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November 24th, 2013

[info]irishstabler in [info]thedoorway

Dammit... I feel like I'm in SVU again, with all this overtime... But I suppose it's never a bad thing to get extra money. I've got Serena taken care of, too, got a dog sitter.

Everyone take precautions, don't go out if you don't absolutely have to.

[info]punkrockclone in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Sarah Manning

Yeah, anyone else don't give a shit that Thanksgiving's coming cause you aren't American? What's there for us to do?

[info]sweetjoannabeth in [info]thedoorway

I'm really getting excited for Thanksgiving this year! I'm really really excited. Like stupidly so. I'm so thankful to have this chance, my closest friends around and more. It'll be nice to celebrate.

[info]detjrizzoli in [info]thedoorway

Text to Hestia

What are you doing for Thanksgiving? I know you might not celebrate it, but I do, and I don't have plans. I am really busy right now with dealing with the breakout, but I plan on taking a couple of hours to eat on the holiday.

Do you want to join me?

[info]cool_cool_cool in [info]thedoorway

I am going to order pizza and watch Blade on Thanksgiving, it will be my new tradition since my friends aren't here. And my dad is Arab and my mom is Polish, so it's never been a big holiday with them. So my friends were the first real tradition I had with the holiday.

If anyone else is interested to join me, the more the merrier.

[info]ossifying in [info]thedoorway

It's been a long time since I've had to write grant proposals, but my proposal has been accepted. As soon as the funding comes through, which it should do within the week, I'll be upgrading and significantly improving the laboratories within the medicolegal department of the NYPD. Additionally, my budget request included funding for up to three assistants who have a graduate degree in forensic science. Special exceptions may be made for students currently working towards their degree, less qualified but extensively experienced scientists, or the equivalent of such a degree from other types of qualification systems in other worlds.

I am now accepting applications for these positions. If interested, you may send your resume and cover letter to [email]. It should be noted that my standards are extremely high and, while I have no expectation or intention of being able to replace the assistants I had at home, I will not accept anything less than rational, empirical, intelligent minds with ambitions of a career in forensic science. Specialties in most scientific fields will be considered (anthropology being preferred but not required); individuals with backgrounds in multiple science fields are ideal. As much as I appreciate the tendency of scientists to organize their fields of study into smaller categories in order to gain a deeper, more precise focus on their subject, ridiculously narrow fields (such as forensic podiatry) are unlikely to be considered helpful.

You may visit the website of the NYC Office of Chief Medical Examiner or contact me directly for more information. I look forward to working with the NYPD to make this city a safer place.

[info]demmedelusive in [info]thedoorway

Well. At least I won't have to wear that stupid nose any longer.

[info]mysteryofset in [info]thedoorway

It is interesting, how people come and leave from here, and more how we miss them. We should never need anyone, but I will admit that I would well value the King T'Challa's advice.

Physics is a waste of time.

[Filtered to Young Allies]
I think we should go out.

Not now, of course, but later.

[info]knifebearer in [info]thedoorway

Who: Will Parry & Susan Pevensie (well, first, Kirjava & Susan Pevensie)
What: meeting Will's daemon, then meeting Will.
When: Sunday
Where: Potts Tower, starting in the lobby, near the stairs.
Warnings: a talking cat? Otherwise, nah.

... )

[info]abitunlikely in [info]thedoorway

I knew it.

[Will likely contain spoilers for Day of the Doctor.]

[info]shewasright in [info]thedoorway

I think Sherlock - my Sherlock - may have been sent home.

[info]walterblythe in [info]thedoorway

[Basil Hallward]
Move in with me.

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

I'm beginning to realise that one of the benefits to being ever unchanging and immortal is the fact I can, in fact, live on diet coke.

[Tony Stark (616)]
Question for you.

[info]mouthymerc in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to all Tony Starks]

have i ever told you guys how much of a work of art we'd be together??