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May 28th, 2014

[info]webdesign in [info]thedoorway

-- Ow.
-- so funny story.
-- Spider-man, Remus Lupin and Mr. Hyde walk into an alley...

[info]ladyofsummer in [info]thedoorway

Nothing like having a single offhand mention in a new book to show just how insignificant you are to that series. While I do like my life isn't written out for everyone to see, I was hoping to find out about what happens to me.

[SHIELD Biochem/Medical]
I'm so, so sorry to whoever was keeping those pluripotential stem cells in Fridge 7. I really didn't mean to make them differentiate!! It just...happened.

[info]thedailybugle in [info]thedoorway

Wednesday, May 28th: A new Hue-lk in Town,

Hot off the Presses! )

[info]pottsresilient in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Jekyll, Peter Parker (MCU), Dorian Gray, Tony Stark (616)]
Don't worry about the Daily Bugle. We all know you were here last night. And our lawyers will contest anyone suggesting otherwise.
[Filtered to Dorian Gray]
How's the international shipping research going?

[info]pregnantwolf in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to friends and potential friends]

Cut for image )

I hope you all can make it!

[info]featherington in [info]thedoorway

-- Have you looked at the paper today?
-- Is that you?
-- Are you all right?

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

[Filter: Lilah Morgan]
Are you avoiding me? It seems you've been busy this week.

[Filter: Giles]
I'm not certain if you're legal, but there's a group of us that work together when supernatural incidents come up, which they do, from time to time - plus we've got some clean-up of vampires from our world that we need to coordinate. Are you in?

[Filter: Refugee Supernatural Task Force]
Those of you who have volunteered to help with fighting, I'd like for us to coordinate specific patrols for the city. If you're interested in being part of this please comment below - let me know what nights you're NOT available - and I'll put together some schedules.

We still have a number of vampires from our world that are out there in the city and the sooner we get them cleaned up, the less likely it is we'll get more of them.

[info]jadegiant in [info]thedoorway

It wasn't me.

[info]thornedroza in [info]thedoorway

Rose | Faith

Okay, I'm settled. You said something about vampire patrol?

[info]gofuckyourself in [info]thedoorway

[X-Men + Avengers]
So first he's all covered in glitter and now he's pink.

Think Hulk is trying to tell us something? Cause bub, it's fine if you are. Ain't nothing wrong with it.

[info]beringandwells in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Myka Bering

Filter: Helena G. Wells
We should make our final decision soon. Then we can begin packing everything so we can move it.

... But how do we decide which Doctor to move closer to?

[info]capitoldarling in [info]thedoorway

Private to Johanna Mason

We should go for drinks again sometime soon. Make it a regular thing.

[info]vicious_bitch in [info]thedoorway

Occasionally, having a fictional reputation that precedes you is a boon.

[info]hearthnhome in [info]thedoorway

So, I was thinking I know far too few people here. I'd love to meet more of you. Would anyone be interested in coming to a dinner party? I'd love to host one.

Edited to add: The date will be Saturday, June 7th, so everyone can celebrate Eddie's birthday.

[info]journalisthart in [info]thedoorway

Is it me, or does the Daily Bugle have something against Spider-Man, and not against any of the other superheroes this world holds? Spider-Man, what did you ever do to that newspaper to deserve such dislike?

[info]reluctantroyal in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Lissa Dragomir and Rose Hathaway
WHERE: Potts Tower, room 1620
WHEN: May 26
WHAT: A reunion
STATUS: log; complete

Don't you know things can change // Things'll go your way // If you hold on for one more day )

[info]spidergirl in [info]thedoorway

This raccoon is me, and I am him. At least, I am today!
Cut for animated gif )

[info]cheerhappy in [info]thedoorway

Suggestions on where to go for a vacation this summer? Because X-Men folks, we should totally go somewhere.

[info]dontdosausage in [info]thedoorway

Never would've thought, me, future business owner. Hell I don't even know if I'd ever get this opportunity back home. It wasn't even a pipe dream. Let's hold off on any celebrations until I can open the doors.

Shit, I better not have just jinxed it.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

[ dean ]
I have a question for you, and I want an honest answer. A you answer, not whatever is still influencing you.

[ cas ]
Do you have any interest in hunting, or are you ready to be done? Either answer is fine, there's plenty of people who can handle it here.

[info]maybeblonde in [info]thedoorway

I can't believe there are people who have been here literally for years. I've been here a month and it feels like it's been way too long. I'd rather be back where I'm supposed to be, even if that's in the middle of a life-threatening situation and all the other crap that was going on. Which I think might actually be the textbook definition of insanity. But hey, that's not really news. My life's been crazy for awhile now.

filtered to oliver and sara )

[info]becauseimhappy in [info]thedoorway

I took a computer class. Now I gotta see if it worked.

Cindy says hey.

[info]addledmorality in [info]thedoorway

Sherlock, you should have told me we were famous. That is the sort of thing I like to know about.


Surprise. Though I think I already ruined the surprise.

[info]marajade in [info]thedoorway

[Filter: Pinky Pinkerton]
I didn't get a chance to tell you the other day, how delightful the club was and it looks magnificent. I'm so very glad that I had the opportunity to attend, and the opportunity to meet you as well.

[Filter: Sam Winchester]
Drinks? I think we'd talked about that at some point - and I could definitely use a few hours somewhere -- and maybe somewhere not Sam's.

SHIELD internal messaging system to Jasper Sitwell )

[info]rlpn in [info]thedoorway


The young man that looks like me, Peter Parker?

He had a very interesting take on our relationship.

[info]capitoldarling in [info]thedoorway

I don't
I can't

Has anyone seen Annie?

[info]avenging_son in [info]thedoorway

The food in this time is awesome. Especially the stuff classified as junk food. Though I've learned eating ice cream too fast equates to what I've learned is called an ice cream headache.


I think I'm finally getting use to a place where there's no Ultron around. Did it take you a while to adjust?

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

[Joan Watson]
Joan, Moriarty needs someone to be responsible for her while she stays here. While leaving her at SHIELD is obviously a possibility, I don't think they're at all equipped to manage her or what she is capable of. So, I do think the responsibility for her does, and ought to, stay with me.

But I will need your help.
[Tony Stark (616)]
I'm sure you can see enough on the network to know what ind of dilemma I am now faced with.

[info]thunder_girl in [info]thedoorway

Azari and Pym will you go for ice cream with James and I?