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May 23rd, 2014

[info]hundredtexts in [info]thedoorway

Lesson learned today. Batman (or maybe cats in general) likes soda. Or soda bottle caps. )

He also got a shiny new collar! ) Which, uhh.. he's apparently not impressed it. But he's not fighting to take it off, it's all good? I couldn't find a black and yellow one, unfortunately, to match his namesake, but red works too. Tony would say so. Tony would also say he's relieved that Rhodey and I dropped the whole possibility of naming the cat "Tony".

Filter: All ladies

What's the best gift to give a guy that pretty much has everything (and what he doesn't have, you can't give him because you can't pull people or things through the Tesseract) but you still want to give him something very nice and very awesome because he's totally worth it?

Filter: Friends of teens!Tony and Pepper (minus him)
230 Fifth, rooftop garden, on Saturday May 31st, by 7:30pm for Tony's 18th. :D :D And it's a surprise party so no spilling anything or you're going to have me to deal with and Rhodey will tell you that that's not a pleasant feeling no matter how usually adorable and nice I am. Dress nice but.. you don't have to go crazy fancy.

[info]runawaywolf in [info]thedoorway

Friends ( feel free to assume )

So I'm watching this movie right now as I pack up my room called Homelss to Hardvard. It's making me get all retrospective and shit but I can relate to the main girl so much. I haven't thought about my parents or the group home or my foster homes in forever and now I am. Ugh I don't like this.

This chick goes from the kind of life I had to completing school by private study and going to Harvard. It kind of blows my mind and for a second makes me wonder if I could do that but I'm just average. I'm not super smart like she is. There's no way Harvard is in my future. No way in hell. But still, if this chick can make it out on her own and do that well ...

[info]partlighter in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Sam's Employees
Piper's gone. Back through the Tesseract. So I guess we're down one cook. Don't ask me if I'm If that means having to make some magic and pull extra shifts, I can do it.

[info]exterminated in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Ianto]
Well, that was a lovely duet we sang this morning. Very touching dance routine as well.

Who do we have to pay to get the tesseract to leave us alone when it decides to be funny like this?


So. Singing. Better than swapping bodies but if I'm going to sing I usually prefer to know what the lyrics are going to be before they come out of my mouth.

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

Delivery for Tony Stark (616) )

[info]jailhouserocker in [info]thedoorway

Something tells me this was a great idea.

cut for image )

[info]tylerose in [info]thedoorway

Delivery for Clara Oswald )

[info]ingoodform in [info]thedoorway

Abbie and Ichabod are gone.

ouat )

[info]pregnantwolf in [info]thedoorway


Not sure if any of you all knew, but Erin and I are getting an apartment together, and they prepared it for us a lot faster than I expected. I haven't moved in yet, but I stocked the fridge over there full of groceries. Anyone up for dinner? I was thinking about making some gumbo, but if anyone has a suggestion for something better, I'd be more than happy to make that. Think of this like a housewarming party!

[info]lastliving in [info]thedoorway

-- Are you okay?
-- Do you need me to come over?


-- Where are you taking Prim?

[info]legallygreen in [info]thedoorway

[Avengers: Ladies Edition]

From TMZ.com

I'm starting to get jealous. Why do the boys get to have all the fun?

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

[Nick Fury (616)]
Did we lose one?

I've been meaning to talk to you but couldn't really find a reason. You know. Because Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was one of my favorite books, growing up. My aunt used to read it to me.

But then.

Maybe you knew that.

[[Trigger Warning: Some mentions of Dementia/Alzheimer's Disease in the comments.]]

[info]falsworth in [info]thedoorway

Filter to Howling Commandos (All of 'em)
It would appear that Peggy has left us. I understand that this is the nature of the Tesseract, but still it is difficult to take in, almost as if one of our own has passed away.

Shall we meet this evening to raise a glass in her honour?

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway


Bruce Banner & Tony Stark Instagram Posts )

[info]openbook in [info]thedoorway

Left outside of Regina Mill's apartment. No note.

Left outside of Regina Mill's apartment. No note. )

[info]felixblake in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Sharon Carter (MCU)]
I saw about your aunt Peggy Agent Carter your aunt.

How are you holding up?

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

If anyone needs me, I'll be at the ranch. At least the horses and the dogs won't offer commentary or join in when I start singing. And I'd prefer to keep certain things off the public record, even if there is no Starfleet here.

[info]sendintheclones in [info]thedoorway

Can we just not speak of what happened in the kitchen this morning? Kthx.

Um. So. When were you gonna mention that you were working at Oscorp?

Um. Maybe we hold off patroling together until this song and dance thing goes away. It seems to be making me wordvomit. And you really don't need to see/hear that. Really. Really really.

[info]furrybluefriend in [info]thedoorway

Even if the weather's a little lacking, there's something to be said about a Friday before a long weekend that finally signals it's time to break out the grill!

[Filtered to Caroline]
There are network problems, which means online lab notebooks are down :D If I were to, like a lost boy, play truant and sneak out early, would you accompany me to Pleasure Island?
[Filtered to Cosima Niehaus]
I apologize for dropping our conversation the other day, work was practically chaotic. However, now that things have become a bit calmer, I have to ask. Are you still interested in proceeding? And, is this something you would prefer done off any official record?

[info]runawaywolf in [info]thedoorway

What strong men out there want to help me and Hayley move this weekend? Sam? Moody? I'll make baked good as a thank you.

[info]burnedup in [info]thedoorway

I have a problem.

... not a sing-y one.

[info]lethalgrace in [info]thedoorway

Filtered: Sydney & Adrian
It occurs to me that I failed to let you know I have moved apartments. With Rose gone, I am staying with Lissa so that I can protect her more easily.

Filtered: Adrian
She is.. not doing well. I was hoping you might be able to help her.

[info]notjustamachine in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Rommie

I am the Andromeda Ascendant and I would like to know what is the meaning of all this? For what purpose am I here and not where I was?

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
Is that you I saw fishing Stark and a rental car out of the Bellagio fountain?

[info]flameon_ in [info]thedoorway


[info]freezeorexplode in [info]thedoorway

Prue? Phoebe? Leo? This place is really weird. I still don't understand how I got to the future again.