When: November 12
Where: An abandoned house in Englewood, New Jersey
What: Hicks tests the abilities given to him by the White Event.
Rating: Umm, I’m going to say PG13 because there’s nothing graphic but put trigger warnings for a brief mention of parental incest and a very minor mention of domestic violence leading to death. Unfortunately, ghosts do not become ghosts because their life was happy.

Aliens he could handle because they were a reality but the idea of ghosts and spirits had always been a bit of a laugh. )

[info]peterguillam in [info]thedoorway

Chopping celery always makes me think of Sydney Carton.

I could say this is because of the smell (l'odorat, ce mystérieux aide-mémoire, venait de faire revivre en lui tout un monde, says old Vic, and he's not wrong), and that awful soup they dished us out on Fridays at school, intersecting with the many hurried meals during which I tried to force myself to choke down Dickens. Or, I suppose, I could say that cooking is a civilising activity, and that no matter where one does it - especially when one does it in, say, a shack of a house with a view of a smoggy Polish highway, or a basement in Brixton, or a kitchen-closet in a warehouse in Newark - it kicks up a little of the refinement of home.

More likely it's the crunch, though, isn't it. Poor old Syd.

Anyway, I've always liked cooking up a proper lunch at work. No better way to feel human after a very long morning. If anyone wants to please come visit to swing by New Jersey for a bite, there'll be more than enough for two.

[info]doorwaynpc in [info]thedoorway

[Text message to Georgina Kincaide from (212) 555-7337]
--He's not eating pizza.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

I think I might need some private sessions with you, if you have any availability. There are so many things going on-- externally and internally-- that I don't think I can sort them all out on my own. And turning to my usual people for support doesn't seem to be working this time.

[info]jasonbrody in [info]thedoorway

Anyone interested in throwing themselves out of a plane at 13,500 ft?

I've found a place on Long Island that looks pretty good for skydiving. I'm heading out there this weekend but I'd be happy to take along anyone who wants to have some awesome fun with me. First-timers are fine, they do tandems for you guys. But 18 or older only. Sorry, under age peeps.

[info]sorcerersupreme in [info]thedoorway

By the beards of the Vishanti, cyanosis excepted, it's not terribly often one finds a blue baby. Has anyone lost one lately?

[info]provenmettle in [info]thedoorway

It has been some time since I have issued an open challenge and there are many new arrivals here, so I think it is time again for me to test my blade.

If there is anyone here who can best me in swordfighting, I will grant you a boon of your choosing.

[info]thebanshee in [info]thedoorway

Is the portal taking requests yet or does it still do whatever the hell it wants?

[info]littlestsummers in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Dawn Summers

I have started listening to She and Him's Christmas album and I am not sorry at all.

[Filter: Buffy Summers]
I kind of want to do a big thing for Thanksgiving.

Also that weird seeing ahead thing? Still happening. Should I... I don't know, should I talk to someone about it?

[info]thedustdevil in [info]thedoorway

So I've been givin it some thought. Han Solo, who'd hosted last month's poker game had mentioned he might not around to do the same this month. I thought it might be decent to take up the slack this time.

Would anyone be interested, probably next week or the following?

[Filtered to Firefly Crew]
Now I know we don't got a ship, and I'll be the first to say I ain't a leader like Malcolm Reynolds. But we're crew, and we're all's familiar on Earth-that-Was. We might should make a bit more of an effort to get together like crew.

I was thinkin we could start with dinners?

[info]modelcitizen in [info]thedoorway

network post: alison hendrix

Who else here knits or would like to learn how? I've been knitting during down time, watching the news or after a long day in the clinic. But there is no reason it has to be a solitary activity. It keeps the hands busy, but the mind is free to some extent. From baby hats to afghans and all the scarves in between, who's interested?

Filtered: Clone Club
I thought about Donnie for the first time this month. It wasn't until I had done so - Sarah, I threw out the socks I found today, they weren't worth darning, but there are two six packs of new socks for you - that I realized it. I don't miss Donnie. And the Clinic, it's what I could have done with my life if my mother had fallen into a coma.

[info]soldierofwinter in [info]thedoorway

Who: Bucky and Natasha (616)
When: 11/13
Where: In a car!
What: Bucky finally fesses up about his life after Fury.
Rating: I actually don’t think anyone swore this time.

I reserve the right to punch him in the face. )