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September 11th, 2014

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

Stress level is pretty high....maybe some kickboxing will help. Definitely need to go to the gym tonight.

[info]artisticmother in [info]thedoorway

Well, now that I'm working part time at the college as an art instructor. I'm also giving painting classes at the gallery if anyone is interested. It will be on Saturday nights at 6:00. Come enjoy a glass of wine and painting.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

[ mikasa ]
I'm at the cabin with my brother. If you're free and still want to help, we could use an extra hand on deck to hold him until I can cure him.

[ kellen ]
I'm going ahead with the cure in about a day or two. I have some healing up of my own to do before I can manage it, so it depends on how long that takes. I want him to be in his own mind before we make the deal. I can send someone for you when we're ready. Have you ever been teleported before?

[ severus ]
Do you have something that will knock me out for a day or so? Or at least for a while? I can feel it starting

Thank you, by the way, for healing my arm and being here to help with everything else.

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Wesley Wyndam Pryce

[Filter: Faith & Buffy]
Sam Winchester has contained his brother and is working on getting him restored to Dean, not demon-Dean.

Faith, if you don't mind coming out for guard duty at the cabin, that might be helpful. We have a few people out here, but the more we can put on a rotation the fresher we're all likely to be should something happen.

Buffy - I'm including you on this since it leaves us short our normal patrol tonight, and possibly tomorrow night. Angel, Caroline, Faith, myself, and obviously Sam are going to be working on this. I know you're used to patrolling alone so you probably don't need back-up, but you have the list of who is doing what each night in case you do.

[Filter: Anyone at the Winchester Cabin + Faith]
I suspect at the moment the best thing we can do is get ourselves organized into a series of who is on watch and when. I think there are enough of us to do short rotations which means we'll be able to respond more quickly should there be the need.

If you're here for research only, let me know, but otherwise I'll set up a rotation for us.

[Filter: Lilah]
First off, thank you for taking over book-group on short notice.

Secondly, I'll be out of the tower for a few days at least. I'm not exactly certain when I'll be back - helping a friend out with something. But if you need me you can text me and when I get back maybe we should celebrate having been together for a few months or something?

[info]iseeheads in [info]thedoorway

I feel positively jealous. I come through the tesseract and it takes away all my fun abilities. Now people are getting interesting abilities given to them. Oh well. I suppose I could reproduce the circumstances that gave me my abilities. Smearing myself across the multiverse didn't really hurt that much. It was very quick and I do have everything I need to recreate it all.

[info]mostlymortal in [info]thedoorway


The apartment has been destroyed. There's blood. Dean is missing. He's not answering his phone. Has he called you? Talked to you?

[info]mygodhasahammer in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to MCU Avengers + Asgardian Bros]
Sometimes I wish the Tesseract would send several more of me as it has done with Stark.

But I typically just wish it would go back to behaving.

That said, I have to leave Midgard to look into something, as such a few favors to ask. Rogers and Romanoff if you are in the city of New York?
[Filtered to Asgardian Bros (Thor, Sif, Fandral)]
I am seeing to Loki and the Tesseract, now this Leah, in our absence. Volstagg and Hogun will be here, but I think also that we should be quick with our trip.

Abigail Brand has asked we see if Asgard's scholars know anything of White Events. Fandral, if you could ask around while Sif and I arrange transport to the Collector, I think we could be back hopefully within a week.

I am uncertain about reaching Galia-9.
[Filtered to Jane Foster]
My darling Jane,

I am going to have to leave again. It should not be for long I hope. But I think it will truly seem like an eternity of sighs. I shall think of you fondly and constantly. I love you.


[info]thefreemason in [info]thedoorway


while I understand that you are a demanding and fickle mistress with unreliable Y-Fi, your indecisiveness regarding whether or not a page can be found, and your All-Seeing Google.

But I have out irrigated your unsophisticated frat boys a number of times, and I meant only to look up museums in New York.

Will someone please offer their assistance tell me how to be rid of them?

Ichabod Crane

[info]labrat in [info]thedoorway

-- How does your Saturday around noon look like right now?
-- Because it's not a fishing spot and not exactly the country side but it comes close to the perfect picnic spot!

-- Attachment
-- :3

[info]bitterman in [info]thedoorway

[OOC: After Veronica's message in here - watch out for the warnings!]

INDIVIDUAL TEXTS TO Harry Potter & Beverly Katz:
» A friend has asked for my help with a sensitive matter.
» I will be out of town for the next few days at the very least.
» I will let you know if it is going to be longer than that.

TEXT TO Lily Potter:
» A friend has asked for my help with a sensitive matter.
» I will be out of town for the next few days at the very least.
» I will let you know if it going to be longer than that.
» I did not want you to worry if you could not find me.
» Can I ask you to feed my cats?
» I may be back and forth but I'm not entirely sure of the full situation as yet.

[info]janebejane in [info]thedoorway

Can I bring my goat to the Barking Lot?

Unless, Prim? Do you want to watch Eystein while I'm working?

Also, I'm going to be home alone a lot, who's up for movie parties?

Three questions in this post, people, three of them.

[info]pinkie in [info]thedoorway

Who: Loki and Leah
When: Thursday
Where: Loki's apartment.
What: Leah gets aged up by Billy and goes to show off to Loki
Rating: low

Loki! Look at this! )

[info]hundredtexts in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Teen Team Iron
You know what we haven't had in a while since any time this summer since before classes started? ENCHILADA NIGHT! Rhodey, I hope you and Lydia are freed up for Saturday night. Saturdays better than having to worry about waking up early after Sunday night. :3

Pretty please? I even have PIE!

[info]ooooshiny in [info]thedoorway

Who: Kaylee Frye and Simon Tam
When: Thursday September 11
Where: Kaylee's apartment
What: Kaylee takes Inara's advice
Rating: It's Simon and Kaylee..how bad can it be?
Status: In progress

She was trying really hard not to be nervous )