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September 12th, 2014

[info]exterminated in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Carol Danvers and Abigail Brand]
Now that things are a little more settled, there's something I need to bring up with both of you. As you may or may not know, I was once in charge of the Vampire Task Force, back before SHIELD disbanded it and before SHIELD collapsed. After it was officially disbanded, it went unofficial, under the leadership of Wesley Wyndham-Price, Buffy Summers and Sam Winchester. I've kept in loose contact with Wesley since then but with SWORD establishing itself, I was wondering whether that contact should be made more official.


[Filtered to Ianto]
I got my hands on a couple of tickets to Le Scandal for next Saturday night. It's a burlesque variety show. I was thinking we could make a night of it. Dinner, show, night at a hotel. What do you think?


[info]thornedroza in [info]thedoorway


Okay, on your next day off we are going to go shopping. Apparently I didn't buy enough fall clothes last time I was here.

[info]ladyofsummer in [info]thedoorway

I rather miss having the sun already up by the time I get out of bed.

How are you feeling?

How are you doing? We haven't talked much lately. I wanted to let you know, by the way, that I haven't set a broken bone in years, but I managed it quite handily the other night.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

[ everyone who is/was at the cabin, except cas and dean ]
Alright, I'm back in. Looks like I missed... a lot. Is everyone okay? Anything we (or I) need to take care of before we leave for the church?

Not all of you have to come with, if you're injured or tired or have other things to do or are just ready to be done. I'll need someone to take us to the church, and anyone who's willing to stand guard for a few hours until he's mostly human again won't be turned down, but you've all done more than I ever wanted to have to ask of you. I can take it from here.

I'm making coffee, for anyone who wants it. And there's food here, if you haven't already discovered it. It's all fair game; least I can do, really. When this is done I'll have to buy you all drinks or figure out some other better way to say thank you. Friends you can count on when your brother turns into a demon are the best kind.

[info]jailhouserocker in [info]thedoorway

There are some days that it might just have been better to have fucked off than to have ... never fucked at all?

Yeah okay, that one maybe didn't work. But it's probably no coincident a lot of those days are Fridays.

[Filtered to Tony Stark (MCU)]
So you know Mark, the package guy?

I think I just stabbed him.

[info]gofuckyourself in [info]thedoorway

Looks like there's a bit of a dip in the weather these days coming up. Fall came up quick, not that I mind it so much. This might just be my favourite season.

[Lissa Dragomir, Gwyneth Shepherd, Zoe Sage, James Rogers, Usagi Tsukino]
You're gonna want to bring a copy of Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle in to class on Monday with the first three chapters read, and a list of some of the terms introduced in the novel; what they mean.

I'll be checking.

[info]weareleaving in [info]thedoorway

Who: Dwayne Hicks & Ellen Ripley
When: 9 September (backdated)
Where: Hicks' apartment
What: Ain't nightmares a drag?
Rating: TDB

The only constant was the urgent beat of the motion detector pushing him onward. )

[info]peterguillam in [info]thedoorway

One of the most touted parts of intelligence work - in my time, at least, and, I don't doubt, now - is the assurance of connections. Someone once described it to me as being part of the club, which, if a little glib, is nonetheless true. People love to be in the know. People treat you differently when they know you know. It's an intimate society of mutual respect and favor, and to be in it is to be in on a great many things, and to be out of it is to be out entirely.

I'm out, now. Everyone (well, enough people) know my name, and I know very little of them in return. The membership's lapsed, the doors are shut, there are no more champions extending hands because the old boy's one of us. No more connections.

But there's a lesser-valued perk I've stumbled into after falling through that net, which is that, as it turns out, pretending is the same as doing. I've spent years at other men's work, near on a decade of running freight ships in and out of busy ports and wrangling crews together from the (often decidedly reluctant) local populace. Lo and behold: I have job experience. Who knew? They tell you to live your cover as though that weren't just living, and so I've always thought of myself as a spy with a line on the side - but the unglamorous truth of the matter is that I've been a damned shipping clerk who sometimes sent sensational letters to dodgy people. The party's over, but at least I left with something useful in my pocket.

So now I'm a damned shipping clerk again, and, do you know, I find the only complaint I have left over is that Jersey City is, sadly, no Casablanca. But nothing really is.

[info]thewasp in [info]thedoorway

How's 7pm work for you guys? We can meet at the place in the Bronx, do a little warm-up then try to beat each other senseless. Or, you know, work better with each other.

[info]avenging_son in [info]thedoorway

So are there like, any baseball teams or clubs to try out for? Admittedly I'm new at the baseball thing but watching the game was fun and I want to try it.

[info]webdesign in [info]thedoorway

-- You are my official "Phone a Friend".
-- What is truffle aioli?
-- Also, do you know who the "Mountain Goats" are?
-- Serious questions.

[info]themanonthewall in [info]thedoorway

To: [Peter Guillaum]@Pottstower.com
From: do-not-reply@indeed.com
Subject: Manager of Logistics Procurement

you have 1 new message )

To: [Natasha Romanova]
From: recruiting@michaelson.net
Subject: Manager of Logistics Procurement

[Attached above e-mail]

You wanna run an interview for me?

[info]stilllucy in [info]thedoorway


Funding is secured, as well as our offsite lab. Buckymouse has been relocated.

All that's left is our resignation.

[Team Brain]

Cosima, are you happy at Stark Industries currently?

[info]portaljumper in [info]thedoorway

I was only going to filter Joan, but figured there's no keeping anything from you, Sherlock. I'm cutting the corner and just including you.

This isn't going to be much in the way of a medically-accurate request, but head examinations. Do you do those? I would ask Victor, but I'm keeping him as an open option for a second opinion instead.

[info]subject89p13 in [info]thedoorway

Who's got a lot of money and wants to hire me and Groot?

Also I might need clothes that don't smell like krutaking flark.

[info]mechromancing in [info]thedoorway

The paperwork's all gone through and I didn't even have to kneecap anyone. Which was actually a bit disappointing.

I officially own my own garage. Hellz to the yes. Going to put my name up at the top. Claptrap even has a little top hat while he mans the front desk. It's adorable.

Not that many of you have cars or anything, but still it's cool as hell. Plus means I've run of the place to do more than cars which is fucking awesome.

[info]mysteryofset in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Bucky Barnes (616) & Sara Lance]
Beneath Keansberg Pier, 11:30.
[Filtered to Rikki Barnes]
Make excuses for me tonight. I am stuck at work.

[info]theregularguy in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Wolverine]
Hey, you like booze, right?

[info]thedailybugle in [info]thedoorway



Stern linked to Terrorist org, HYDRA

TheDailyBugle.Com )

[info]broodypants in [info]thedoorway

[Text to Faith Lehane & Wesley Wyndam Pryce]
-- On my way back.
-- How's it going so far?

[Text to Jan Van Dyne]
-- I swear that usually never happens to me.

[info]acanarycry in [info]thedoorway


Sorry about the short notice, but I can't make it tonight. I'll try and find a replacement.


You wouldn't happen to be free tonight? I need to call in a favor for someone to cover me tonight. Last minute plans.

[info]theotherparker in [info]thedoorway

-- so y'know that whole thing we planned?
-- you, me, bike, ride out of the city to possibly see glowy sky lights?
-- um... Gonna be even later start than planned.

[info]chernaya in [info]thedoorway

text messages

» Someone's been out of town two nights in a row.
» Possibly a four day getaway.
» But then it's Luke Skywalker.