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October 22nd, 2014

[info]screwdestiny in [info]thedoorway

texts to cas:
» Hey

[info]bitterman in [info]thedoorway

I feel I should hang a sign in the shop stating that Polyjuice is not a substitute for a Halloween costume and I certainly will not sell it to you for that purpose.

[Filtered to Harry and Beverly]
You're both welcome to take the 31st off, if you wish.


[info]doctorbanner in [info]thedoorway

If anyone's looking for an early birthday present for me (or, alternatively, an extremely heavy design accent for your own home) I'd recommend heading over to Bonham's this afternoon. I might go at lunch just to gawk. Enrico Fermi looked through this window. (Probably.)

The descriptions are a little purple, but I suppose you can't expect better from an auction house:

An approximately 54 x 36 inch rectangle of heavily leaded glass, 6 inches thick, approximately 1500 lbs, on custom antique wooden cart, glass illuminated from below with 3 custom LED lights. This high-tech glass specimen is composed of a high percentage of lead oxide, 70%, producing its deep yellow color. Specifications for this heavily leaded, extraordinarily clear glass were highly exacting as many layers were needed to protect scientists from radiation. Due to it's high lead content, it reacts more like a metal than a glass, crumbling when ground or cut, and sweating like ice when heated. Emitting an eerie yellow glow, it evokes the material's atomic origin. Despite the material's provenance, the glass is not radioactive.
Eerie yellow glow? High-tech? Really?

[info]inaraofserenity in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Inara Serra

I can officially say that the pumpkin spice lattes are too sweet for me. Caramel salted mochas, on the other hand, if one cuts the syrup in half and adds an extra espresso shot, are quite tasty. I'm probably a barista's worst nightmare, which may be my cue to simply begin making my own.

[Filter: Kaylee]
What would you say to playing with our own pumpkins and having a harvest supper? One of my students introduced me to Pinterest and I have spent entirely too much time drooling over pumpkin made dishes in the past two days and I think it could be enjoyable.

[info]jasonbrody in [info]thedoorway

Well, I am officially employed as a private military contractor with Leviathan Corporation. Got a couple of months of training to get through to prove that I really do know my stuff and what was in the game is real. Or was real for me.

Hey, does anyone know if there's a good place anywhere nearby where we can go wingsuit flying? Or skydiving? Or parachuting? Or hanggliding? I've found a few places online but if anyone has any recommendations, I'd love to have them. Damn but I miss throwing myself out of or off high places and flying.

[info]everymansdream in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Adrian Ivashkov and Rick Castle]

Rick, hi. I'm Georgina. I got your name from your wife when I asked about poker players the other day. I was told that there's a regular game Wednesday evenings in Apt 1504 and was wondering if you - and you, Adrian - would like to accompany me.

And next week, it's Halloween-themed. Apparently we're playing for "tricks and candy".

[Sam Winchester]
I'm telling you this because I thought you'd appreciate the irony.

I have a job. Working for the angel.

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

[Young Avengers + Friends of Tommy Shepherd]
Hey. So. Um.

During the electrical storm a couple days ago, I -- displaced Tommy to a pocket dimension. Which, also I guess I should mention I've been making pocket dimensions. It's like... practice for building universes.


So he's there, in one of them. One of -- I guess maybe five? Possibly seven. And I'm going to go and find him now. I couldn't before because I couldn't -- my powers, after the storm I lost them -- I think it was a little bit like how Loki lost his because he was feeling really guilty about being Loki. But... I fixed it. I've been doing some inner peace reflection stuff with Dr. Strange, and Loki sort of... helped so.

I've got them back, and I'm going to go and look for him. It [...] shouldn't take me too long.

Wish me

[info]pottsresilient in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Stark Resilient]
I've just received an interesting email from a fake email address regarding a consultation with potential IP rights on our prosthetics project.

Thoughts? We've not been big enough to be invited to traps before now, but we do have that consultation with AIT coming up. However, interestingly enough, they didn't ask for Tony. They're interested in Newt.

[info]doctorbanner in [info]thedoorway

delivery for elsa of arendelle, potts tower, 2304. )

[info]mysteryofset in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Young Allies]
I have an interview at Shaw Industries at 3 pm on Friday.
[Filtered to Pepper Potts (MCU) & Jenny Takeda]
I will need to leave work a few hours early on Friday for an appointment, I hope this is alright.

[info]featherington in [info]thedoorway

As I continue to work my way through the boxes left from my previous stay, I came across a box containing books that I somehow missed. I believe I can safely say that I am as mortified now as I was the last time at discovering the book from which I come. I did discover, despite being from a romance novel, that as a character I am well-loved by many. It's humbling. Also embarrassing. And very strange to have read about moments which clearly happened but of which I have absolutely no memory. I also found myself smiling, because while no one ever expected it -- least of all me -- I was the one to get the prince in the end. Well, he was my princeand didn't seem to be much of a prince when he was here, anyway.

I am put out with the Tesseract, though. When I left London, spring had only just begun and the days were only beginning to think of warming up. I arrive here just as summer ended -- I was cheated out of the warmer months.

One final observation: I received in the post today a card with a lovely note inside, along with a photograph of a sweet, smiling baby I helped to deliver. The mother mentioned a Clint Barton, who also helped to deliver this baby. As I have no memory of this, perhaps Mr. Barton would be the more appropriate recipient of this picture?

[info]blanchard in [info]thedoorway

She's already heard this from me today, but it's a mother's duty to embarrass her child in public whenever possible. So I'd like to wish a very happy birthday to the smartest, strongest, and all-around most amazing woman I know: my daughter, Emma. Our family's journey hasn't always been easy, but I'm so grateful that it's led us here, together. No matter what this next year holds for you, I know you'll always rise up to its challenges -- and your dad and I will always be there to support you.

In other news, today the Potts Tower Youth Center officially announced our upcoming coat and food drive. Beginning on Monday, we will be accepting new or gently used winter apparel as well as food donations, all of which will benefit the occupants of Mayday House. Anything you can afford to give -- a scarf, a can of vegetables, a loaf of bread -- would be greatly appreciated.

I know this request can be an imposition for refugees with little or no reliable income. I know some of you may not even have a warm coat yet yourselves. So if you can't donate right now, we totally understand. Remember, you can still join in the effort by spreading the word! You can also speak to Ben Reilly about volunteer opportunities. The wonderful thing about community service is that there's something for everyone. We can all find a way to give that enriches our lives and the lives of those who need our help.

[Abbie Mills & Ichabod Crane]
I'm so sorry for the late notice on this. It's been a busy week. David and I are hosting a birthday party for Emma on Saturday night, 7 PM, at Dave & Buster's. That part was David's idea. Although I might have mentioned Chuck E Cheese It'll mostly be people from home, but I know Emma would love to see the two of you there as well. And of course, you'll get dinner, a pack of game tokens, and lots of homemade cake & ice cream. I hope you can join us.

[info]oldparkerluck in [info]thedoorway

Extra blankets. We put those in theeeeeeeee... hallway closet? Or the spare bedroom?

Also, I think I'm ordering Chinese. I got this serious need for Moo shu chicken like you wouldn't believe. Want anything?

[info]mostlymortal in [info]thedoorway

Which one of you far-flung souls do I talk to about helping at the homeless shelter?

[info]falsworth in [info]thedoorway

Howling Commandos (MCU)
I'm leaving very shortly Paris. Miss Carter, please do let me know the instant Peggy's condition worsens.

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

Hi everyone, I'm Julie. I guess the party got started without me, so what'd I miss?

Brandon, I don't know where you are right now, but I'd recognize this mess anywhere. And this smell. And why don't we get nice digs like these every time we end up in some other dimension? Not fair.

[info]jailhouserocker in [info]thedoorway

[Text Message to Tony Stark (MCU) (about 3 am)]
-- So here I thought all this time that iwas just afraid of commitment
-- But Im ust afraid of being alone
-- Cause women man
-- they just leave
-- cause they're bitches
-- or cause they're dead
-- and is there like an alternate staten island fairry
-- cause its stopped running for the night
-- and it smells like hair gel and fish