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February 21st, 2014

[info]runawaywolf in [info]thedoorway

Under 21s

So that movie night was pretty fun. I need to get out of this building, though. Someone come do something with me before rooftop tag tomorrow. I still don't know a lot of you.

[info]peppers in [info]thedoorway

An announcement today. We've got a few spaces that are open or will be open for housing assistants. Are you interested in getting an extra stipend? Or just helping your fellow refugee learn the ways of this time period? Apply for one of housing assistant positions: 11 & 12, 14 & 15, and 24, 25, & 26 (will be opening up soon). We do have a few stipulations. You must be over the age of 18. We'd prefer if the person applying is familiar with this time period to be able to explain modern appliances and such. If you are interested, please filter me privately about this position.

[OOC: one housing assistant per player so if you already have one, let someone else get in on the action!]

Okay, I'm in.
How do you feel about being tabloid fodder for something completely different than your usual.

Did you see this week's STAR magazine?

[info]godbe in [info]thedoorway

It's been about three weeks since my son was taken back and I don't think I'm ever going to have a moment when I don't want to curl up and just lie on the sofa and do nothing all day because of it. I'd heard it happen, that it's just the nature of the place here but that was the first time I went through it and apparently, I had forgotten that life is too fragile and unpredictable. And there were too many things that I wanted to say that I didn't get to tell him.

Does that mean I'll probably just run my mouth super fast the next time he comes back and will probably scare him or overwhelm him in one day? Probably. But I still have hopes that he'll be back (I heard that sometimes the portal listens) and, yeah, I'll try really hard not to scare him away. And if not, I guess, then eventually, I'll just have to deal with that and continue being thankful that I got to spend some time with him here.

In other news, warmer weather, I have missed you.

[info]pottsresilient in [info]thedoorway

Delivery for Pepper Potts (MCU) from Stark Resilient :D )

[info]fractile in [info]thedoorway

Wouldn't you just know, within no less than 48 hours of touch-down, I received two phone calls. One from Soho Art Supplies and the other from Sotheby's auction house, quite sure that they'd like to get in on the ground floor of whatever before Christie's could manage a side-step. It isn't so much that there isn't a Sibleys and Arrowsmiths here, I suppose. It's that I had a reputation at both of these places - a reputation, I suppose, for good - and they're interested in re-upping their contracts with me.

I don't
Even though

I am glad - in a way - that I can lean upon the goodwill wrought from my other self.

[info]ontherhodey in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Rhodey (MCU)]
Hey, I was just wondering if we're still going to Philly this weekend? And I guess when and stuff.

[info]ohgoodirony in [info]thedoorway

Filter to My Rhodey:
1. You are getting dragged to rooftop tag. It's a thing. You're going. No fighting it.
2. I need your newly acquired doggie day care skills for a project. Because just metal for a cat tree thing probably won't cut it. Or well, will cut the cat, so big not good thing with that.
3. Imagine you're underage and looking to buy some property. Ideas on how to do this other than just going to banks and real estate offices in the armor and letting them assume you're one of the older Starks.

Filter to JARVIS:
So. Hey. How are things going post weird virusy rebellion that eerily disappeared in a not at all worrisome way?

[info]goldenplatedlie in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to friends*]
I feel like it's been too damned long since I had a proper get-together with mates, so next weekend on the first of March seems like the time to do it. I'll provide some food like pizza or something, but anything you lot want to bring is great. And I'm in training right now so I doubt I'll be drinking much, but feel free to bring anything of that sort if you want.

I'll have the wii fired up for Mario Kart but if anyone wants to bring a game or something. Or even an xbox or play station, that'd be brill, too. I'm not particular.

I guess things will get started about seven.

[*if you're uncertain whether eddie considers your character a friend, just ask! most likely he does. :)]

[info]gofuckyourself in [info]thedoorway

[Stormy & Kitty]
Staying out of town for a bit. Gotta check on some things. How's school?
[ENCRYPTED AND SHIT: Nick Fury (616)]
You want the good news, or the bad news?
[James Barnes, Natalia, Rikki (616)]
You kids did good. I'da hate to have missed that game.

[info]hazmatup in [info]thedoorway

I mean is anyone really surprised Canada won? I mean honestly I'm pretty sure hockey is like one of the only things they allow young Canadians to do. It'd be like if they won the Olympic gold in not seceding from Britain or something.

Completely unrelated I totally have some money now so mamas taking her hubby on a date.

[info]themagics in [info]thedoorway

text: Ken Mack

» Hey!
» How've you been?
» I have a question...another question...

» Remember that time you said you owed me?
» You still really don't, just so you know.
» I kinda have a favor though, if you're free.
» Are you busy this weekend?
» It's nothing big, I just need someone to help move things around.
» At my shop.
» Can you help?

[info]felicity_smoak in [info]thedoorway

So I have started to work on an application for a job at the NYPD Tech department - it would be similar to what I did at home but a lot more legal which I am grateful for. That isn't to say I wasn't happy doing what I was doing as it was for a good cause, even if I didn't always approve of how things were done.

Penelope Garcia

I hope you don't mind me writing you like this. I mean I just wanted to thank you for the heads up about the tech department about the jobs at the NYPD. I've got my application for the job pending so thank you I really appreciate it.

Thanks heaps

I want to watch the show this weekend if you're up for it?

[info]tylerose in [info]thedoorway

Shame about the States lost in hockey, but sees they're still doing all right in the standings. We're not even in the top 10. Not that I'm upset. Maybe disappointed, but I haven't watched that much of the games.

Though I did watch snowboarding. Now that looks like fun! And lets go ahead and add ice-skating to that as well.

Filtered: Mickey Smith
I was wondering if you could help me with something.

Filtered: Doctor (Eleventh)
I believe you owe me an adventure. Are you free this weekend?

Filtered: Doctor (Tenth)
Remember that long scarf you used to wear?

[info]ofletters in [info]thedoorway

text message/network post

Text: Santana Lopez:
» Hey, haven't heard from you You okay?what's up?
» Miss you Was thinking about Feel like hitting up a few places this weekend?
» I was thinking a date night is in order.
» Don't make me drag you out of that apartment!

Text: Sam Winchester:
» No one is at the cabin right?
» & sorry I didn't answer you before!
» Total bot revolt that killed my code.

» I've been singing Video Killed the Radio Star w/ words changed.
» bot revolt killed my coding, bot revolt killed my coding (oh uh uh oh).
» I need fresh air...

Filter: Kitty Pryde
Are you still up for wielding the power of a DM? I was thinking we should actually set something up, specify a date so that people can be rounded up. If you need time to dictate your plots I understand...I'm just excited, still.

[info]deanna_troi in [info]thedoorway

Alison Hendrix & Clara Oswald

My name is Deanna Troi, and I have been told that the two of you are in charge of the clinic and Youth Center here. I have been thinking about my future here and have been considering working either for the two of you or for SHIELD. After much thought, I have decided to not apply for SHIELD and look into working for the two of you.

I thought SHIELD would be too limiting and I don't want to limit the amount of people that I work so I believe that looking into work for both the Clinic and Youth Center would be in my best interest.

I hope this is acceptable and is there anything that I would need to do to ensure this?

Thank you,
Deanna Troi

Starfleet Girls
Hello, I've been looking through my past network posts and I have seen that we had some Starfleet girls had get together last time I was here? Perhaps we could look into doing something like this again?

Jean-Luc, Beverly & Will
Would the three of you be interested in getting together for lunch at some point?

[info]soldierofwinter in [info]thedoorway

Birthday gift left for Natasha on the kitchen table this evening. )

[info]nomaderwhat in [info]thedoorway

Jet lag is a painfully real thing and I don't approve of it.

[Young Allies]

So what all did I miss? Anything exciting happen with NYC's underbelly while I was cheering on the red, white, and blue?


We need to talk.

[info]hcjones in [info]thedoorway

I don't know why I'm excited about this, but it's my birthday next week Saturday.

And there's the baking contest coming up on the 24th. Still need to decide what to make for that. I've got a few ideas, but I'll gladly take suggestions!

Harry Potter 'verse

I don't know if any of you were aware, but it appears as if Tonks has been sent back home. I went by her flat earlier and it hadn't looked like there had been someone in there for some time.

[info]venomblast in [info]thedoorway

Filter: 616 (Original) Avengers
Completely curious question but. Any of you happen to have experience with a Galactus back home in fairly recent times?

Filter: JD
You okay, kiddo? Planning on staying another night? We can go patrolling if you don't have extra work to do.

Filter: Ben Reilly
Yo. What's up?