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November 5th, 2014

[info]marajade in [info]thedoorway

RP Log; Sam Winchester & Mara Jade

Who: Sam Winchester & Mara Jade
When: Friday evening, 24 October 2014 (slightly backdated)
Where: Potts Tower, Entertainment room on the Thirteenth floor
What: Two friends, not watching television together.
Rating: Low

Sometimes life comes at you harder than you expected. I know how that goes. )

[info]doctorbanner in [info]thedoorway

There's always something a little sad about campaign signs still stuck in windows and in fences the morning after the returns come in.

Or something a little schadenfreudig, I suppose. Depending on your point of view.

[ Gwen Stacy ]
I'm in the final stages of lining up a set of experiments looking at chemical hypoxemia prevention in low-oxygen environments, and I need a bunch of cadmium-rich fish for specimens. I was considering raising them from larvae, but seeing as we live downstream from the biggest source of cadmium water pollution in the world, I thought it might be faster just to drive up the Hudson a ways and collect them.

Obviously there's plenty to do indoors, but if you'd like a day out of the lab, I don't actually know anything about fishing and could probably use all the help I can get. I thought I'd bring lunch.

[info]peppers in [info]thedoorway

Refugees with their "I voted sticker" will receive (1) one free cup of coffee up to $6 today and tomorrow, courtesy of their affiliation with Stark Charities.

I'm on my way to a lunch meeting, but I wondered if we could talk before I get back. I'd like to have a meeting with you in my office.
How are you hanging in there?

[info]idonotbrood in [info]thedoorway

It is good to return to my apartment here in the tower. I was beginning to think I would never see it again.

[Filtered to Audrey Nathan]
I understand you have taken over as the Housing Assistant for my floor so I thought it best to introduce myself. I am Fenris and I am in apartment 1011. I have been away in Europe with the remnants of SHIELD for the last few months.


[Filtered to Alana Bloom]
Now that I have returned to New York, I would like to resume my appointments with you, if that is possible.


[info]inaraofserenity in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Inara Serra

I am enjoying this month's book club choice. I've found the Book Club an easy way to start reading literature from this reality. Something that I would do anyway I suppose, but it does provide a nice direction to begin with.

[Filter: Kaylee]
I know you'll be away for a bit, but it seems there is a holiday season upon us. Do we want to look into proper Earth that Was celebrations and put something together for our crewmates and friends?

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
So, I gotta ask.

You two kill each other, yet?

[info]yogammagamma in [info]thedoorway

So. I bought a Cat Snake. His name is Horatio. Not as in There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Horatio, as in: cut for image )

[Carol Danvers (616)]
I also bought an apple/rhubarb pie. So if you want to partake in small furry creatures & delicious pie, you should come over maybe?
[Jan Van Dyne (616)]
What's your free-time look like, these days?

[info]everymansdream in [info]thedoorway

My floor is too quiet. I think it's time to look into getting a cat.

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

[Julie Power]
So like.

Have you ever accidentally drunkenly made out with someone at a party, and you're not sure if you regret it? But you also kind of think you should regret it.


[info]thefreemason in [info]thedoorway

If someone mentions Guy Fawkes to me -- or incorrectly categories him as some sort of angelic martyr for precious anarchy -- one more time today, I might be forced to burn more than an effigy.

[info]plasticed in [info]thedoorway

( Whoverse )
I'm echoing Jack here, but I'll also be away for work things for a bit, so don't flip out if you don't hear from me and don't let the Doctor get into too much trouble without us, yeah?

[info]leiao in [info]thedoorway

I don't know how many of you this shall effect but I thought I should let you know that I may be unavailable to be contact for awhile as of the 7th. I shall let you know if anything else changes.

[info]thevenomchoseme in [info]thedoorway

Filter to Danny, Ava, and Luke
You guys better not have weekend plans because you are coming with me to this. Ways to make sure you all get on my team are welcome.

[info]barton in [info]thedoorway

Thanks to an episode of Mythbusters, it has come to my attention that anything is science if you write it down. And that you can quote yourself as much as you want if you're the preeminent authority on something. So I'm conducting a scientific survey. For science. And I'd like honest answers from as many of you as possible:
How many of you have "died" at least once?
Please note if you died and came back, died and turned into a hell beast, nearly died but were never actually dead, returned after being missing and presumed dead, faked your own death, or had your death faked by another.

Your response may include the circumstances of your not-death, if you wish to disclose them. I encourage this if it's a good story. Otherwise, you know. Keep your shit to yourself.

[info]jedifarmboy in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Mara Jade

I'm sure you've heard that several of us are going to be gone on a mission for SWORD. We leave early Friday morning. Han and Leia are going too. I know you don't have any way of knowing if you're going to be here for much longer but if you are, would you check on Anakin. He'd kill me if he knew I was asking you this and I know he's a Jedi Knight and can take care of himself but still. He's also a teenage boy and I remember being a teenage boy pretty well.

Hopefully you'll still be there when we get back. If not, you know how to reach me. and I'll miss seeing you

[info]mechromancing in [info]thedoorway

Dude did none of you show up to vote yesterday?

Russell Raleigh just put on a dick speech. Granted I don't have super powers so no skin off my back but seriously he does not like you guys.

[info]theboomstick in [info]thedoorway

It's good to be back.


An abandoned mall in Jersey. I think congress might be making a snide comment.

But still, it's ours. And it's better than operating out of Fury's car.

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

Things are looking up. I voted yesterday and I actually had a decent conversation with my boss and we made a compromise with each other. Lets just see if it sticks, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

[info]screwdestiny in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Dean Winchester & Cas
WHEN: November 2nd, late evening
WHERE: TFW's apartment
WHAT: After spending the day with Sam, Dean comes home and passed out on the couch -- which is where Cas sleeps these days. By the end of the log, Cas sleeps with Dean instead.
WARNINGS: This log is probably PG-13 at best. There's a fade-to-black timeskip and they're mostly naked for the second half, but tbh most of this is feelings!talk. It's not sexy in the avert-your-eyes sense.

You're quiet. Was I that good? )

[info]oldparkerluck in [info]thedoorway

You guys like froyo, right? How about froyo tonight? I'll buy. Because I make big bucks doing science, and we need to talk about something. Sound good?

If I'm not home, it's because I needed to do an impromptu talk about scary spy stuff with four teenagers. I love you!

[info]screwdestiny in [info]thedoorway

So I talked to that wizard guy with the watches, and you all need to sign some paper so we can magically stalk each other. That way if one of us goes home or we're in trouble, we'll know the difference.


[info]snowglowswhite in [info]thedoorway

It's a little strange to think that if all goes according to plan, I'll be returning to school in January, after the Winter Break. There are, of course, certain goals that must be attained before then, but I'm entirely confident that the education I received before I was crowned will do me well, and that I will do credit to my tutors. Until then, I've decided to take some classes with the ESD, to help prepare me more fully for my upcoming foray into the world of modern education. I'd also like to choose a major before I enter into the world of university academia, although I'm told that it's perfectly acceptable to be "undecided".

I was fortunate to be able to walk through a neighborhood doing their trick-or-treating on my way to work on Halloween, and I counted at least four Elsas, and two Annas. I'm absolutely certain that they were much cuter than Anna and I ever were when we were children, and trust me when I say that we were completely adorable as children. I also saw an Olaf, and I think that I might have frightened the baby's mother when I squealed. But he really was too cute for words, so I think I was justified in my reaction.

Filter to Jack
We should have a conversation, Jack.

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

Who: Julie Power & Billy Kaplan
When: Today!
Where: Julie & Brandon's apartment
What: Birds of a feather gotta stick together, yo. aka Billy needs to talk, and Julie's there to listen!
Rating: TBA but. Low?

If there was anyone who understood complicated relationships, it was Julie. )

[info]venomblast in [info]thedoorway

Because I have fuck-all to do on Friday when my boyfriend's at work, I got this great place that some of us should check out... The Festival of Lights at DUMBO! Why? Because it's pretty and I never got the chance to see it in London. And I think I traveled oversees enough this year.

Filter: Carol Danvers (616)
You can't say no. I'm making puppy faces that I totally know get to you. Be my date to this thing? We'll make it a whole girls' night where we go see some lights, then get chili dogs and then come back to my place and play X-Box games.

Which is apparently what I started doing with Miles's games after the portal took him back. Because me in a three-bedroom apartment, it gets way too quiet in here.