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November 23rd, 2013

[info]brokenlily in [info]thedoorway


There's someone here I'd like you to meet. It seems he's a vampire who needs help finding a feeder. I was hoping you could help him?

[info]liberosis in [info]thedoorway

Without anything to fight, I guess I'd have spent a lot of time watching whatever got put in front of me too.

[info]godbe in [info]thedoorway

Just when I had thought I had experienced everything in life, I'm sent to another universe twenty years into the future, and given something called a phone but does far more than just make phone calls. Or so I have been taught. Hello, I'm Janine and I'm new here.

[info]girlsleuth in [info]thedoorway

Okay, movies are really different nowadays. However, I have found a lot of music that I really like. It has been a good time for rock music. It's a lot different than what I'm used to, too.

[info]lostfaith in [info]thedoorway

Happy graduation day to me.

Guess I'm officially a SHIELD agent. Still not sure how I feel about that.

Filter: Gunn
I think this calls for a night of celebrating.

[info]atouchofmadness in [info]thedoorway

Well I'm off. To be back who knows when. Seems like a good day to get into trouble or perhaps just be far out of good old human telecommunications.

Other me you are still welcome to join. Or anyone else really. Not sure when I'll be back. Which is exciting in its own way. Maybe I'll fight a bear. Maybe the bear and I will become best friends. One never knows.

[info]schn_tgai in [info]thedoorway

While I find many things in this world to be rather antiquated and even inadequate at times, I am continually fascinated by the interest in science that I see on the internet, seemingly in defiance to some of the prevailing public attitudes of ignorance and intolerance. Of course, much of the scientific interest on the internet veers towards the odd and whimsical but I cannot find fault with that. I believe that any stepping stone into scientific enquiry is valid. It does not matter what prompts you to ask why but that you do indeed ask the questions and seek the answers.

[info]liljewprincess in [info]thedoorway

Private to Santana

Hey. I've been getting ready for Thanksgiving. Do you have any other plans? I thought maybe..... I don't know what you're doing, but I was hoping that we could spend it together.

[info]professorxavier in [info]thedoorway

I think I'd like to see Philomena this weekend. Is anyone else interested?

[Magneto (XMFC)]
I was contacted about You know, I am very much looking forward to this Thanksgiving celebration with the X-Men and the Avengers. I'm glad to see refugees putting their dif I haven't had much of an opportunity to get to know that many people since I arrived. Have you spoken much to Storm?
[Hank McCoy]
It looks as though I'll be training with you from now on.

[info]pink_sunglasses in [info]thedoorway

They are really laying on the homework before break.... I am not going to be able to leave this apartment all weekend until it's done.

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

Okay this writer needs a break. I'm thinking of going out and hitting the city. Now who wants to join me? Cocktails and dancing anyone?

[info]artisticmother in [info]thedoorway

So I really like working for the gallery. But what I really want is go back to teaching Art at a University. So I have an interview for an Art Professor at NYU. I'm really nervous but excited!

[info]bachiyr in [info]thedoorway

[OOC: Voice to text post]

Salve. Mirum me dicunt aliena machina eloquium meum mittam in loco isto. Sed nescio quo modo fieri possit, non intellego est locus, de quo plura. Nomen mihi est in Ierusalem legionario Taras sum et non semel.

Informatus etiam sum, ut sim tibi. Postremo cur non ille cum me incendere conati uulgus. Sed qui me; ego autem sperabo. Ego sum ​​a Bachiyr. Non juvat, quod non sit materia una. Melius est quod est necesse ut id quod sum et ego. Quondam ego nuntiavit mihi vivere atque arbitrio.

Placet vobis occurrere. Ut spero tibi modum aptiorem non intelligo te quia lingua Roman.

[info]barton in [info]thedoorway


I guess the resurgence of archery groupies is at hand.

I'll be offering private lessons, but only to someone who can french braid my hair like Katniss Everdeen's.

[info]handofshield in [info]thedoorway

Reports indicate that a mass riot broke out at Riker's approximately thirty minutes ago. We were just informed that explosions were detonated on the south and west walls. In-mates are currently attempting to escape from the prison. Reports are suggesting that the supermax wing, which currently houses our most dangerous criminals, has been damaged severely.

This is an all hands situation. Report to your handlers immediately to assist in containing this incident. News crews will likely be on the scene. Be sure to bring video scamblers, or else there will be consequences.

Hope you're prepared for today's events.

[info]ladymacgyver in [info]thedoorway

I'm working Black Friday.

Yes I might be crazy but between the extra cash, being from Europe and having no family here I might as well help people with TV's gone haywire and all the other problems this holiday can bring.

But at this same time this period is making me miss Klaus and Sunny even more. Maybe the cube will be nice and bring them here?

[info]unaskedquestion in [info]thedoorway

So by now everyone's probably seen the news. There was some trouble over at Riker's this morning.

If anyone's trained as an auxillary police officer in another jurisdiction or has any experience they've been holding back, the NYPD could use some people on crowd control, dispatch, or crimestoppers, that sort of thing. Otherwise, I would suggest sitting as tight as possible where you are.
[Filtered to NYPD]
And I was worried I'd have to go grocery shopping this morning.
[Filtered to Ashley Williams]
Just letting you know I'm probably going to be home late. Wednesday late.

But you're probably caught up in all this shit too. So I'll see if Vic can walk DSJ? Oooh. What do you want to do for Thanksgiving?
[Filtered to Vic Sage]
Hey, Question.

[info]talkbacked in [info]thedoorway

Pac Man vs Rios tonight. this is gonna be either a great fight or Pacquiao's full of $!&@ and needs to hit the bench, permanently. if you want to watch the fight, lemme know. already got it ordered, along with pizza. consider this my 1 good public service deed this year.

dibs on the theatre room tonight. pizza's already on its way.

if you're not doing anything tonight, come stop by. boxing and pizza.

[info]anotherway in [info]thedoorway

I'm heading in to see where I can help with this prison break out, but when I have time, I think the three of us need to sit down and have a nice long talk.

Don't burn the place down while I'm gone.

I got some donut holes and left them on the counter. Help yourself.

[info]changetherules in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Helena G. Wells

Well then. Obviously it is a busy, busy time for our Doctors, and do not expect to see them publicly in the near future, outside of certain prerecorded video releases.

For instance, please do watch this Youtube video. Our "time traveller" has come clean about his (rather obvious and pathetic) hoax after a bit of persuasion from us. He has some words to share with all of you about what an idiot he is how apologetic he is. We've also shared some words of our own about tampering with time. While this could be called a "public service announcement", I do think we've made it more interesting than that.

And we've apparently started a new line of jokes about The Doctors and H.G. Wells do X

[OOC: ADVANCE WARNING for extremely high probability of Doctor Who 50th Anniversary spoilers in the comments. Will update this warning if/when they actually happen but can't guarantee I'll be on hand to change this immediately. So please assume that we're on a SEVERE SPOILER WATCH.]

[info]stoptheclock in [info]thedoorway

I talked to my friend. We're willing to try your idea. When do you have time?
Let's get breakfast tomorrow.
Not sure what the protocol here is, but Stacker and I are going to try something to help him out, but I think there's a price. You probably saw someone talking about life force? It didn't feel right to go ahead with it without mentioning it to you.

[info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

I'm kind of surprised at how many people have actually walked up to me and asked me if I really have a tattoo and tongue piercing. What do you say to something like that, other than laugh?

So that happened.


[info]gcooper in [info]thedoorway

(Spoilers for The Day Of The Doctor Possible In Comments)

*Filter: Whoverse*

Jail break means NYPD will be busy. I'm among them but I'll keep in touch best I can, can promise that much.

Filter: Jack and Ianto (Spoilers for The Day Of The Doctor included) )

[info]fromzerotohero in [info]thedoorway

That was another exciting week, wasn't it? It was great. Connor - your present is coming.

So. Hi.

[info]thecenturion in [info]thedoorway

[Doctors 10 & 11]
Day of the Doctor: Spoiler Free, if that changes in the comments, I'll warn! )

[info]katrinacrane in [info]thedoorway

[Angel, Sam & Dean Winchester]

Good evening,
First, Messrs Winchester, I am the leader of the Sisterhood of the Radiant Heart, a coven whose duty it is to protect my world from it's own Apocalypse. I apologise for this informal introduction, but your names were given to me as gentlemen of upstanding character and knowledge of these affairs.

Today, something abnormal had occurred, and as I understand it, dangerous men of this world have escaped their imprisonment. My friend, Lieutenant Abbie Mills has been called in to investigate, and I request your assistance. Any knowledge you have of these foes or the threat they my pose would be greatly appreciated.
Katrina Crane

[info]shinytomato in [info]thedoorway

*Private: Hardison*

Want to watch the 50th special? Because while I may not get everything I can't let you watch it alone.

But you finding you way in this place? And I know you, the tech must be too much fun to play with :)

*Private: Criminals Club*

We got newcomers via the cube it seems. One of them is Hardison, team hacker from Leverage.

And anyone know where to find some wash out hair dye? Call it me not taking any chances at the moment (and since I'm doubling for a brunette early next week it'll come in handy too).

*Filter: Selina*

If all else fails head for the bug out pad, I hid the keys under the plant.

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

[Texts to Richard and Alexis Castle]

Do me a favor. For the immediate future, don't go outside after like 8 p.m. And don't expect me home for dinner. Alexis, take care of your dad for me, yeah? You both watch the news. I don't have to explain.