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September 28th, 2014

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Howard Stark]
Real talk.

[info]vicious_bitch in [info]thedoorway

I've always been a fan of nice views. )

[info]brokenlily in [info]thedoorway

I think I had my daily coffee a bit too late, considering I'm still awake. Or there's too much on my mind

[info]bordercollie in [info]thedoorway

You know, when you want to vandalize a business, it's probably best not to go after one owned by a shifter, because they're gonna know you're there even if you're fairy-sized and you can't see them.

But I guess those kids probably shouldn't have been watching True Blood.

[info]howardstark in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Laurie Juspeczyk]
I think I've got a situation that i have to deal with in Colorado.

I just got a message from Tony about some HYDRA tech with a distinctly Stark signature. And the tech seemed old, before his time. He's about to head over to take a look, and I think I should join him.

I'm not sure how long it'll take.

[info]barton in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Tony Stark (MCU)
Do I work for you?

I think I asked you for a job once and then I forgot. But money shows up in my bank account once a month from somewhere, so either I'm a salaried employee, or I'm still getting blood money from that sheik.

Either way. I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm pretty sure that I'm doing it really well.

it's probably the sheik.

[info]ellenripley in [info]thedoorway

Maybe we should go out on that date.

[info]webdesign in [info]thedoorway

-- Hey Harry
-- You awake yet?

[info]becauseimhappy in [info]thedoorway

Filter to Tony
Was there anything different in the tests you had done last week from all the other ones I've had done before? Am I a freak? You got any idea what's going on with this yet?

[info]beverlycrusher in [info]thedoorway

As a physician fortunate enough to have been born, raised, and lived the majority of my life in the future, I am in a unique position to watch as the past incrementally catches up with the future. It's both fascinating and frustrating, because I know that the cure to so many diseases exist -- just not yet. But they will. And while there will be many diseases that will develop, overall there will come a day when mankind will enjoy more health than ever.

It's exciting to be living now, watching as these new discoveries are made and the chance to save even more lives becomes even more real.

[info]mercilessworld in [info]thedoorway

Is there someone named Alana here, who knows Will Graham?

[Filtered to Fantastic Avengers]

Thank you so much for your help with my new...abilities. I have been training them, trying to figure out what I can do. It seems I can travel to just about anywhere with water now. I can control it much better, too. I need to work on what triggers it, though, as it's not a sure thing yet.

[Filtered to Sam Winchester]

I know I had spoken harshly previously with you and spoke out of my place. I would...well. If we could still be friends despite that misstep, I would still appreciate it.

If I am still considered a friend, I thought I'd share that I have been working more with my own unique abilities that came to me after the White Event. I can use water to travel anywhere, but I am still trying to understand the trigger, as I don't travel every time that I get wet.

[Filtered to Cas]

I am...I mean. Apologies are not something I do often, but I do owe you that much. You were only doing what was best to help a friend. I...how are you now that a few days have passed, at least?

[info]mrsfantastic in [info]thedoorway

Not doing much of anything almost every day except for sleeping, cooking and catching up on everything in the past few years is pretty nice but everything science-related I've read has made me really miss the days I was busy in the labs. So while I've already been looking at places to apply, I thought I'd put out some feelers on the network.

I'm an MIT graduate, Bachelor's in Biological Engineering and a PhD in Genetics. I used to work for Von Doom Industries as head of the Department of Genetic Research, at least until the company went bankrupt thanks to the cosmic storm that gave me and team members our powers. Inadvertently, also gave Victor his. And his personality basically turned him into our enemy, of course. Since then, I worked in conjunction with Reed Richards on a number of his government projects. Unfortunately, my research and resume did not decide to hitch a ride with me here (despite the fact that Reed and I had only just left our wedding, we rarely ever leave work behind).

If anyone knows any place that'll be a good fit, I'd be willing to look into it.

[info]ocorellia in [info]thedoorway

Text to Leia Organa
How about I buy you dinner?

[info]laurakinney in [info]thedoorway

Filter: JD
I know it's a little early.. and I know feelings about birthdays can be somewhat.. questionable. But I just wanted you to know if you would to do something, I'm okay with it either being some extravagant celebration or just a day trip out of the city.

Filter: Scott Summers
I'm sorry I still can't remember what happened, but are you settling in well?

[info]snowflakeinhell in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Illyana Rasputina

I was really interested in checking out the free museum thing, but I kind of can't go around in public with a tail. I really don't want to be stuck with it, but I am until it heals up.

Anyone have any ideas for hiding it or camouflaging it? I can't curl it up much while it's broken and it would hang out of a coat :( Wish Kurt was here he'd totally get it! I better not get turned into an example in class

[info]srslypads in [info]thedoorway

Please, everyone, share your Halloween hopes and dreams with me. It's time to start planning.

[info]itsamonkthing in [info]thedoorway

I wish to offer thanks to the kind people I have met since my arrival in this dimension. Truly the hospitality that has been offered me was not required and yet it was given all the same. I am greatly appreciative of the home, food, and clothing that has been provided as well as the kind introduction into this world.

To all of the tower I say hello. My name is Danny Rand. It is my honor to meet you all.

[info]wintermagic in [info]thedoorway

I hate autumn How many other people here are the only ones from their world? Do you miss things you didn't think you'd miss until you didn't have it around anymore? People you knew? I even miss Bunnymund and he was really annoying. I just want to go back to being a Guardian. That's it. I can't do that from here. If North was here, he'd know exactly what to do.

I don't think this school thing is for me.

[info]webdesign in [info]thedoorway

TW: Fictional Genetic Disease

[Gwen Stacy]
Hey, can we talk for a second?

[info]sjw in [info]thedoorway

It is certainly curious, the space between imagination and reality.

[info]walterblythe in [info]thedoorway

[Anne Blythe]
I'd like to talk to you about something that's been on my mind a lot lately.

Actually, not a something. A someone. Dorian Gray.