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April 7th, 2014

[info]forgivingtype in [info]thedoorway

So I guess I start my new job this week. They overbooked because some people will drop out. It must be nice to have the luxury of backing o But they said I could have a couple people sit in on the class if they wanted to.

Brandon, did you still want to learn archery?

[info]ex_quicksilv340 in [info]thedoorway

Filter: ESD students & Faculty
While this opportunity is really meant to correlate with my Modern History class, I was told it would be beneficial if I opened it to everyone in the ESD. On Friday, May 2, we will be taking a trip to the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C. to view the Captain America exhibit.

You are not required to go with us. You can see it whenever you want. You are not even required to go at all if you're not interested.

But if you are, let me know within the next week, with permission from guardians from whomever needs it.

Filter: ESD Faculty
I am open to chaperons. A hundred bloody percent open.

Filter: Billy Kaplan
No, you are not required to go but don't ask me about the flowers and I won't feel like I have to keep a close eye on you.

[info]auntie_snixx in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Santana Lopez

You never know now much stuff you have until you start packing. I've had to get a few more boxes and I still don't think I have enough. All of it will be well worth it, though.

Anyone teach kickboxing or something like that? Want to get a little tone, more then the machines at the gym can do.

[info]nitenite in [info]thedoorway

Given the nature of our dea victims, including determining the origin within the firehouse as the Chitauri helmet ... it seems patently obvious that the virus is spread through electrostatic shock. Lovely.

We're working a cure.

[info]agentsitwell in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to SHIELD L8+]
I've got some business out of town, but make sure the Retrieval sets aside and seals all of Agent Foucault's personal effects. Particularly written and electronic sources. JS.

[Filtered to SHIELD Science]
I'm rescheduling everyone I've not yet met to the end of the week. My calendar's at the same link.

[info]warningsiren in [info]thedoorway

Who: Terry & Wade
When: Last Saturday
Where: Their apartment
What: Right after this
Rating: A for Angsty. Mentions of Wade wanting to stab people. You know, the usual.

you looked like someone asked you to make out with MODOK )

[info]godbe in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Friends
So I decided I am going to try out attending college. I'm still mostly wary of this decision because I honestly don't know how I'm going to fare. Mostly because of not knowing exactly how difficult is it to catch up and assimilate in classes when you missed at least one full decade after coming here.

Also, in the nature of things here, the whole being given a second chance, not knowing how long you're going to be here at all, and if you'll ever return... it's always been a dream job of mine to start my own business. I don't know if I should dive right into that or wait till until after college. Diving in sounds like a lovely way of keeping myself distracted from things, but also highly risky. While waiting just prolongs it.

Basically, I need thoughts and opinions. If anyone can understand that rambling up there.

[info]deadp0ol in [info]thedoorway

Who: Deadpool
When: Today!
Where: Johnny Utah's bar
What: Drinking and venting
Rating: More than likely PG-13 to R for language.
Status: Open to all!

Sometimes, alcohol and random rantings are what a person needs... )

[info]spriteshadow in [info]thedoorway

Who: Kitty Pryde and Peter Quill
When: Last Tuesday
Where: NYC
What: Kitty runs into Peter while out doing errands. She buys him coffee becuase he hasn’t had it for EIGHT YEARS OMG THAT’S A TRAVESTY
Rating: Low.

Oh, I’m sure the alien babes were lining up for you, Kirk )

[info]deathtopigeons in [info]thedoorway

It seems there are more birds in this city recently.

Which of you humans wish to help me end them?

[info]walterblythe in [info]thedoorway

[Anne Blythe]
Thank you, again, for having us for dinner. It was lovely to see you again, and I -- and all of this. I'm just happy that you're here, and happy that we have this opportunity, and glad that we can establish... family here.
[Basil Hallward]
And now you've met my mother. I think it's safe to say our relationship is now a relatively serious one. Perhaps we should...

[info]super_conner in [info]thedoorway

So who else is glad it's warming up?

So do you think we should start setting up training schedules for the Titans? That way we all get to know one another and what everyone can do better.

[info]armordsuprmodel in [info]thedoorway

I am glad that things are calmed.

I am sorry I was so secretive about what was going on with SHIELD at first. I am proud of you and how you handled yourself.

[info]imengineering in [info]thedoorway

Oh, bloody --

I have the anti-serum -- it worked, but it worked on a delay. Electric-shocked the mouse unconscious, but Jemma... Jemma jumped. It'll work, but I have to get it to her.

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

Tony and I were discussing something the other day, and I wanted to talk to you about it, since it relates to the children. I know they're eager to help out whenever they can, and I always encouraged that in James when he was here, but never on their own. Tony and I have been talking about giving some of the younger heroes more structure and guidance that we have so far, taking them under our wings, so to speak. I know we've done this already multiple times, but I obviously can't agree to bringing them into something like this without talking to you first, since they're all pretty young. But I think they'd be excited to be a part of who we are and what we do, and as talented as they are, I think they'd benefit from what we could teach them.

My other question is directed more for Jan and Ororo, but are there any others who would be interested in something like this? Not just younger heroes, but older ones, who've filled these shoes before? It'd be incredibly helpful as we try to organize this.
You two know Rikki better than I do. Do you think she and her friends would be interested in us - the Avengers, in general - mentoring them? I'd like us all to help them, as much as we can, and we're in a good position to be able to do that for these kids.
I hear you've been busy.

[info]annewithane in [info]thedoorway

I don't believe that I am a person who is naturally inclined to live singly. Rooms are too silent, even with a radio or a television to provide background noise. There is none of the comfort of companionship, and while it's undeniably beautiful, the lights of this city are cold and make me feel lonely. I can say, though, that it is absolutely possible to feel sad and joyful at the same time, but this evening it is sadness that has it's hold on me. I miss Gilbert, and our little house of dreams, and Leslie and Captain Jim and Miss Cornelia. And I miss the homelights at Green Gables and walking arm-in-arm down Lover's Lane with Diana. I miss the lighthouse and and the harbor lights, and the waves crashing to lull me to sleep. I didn't know it was possible to be this homesick.

[info]chernaya in [info]thedoorway

Filtered: Fandral
Urgent notice )
Filtered: Clint Barton
You like our backup?
In 1948, the World Health Organization was founded on this day. And in 1994, Hutu extremists began massacring ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus in Rwanda.

[info]therealnickfury in [info]thedoorway


Pierce just made me an offer. For you.

He wants you to split your time between New York and DC. Apparently he thinks Insight could use your Insight.

[Natasha(MCU), Clint, and ESP 1&2]

Using the information that was collected over the past few months and what has been found by members on the council, we have two names that appear to be linked to the take over of the council and SHIELD that forced many to go under grounds to combat it.

You are all to fly down to DC tonight. Mission details will be gone over at the Triskelion. But they will be brought to justice for their crimes.