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October 10th, 2014

[info]thornedroza in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Caroline

Heeeey. I don't suppose you're in need of any more bouncers at Fangtasia?

[info]jekyll_hyde in [info]thedoorway

On looking at my diary this morning, I realised that I have been here just two months shy of a year. I had not expected time to pass so quickly nor to find myself so settled. I had, if not gotten used to my life being unsettled, at least accepted that it was the case and there was little I could do about it.

I also realised that, despite having known them such a short time, I do miss the other members of the League. They were the first people to accept me as I am and though I have found a similar acceptance here, their actions do mean a great deal to me.

[Filtered to Peter Parker (MCU)]
Peter, might I seek your advice on something?


[info]basementman in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Fox Mulder

Scully, I'm getting this for William. He's seen it in the shop window and seems to be quite taken with it.

Everyone gets all obsessed with the pumpkin spice lattes, but really I just want pumpkin pie. Is it Thanksgiving yet?

[Filter: Scully]
On a more serious note - after realizing I've missed at least three case calls this week, I'm reconsidering SWORD.

[info]fourstarsaiyan in [info]thedoorway

Man, I'm starving! After training.

But...where do I get food around here? Chi Chi isn't here to do cooking. I can't go get some delicious food from Korin or King Kai. Man, guess I gotta get a move on those martial arts lessons!

If anyone's interested in some martial arts lessons, I take payment in the form of delicious food!

[info]westen in [info]thedoorway

Well, that was fun. If anyone's looking to torture themselves, may I recommend Netflix? An eight dollar subscription bought me a solid week and a half of misery so far. And that was just the last twelve episodes over and o

Thank god this show didn't exist back home. Nine months in a Dominican hellhole was hard enough with just a photograph to remind me of what I'd left behind. Not sure I could've done it if my whole life was available on demand.

Although I'd have been dead so fast from all my blown covers, it wouldn't have mattered much.

[Audrey Nathan]
My entire career was a lie
I don't know what to think about any
Please tell me you've got some red wine at your place.

Or any type of alcohol. Mouthwash would be fine at this point.

[info]provenmettle in [info]thedoorway

[ THOR: ]
If I asked for leave to return to Asgard would you grant it to me?

I'll be gone to Asgard for a time visiting family. If you have need of me for any reason leave word with Thor or Fandral.

[info]unaskedquestion in [info]thedoorway

[Text to Kate Kane]
-- Hey.
-- Are you in the City for that UN thing too?

[info]acanarycry in [info]thedoorway


Does anyone know what's going on with this Ferry attack? Last I checked smoke bombs didn't exactly cause people to go completely crazy. Some of us ended up on scene, right?


Hey little bird. Everyone still not murdery?

[Felicity and Oliver]

Do you think it'd be possible to make Vertigo here? Or make it airborne?