July 2016



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July 19th, 2014

[info]venomblast in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Avengers (all)
For the record, I'm not dead. I'm just on an extremely extended vacation. Seemingly. What else do you call it?

At least I managed to stay caught up on Game of Thrones.

[info]kamala in [info]thedoorway

Oh, my God! My precious laptop, you have come to me. I swear I won't ever curse at you again when you run too slow or end up BSOD-ing on me (especially not during Ramadan) while I'm in the middle of another superhero fanfic for Freaking Awesome, assuming that exists here. Just don't ever leave my side again. <333

Also, apparently, I made a new costume. I don't even remember making it but it looks totally my style so I'm assuming I made it and so, hey! I'll take it! THANK YOU, TESSERACT!

[info]yerawiz in [info]thedoorway

Er.. I'm really not sure why the Tesseract is sending me things at all, but I can promise a bloody house elf wasn't on the list of things I would have actually wanted.

[info]thepartinglass in [info]thedoorway

My backpack from school came through the Tesseract and I've never been happier to see my Algebra 2 book. It also had a few charms that I made, and the best part was that I have my book of pressed flowers that I started a looooong time ago. Has anyone ever pressed flowers for art or just for fun? I started doing it when I was real little, but I think I might start again. Also, did anyone like what they got? I'm really happy with my gift!

-- Um... why haven't we talked in like, forever?
-- What have you been up to this summer?
-- Lady-killin I bet

[info]webdesign in [info]thedoorway

Who: Peter Parker Spider-Man & Harry Osborn
When: Friday Night
Where: Outside a club near the safehouse
What: While Peter is investigating the neighbourhood in regards to the missing plutonium, he intercepts a drug deal because oh my God, Harry! No! You can't do that, drugs are bad!
Rating: PG, but TW: intended drug use.

Could we try to reinvent
Feed the head with common sense
Through the streets and avenues
Climbing up the walls with you )

[info]labrat in [info]thedoorway

Anyone ever read dream interpretations and find stuff totally spot on? Like, there are probably a whole of bunch of symbols for one thing, so how do you even know which one is correct? Or how do you know if they don't mean anything at all but we've heard interpretations so we just end up expecting to dream of some of those things and then they pop up?

I.. probably need to start figuring out what it is that I eat right before bed, so I can stop.

Filter: Ben Reilly
Hey, can I borrow your camera for the weekend? I'd ask Peter but he uses his for work.

[info]barbiebites in [info]thedoorway

I've noticed that many of you had made comments about receiving gifts overnight. Am I correct in thinking that this has something to do with the blue box that brought me here or some other magical force? I can't believe it's here.

[info]inaraofserenity in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Inara Serra

I believe it possible that I am finally becoming accustomed to this world, the basic things for every day living, and even have become familiar with several places that make a delightful tea. I found a meditation center near here, and have been incorporating it into my daily ritual again. Plus, I put a notice for lessons up at a tea shop and have since taken on 5 pupils. I may need to supplement my income in some other way for a bit but it is a start.

I have to ask though, odd dreams - is that a typical thing around here?

I again thank you for the invitation. As soon as I get a little bit more settled, I shall return the hospitality.

[info]mostresilient in [info]thedoorway

[Filter: Robin Hood]
I have a question for you, thief.

[info]runawaywolf in [info]thedoorway

I haven't had any weird dreams or gotten anything from them yet. Then again, Hope keeps waking me up so I haven't slept a lot. Should I consider myself lucky?

[info]beringandwells in [info]thedoorway

»» Helena!
»» Do you remember when I suggested we adopt a ferret?
»» And name her Giselle?
»» We were gifted with Trailer instead
»» Now we have two dogs.

[info]mrlilyevans in [info]thedoorway

FORGET ALIENS. I've got something way more awesome. My broomstick.

Merlin's stinky socks, it's been ages since I got to fly properly. That flying carpet just doesn't quite feel the same.

[ hp verse ]
And yes, yes, I will share. If you ask nicely.

[ harry ]
I got something for you, too.

[info]imanavenger in [info]thedoorway

[Mara Jade]

Your team came back to New York, but somehow I must have missed you. No one's seen you.

I've got some gifts from the tesseract for you. Wasn't sure who to pass them along to.

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

The Tesseract gave me a gift, as well. For as long as I've been with the NYPD, I've had a set of elephants that have sat on my desk. A parade of them, a little family of five that my mom bought when she was in college. When she started practicing law, they sat on her desk until she died and then I took them and sat them on my desk. It's a large part of why I love elephants so much, because my mom would tell me stories about that family on her desk, compare them to our family.

For a long time, I start thinking of those five as my precinct family. Myself, our Captain, my partners Ryan and Esposito, and our friend and one of the M.E.'s Lanie. Not long after Castle became part of the team, I added another elephant, and once we got engaged at home, I added three more more for Alexis, his mother, and my father. I suppose that, now, I'll have to be on the hunt for another tiny elephant, one to represent this kid of mine.

Good problem to have, you know?

[info]snowglowswhite in [info]thedoorway

OLAF! Olaf! He's here! This is very nearly as good as having Anna here, and we're both so happy to have him.

It's just a little strange, though, because he does sleep, and he says that he's fine sleeping in the living room but I feel strange making him stay there when Anna and I have our own rooms, and it seems silly to deny him a room of his own just because he is a snowman. He's alive!

Do you think we should request a new apartment, so that Olaf can have his own space? I can make it so that his room is cold all the time, too.

I'm so proud of you, having found a job.

[info]theprotege in [info]thedoorway

To: newtgeiszler@pottstower.com
From: cwise@gmail.com
Attachment:MeercatFamily.jpg, Newt&Eddie.jpg, Felix.jpg

you have 1 new message )

[info]webdesign in [info]thedoorway

[Parkers, Peter & Rhodey]
One of Rhodey's leads panned out. Sort of. I started following the delivery guy from that restaurant that Sytsevich likes. I'm guessing "empty warehouse" isn't on their usual delivery route so I was gonna check it out.

You two wanna come with?

P.S. Rhodey, you're the best.
[Harry Osborn]
Hey, Harry.

What are you up to tonight? Like. Later. Lateish.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Sam Wilson]
Your wings are finished and ready when you are.


[info]theotherparker in [info]thedoorway

[Filter to Buffy]
So, starting the process of turning you into a comic book nerd. Great late Saturday night activity or best late Saturday night activity?

[Filter to Harry- Harry Osborn- Mr. Osborn]
Are you still looking for

[info]ticktickboom in [info]thedoorway

Anyone up for a midnight ride on a flying motorcycle?

[info]naturevsnurture in [info]thedoorway

Guys, we just got the luckiest of lucky breaks. I got a call from SWORD saying they had something of mine.

Not only is it the discs with all of Duncan's work on it. All those missing links. I've also got the copy of The Island of Dr. Moreau. We've got a real chance here. As long as I can hold off here

[info]srslypads in [info]thedoorway

Mates, guess who just showed up.

I will give you two hints:
