July 2016



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July 11th, 2014

[info]castlewriter in [info]thedoorway

Cut, not filtered many gifs )


Love you.

[info]talkstothestars in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Drusilla

Oh, there's so much ringing, and I don't know the words. But I do love my new locket. Thank you, Tiny Rupert. Although... it's not very nice that you can come in uninvited when you haven't invited me, is it?

[info]thefirehawk in [info]thedoorway

That had to have been the like, best dream ever. Although whoever sneaked in and left an energy drink by the bed, you're creepy. I was just dreaming about that one. Weird.

[info]oldparkerluck in [info]thedoorway

» Remember those wild days of our youth?
» Hitting the clubs, all those free soda refills we burned through...
» Bright red motorbikes.
» Aunt May trying to be hip.
» When the word 'hip' was actually hip to use.
» I was thinking about bringing it back, actually.
» Whaddaya think?

» Let's say we got a wide open weekend, okay?
» You, me, and your mother.
» If you could spend it any way you wanted, is there anything that you'd jump at?
» Something you're really hip to?

» Yeah, I'm bringing 'hip' back. I'm doing it.

[info]kibwana in [info]thedoorway

network post: azari

Filtered: Marvel People
Have any of you been to celebrations in Wakanda? What were they like? Tony's stories never touched on them. Wakanda holds itself in mystery, so perhaps you don't know. I thought wigs were for white people.

[info]labrat in [info]thedoorway

So this is slightly embarrassing to admit, but I always had this thing when I was younger, elementary school years maybe, where I would picture myself to have a line of differently themed Barbie-like dolls of me. Partially influenced by Malibu Stacy because I was ten and hey, look, there's a blond doll with my last name! Pretentious? Self-centered? Maybe. In my defense, I didn't know better.

I haven't exactly thought of that memory in a long time but apparently, I got a really.. weird version of it in my dream last night where I watched an assembly line of them being made.

I'd just stop at "dreams are weird" except.. I have never woken up to someone having placed a bucket of PAINT -- the exact color of the one the dolls were being dipped in, even -- right next to me. I'm pretty sure I'm still not dreaming.

[info]ladyofspoilers in [info]thedoorway

Oh, I should not have watched that. I should not have watched even an episode of that.

I am completely traumatized, and now I need massive amounts of distraction, or my day is only going to get worse.

Who's willing to distract a very shaky woman who just got a face full of flashbacks labeled as quality entertainment?

[info]profdumbles in [info]thedoorway

I do hope all you young students are enjoying your holidays and are busying emptying your heads of knowledge, the better to stuff it full again in the new school year. Summer holidays are always a delightful time!

I shall be heading off to school again myself when the new term starts! I have been offered a position on the staff at Alfred University, just over in Western New York. I have been asked to deliver some Honours classes during the year as well as mentoring some of the Honours students and also give some undergraduate classes from time to time. It seems that Alfred University has offered 'Potterverse' related Honours courses in the past and they were quite as excited as I am to be able to offer courses from the horse's mouth, so to speak.

[info]geewillikers in [info]thedoorway

You've got like a bar or something, right?

Are you hiring?

Think I might need some money. And my Plan A doesn't so much exist anymore.

[info]lokiofasgard in [info]thedoorway

You're moping.

Don't bother denying it. I can tell.

It's like the building gets a little depressed.

Is this about the Mangoose? Because honestly, it was a relatively minor disaster, as far as disasters go. No one was seriously hurt. And anyway, you fixed it.

[info]soldierofwinter in [info]thedoorway

Nat and I are back stateside, but there's something we picked up overseas that might need a little attention.

I hate having to ask favors, but you're the only one with real estate.

We gonna check in with Rikki or put that on hold for now?

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

Your husband might be a man-child if you come home from work to find him in a fully involved reenactment of Star Wars as performed by the plush toys that he insisted this kid of ours had to have. I'm sure the baby will appreciate that the toys have been well loved when he or she arrives in January.

To answer the question several people at the precinct have already asked, sitting at 13 weeks as of Thursday. Castle and I have known for over a month, but I just wanted to be sure everything was going well. And it is, which is such a relief. Perfectly healthy and on target.

[info]brokenlily in [info]thedoorway

It's only my third night back in the Tower and already strange things are happening.

Unless they're from you, Adrian. Did you bring home flowers?

[info]thebrowncoat in [info]thedoorway

Filter to Serenity Folk
Either you two have any weird dreams since you got here? Found myself takin a nap this afternoon and had myself one doozy of a dream. There was a giant peerin on me as I was eatin, he asked me about growin up on Shadow and Serenity, and then about some woman callin herself Saffron. That sound familiar to either of you? There was also somethin about needin to flesh me out for a wicky somethin-or-other. Woke up and there was somethin in the corner, way high up, like a security camera of sorts. Been feelin sorta troubled ever since.

Nothin like feelin useful. Old man who owns a farm not far from the ranch spoke to me a few weeks back, seems that we made arrangements to move his produce from his farm to the city a few times a week, and tomorrow I'll be drivin up from the ranch to the city with a load of good stuff, all for a farmer's market, so if you're of a mind and like fresh foods like that, you might consider makin a trip to the 57th St. Greenmarket tomorrow, and the Forest Hills Greenmarket on Sunday. We'll be bringing produce up both days for Mr. Harrison and his wife to sell. They're real friendly folk, and Mrs. Harrison says she's happy to share recipes with anyone who asks.

[info]notdying4creds in [info]thedoorway

And some days, burglaries happen.

Also, I went by the shelter today and saw this:

Of course, the flippy one is already spoken for :(

[info]lethalgrace in [info]thedoorway

Vampire Academy/Bloodlines World
Did one of you happen to leave a dowsing rod next to my bed while I was asleep today?

[info]floatsfeathers in [info]thedoorway

I've experienced some pretty weird things, but that dream might just win the award, especially considering I woke up with a solar panel next to my bed. Um, what?

[info]therealnickfury in [info]thedoorway

Who: Nick Fury and Mara Jade
When: backdated 7/3
Where: Classified
What: Mara Jade sees a ghost. A handsome ghost
Rating: M for Make outs. Also D for denial.

Really? Because last time I checked, she isn’t a Jedi. )

[info]wannahookup in [info]thedoorway

Two really important questions.

1. Who snuck into my apartment to make me a grilled cheese sandwich?
2. Did you happen to know I was dreaming about the same grilled cheese sandwich at the same time?

[info]hazmatup in [info]thedoorway

To: PepperPotts@starkindustries.com
From: JenniferTakeda@starkindustries.com
Subject: Oh hey
Attachment: colbert.gif

you have 1 new message )

[info]fereldenshero in [info]thedoorway


It doesn't count as bird watching if you don't actually go outside, pet.

[Alistair and Morrigan]

Samson isn't pining too much, is he?

[info]mercilessworld in [info]thedoorway

This world has the most incredible food. My friend Sasha would really appreciate some of the choices here.

In...trying to branch out a bit more, what is your favorite food here? Do you have any recommendations?


I enjoyed celebrating your birthday last week. I didn't know that celebrations were like that here. Did...were you still interested in visiting the sea some time?