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May 26th, 2014

[info]theprotege in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Claire Wise

[Filter: Felix Blake]
Guess who's back. Back again. Claire is back! Tell a friend :D

[info]walterblythe in [info]thedoorway

[Anne Blythe]
I picked up a few books at the used book store today. Poetry, of course. They're my contemporaries, they wrote about the war and worse the experience of surviving it. I thought I might... show them to you. Just as a way of starting the conversations we ought to be having.

[info]oldparkerluck in [info]thedoorway

» I really hope you're awake right now
» I have something
» to tell you
» hit the send key there before I was done whoops
» I know it's late
» You're probably sleeping
» But something happened
» here in the lab
» actually it's not lab-related
» like at all
» it just HAPPENED in the lab and I'm on my way back to tell you but don't worry it's good news and it's definitely not that I did something crazy and I have six a
» arms
» although I guess it's tangerine related to number of arms in a really abstract way
» tangentially not tangerine
» you should know t

» I webbed into a wall just now
» y'know what lemme just put this away
» I'll be home soon
» love you
» so much, MJ
» ok now I'm putting this away for real

[info]thebuffster in [info]thedoorway

So. We should probably do that thing where we open our mouths and say things that we've been keeping to ourselves. I mean, when you really think about it, secrets being out in the open could keep you from this whole spontaneously combusting thing. Again. If it happened.

Without the backing chorus and random musicians.

[info]floatsfeathers in [info]thedoorway

So, the whole spontaneous singing and dancing thing was weird enough, but today I watched a guy spontaneously combust.

[info]thornedroza in [info]thedoorway

Sucked through a portal and told I'm fictional? Sadly, not the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me. Hi, I'm Rose, and I have no memory of being here before.

Lissa! They said you're here. Where are you? Are you okay?

[info]lauriejuspeczyk in [info]thedoorway

So who all is going to this Avengers Mansion BBQ this afternoon?

[info]babsgordon_ in [info]thedoorway

There's just something wonderful about a man in uniform, isn't there?

Suffice it to say, I'm really enjoying Fleet Week.

[info]girlwonderteen in [info]thedoorway

My other-world half sister Thalia Grace was sent home.

Our team shrinking by the day. Those of us left, do you all want to go camping next week?

{Steve Rogers (MCU)]
Hi...I was wondering if you knew where Peggy was? I've been trying to call her, to discuss some team things, but I haven't been able to reach her.

[info]rubythewolf in [info]thedoorway

Filtered: Pack
Leah's gone. She's been sent back.

[info]bordercollie in [info]thedoorway

In a couple of days, it'll be my two year anniversary in this world. I never expected to stick around for two weeks, let alone two years, but here I am anyway. Back then, there were just a couple of us. Me, Buffy and a few others. I remember thinking we wouldn't be here long, and then the days just kept ticking by. We've come a long way since then. Seen a lot of folks come and go, got my bar up and running, this tower opened up. The folks here have been good to us, outside the few who don't even want to bother to get to know us as real folks. I can't say I know a lot of people back home who would've opened their doors like this to strangers, and the South's supposed to be known for its hospitality. We've got a lot of folks suspicious of strangers, though, back in Bon Temps. They looked at me odd for months after I first came to town. I just figured I'd win them over with kindness. And a few beers. The same thing's been true here.

Seems almost fitting I got my start out here on my own, and now I'm back to being the only one from my world again. But there ain't much to do about that except keep going.

In June we'll have a couple new drinks on the menu in honor of me and Buffy and the reason we're all here, just like last year, and I'm gonna open up one of my barrels of mead. Here's to two more.

[info]iseeheads in [info]thedoorway

Who: Robert Lutece (open to anyone who might be there)
When: May 25, around 8pm
Where: The Patio, 13th floor, Potts Tower
What: Robert is indulging in his melancholy
Rating: PG

He felt melancholy and tonight he felt like indulging it. )

[info]toomuchspirit in [info]thedoorway

You know, I can't help but wonder if what I see as red is the same thing everyone else sees as red. I mean, we're all told to look at this thing and say 'hey, that's red!', but maybe what you see as red is what I see as green or blue or purple. But we both just call that red because that's what we've been taught to think.

Also, there are a lot of crazy auras in this place.

[info]peppers in [info]thedoorway

Nothing like a frantic phone call at noon from the Tokyo offices.

I hope you had fun this weekend. I think it's time us women went and hit the town. No nudes, though.
God bless America.

[info]hellonewfriends in [info]thedoorway

Who: Potts Tower residents
When: evening of the 26th
Where: the 13th floor
What: Memorial Day poolside cook-out!
Rating: E for everyone!

A joyous celebration of honor and warriors! )

[info]metallic in [info]thedoorway

Who: Jasper Sitwell, The Asset, some HYDRA doctor and a few guards.
When: May 20th. BACKDATED.
Where: Deeeeeeeep down below in the bowels of the Triskellion.
What: Jasper's about to find out just how far the rabbit hole goes.
Rating: PG13

Jasper wasn't sure what he was expecting when he opened the door. But it took his breath away.  )

[info]oldparkerluck in [info]thedoorway

That memory upgrade thing hits harder than the Hulk, lemme tell you. I don't think I've ever been so happy to get punched in the brain as I am now. And no one can complain that I never tell you guys anything personal. I'm telling you guys a personal thing.

[info]annewithane in [info]thedoorway

When I was looking over the list of holidays celebrated in the United States in this modern age, it was a surprise to see a day dedicated to honoring those who have fought and those who have died in service to their country. I understand that my own country, Canada, celebrates a similar holiday in November, but I would still like to take a moment to extend a sincere thank you to those Canadians who have done their part in keeping their world safe, as well as those Americans. Your sacrifices do not go unnoticed, and it is my honor to know you.

Filter to Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes (both EMH)
Thank you both. We could all learn so much about courage and giving of ourselves from you two. I've made a cake for you, come by to pick it up any time this afternoon.

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

Who: Jefferson & Sherlock Holmes
When: Monday Evening
Where: Sherlock, Joan & Jesse Pinkman's place of residence.
Rating: PG for... uh. Bondage?

It's Hammer (film) time! )

[info]brokenlily in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Potts Tower residents]

In honor of Memorial Day and those who fought for America, Adrian and I will be hosting a cookout this evening on the 13th floor by the pool, and you're all invited to join us.

Eta: And I just realized that someone else already planned one. Ignore our invitation, everyone!

[info]oswaldftw in [info]thedoorway

Back from an impromptu holiday. Nothing like dipping your toes in white sand beaches that no one else has touched. It's a shame I can't live there, though. At least for a few months while I deal with my boyfriend's sudden return via Tesseract. I didn't think it'd be this hard, but it is.

At least I bounce back quickly. I think this might take some time though

Thank you all for covering the slack for me on Thursday and Friday. You're the best, and I promise not to make this a habit.

Anything I need to know?

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

It's been a year and a half-- almost-- and I'm still not used to the way people just... disappear, out of nowhere. I don't think I ever will be.

There's just never enough time here to spend with everyone that matters.

[info]potential in [info]thedoorway

Unsent Email to Peter Parker.

To: Peter Parker [galactipedia@yahoo.com]
From: Harry Osborn [harryosborn@etoncollege.org.uk]
Subject: Did you ever get your braces off?

This draft has unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to leave this page? )

[info]labrat in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Friends
SO! Finals done (and aced, OF COURSE), semester done, World Science Fair organization, done and done. Now all that's left is to hope I don't screw something up in the presentation.

I think after this, meaning either Saturday or Sunday, I'm going to need a bit of a night out as a break before I throw myself back into work and research and everything. If Julie hadn't

And also a day where I catch up on everything that I missed. Like what my bosses have been up to.

Filter: Peter Parker (MCU)
Bravo, well done, etc. You're going to be at the science street fair, right?

Filter: MJ Watson
I'm really hoping that in the lull of responsibilities on my head, that sometime next week, we can have lunch or dinner out somewhere?

[info]webdesign in [info]thedoorway

[Remus Lupin]
Hanging in there, fluffy?
[Dr. Jekyll]
Hey, have you been to Chipotle yet?

[info]ontherhodey in [info]thedoorway

Oh my god. Old people on the Sims Freeplay can woo hoo. That's crazy talk.

[info]skrullkree in [info]thedoorway

I hope that's comforting to those of you who think you're not "real."

[info]ralphcolumbo in [info]thedoorway

Did we ever figure out what was causing people to sing?

[info]copilot in [info]thedoorway

Moya's gone.