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May 25th, 2014

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

As the kids say, I'm just done. I have no ambition or life goals beyond convincing Castle we need to move to Africa because, today, this happened:

cut, not filtered )

[Filtered to Ten]
You are my second favorite person in the universe. Thank you so much for helping him do this. I just....indescribable. There's no way I can accurately sum up what this means.

(images from weheartit.com, both source links unavailable. And I know one is an African elephant and one is Asian, suspend belief cause these are too cute.)

[info]runawaywolf in [info]thedoorway

What I'm sleeping in until I get my room unpacked.

[info]basilhallward in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Dorian Gray]
Have you been doing something different with your hair?

[info]pinkypinkerton in [info]thedoorway

[Anyone Who Attended Last Night's Opening of the Kamchatka Peninsula]
I wanted to thank you all again for coming by the place last night. Real and honestly, I didn't expect those numbers, and it filled me with a tremendous amount of affection and pride to see you all there.

Now if anyone needs me, of course, you'll probably always know exactly where it is I'm likely to be found.

[OOC: I'm sorry I didn't get around to putting something up yesterday, I did mean to but I got really busy :( -- all refugees over the age of 21 were invited. the KP is a classy, membership required lounge and club, fully stocked for the opening with an impressive bar, and lots of delicious appetizers. There was live music, a smoking room/balcony, and at some point, Pinky would have delivered a speech about the restaurant, Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula, and the beautiful girl he met there which is how the club got it's name. >.>]

[info]particlethief in [info]thedoorway

I'm thinking about Coney Island next weekend. Does anyone else want to come with? And possibly another trip to Disney World this summmer.

[info]magicalplace in [info]thedoorway

We've received word from Lady Sif that one of Asgard's prisoners has escaped and is here on Earth. She goes by Lorelai, and she's a powerful enchantress with a particular fondness for enchanting men. We have every reason to believe she is currently amassing an army of men under her control. She currently has one of ours, Agent Ward.

Agent Hand, we'll need some back-up stopping her. Agents not attracted to women preferred.
I've alerted SHIELD. Hopefully we'll have back-up on the way soon. In the meantime, we'll concentrate on trying to track them down.

[info]bloodlost in [info]thedoorway

Well that's the second SHIELD detainment facility I walked out of today. I must be the luckiest unlucky person alive.

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

I'd mentioned to Monty earlier this weekend that we needed to talk, but I didn't want to rain on the celebration last night. If you three could spare some time tonight, there's something we should talk about. Monty, can we still meet at your apartment?

[info]lilspotter in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Lily Potter

I know people regularly get grumpy at the Tesseract for taking friends, and I've been there before myself or thought that I was at any ra so I do understand that, but assuming there is any rhyme nor reason to anything, I just want to say that right now I'm perfectly happy in so many ways. My family is together here. And we wouldn't be at home - or not for lon It's perfectly all right.

[Filter: Remus]
How are you settling in?

[Filter: James & Harry]
I mean, I know that Harry said his room didn't need anything, but I do want us to look at the curtains and the duvet in there - they're a simply dreadful color combination, don't you both think?

[Filter: Severus]
I haven't heard much from you. I hope the cats have readjusted all right.

[info]doctorfun in [info]thedoorway

Good fun, singing! Too much of anything is unfortunate, but rather than a whistle while I worked--I had a medley! Duets and an extra bounce in my bouncing... not that I needed it, suppose, but that was great fun! Let's not do it again for a long time. Came close to saying things that ought never be spoken. Hmph. Oh! Look at that. Hmph written out! On the fence as to whether I like that. Have I gotten sidetracked?

Don't know what from.

FILTER: Clara Oswald
You doing all right?

FILTER: Donna Noble
Still especially cross with me, Donna?

FILTER: Rose Tyler
Are you busy June 2nd, Rose?

[info]handofshield in [info]thedoorway

I need four agents who do not have any sexual or romantic interest in females to report to me immediately. We have a very delicate situation that needs swift resolution. This team is temporary, and you must be available for immediate launch.

[From the calendar. There were only two sign-ups originally.]

[info]justhitjackpot in [info]thedoorway

Who: Peter Parker, MJ Watson (both 616)
When: Tonight, tonight. Immediately after this.
Where: Their bedroom in the Spider-House.
What: Peter gets some upgraded memories.
Rating: PG but then some implications of marital bliss.

''Hey. Hey, sleepyhead, I have something I need to tell you.'' )