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February 27th, 2014

[info]ginnerly in [info]thedoorway

The welcome wagon needs work but, hey, New York. I'm Ginny.

Could have done without whoever thought it'd be funny to have me live with Harry. That is the opposite of funny or clever.

[info]itsgunn in [info]thedoorway

Has anyone seen or talked to Fred recently?

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

Do you think we could find the tesseract easier if we didn't have the whole world to search? I feel like it's not far away, from what it sounds like people are saying. Close enough to drive people here. I know they're disoriented, but maybe it's close.

Maybe we could send Jan to catch one of the drop offs and take the car back wherever it came from.
I asked.

[info]profdumbles in [info]thedoorway

Who: Albus Dumbledore
When: Feb 26, mid-morning
Where:Albus' apartment
What: Albus ponders philosophy and the Philosopher's Stone
Rating: PG

No, even if he did create it, there was no point telling anyone about it. )

[info]runawayhayes in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Molly Hayes

I woke up in a strange dark room. They knew who I was. I was blindfolded. And then some other people brought me to some place and then now I'm here at this tower. They're lucky I didn't hit them.

Where are my friends? This is so not cool. Are my parents here?

[info]talkbacked in [info]thedoorway

the name's chase. i like bonfires, beaches, beer, and babes, but not in that order. what i don't like is this Capone style circus journey and some crazy story about an alternate world. what gives? this heaven? hell? some warped ghetto disney ride on lsd? 10 bucks on the heaven part because this nurse checkin' me out is smoking hot. props to you Stark for the good hire. on second thought, takebacks on that $10 and sticking with the hell answer because my heaven would NEVER be in NYC. man this place sucks.

[info]magicalplace in [info]thedoorway

I think we need to talk. Can you come to the bus? You know where we are.
We're going to meet with Director Hill when she has time. Tell her what happened in Peru and what we found. I've given her a heads up already, but I'm sure she'll want to hear your perspectives.

[info]schn_tgai in [info]thedoorway

I had a most intriguing conversation today with a man who seemed somewhat confused by my origins. It took several minutes to determine where his confusion lay but after he had called me 'Obi-Wan Jenobi' and asked where my lightsaber was, I was able to clarify the situation and correct him. It was a most curious mix-up as I do not believe I look anything like Sir Alec Guinness, that being my assumption as to the source of the confusion.

[info]basementman in [info]thedoorway

Package for Christine Chapel

Package to Christine Chapel )

[info]cool_cool_cool in [info]thedoorway

I like having a dog to take care of, it means I'm less lonely in the apartment.

[info]hcjones in [info]thedoorway

Changes are afoot methinks.

Erin, I do hope that you are feeling better now.

My cat Pim has been batting the cap from my empty gallon of milk in between his paws for the last five minutes. He's been acting like this is the Greatest. Thing. Ever. and has been looking up at me periodically to make sure that I've seen this wonderful toy. It's been fun watching him.

[info]beringandwells in [info]thedoorway

[Filter: Friends*]
I've been so busy lately that I've forgotten about you all. How was your Valentine's Day? Please, still be here

[Filter: Herc Hansen**]
I'm not sure if you knew but after not hearing back from Elliot for a few days I stopped by his apartment. I believe the Tesseract sent him back.

*you know who you are but you can definitely ask if you aren't sure
**It's okay if he can't respond.

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

Delivery to Christine Chapel )

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

The Moste Encrypted of the Correspondences

[Bucky, Natasha (616)]
They're crunching down on medical exams at SHIELD. And I don't... trust it. There's no goddamn way I'm

It's time to go.
[Nick Fury 616]
What's a girl like me got to do so a guy like you'll come get her on the rough side of town?

[info]hooddude in [info]thedoorway

Why is it that February only has 28 days but it seems like the longest month of the year?

[info]beverlycrusher in [info]thedoorway

Happiest of birthdays to Nurse Christine Chapel! I hope the coming year brings with it all the joy, hope, and laughter you can stand, and then some.

Filtered to Christine Chapel:
Lunch is on me sometime next week. Assuming that I'm not swallowed whole by SHIELD Medical by then. :]

[info]fereldenshero in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Pepper Potts (616)]

Do you happen to know where our mutual favorite Mr. Hansen is?

[info]featherington in [info]thedoorway

I think that I'll be very happy to leave February behind us. It's never been my favourite month, and although this one did bring me quite a pleasant surprise, it's still quite a dreary month altogether. I say this with the full knowledge that I, at one point, claimed my favourite season to be Winter. But as I have read elsewhere today on this very network, February in the year 2014 is dragging its heels, taking its time in leaving us. But there is Hope! Spring is only weeks away, and from there we will have the joys that bright flowers, fresh breezes, and newly-green trees can bring.

And with Spring comes April, my birth month. Should I celebrate my twenty-ninth birthday? After all, it is only a little over a month ago that I celebrated my twenty-eighth. Of course, that was in 1824, but in me-time it is far from having been a year since my birthday. I believe I will celebrate my twenty-eighth once again, and allow the Earth to cycle back to April before admitting I am a year closer to thirty. I am a spinster, after all, and spinsters must be allowed their little eccentricities.

Especially when those eccentricities involve cooking, having a job, and attending school. :)

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

Here lies Joan Watson.

She does not know which cock she is holding

Or how it got there.

Says something about how you lived your dash, doesn't it?

[info]doctorfun in [info]thedoorway

FILTER: Tony Stark (MCU)
Have you got a distraction for me?

My daughter, Jenny, well. She's gone. Perhaps we'll see her again one day.