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November 6th, 2014

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Sam Winchester + Castiel
WHEN: The morning after this log (November... 3rd? I think).
WHERE: The Marschester residence
WHAT: Sam's surprised to realize that Cas was at the apartment last night, because Cas didn't sleep on the couch.

It would be a weird turn of events if November 2nd turned out to be the day that Everything Got Fixed.  )

[info]laurakinney in [info]thedoorway

Who: Laura Kinney and Scott Summers
When: Tuesday, November 4th, morning
Where: Kitchen of X-Mansion
What: Laura gets a memory upgrade, confronts Scott on his leaving the team back home.
Rating: PG

“You’re a good friend, Laura. Maybe I’m not always, but… sorry.” )

[info]nomaderwhat in [info]thedoorway

Who: Anakin Solo & Rikki Barnes
When: Monday evening, 3 November 2014.
Where: Potts Tower & beyond.
What:Stakeout :D Also hormones. Oops.
Rating: References to death, nightmares. Also smooches.
Status: Fabulous.

Anakin might be a 17-year-old boy, but being a Jedi did mean that you had a little more emotional intelligence - or at least the possibility of it - than an average teenage boy might have.  )

[info]exterminated in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Whoverse]
I just wanted to let all of you know that Ianto and I will be out of the country, so to speak, from the 7th. I'm not sure how long we'll be gone and we may have slightly spotty connection so don't get too worried if you don't hear from us for a bit. We'll be fine.


[info]laurakinney in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Peter Parker (616), Ben Reilly, Kaine Parker, MJ Watson
JD was not around when I woke up. I found her phone and her things, and her scent led nowhere. She's gone.

added hours later
Filter: Friends
My girlfriend has gone back home through the Tesseract. I also got a memory upgrade around the same time.

[info]snowflakeinhell in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Illyana Rasputina

Hey, everyone who's interested in the war games! Let me tell you why YOU should be on MY team!

    1. You are awesome
    2. I am awesome
    3. I've got battlefield experience in real battles and war before, like in Nidavallir last winter or when we helped take that helicarrier back
    4. And I've COMMANDED people/creatures/my demons in REAL warfare before, like last winter in Alfheim and back home

And of course if you're one of my friends, you should totally sign up to be with me. Let's do this :D

[info]sorcerersupreme in [info]thedoorway

In case you had cause to doubt.

And as much as I can hardly believe I am saying this about the internet, the comments are an interesting read. From a preliminary glance.

[info]undercover in [info]thedoorway

Peggy Carter passed away Monday evening. While the services are for very close friends and family members, the wake, held at [Address. Posh neighborhood.] is open to those refugees and friends who knew the younger version of her. It will begin at 4pm.

I swear I didn't forget about your birthday. I was just dealing with the funeral home and other arrangements. By the time I got home, it was way too late to call to wish you a happy birthday.

[Insert audio file of Sharon (badly) singing Happy birthday. It ends with a 'Love you.']
I wondered if you six would consider being pallbearers.

[info]feigenbaum in [info]thedoorway

Okay, so I've been here a few months, and I don't think I've really gotten to know any of you so I thought I could ask a few questions and we could get to talking! Maybe if we don't click, someone else'll see your answers and talk you up.
What's your name?

This one's real easy, but I had to go back and add this in 'cause I forgot it. My name's Fred Burkle. Winifred, actually, but no one but my mom and dad call me that. A lot of that's because the science community is really rough on women sometimes. Just discounting them from the get-go because of our names, so I started going by Fred. Kind of a catch-22, because I should be trying to set an example, but if you can't even get your foot in the door, is there even an example to set?

How old are you?

I know this is a tough question for some of us. I spent 5 years in a demon dimension. Or at least, I spent five of my home dimension's years in a demon dimension. I'm not really sure how long it was in the demon dimension. Sometimes it seems like longer. I counted myself as twenty-eight because of the five, but supernatural stuff happening kind of changes that. And do I count this time jumping because it was ten years ago when I was 28, so does that actually make me 38?

What's your favorite food?

Near and dear to my heart. I love food. Pancakes, tacos, Chinese food. Those are my favorites. Tacos, though. I tried recreating food in Pylea, but it didn't work out so well. I had to use my imagination a lot though. I could go for some tacos right now actually.

Current favorite song?

I haven't listened to anything in a while, but that "All About the Bass" song sure is catchy!

Do you enjoy taking the subway?

I gotta admit, living in Texas and then California, I'm kind of torn between being really impressed, and REALLY missing my car.

One last one, a hypothetical, if you won the lottery, what would do?

It kind of depends on how much this lottery is. Cause science equipment ain't cheap. I'd do pretty much what I did in LA. Help the helpless, and I'd have money to be able to help more people.
So. It's your turn!

[info]missparanoia in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Abigail Brand

[Filter: Ianto Jones & Carol Danvers (EMH)]
The Ascension mission is the first of its kind in SWORD. We are going into strange space, where we will be meeting with a great many unknowns. The members of this crew were chosen for their experience and knowledge with such exploration and encounters with the extraterrestrial, but also because I believe they are putting into the mission everything that they can to ensure its success and safety.

The galaxy out there is large and it may also have unfriendly components. What this team does not need is the potential unexpected from those coming from this planet. You are thus removed from this mission and will have a 3 month probationary period with SWORD effective immediately. The fact that you believed it might be important to note this before we were in space is the primary reason I believe you are worthy of that 3 month probationary period. Do not give me reason to regret having made this call.

What I said before stands. SWORD is interested in the protection of this world, and in the interaction with other worlds. Some of SWORDs founding members have manifested powers and came to escape experimentation from HYDRA. If you look around at those that work with you, you will find that others reported power manifestation immediately and that they are not lab animals in our scitech division. Next week I wish you to review the charter, the handbook, the disclosure paperwork, and the procedures for reporting an event when you are off-duty. If at the end of that review you find yourself still doubting whether you can trust this organization then you have a call to make.

[info]razorclaws in [info]thedoorway

Who the hell steals a lion from the zoo? And how?

[info]imanavenger in [info]thedoorway


So far so good on the brain front. Outside of limited power usage. But I'm going on a mission with my team. One of those galaxy far, far away type missions.

Any tips you can think of to keep the noggin from exploding?


Everything's in order.

[Ascension Crew]

Make sure to get a good night's sleep tonight. We'll be out for a while and there's no telling what we'll run into out there. But we've got a good crew and if we trust each other, we're going to come out of this mission hopefully with exactly what we need to help Earth.

[info]nomaderwhat in [info]thedoorway


A) You're my best friend and you'll love me no matter what.
B) Why do cops drink so much coffee?
C) Why do you give me advice?

[info]mygodhasahammer in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Asgardian Bros ♥]
I assume you have all taken notice of the passing of Peggy Carter, the elder, Steve Rogers has requested we handle a sjaund for her, as she was dear to him and I understand well his plight, I agreed.

And Sharon Carter has asked that I bear her pall. I am less certain what to make of this Midgardian tradition. But am assured it is, what one does for the family
[Filtered to Sam Merlotte]
I have need of your bar on Monday through perhaps late Tuesday.

Can this be managed?

[info]stoptheclock in [info]thedoorway

Who: Herc Hansen & Mara Jade
When: ... backdated to early October, when Mara first came back to town?
Where: Pepper (and Herc)'s house!
What: A tour of a haunted house, catching up, telling Mara about his new skillz
Rating: PG for cussing?

'And here’s the creepy jacuzzi.' )

[info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

Amendment to Jack's earlier announcement. Change of plans and I'll be around. So you need not go without your favorite coffee.

Off the mission and suspended for three months and being told to 'reconsider' if I trust SWORD enough to stay with the organization.

I think I might take a holiday to Wales.

I wanted you to hear it from me - I'm off the mission and suspended for three months because I broke protocol. Don't worry, I'm fine. Keep an eye on Jack in space for me, will you?

[info]avenging_son in [info]thedoorway

So for anyone who missed Christopher Pike's post, there's a sort of war game going on and I was wondering if anyone was interested in being on my team?

[Mr. Pike/James R]
Are we going to have a rule of not using powers if we have them? Like would I be able to use my shield?

[info]anakinsolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Anakin Solo

[Filter: Rikki Barnes]
okay enough is enou


[info]antgirl in [info]thedoorway

Guess who has two thumbs and made 6000 dollars last week?

[info]naturevsnurture in [info]thedoorway

Okay. Brace yourself. I've got a question to ask.

[info]spidergirl in [info]thedoorway

We've got kind of a problem that we should be concerned with. Back in our world, Rikki was something of a tether between Onslaught in the Negative Zone and here. He wanted to come here, and he used Rikki's nightmares to lure her to where he could use her to sneak through. We -- the Avengers and Young Allies who were there, we ended up having to destroy Onslaught, thought Rikki, which meant she died. Or never existed. Or whatever you want to call it.

Rikki's started having the nightmares again, and I am not losing her a second time so we gotta come up with some kind of plan to stop him from using her. I mean, we know the dreams are used to lure her, so my first thought is to obviously NOT GO WHERE they say to go to.

But that could be anywhere and he could figure something else out.

So help me. Please?

[info]annewithane in [info]thedoorway

Hello, friends! This is a relatively early reminder that the baking club will be meeting in the 13th floor kitchen on Sunday at 1 p.m. This week we're baking goodies to be sold in a bake sale that will benefit the American Legion, and sold on Tuesday for Veterans Day outside of the Youth Center.

I'd also like to mention that the Youth Center will be having a short program to honor the local veterans at 11 a.m. If you'd like to join us, you are very welcome, and if you are a veteran who should be honored (and that is all of them, including those veterans who are not from America but still fought in wars), please join us. A small reception will follow, and the children will be happy to see you, I'm certain of it.

[info]westen in [info]thedoorway

[Filter: Audrey Nathan]

How's your weekend looking?

[info]sisterskeeper in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Simon Tam + Kaylee Frye
WHEN: November 6, 2014
WHERE: Kaylee and Inara's place!
WHAT: Simon and Kaylee go out for pizza, and then they wind up back at her place to ~say goodbye~ before she leaves for a while.
WARNINGS: None, as of yet, but will update if necessary.

Simon didn't want her to leave )