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June 16th, 2013

[info]walterblythe in [info]thedoorway

Who: Walter Blythe & Septimus Smith
When: Saturday Evening
Where: ... Their dreams.
What: Septimus is, once again, dreaming about death and the war. Walter, prone to visions and premonitions, witnesses and engages with Smith's dream. Together, the two of them face their deaths and realise that what they both need -- is to live.
Rating: PG-13, violent death, suicide, graphic wound descriptions, war trauma, nightmares.

Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but just ourselves
And Immortality.....

Yet Still the Piper Piped and the Dance of Death went on. )

[info]notahistorypuff in [info]thedoorway

The hell is this shit?

I didn't sign on for this. I got people back home who need me.

[info]tooprettytodie in [info]thedoorway

Somebody better start talking.

Harry? What the hell? Justine? Where are you?

[info]muchappreciated in [info]thedoorway

It's not often something catches me so off guard. I don't like it.

I'm Arthur, and I'm looking for a fellow called Eames, if anyone knows where I might find him, kindly point me in the right direction, if you would.

[info]themadgirl in [info]thedoorway

Happy Father's Day to all of the fathers that might be here.

But especially you because your my favorite father here.

[info]shadowofacat in [info]thedoorway

Happy Father's Day, Dad. I miss you.

[Filtered to X-Men]

Brunch, anyone? I need a stack of french toast.

EDIT: I apparently suck at planning, what I meant is come over, apparently Alex is making french toast and I got ingredients and space. Bring your own silverware?

[info]tangerinetrees in [info]thedoorway

Cut, not filtered! )

I laughed! After squinting a lot to actually read the tiny text, but you know.

[info]tictic_boom in [info]thedoorway

SO if any of you losers see a bad ass looking Captain Invincible walking around looking handsome as shit you have ME to thank for that

but if you see him wearing that god damn jump suit rip it off because no, SIR.

let it be said i still have majorly good taste, no stupid blue box can keep me from being the queen of shopping for clothes

[info]quirky_raven in [info]thedoorway

*Filter: Self*

I wish I could at least call dad. Its been just us for so long since we lost mum and well its not helping that I can't reach you at the moment.

*End private filter*

*Filter: Hogwarts crew*

Everyone ok given the day? Actually tried and failed to reach dad.

*End Hogwarts filter*

[info]themagicianking in [info]thedoorway

I may have accidentally stumbled onto a way to make quick cash here. I feel really shitty doing it though so I don't know that I will do it again.

I was taking the subway to Brooklyn and there was this kid waiting with his parents for the same train but he had been crying, or was about to cry, or was going to cry more.. I don't know. Anyway the point is he looked miserable and ready to burst so I did a magic trick. Just a pass with a nickle.

And it worked until he asked me to do more. So I did more, and then I got arrogant and did actual magic, just a small Wilson's Levitation and made it levitate and by then there was a crowd and someone set a dollar down by my feet so I just kept doing tricks and..

Well I made fifty bucks.

I feel cheap but the kid stopped crying, which I guess was the whole point. You know I come from a place where I'm not even supposed to talk about this stuff with people who aren't a magician like me, but I don't have that anymore and I haven't had that for a few years anyway so fuck it. Still, I didn't attend years of grueling courses in magical pedagogy just to do levitations on street corners and in subway stations for cash.

[info]labrat in [info]thedoorway

»Hey. Look, I know the whole Parker guilt had you running in the opposite direction but okay no that's selfish
» Maybe this isn't the right time to
» How are you doing?

[info]singletonjones in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Bridget Jones

Dad and Mum were going through a bit of a difficulty before I was brought here. And I know it's not actually Father's Day at home, seeing as how it was a much different date there than it is here, but still, I hope he's having a good day at home.

Filter: Private )

[info]myeu_muh in [info]thedoorway

Texts to Bruce Banner (MCU):
» Hello fellow Daddy Issues hot person.
» We should make out.

[info]elspethgordie in [info]thedoorway

I'm not sure how many of you know but Hawke and I are planning to start growing our own vegetables out on the ranch Mal Reynolds has bought. A question though, if we were to grow our own wheat does anyone know how we could get access to a mill around here?

It's been awhile since I've seen you. How are things going for you?

[info]ladymacgyver in [info]thedoorway

I'm also on the "Can we just skip today?" bandwagon. Thankfully an extra shift at work means much less to think about for now.

[info]fateofjedi in [info]thedoorway

Too bad dad's not here. He'd probably like a day that's designed to make sure he gets some attention.
[End Filter]

[Georgie Kincaid]
Thanks for the distraction the other night, though I'm still sorry you weren't able to get Horatio to show up. It was probably one of the most complicated rituals I've seen, but it was very interesting to watch (and participate in). If there's anything I can show you in return, let me know.
[End Filter]

I've been trying to acclimate myself to the technology here, and while I'm still having a little trouble with the microwave (most of the timing seems to be guesswork), I find I'm actually rather fond of feeling like I have a bit more control over things than a lot of the automated stuff I'm used to.

Small talk isn't really helpi

[info]pureheartedsnow in [info]thedoorway

BSG People
Would you be interested in getting together as a group at some point. Perhaps for dinner or something?

Do you want to go see a movie or go out somewhere? I feel the need to get out and do something?

I bought myself some avocado the other day and it turns out I really don't like it. Feel free to help yourself to it or I'll throw it out.

[info]littlebruiser in [info]thedoorway

People are freaking nuts. And I gotta stay here?

I'm outta here.

[info]walterblythe in [info]thedoorway

» Good God
» I don't
» [Blank]

[info]lmartin in [info]thedoorway

Who: Luke & Gaige
Where: Gaige's apartment
What: Learning how to play D&D
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

[info]deanna_troi in [info]thedoorway

I feel like going away for the weekend. Will what do you think? I'm thinking Paris or Rome but where else would one recommend for a weekend?

[info]vodkarocks in [info]thedoorway

The most important thing Father's Day ever taught my children was that just because you tried doesn't mean that picture looks anything like a horse.

It was a lot like Mother's Day.

[info]sweetjoannabeth in [info]thedoorway

Who: Jo Harvelle & Daryl Dixon
What: First Drink, Talking
Where: Sam's Bar :)
When: after this
Rating Language prolly
Status: Complete, Fade

Jo was humming )

[info]seasonofthe in [info]thedoorway

Text Message to Erik Lehnsherr

» I realize you're not a father.
» And you have no reason to celebrate this country's holidays.
» But Happy Father's Day all the same.

[info]ewoksrule in [info]thedoorway

Who: Dorcas Meadowes, Lily Evans and Marlene McKinnon
When: After Lily's arrival (backdated)
Where: Their flat in Pott's Tower
What: Reunion with Lily
Rating: PG

Quote )

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

You know, I've done a lot of really difficult things, but I think parenting is probably the most difficult job in existence. Looking after a kid, especially one that's as much of a stubborn trouble magnet as I was, sounds completely terrifying and stressful and impossible. I didn't appreciate the difficulty of that when I was growing up, but I sure as hell do now.

I got something for you.

Are we at a point where if I gave you something, you would keep it and not throw it away? I have something for you.

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

Purely hypothetical.

You wouldn't happen to have a tourniquet in your room, would you?

[info]kathrynjaneway in [info]thedoorway

I think I have a newfound appreciation for pregnant women. I never realized just how hard this could be on your body in the beginning stages.

 Pregnancy Ticker

It had to be done.

[info]taravata in [info]thedoorway

They discharged me from the hospital. 'pparently my blood was of some concern. They sewed me up again and told me to come back after a few days. Ain't nothin' but a hassle.

I reckon some of us would be more appreciative of father's day if our fathers were alive, an active presence in our lives or appreciative of us.

I didn't know this a year ago, but my dad was Henry Scudder, former soldier during the Great War turned carny turned aimless drifter. Everybody who knew 'im had a few words to say 'bout him - some good, some bad. He left my ma because she done got crazy after I was born, but I ain't ever gonna wish he took me with him. He had his own troubles and consequences. Got to see some of the trouble he'd caused. Got dreams about his experiences in the war that left me terrified and trying to go without sleep. And then a man who calls himself a priest killed him, cuz' he was on the wrong side.

Shoulda done more, Scudder. I tried my best. Nightmares are still there. In a way, you're still here. And I only found one picture of when I gave you your youth back. Best thing I ever done.

Век живи́ -- век учи́сь.

[info]tonystark in [info]thedoorway

[ Forward-dated to late night -- circa 3:00AM ]

So, it looks like two of our doppelgangers have disappeared. Does it strike you as weird that they both vanished at about the same time? It’s kind of nice. I feel like my value goes up every time the count goes down. But I never did figure out what to make of the other guy.

[ TW: Discussions of euthanasia in the comments. ]

[info]pianoandcoke in [info]thedoorway

I feel like in honor of my father I should have sex with the most inappropriate person I can find. That is his favorite hobby.

[info]greymatter in [info]thedoorway

Hello? I've never tried to reach this far, but it's you so I figured maybe it'll--You missed out on french toast. Just so you know. [Pause.] I don't know why I'm--If any of this is getting through that thick skull of yours, could you focus on sending something back? I know, I know, you didn't want to be bothered. But you can't actually be surprised I chose not to listen.

[info]greatballs in [info]thedoorway

This place isn't bad, but my dad is awesome and it's days like today when I really miss him. Happy Father's Day to Franklin Storm and all other science dads out there.

[info]scream_survivor in [info]thedoorway

The nightmares are back....

Woke up in a near scream and cold sweat last night...

Its like every time I grab some control it roars right back..

Not going to sleep...

[TW: Discussions of murder, PTSD, nightmares, the decision to not sleep and having to kill in self defense are possible in comments.]

[info]imitosis in [info]thedoorway

[Filter: Longshot]
Happy Father's Day.

[info]door in [info]thedoorway

Hello, I'm Door. This is all strange and very clean. Is there someone who could help me with my telephone? It's more fragile than I expected.

[info]brooklynspharoh in [info]thedoorway

I thought we were supposed to have a break. This does not feel like order. I cannot feel the Duat at all.

I was told Sadie and Bast are here?

[info]bordercollie in [info]thedoorway

Happy season 6 premiere day, True Blood.

[info]clarkent in [info]thedoorway

Hello, I'm Clark. I've been accused of being a lot of things, but never a character from a movie. The man who did my processing complained that my film went on for too long. Sorry about that. If I had known people were watching I would have picked up the pace.

[info]scudder in [info]thedoorway

There's a man what comes in with his keeshond pretty regular and last week we got to talking about I think it was a shirt he was wearing. He's part of a group concerned with the waterfront although I don't know which one but in any case they've got these plots anyone can take and use to make a garden. So we took a walk and he showed me round and now I've got a decent sized piece of ground for a city anyway that I can plant things in. It's off Union Ave which is not too close but I don't mind the trip.

It's late to plant tomatoes and cucumbers but I might get some in pots going. For sure carrots and beets and onions and you never can have too many cabbages. If anyone knows what else to put in the ground I'm on the lookout except I never liked turnips.

I won't lie it's half the getting into the dirt I'm looking forward to. Here you can buy just about everything you need except that part.

[info]kinnetic in [info]thedoorway

For a city that doesn't sleep, it sure it tired around here.

What's a good club for a Sunday?

[info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

Simultaneous texts to TJ Hammond & Julie Power :
» I missed my flight and he's off to Chicago already.
» Keep me from losing my mind right now?

[info]needsofthemany in [info]thedoorway

Texts to Spock )

Texts to Carol Marcus )

[info]wraths in [info]thedoorway

You know, I'd say this was weird or insane or something, but honestly at this point I'm pretty sure there's nothing in my life that could happen that would actually surprise me. It feels like every time things start to settle down, something happens, so why not a cube kidnapping people to another reality where the superheroes my brother likes are a thing. Might as well be an average Tuesday.

( Jenna, Ric )
Are you both here? Really here? They said you were, but I need to hear it from you.

Oh god, Jenna, I've missed you so much

( Caroline )
I know what I just said, but this is insane, right? Completely insane?

[info]ofthefierce in [info]thedoorway

Father's Day is stupid strange. We didn't have anything like that, celebrations just for being someone's pa. Being related to someone doesn't mean you did right by them. Never met mine and I don't know who he is or where he is, or if he's still alive. I don't think about it much. But Seer took me in and took care of me, and you all did the same thing here, and that's more important. They should have a Good People Day.

[info]livingishard in [info]thedoorway

Well, this is... new.

I'm still not entirely convinced that this isn't a drug-induced hallucination. If it is, I have to say that the absence of dancing mops and trumpet-wielding elephants is a little disappointing. LSD is to Fantasia as [mystery drug] is to waking up in a Seinfeld episode?

If you happen to see a cantankerous, misanthropic, intolerant, self-involved, antagonistic doctor with one working leg, I suggest that you run in the opposite direction. He won't be able to catch you.

[info]hellonewfriends in [info]thedoorway


I am Starfire. I have been told that I have been transported to a new world. Though it does seem similar to the one I have been taken from. Do you perhaps have titans here? If there are I would very much liked to be put in touch with them, please.

This is very far from Jump City though. I have never been to the New York. It is known for its apples, yes? There are many pictures of them.

[info]wannahookup in [info]thedoorway

Whoa, I'm in New York City. I can't even remember the last time I was here.

[info]multiplyme in [info]thedoorway

THIS IS SO COOL! I mean, first I thought I was being kidnapped, which was weird, or that maybe I had been in the mansion when it exploded and heaven had a lot more people with guns then anyone had mentioned, but being in NEW YORK CITY with a bunch of people from books and movies is so much better than being kidnapped or exploded!

Which seems kinda obvious. Sorry. Um, hi everyone? I'm Jamie!

[info]tryingagain in [info]thedoorway

RP log: Luke and Thalia

Who: Luke Castellan and Thalia Grace
When: Saturday night
Where: Luke's apartment
What: More Serious Conversations, because they just don't get enough of that.
Rating: PG

Do you remember the first time we talked? When you first got here, I mean? )