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October 26th, 2013

[info]paint_by_bones in [info]thedoorway

I don't think I've expressed recently how nice it is to be working for an organization with a large budget. This is even better than the Jeffersonian at home.

No offense, Brennan - but it's true. Sorry. Dinner's on me tonight?

[info]liljewprincess in [info]thedoorway

I never thought I would have a girlfriend... but I do. And it feels really good. I like that I have someone to count on... especially here where I don't know that many people, and I don't have my family.

[info]stun in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Sherlock Holmes and Joan Watson (E)]

Remember how we were talking about academic integrity?

[info]exterminated in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Director Fury (MCU) & Agent Hill]
Whatever you've got going regarding what happened yesterday, I want in. Even if it was nothing personal on their end, they shot me and that makes it personal for me.

Also have you any idea how much being shot in the head hurts? I have such a headache.


[Filtered to Ianto]
How are you feeling today?


[info]artisticmother in [info]thedoorway

So I finally found my costume. I'm going as an angel....let me know what you all think!

I'm such an angel

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

Its been decided, I'm wearing TWO costumes this Halloween. I figured that I could wear my good fairy costume to the office party and then for the party at Sams and for any other party, I'm going to be a goth fairy. Here's my costumes...tell me what you think!

Good Fairy

Goth Fairy

I'm so ready for this Holiday!

[info]citoyen in [info]thedoorway

I suspect tirelessly tyrannical bosses with a Spartan attitude toward every minor failu professional colleagues aren't everyone's first choice for new arrivals.

But I won't pretend it won't be nice to have someone to talk politics with, finally.

[info]modelcitizen in [info]thedoorway

network post: alison hendrix

The clinic is finally back in an organized state. Files are organized, and those patients no longer present are in a retired status. If they arrive again, with similar injuries, their records are available. Further, there are no scorch marks fouling the walls any longer. The staff is limited, so unfortunately not all the same services can be provided. If you are medical personnel and would be interested in practicing medicine in the clinic, please let Healer Anders or myself know. If you still need to be certified to practice medicine, there will be processes to determine and complete first.

Filtered to: SHIELD administrative (Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Phil Coulson (MCU)), Pepper Potts (MCU), & SHIELD medical
I am curious as to what must physicians must do to be certified to practice here. Clearly, that may differ if they are from this time or another. But I would like to have those paths on file. This clinic needs more doctors, healers, medical practitioners... Thank you for your assistance.
Filtered (individually) to: Luna Lovegood & anyone else who was receiving physical therapy, help with disability, etc
I have it on the records here that you were receiving assistance from previous medical personnel. Your physician is no longer present. However, I am very good at what I do, and I may be able to help you. Please let me know and make an appointment if you would like to continue treatment.

Mrs. Alison Hendrix
Filtered to: Cosima Niehaus & Sarah Manning
Everything in the common areas have been organized. In the living room, the drugs and related paraphernalia are in the lower drawer of the table to the left of the couch. The drugs have been organized as personal property and a common supply. When you bring drugs into the apartment, please store them appropriately. The kitchen has been organized with plates and cups on one side and cooking spices and non-perishable foods on the other. The refrigerator has been evenly divided for personal choices as well as common areas for shared items. Please load your groceries appropriately, as with the drugs.

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

Unfortunately, I'll have to postpone this evening. Last minute work call -- really, it's the tragedy of this business. So difficult to set a schedule, so few free weekends.
I think it might be best if I don't go with her tonight. I called it off.
[Tony Stark (616)]

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

Well, it looks like I'm doing this for the Halloween party. Which leaves me about five hours to find violet coveralls.

Anyone have some goggles I could borrow?

[info]boswell in [info]thedoorway

[Sherlock Holmes (film)]
I have something for you, for the Halloween party tonight.

[info]william_pratt in [info]thedoorway

Text to Angel )

Text to Wesley Wyndam-Pryce )

Text to Dawn Summers )

[info]howardstark in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Laurie Juspeczyk:
Sorry I was out so late. There was an after party. And an after-after party. I'm honestly not sure when I got home. I guess Peggy might know. I'm sure she could drink us all under the table several times over.

God in Heaven. That was easily the densest population of eyepatches that I've ever seen on a yacht.

[info]copilot in [info]thedoorway

» The Youth Center has openings
» I think you would make a good teacher

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

Who: Refugees, Residents of Potts Towers, Friends -- Everyone!
What: IC/OOC Party thread!
Where: The Entertainment Centre of Potts Tower.
What: Potts Tower Halloween Party! Starting around 7pm in the entertainment center, the entire 13th floor has been transformed for the occasion. Fog creeping along the floors, webs hanging from the ceiling, skeletons popping out of doorways and an assortment of Halloween themed food. Come in costume, there will be a contest!

In this town of Halloween )

[info]thebuffster in [info]thedoorway

» Hey
» Hey
» Where are you?
» I kind of need to see you like RIGHT now.
» Are you there?
» Tell me you're still here and
» Big weekend for sales right?
» So tell me you're at the shop right now?
» Sorry... for the minor freak-out this morning
» A couple years of new memories'll do that to you.
» Apparently.
» Never had it happen before.

[info]not_betty in [info]thedoorway

So, I'm sure we've had the Halloween costume discussion thread, but call me curious, I want to know.

I'm going for cute over 'slutty'. Far be it for me to stop anyone for wanting to be a 'sexy ketchup bottle' or whatever, it's just not my style of costume. Instead, Sam and I are going as Winnie the Pooh (him) and Piglet.

I think I want to make the most of this Halloween. I've had some crappy ones in the past, like the year our door got egged and we had a flaming bag of dog poo. Bullies are so clever!

How about, what is everyone's favorite Halloween memory?

When I was 6, I wanted to be my dad, so I dressed as a police officer. My dad thought it was really cute, even if some of the boys said that girls couldn't be cops. I pushed one of them down and got sent to the principal's office, but my dad came and got me and we matched, and he took me to ice cream and said he was proud of me, that I could be anything I wanted.

...I miss my dad.

[info]theotherparker in [info]thedoorway

picture texts to Reilly Tyne in the early evening )

[info]oldparkerluck in [info]thedoorway

All right, so this is way (waaaay, way, way) belated, but it's never too late for a ginormous, public THANK YOU to everyone who turned up for the Parker surprise birthday party. Yeah, that's right. You know who you are -- all you stinkers coming out just to rub it in that we're all getting older.

...no, really. Thanks, though. Manly tears were nigh when I realized what was happening.

On, and I owe someone else a ginormous, public THANK YOU for being the brains behind the operation and the best wife GIRLFRIEND ever. Pssst, MJ. MJ, that's you.

[info]labrat in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy (MCU)
WHERE: The roof of her building
WHEN: Backdated to her brother's b-day! (Sept 29th)
WHAT: They eat birthday cake and are adorable.
STATUS: log; complete.

Hey, maybe one day, I'll end up saving you )

[info]fitforaking in [info]thedoorway

[backdated to the 24th. Sorry! :-/ I've been busy]
[Filtered to Hestia and Moody]
The pumpkin pasties were as good as if my grandmother made them. It was a nice reminder of home and we both enjoyed them as well as everything else.

Thank you, Hestia.

[info]woodenleg in [info]thedoorway

ooc: backdated to early this morning

» Hey
» Really hoping I didn't lose you completely to your new bedroom because you know, the tower is still great!
» When your pictures are not being taken at least.
» There's a Halloween party tonight, by the way