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August 19th, 2014

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

[info]triplett in [info]thedoorway

-- Attachment 1: IMG001056.JPG
-- Attachment 2: IMG001056.JPG

[attachment 1 is of Sharon as a white furry monster. attachment 2 is of Sharon and Trip, both of them furry monsters; Trip kinda looks like Chewie.]

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

[Tony Stark (616)]
You know, summer is almost over already and I really feel I haven't utilized it quite enough. I think I'll throw a party -- the 30th, perhaps. If I can talk my way into renting the Bar D'eau in Trump Soho. Just something with a few friends, good catering and small bathing suits.

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

Having a tiny human kick you from the inside? Weird and amazing. But not as weird as people turning into Muppets. I saw a guy walking around in the lobby that would impress even Mr. Snuffleupagus.

(Filtered to Rose Tyler, Ten and Castle)
I know we're all busy, but Castle and I do have a question for you if you've got a minute.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

Who: Harry Osborn & Tony Stark (MCU)
When: Tuesday, August 19
What: The police have reason to believe that Harry and his board were directly responsible for the illegal purchase and staged theft of weapons grade plutonium. They have taken him in for “questioning.” Harry calls the only person he knows who has relevant skills and probably didn’t assist in the effort frame him.

Subsituary )

[info]webdesign in [info]thedoorway

[Gwen Stacy, Henry Jekyll, Tony Stark (616), Peter Parker (616)]
um. Guys?

Harry... I think... I think Harry was just arrested. I'm trying to find out where he is I don't
[Renee Montoya]
Hello ...officer? Detective Montoya.

I was wondering if maybe you could help me, my friend was just called in for questioning... And I'm trying to figure out uh, where he is? Spider-Man said you might be a good person to talk to.

[info]fearlesslyanna in [info]thedoorway

It's strange (and wonderful) how quickly we adapt to a new place and go on, isn't it? I arrived only two months ago and now I have a job that I really enjoy, and I'm going to school when it starts again. I'm really excited about that! And I have baked cookies that wasn't a disaster! I'm even more excited about that. I'm using modern technology! Those are all things that I have never had to do before, and here I am, doing them.

I need to find another easy cookie recipe to try.

[info]potential in [info]thedoorway

Who: Harry Osborn & Peter Parker
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Police Plaza One
What: At the police station for "voluntary" questioning regarding OSCORP's involvement with the illegal purchase & staged theft of plutonium. Harry is placed in a holding cell while they wait for his team of lawyers to arrive. Peter is allowed to see him.
Rating: PG

Placeholder )

[info]flameon_ in [info]thedoorway

Uhhhhh did Harry Osborne turn into the bad guy and no one told us? Someone left CNN on in the breakroom and they're saying he's been taken in for questioning.

[info]addledmorality in [info]thedoorway

I do love a good court drama.

[info]missparanoia in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Abigail Brand

[Filter: Beverly Crusher]
Dr. Crusher, I had the opportunity to review your notes from last week. Would you be free to explain a few of them to me tomorrow afternoon?

[Filter: Carol Danvers (EMH)]
Is the network always this full of dance classes and fuzzy muppets?

[info]ellenripley in [info]thedoorway

Don't suppose you two would be interested in a getting to know you dinner kind of thing, would you?
I don't suppose you'd watch a cat while I head off to do some job searching, would you? I'd leave him here alone, but he's gotten into a bad habit of getting bored.

[info]peppers in [info]thedoorway

It's nice to see that the world didn't end after all.

Plans for tomorrow? That don't involve alcohol?
How are you feeling? Getting better sleep these days?

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Alex Vause]
I guess OsCorp was pretty crazy today, right?

[info]thehereandnow_ in [info]thedoorway

You know, I didn't really grow up in this sort of world, but because of the curse and everything else that happened, I do have some knowledge of comic books and superheros and things, and the names I'm hearing are making my twelve-year-old self really, really jealous of me. So this is pretty great that I can google people like Captain America or the Hulk and get results that are about actual people that exist, and seem to be as awesome as I remember reading.

But you know, I'm honestly kind of disappointed that Batman isn't here.

Filter to Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Hello, I'm David Nolan. I recently arrived here in New York, and my wife, Mary Margaret Blanchard, said that you're heavily involved with the community element in Potts Tower, including the security side of things. I'm currently unemployed, which means that I've got plenty of time to devote to whatever I can dig my hands into. Which leads me to wondering if there's anything I can do to help you out in any way.

[info]hundredtexts in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Teen Team Iron

Tomorrow is my birthday. :3