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March 10th, 2014

[info]castlewriter in [info]thedoorway

I see Kate's already mentioned it here on the network, but I wanted to say it too. On March 9, 2009 Kate Beckett walked into my life. She arrested me for murder that I did not commit. Once I was free and the murder solved, she thought she'd be rid of me. Instead, I got to play the annoying, yet lovable sidekick as she had become the muse of my Nikki Heat novels. Here we are five years later in alternate New York and we are married and I'm still the sometimes annoying, still lovable sidekick and she is still my muse.

[info]notdying4creds in [info]thedoorway

Cut for picture, not filtered )

If they're right about the baby, that's pretty freaking awesome.

[Filtered to people who have arrived within the last three weeks]
How's everyone doing?

[info]runawaywolf in [info]thedoorway

[ Posted after Lydia's screams begin ]

What the hell is with the screaming?! God damn people are trying to SLEEP you know!

[info]mrsevans in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Lydia

Uh ... is everything alright?

[ Posted after the screaming begins ]

[info]sweetjoannabeth in [info]thedoorway

Text to Sam Winchester
» you seen Dean?
» he didn't come home last night..

Text to Charlie Bradbury
» you see Dean at all?

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

Alright. Anyone around here who's super specially good at looking for (and finding) people for any reason, I need your help.

In the meantime, roll call. If I know you even a little bit, I want to know if you're still here or not.

[ spn + v ]
Now Dean's missing. Whether we find him or not, I'm going to the cabin after this. Any of you are welcome to come with me.

Pamela, if you're still here: got any psychic tingles about whether he-- or my dad-- are still here somewhere, or not?

[info]professorxavier in [info]thedoorway

Erik is gone.

[info]theboomstick in [info]thedoorway

[Maria Hill, Victoria Hand, Ianto Jones, Buffy Summers]

Still sifting through the wreckage from the explosion yesterday, but we've a hit on the tracer we placed a couple days ago. Looks like it's docked at some place called Hydra Island. And if I remember correctly from that "history of shield" mini lecture we all had to sit through in training, that's not a good kind of coincidence.

[info]thekaijugroupie in [info]thedoorway

So for anyone looking around outside... Do not be alarmed. I come in peace.

Please don't shoot me because THIS IS AWESOME!

Hermann I just transformed into Otachi on the way to work! Pretty sure I also set off like a thousand 911 calls but I can fly!

And spit acid.

And it's not my fault that a couple cars got crushed it's not like I knew it was going to happen. And in my defense it was awesome.

[info]tookthestupid in [info]thedoorway

Happy birthday, Bucky/ies.

Thanks for the well-wishes and the gramps comments. You know who you are.

But seriously, thanks guys.
How much do I need to dress up?

[info]livinglegend in [info]thedoorway

[Bucky Barnes (EMH)]
Now, I thought you left Lehigh for some kind of special training -- so why is it I can still sneak up on you?

Look under your pillow, Bucky Barnes

[info]peggycarter in [info]thedoorway


[info]minamcgonagall in [info]thedoorway

I'm nearly half way through my training to become a Field Agent for SHIELD. It's hard work but I'm sure it will be worth it in the end. Otherwise I have been spending far to much time at the local bookstores and library reading whatever I can get my hands on. While there is plenty of interesting things here I do miss the magazine subscriptions I had back home.

H.G Wells
I have been meaning to write to you for awhile now but I was wondering if you would be interested in meeting up again at some point? I enjoyed our conversation a lot.

Talon Karrade
You are doing an awfully bad job at spotting me. I've been the bar at least another three times since then.

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

If anyone is interested the New York Public Library for the performing arts has an exhibition about the Beatles through May 10.

And as usual for new arrivals - if you need help catching up on decades, or centuries, let me know. I can get you set up with a library card and help find you some books that I've bookmarked as most helpful for people coming in from other times and places.

[Filter: Gunn]
How are things going?

I don't suppose you want to come over this evening and talk vampires over a game of Risk?

[Filter: Floors 7 & 8]
Just checking in with all of you to see if anyone needs anything. We've had a few new arrivals and a few departures and I was wondering about the notion of a floor party - get together, get to know who is new on the floor.

If you're interested I'll see about setting up a time.

[info]deadp0ol in [info]thedoorway

Network post

So.... I just realized that my birthday is less than a month away.

Ok, so not REALLY. I mean, I've had so much crap done to my head that I don't actually remember when my REAL birthday is. But a while back I decided it should be April 1st, for irony's sake. Now, since I already got my big wish early (HI TERRY!), here's the rest of my wish list as I can think of it.

A PlayStation 4
A Nintendo 3DS (with Pokemon X or Y, Animal Crossing, and Mario Kart)
The Star Wars saga on blu-ray
A threesome with Terry and a girl of her choosing.
A kick-ass green tuxedo like the one in Dumb & Dumber.
A new pair of katanas, since my old ones got lost when I came here.
For Terry to let me 'use the back door'.
The complete series of The Golden Girls on DVD.

[info]badwithcontrol in [info]thedoorway

I need someone to spar with.

[info]super_conner in [info]thedoorway

I think my ears have finally stopped ringing...

Loving the warmer weather though.

[info]jonathanarcher in [info]thedoorway

For someone who has timetraveled before this is an unusual situation that I find myself in. It isn't something I appreciate either as I had duties I must attend too back home - severely important ones as that. Still I have been told that I should introduce myself - I'm Captain Jonathan Archer.

[info]spriteshadow in [info]thedoorway

-- I got you knitting stuff for your birthday!
-- If that isn't good enough, I'll get you a pizza, too.

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

It is really weird to hear about stuff that's happened at home after we got here. It seems like a lot of stuff was going on, and all we have is waiting around for someone to show up who knows more, or waiting around to wake up with memories, or whatever. I almost think I'd rather not know anything than know fragments and only have more questions.

[info]thiefsie in [info]thedoorway

Being blindfolded and carted around in some strange machine is not what I'd call a welcome to anywhere. Can't say I'm too fond of being surrounded by so many machines either. Just tell me there aren't any mechanical servants in this place? Because if there are, I'm out of here. I just destroyed a bunch that were designed to kill every person in the city. I'm not doing that again, especially if I'm not being paid and can't steal anything.

I'm Garrett, by the way.

[info]goldenplatedlie in [info]thedoorway

Happy birthday, little Bucky, and all the other Buckys as well. I like to gift people who are newly legal to drink alcohol with a beer stein and a shot glass. Unfortunately, kid, you'll have to wait a few years to get yours.

Almost two months ago, I was a new trainee. Starting next week, I'll be a fully-fledged field agent. It's about damned time.

[info]raresttinker in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Tinker Bell (Voice to Text)

Uhh hello? Am I using this right? Oh wait it said to push this one.

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

[Amazon.Com Delivery for James Buchanan Barnes (EMH)]

[info]bitterman in [info]thedoorway

Delivery for Maria Hill )

[info]girlwonderteen in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Bucky (EMH)]
Happy birthday! What kind of cake do you like?

[info]mrsevans in [info]thedoorway

Who: Liz and Sarissa.
What: Liz sees things. ( Re: March 21 )
Where: Public library.
When: Monday afternoon.
Rating: PG.

She was old fashioned )

[info]tookthestupid in [info]thedoorway

Who: Bucky Barnes MCU, Lucy Stillman
When: Tonight, late.
Where: Bucky's apartment.
What: Smooches, confessions, and then there's stars!
Rating: PG13 for some nudity.

''There's enough bad habits to keep me going for ages.'' )

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

Who: Steve Rogers (MCU) & Lucy Stillman
When: Late night, immediately after this
Where: MCU Bucky's apartment
What: Bonding?
Rating: G.

'Steve, I need you to take a seat.' )

[info]thebanshee in [info]thedoorway

ooc: posted late morning

I Is there an authority figure I can speak to? Like a supernatural-specialty cop?

Filter: Allison Argent
If you, Scott or Isaac heard from across the hallway.. yeah that was me.

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

sent not too long after this
-- Can I come over?

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

Bucky's gone.

I'm sorry.

[info]stilllucy in [info]thedoorway

[About an hour after this]
-- I need you to come to Bucky's.
-- The door's open.

[info]laurakinney in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Bucky Barnes (EMH), Steve Rogers (EMH), Ben Reilly, Logan
Happy birthday, Bucky, and welcome to the motorcycle club.