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September 5th, 2013

[info]beringandwells in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Bering and Wells

I know that patience is supposed to be a virtue but I'm not enjoying the wait for our results.

[info]oldparkerluck in [info]thedoorway

All right, so I know this has popped up in a few different forms over the past few weeks, but it looks like there's enough of a clearing to get movin' on... well, movin' out. The Tower's in the public's focus way too much for comfort, aside from the shenanigans that keep zipping through the Tesseract or are caused by the Tesseract -- basically, the long story short is that relocating is safer.

Yeah, everyone's on the filter. Is that a mistake? Nope. Far as I'm concerned, you're all family. Doesn't matter where you came from or what your story is. Ben and I have been scoping out places in Queens, and every single one of you will always have a place with us. If you want to stay for good with us, if you need somewhere for just a night, whatever the case is.

So. Guess this is where I throw the question out of who's coming with or planning to. Don't think numbers. Don't feel guilty about taking the offer. We'll figure it all out once we're sorted with which of us are ready to head out.

Also, I Also, I figure I should probably say this before it makes the rounds and you guys hear it from somewhere or someone else. Jaina and I broke up. We're still friends, though.

[[*OKAY, ATTEMPTING TO DEFINE SPIDER-FAMILY. It's basically Parkers plus adoptees in this case. I'm rolling with Peter, Kaine, Ben, May, Reilly, JD as core Parkers. Adoptees are Miles, Aracely, and MJ. Nudge me if I forgot someone!]]

[info]selfmadman in [info]thedoorway

Who: Mara Jade & Don Draper
What: Mara got a memory refresh, Don might have too.
Where: Don’s Apartment
When: 9 August, evening [way backdated]
Rating: moderateish

What was this place that pulled them out of their homes, out of time and out of sync with people they cared about and cared for, and then seemed almost gleefully to disallow them to return to keeping in step? )

[info]invisibleforce in [info]thedoorway

This is one of those days I wish I didn't have to wear my uniform everywhere if I want to go fully invisible.

[info]lostdestiny in [info]thedoorway

I watched the movies.

That was as awkward as I expected.

[info]hellonewfriends in [info]thedoorway

Oh! I would very much like to go to this week of fashion! The clothes are seeming very creative and not at all like one sees on the street, yes?

How would one go about to attending such an event? I am unsure if there is a native dress I should imitate.

[info]thebuffster in [info]thedoorway

Nothing like cleaning up your almost completely destroyed apartment to sober you up. It was time to upgrade my furniture anyway.


for the pep talk the other day, and just letting me vent.

[info]hcjones in [info]thedoorway

Texts for Galen Tyrol )

[info]not_betty in [info]thedoorway

I think I'd like to punch the tesseract in its blue face. Can it be my birthday again?

In other news, I think I got someone's mail by mistake. I know I didn't order any of this...much as I like Timberlake, I don't need another copy of Justified, though it DID get me through 8th grade.

And uh...I AM missing a box Amazon said I received. I was a little busy missing my best friend and cowering in fear.

I love living in the Tower!

[info]coolshades in [info]thedoorway

[ Filtered to X-Men / Mutants ]

It hasn't escaped my attention that the past few weeks have been difficult. In order to raise morale, I've rented a private space [address] and am hosting a Punch and Pie gathering.

You bring the punch, I provide the pie and the boxing ring. Talking to you about your feelings is never, in any universe, going to happen, but I'm happy to help you hit it out.

I'm thinking this for food. I hope it's sufficient (but given that I've already paid for it, if it isn't, too bad).

[ /Filter ]

[info]shinytomato in [info]thedoorway

Anyone stumble upon a box of rock climbing gear, rig rope and a box of things fitting a stunt wire performer? The site said it should already be here.

*Filter: Criminals Club*

Anyone want to make a guess at how many people up and run from the tower this time around? I also am going to guess the current round of speeches will last till at least Monday.

Plus even through we may not be able to pull off a heist we can always plan one for laughs and to blow off some steam given the last little while?

[info]thetechnogypsy in [info]thedoorway

Autumn might be my favorite season, although Halloween has never held anything "good" for me, I enjoy the rest of the season and am looking forward to dragging friends out apple picking and an adventure through the north country to see the leaves as they turn. It's quite beautiful out here when Fall truly hits.

Filter: Rupert Giles
I was thinking, we should get the crew together (more or less anyways) and take a day trip north a little bit, when the apples are ready to pick and kind of recharge away from the Tower and the City. Just a day trip, really, I know everyone has responsibilities.

[info]kibwana in [info]thedoorway

network post: azari

Filtered to: Ororo Munroe & T'Challa
I reveal little of the X-Men's secrets to say that they host events, open to all mutants (X-Men or not). They like to host segregated events as I understand it because it is a safe place for them. That is a valid reason and valid feelings. However, I am not the only mutant on a team mixed of mutants and non-mutants. I'm not the only mutant for whom that fact, that identity, is not above all other identities. As such, I dislike that most of my opportunities to get to know people are separate, pushing people into categories that are arbitrary to the way I see the world. To act only in dualities I do not see in conflict is to reinforce them, to encourage people to think only like those in their category.

I would like to arrange events that are open to mutant and non-mutant, events I want both specifically to come to and mix. They can involve training, and they can be more social. To invite everyone in the tower is one possibility. But too large of crowds do not feel the same as smaller settings. I would like both of your advice on who you think would most benefit to come, for me to invite. If it is training, it should be those who have training and who wish to take part. I dislike the term "super-powered" individuals because James has no superpowers, but he is the heart of my team.

I would also like your blessing and support in organizing these events. I have no experience, and you both have much.

[info]ladyoftherose in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Runaways
I do hope no one minds. I want to put plants in the apartment, is that alright?

Filter: Public
I need to find seeds for plants, where can I get some?

[info]thunder_girl in [info]thedoorway

I think that I would like to go to this Isle of Coney that I have been reading about today.

James, Azari, Pym, Francis - would any of you like to go as well?

[info]tonystark in [info]thedoorway

» Questions:
» 1. Is the tower still standing?
» 2. Are you staying in the tower? (Because I am sending you something that I didn't make you pick out yourself and will not later reappropriate for-.)
» 3. But if you were going to pick something out for yourself, what would it be, exactly?
» 4. What is our zip code again?
» 5. How's Other Pepper doing?
» 6. How's the AI holding up? Any suspicious compliments? Or conversely, a sudden interest in any dance-based reality shows?

[info]ashadeofgray in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Meg

Two days!

Two days until I get to see these fuckers live from the same stage and I think I might just faint.

I just got my tickets out of the mail and I may have run up the stairs screaming. Whatever. Emotionally I'm like twelve, okay?

I haven't been this excited since Cobras opened for them back in the day.

I need Manic Panic. I can't go with normal colored hair.

[Filtered to Cas]

And you CAN'T go in a suit and tie. You need jeans and a t-shirt.

Did I mention you're going? Cause you're TOTALLY going.

[info]flickum_bickus in [info]thedoorway

So, I'm just going to go ahead and leave my AC unit switched off. Just in case there is an encore act of terrorism.

I'm seriously considering buying a cabin in New Jersey somewhere.

Totally throwing you over my shoulder and taking you with me.

[info]tylerose in [info]thedoorway

Well I suppose I've been putting this off long enough, I wasn't sure what to write after I arrived other than trying to find my friends.

I'm curious to now who else is here that have been here before, but don't remember? Almost a whole year and I have no memory of this place. It's frightening and sad.

Hello, New York City! My name is Rose Tyler. I'm not really sure what else to say here, never been good at introducing myself to people. So in this parallel world I'm a character on the telly? I suppose that's better than being a dog.

[info]firstfrost in [info]thedoorway

[Filter to Alex Summers]
Do you have a moment to talk? There is something I need to discuss with you.

[X-Men (OOC note: This will be sent out AFTER she talks to Alex)]
I'm sorry that I have to tell you this, but Scott has left us. The building is still rented and the boxing is still on. Our heart leader may be gone, but we are still a team.

Please respect Alex's privacy and his grief.

You weren't supposed to go first. I told you not to leave me.

[info]littlebruiser in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Runaways
i'm going to some hangout with mutants and beat up wolverine in some boxing ring


[info]venomblast in [info]thedoorway

Morty looks like he could use a companion. I was almost tempted to get myself another spider and so I started searching online and then I found this fantastic 90s documentary*.

Also can this coming weekend go by without something drastic happening? I'd very much like that because I got two full seasons of Suits to catch up on and possibly another food coma just waiting to happen off of chili dogs and sandwiches.

Filter: Carol Danvers
I must reserve you for BFF time sometime this weekend too.

*ooc: phobia warning, yes, there are semi-close-ups of spiders

[info]rambledon in [info]thedoorway

network post

Filtered to Sam Winchester, Jo Harvelle, Castiel, Meg, Veronica Mars, Paige Matthews, Annie Sawyer, Jesse Pinkman (& anyone close to Dean I Forgot - let me know)
So, uh, Sam and I have talked about this, and we've decided we're going to look into leaving the Tower. It's not official, or anything, but you're always welcome wherever we are.

Filtered to Jo Harvelle
That goes twice for you.