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August 16th, 2014

[info]pinkypinkerton in [info]thedoorway

Who: Peter Guillam & Percival Pinkerton
When: Backdated: Thursday evening
Where: [info]kamchatka Peninsula
What: Old boys discuss the war, get drunk and smoke a lot.
Rating: maybe pg-13 for language, we’ll see
STATUS: In progress, in G-docs. Will be updated as we go.

More by rumor than reputation )

[info]pinkypinkerton in [info]thedoorway

[Nick Fury 616 (encrypted)]
Comment est Paris vous traite?

Or have you moved on from there?

[info]daisywillrocku in [info]thedoorway

Rearranging my apartment because I'm sick of how it looks. Realized, I don't actually have a lot of furniture that's mine. I suppose that's okay, considering who knows when and if I'll get sent back or not. May as well not accumulate too much crap. money's better spent on cool stuff anyways, like new guns.

Tried to rearrange my mental schedule, no more training all day. I mean, it's fun but I'm pretty sure the people at the gym think I've lost my mind. Probably have. I even learned to cook. A little. I mean more than rice and pasta. Which is nice, since ordering out is well.. once the delivery places know your name and order by heart it's time to change it up. Oops?

Wanna come over for dinner? Bring friends? I'm cooking! and bored. Never thought I'd miss the days of working 24/7 all over the world. I miss my job.

[info]goldenplatedlie in [info]thedoorway

Is anyone REALLY surprised that this Gamma Candy has killed? Good Merlin.

Filter to Newt
So do whatever you need to do that will protect you from the sun and dress for sailing. I've rented a boat for the day and we're going fishing.

[info]ladyofsummer in [info]thedoorway

700 years on, and I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do when I grow up

I've decided to put school on hold for now until I sort myself out. In the meantime, I'm helping out at a soup kitchen up in the Bronx. Fresh fruit and vegetables is always difficult for them to get, and that's something I'm very good at. It's a good time, too, to start planting vegetables for next year, so I'll look into a space where I can build an urban garden.

[info]livinglegend in [info]thedoorway

By now, you're probably all aware of the Mentorship program that's ongoing. Us old fogeys want to do our best to give you each, individual attention and do whatever we can to help make you utilise all your strengths, and be the absolute best at whatever it is you choose to be.

There are a few of us in the order set that have very particular skills that we've perfected, being involved with the Avengers and responding to global and domestic threats on every scale imaginable, and I think that we should all, when time permits, try to create opportunities to share those skill with anyone interested in the interest of both passing on knowledge, and of building a stronger sense of community within this Avengers group, because there are a lot of us.

For starters, over the next few weeks, before school starts up again, I'm going to be running a combat workshop for anyone interested in learning more about hand-to-hand combat the way that I know it. It's not mandatory, and it's just for those Mentees (or Mentors, really) who want to participate. I'd love to see a few of you come out for it, if you're able.
[Rikki Barnes]
I have something for you, and I meant to drop it by last night, but then there was that problem on the 8th floor with the fire alarms, and I couldn't get up there. Hope everything is all right, and I hope you had a happy birthday. How do you feel?

[OOC: Also, I'm sorry, Rikki. I meant to post something last night but I was out and then went to bed early >.> It's totally my bad <3]

[info]geewillikers in [info]thedoorway

Okay, so I watched that whole "Captain America and the Howling Commandos destroyed that base and it made the Place de la Bastille collapse, injuring all those people!" video that some HYDRA whack jobs posted. And you know, maybe they were there, maybe they weren't. It's a pretty grainy video. I'm guessing there's some more to it than HYDA has on its... HYDRA tumblr.

But this bit about them being robot clones sent from the future to assassinate the Prime Minister of Uzbekistan sounds a little far-fetched.

Seems like I'd remember all of us being robot clones.

[info]doorwaynpc in [info]thedoorway

[ooc: As news of the collapse at the Place de Bastille spreads, and the claim that the Howling Commandos were the cause of the explosion and subsequent collapse, one enterprising person started a tumblr. Today, it was spotlighted on Buzzfeed, with the following photoshopped pictures featured in the article. The tumblr? thingshowlingcommandosdo.tumblr.com

cut, not filtered )

[info]keepwood in [info]thedoorway

Now that I've been here a few months, you'd think I would have settled better in, but I'm still finding myself lost in the city a bit. London is big, but I guess the magic part that I spend most my time in is rather small.

Tell me, oh Muggle New York, what is your easy way to remember where things are?

Are there some hot spots I shouldn't miss? I do have a lady friend who knows the town better, but I feel like I should be able to suggest things on occasion.


Harry Potter World Folk

I miss magic. I realized I haven't even used my wand in weeks. What if we did a contest or something, even if it's something stupid, just so we can get practice. Maybe Professor Dumbledore has some ideas.


All right, love. Do you mind if we play a little game? It has a purpose, I swear.

[info]therubyred in [info]thedoorway

This has been an interesting summer...but (and I'd never in a million years thought I'd say this but) I'm ready for summer to be over and for classes to begin again. I might have new friends here, but I feel like I'm a bit purposeful-less without something to DO.

I decided to read the books that were written about me, and it makes me a bit glad I'm here. At least the worst I've got is that I met a gargoyle on the New York Public Library and he likes to follow me around. He's invisible, of course, to everyone but me, so it looks a bit like I'm a crazy person, but I'm rather used to that at this point.

Maybe some young people want to join me for an end of summer trip to Coney Island?

[info]grandiloquence in [info]thedoorway

It's not the same without Remus. While I'm so glad that Ginny is here at last and that I have another best friend here, it's just...lonely in my flat. He brought a lot of comfort, really, and I loved our evenings spent reading books on other ends of the couch, waiting for the random moments when James or Sirius would burst in upon us.

I suppose you are both welcome to do that still. It would certainly help lift my spirits.

Private to Harry and Ginny

The worst of it is that it makes me miss Ron all the more. I wish he'd come.

Distract me?

[info]fabulousfee in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Felix Dawkins

You know what?
trigger warning-mentions of drug usage below )

On the plus side, I have some really crazy art ready for sale, and I think I found a space to show it. It's a little rough around the edges, but watch edgy, cool gallery isn't? I'm thinking of going full out and having a whole SHOW, so if anyone is interested in collaborating, I'm very motivated and I probably won't sleep again for another month.

Private to Clone Club

Taking a brief hiatus from partying. Big mistake. Huge. Never again.

Feel free to yell at me, can't be much worse than what I've said to myself.

[info]neurarchitect in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Lucy Stillman]
So Bucky mouse is over a year old. Do you think we should think of using him for stud?

I don't know how much of the architecture will pass on because they never let us breed our dolls, but I'd be interested in looking into it. And we should plan for a replacement, mice don't tend to live more than about 2 years even without massive neuronal reconstruction.

[info]blondedandelion in [info]thedoorway

Network Post-Piper Chapman

I'm feeling so grateful to Tony Stark for the incredible generosity that's allowed me to start law school this fall. I'm about to start that journey-LSATs taken, applications all ready to go, even recommendations from Mr. Stark himself to help get my foot in the door.

It just feels weird to be going back to school after all this time. Anyone else experiencing that here?

I also have a day job at Lush, which, if you've never been, is a dream job for someone as into soap making as I am. I'll have to stop myself from using my employee discount too much.

Private to Alex

Hey. I haven't had the chance to say it yet but...I'm sorry. Again. For...all the things that have happened. And for the past. I hope we can try and start fresh?

Private to Sophia

I picked you up a couple special things (free samples, really) from my first day at work. I could use a haircut and bitch session though, if you're free?

[info]littlestsummers in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Dawn Summers

“And I like large parties. They’re so intimate. At small parties there isn’t any privacy.” - The Great Gatsby

Anyone else at the Jazz Age Lawn Party? I need a partner for the Charleston Dance Contest.

[info]sciencedivision in [info]thedoorway

Do bear with me for a moment while I have a bit of a PSA.

From what I'm managed to gather from official sources, Gamma Candy presents as a small blue pill that can be ingested for a period of increased strength as well as a mild hallucinogenic effect that according to users has a pleasant sensation to it.

It would seem the hospitalizations and today's reported death are related to the hallucinogenic effects. This effect on some people can induce a state of intense anger and violence. There does not seem to be a predictor for this behavior.

So please be careful out there. If you do feel the need to indulge in illegal substances please make sure to have someone you trust that you can contact in case something goes wrong.

[info]mrlilyevans in [info]thedoorway

Why did nobody tell me there was a LEGO movie? That's like. The perfect thing to tell someone who's had a crap week.

Look, Professor, you're in it! I think the other bloke actually looks a bit more like you, though. Something about the eyes, maybe.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

[ veronica, mara, angel, wesley, caroline, illyana ]
I feel like I should start a betting pool on who's most likely to ruin my cop career, Dean or Cas.

[ dean ]

[info]srslypads in [info]thedoorway

How about that Gwen Stacey, eh!

[info]gofuckyourself in [info]thedoorway

Hey there, kid.

So I heard your

Looks like I was put down as your mentor.

[info]ladyofspoilers in [info]thedoorway


Darling one. Sometime soon, the two of us, a night on the town. I miss spending time with people who like me.