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May 2nd, 2014

[info]itsdoctornow in [info]thedoorway

It hasn't been very spring-like lately, at least not consistently, but still I am ridiculously excited for warmer days. Sunny days at 70 degrees, that's all I'm asking for.

I was wondering if you'd like to go somewhere, or do anything at all this weekend. Even if it's just sitting in one of our flats and drinking ridiculous amounts of alcohol.

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

You might be a fictional character if the guy you haul in for questioning takes one look at you and says "your boobs looked better on tv".

And how has your week been, network?

[Filtered to Dyson, Richard Castle]
Who wants to go on a road trip with an undercover Russian in the morning?

[info]neverfit in [info]thedoorway

Reason number 54789267 why I love the Internet.

The 34 Most Unintentionally Disturbing Children's Products

[info]alanablooms in [info]thedoorway

With the recent disappearances, I'd thought I'd put a small reminder that Monday, I'll be holding another meeting in the 13th floor's entertainment room for the refugees. You do not have to speak at the meeting, and all parties are welcome, though I do believe it would be helpful.

Anyone who would like to see me privately should message me and we'll schedule this.

[info]forgivingtype in [info]thedoorway

Are you happy?
I think we should do something this weekend. Go camping or whatever they call it here. You, me, Prim. What do you think?
Wanna go to the woods with me today? Get out of the city for the weekend?

[info]spidergirl in [info]thedoorway

Gonna learn about this Captain America! I don't think I know the same stories anymore. Kind of weird, huh? Like he's here, but not the same one exactly. Everything's all familiar, but not.

And I'd forgotten how much I hate long bus trips. LALA, at least there's cell service. I'm not sure how long my battery will last today though. Gotta make sure to save some for the way back.

[info]drfrankenstein in [info]thedoorway

Who: Dr. Whale & Jefferson
When: After their SHIELD processing.
Where: Potts Tower (Room 1108)
What: Discussing what in the hell is going on.
Rating: PG-13

Portal Jumping is your area of expertise, you twit. )

[info]modelcitizen in [info]thedoorway

network post: alison hendrix

Filtered: Sarah Manning & Cosima Niehaus
I am sorry- I seem to have been possessed- Neither of you noticed. Am I really that much like a rabid beast? I am staying nights at the Clinic right now, so long as we have a patient staying there, overnight. Any concerns you have should be given toward that patient, and if you pray or think well on anyone's behalf, do so on hers. I have not been avoiding you.

I propose going out next Friday evening. Saturdays we are glued to the unfortunate means of finding out what happens with our lives. Sundays are not a night to go out, even if we weren't dealing with whatever no-good nonsense we've learned. But I can be an excellent wingman, even with gays, Cosima. I was deeply involved in theater in college.
Filtered: Severus Snape
Your expertise may be warranted in a case. The patient was seriously injured and has not woken up yet. She has superior healing abilities to most humans, but I will not leave her health to chance. Please come at your soonest inconvenience.
Spring, when it truly gets warm, is my favorite season. April showers bring May flowers. It may be my favorite month of the year. We have almost two weeks until Theater in the Park begins, but I am planning on seeing Hamlet in two weeks time. Should anyone else be interested, let me know, and we can bring enough blankets for everyone. It is free.

[info]petrichoric in [info]thedoorway

Let it be known, the scanning of documents for digital archiving is a wonderful thing. And if I had the opportunity in the eighteenth century to share information as you share it now, I wonder if the Revolution would have been won far more swiftly. Extremely doubtful, but

However. Please, do, write your thoughts down. And do not rely solely on the electronic-nature of your social world or its ability to hold and capture your creative mind. I should think that parch
paper is a far worthier medium.

[info]stephendedalus in [info]thedoorway

Yesterday was May the first. Plenty of celebrations swirling around. Walpurgisnacht & Beltane. The feast of St. Joseph, for the workers. As he is the Patron Saint of Workers.

But then I suppose I'm with Francois Georgin, and would much rather celebrate St. Faineante, the patron saint of idleness.

[Howard Stark]

[info]peggycarter in [info]thedoorway

We need to talk.

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

[Jesse Pinkman]
Generally speaking, I hate my family. My father, while as wealthy as a bar of gold is just as unfeeling and my brother is a hateful vacuous indolent. I have always thought better of the friends and family that I have chosen. And that includes you.

There is something that we need to discuss because you have the right to know and the right to change it if you so desire. Because at the moment, Jesse.

I'm your father.

[info]byronsully in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Byron Sully

Think I've decided to watch a bit of the show. Leastwise, some of it'll just be watchin' what's already happened to me and I can always decide if I want to watch the future at all.

I'm also thinkin' about goin' down to Washington to check out the museums. Figure it could be an interestin' and informative trip. There's so much history I've missed and sometimes I still feel like I'm learnin' a new language being here.

I've been workin' on a garden spot out at the ranch. Thought I'd put in some vegetables and see what comes up. It can be such a rewarding feeling to eat things you grew yourself.

[info]notaparker in [info]thedoorway

Webbed awkwardly to May's bedroom window )

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

I am totally going to the Smithsonian exhibit this weekend.

[Johnny Storm]
Hey bro.
It looks like Rhodes is going to be pretty busy with the military on a more permanent basis -- at least for the foreseeable future. You interested in being bumped up to my number one?
[Alex Vause]
Don't take the fact I throw money at my problems to be any indication that I'm not sincere. I screwed up I shouldn't have asked you what I asked you and I want to make it up to you. Also I got you arrested on your last vacation so -- as an I'm sorry, I'd like to pay for you to go wherever you want to go for a week. No questions and no smuggling.

[info]tilsunrise in [info]thedoorway

Hello. My name is Aurora and I arrived here a week ago. My room is on the twenty-first floor, but I find the height terribly unsettling and I haven't been staying there. Would be possible that I could move to the second floor? I was given to understand I should speak to you about this. Thank you very much for your time.

[info]likeamedium in [info]thedoorway

Want to go somewhere this weekend? I don't even care where. Just somewhere.

I know it was a while ago, but I've been thinking I might want to work at your place if that's cool?

[info]labrat in [info]thedoorway

Reasons why I sometimes consider moving to Queens! And then I remember the potential commute to work and classes and go "uuuugh, no thanks".

Filter: Peter Parker (MCU)
I just emailed you the info about the street science fair booth.

[info]twicenamedkane in [info]thedoorway

Filtered Post: Kate Kane

[Filtered to Ashley Williams and Herc Hansen]
Coming up soon, I'll need to declare my path with SHIELD. Right now, I'm pretty strongly leaning towards the Military Task Force since that seems like it'll be the best match. Anything you want me to know before deciding that, or anything you need to know from me?

And just so you know, it's not a problem for me that I used to date Ashley's wife, so I hope it's not a problem for anyone else.

[Filtered to Renee Montoya]
Is it true that I was here before?

[Filtered to Alana Bloom]
Hey, as far as I can tell, you're the only civilian counselor here. My SHIELD psych evals noted some emotional triggers that are compromising my reaction times-- not enough that I can't get it done, but every millisecond can count, so it's something to work on. I thought I'd check around on my own before defaulting to their in-house non-refugee people.

[info]not_betty in [info]thedoorway


Let's cheer him on with the having of many dancing gifs!!

Cut to save friend's list, not filtered )

[info]annewithane in [info]thedoorway

I am really not used to having so little to occupy myself. A part of me that sounds awfully like Gilbert is saying to enjoy it, that I've earned it. But the part of me that sounds like Marilla and Rachel Lynde combined is vocally horrified at this idea! So I did a little more in the little garden I'm working on, for the thirteenth floor, and then because today was truly glorious, I explored for a little while. I found myself in Astoria, Queens and then eventually back to Central Park, where I spent a good hour visiting with my chess-playing friends there.

I understand that there is a school attached to Stark Charities, but it is also so late in the term that it would almost be a fool's errand to attempt to create a class this late. But if any of the students would like some extra tutoring in any subject that I might be able to help with, please do ask. If you're not sure if I would know anything about it, ask. And I do plan on looking into taking on a class or two when the new term begins in the fall. Until then -- I might try my hand at the daycare.

[info]tinnedtuna in [info]thedoorway

The changing of seasons always leaves me a bit uneasy. But the sun is nice!

[info]freezeorexplode in [info]thedoorway

Glad to see May.

[Filtered to Self]

Mother's Day is coming up. Another reminder that my boys are not here. I know they grow up well, I've seen my distant future, but I miss seeing them grow each day both physically and with their powers. Maybe one day the Tesseract will bring them here, as well as the rest of the family.


We should do a spa day when none of us are working.

[info]harvardbound in [info]thedoorway

Since mom left, I've been thinking that I could use a roommate. Having a two bedroom all to myself is a bit lonely. So I was wondering if there was anyone here who was also looking for a roommate. Now, what I'm looking for in a roommate, should anyone choose to apply, is someone that doesn't mind TV/movie marathons, eating tons of junk food, sharing clothes, having debates/discussion on anything. None of those is must-haves, but it'd be a major pro.

[info]loveandjustice in [info]thedoorway

I think there should be more trips to DC! There are so many cherry blossom trees and it is beautiful! Too bad we missed the festival, that would have been a lot of fun! But it was fun going to see the exhibit today too.

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

Text to Sam Winchester

>> I didn't know it was your birthday. I suck.
>> However, there's laser tag, beer and pizza coming your way when we both have time.
>> And whoever else you want to bring.
>> Happy birthday!

[info]xenolinguist in [info]thedoorway

[Chris and Pavel]

Have either of you attended the refuge meeting? I'm thinking about attending one and was curious to know what the meeting was like. I'll probably still go even if neither of you have gone. Perhaps it'll be helpful with all the recent losses we've experienced.