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June 7th, 2013

[info]mouthymerc in [info]thedoorway


is he wanted dead or alive????


[info]sijevoulais in [info]thedoorway

I don't know if it's the wretched weather, the prospect of another day spent in a city that seems to think fussing over what people put on their hot dogs gives it some right to a gourmand insouciant label, or simply that I'm finally getting old, but I absolutely cannot entertain the thought of rolling out of bed. I feel miserable.

And now I'm sharing it with you.

[Stephen Dedalus]

This doesn't usually happen when I can remember everything I've had to drink. I think you may have to go on without me. I know you can be entrusted with this particular torch.

[info]cyborgish in [info]thedoorway

Heyyyyyy techy people; I need your help. My system needs a hard reboot and soooo I just need someone to monitor me and make sure I know all my presidents/how-many-fingers/which-Avenger-is-the-awesomest and all the usual stuff after I'm back. I've had Thrift Shop stuck in my head for the last four days and I'm going to go CRAZY if it keeps going on repeat (my memory memorizes everything, so it's been the song repeating and repeating and repeating and I had it out of my head for a LITTLE while and then I read Gert's entry about working in a thrift shop and it started up repeating again oh god help someone help).

Please? Pretty please? YOU'RE MY ONLY HOPE.

[info]thebuffster in [info]thedoorway

I was thinking... If Miss Calendar could show up here, and hey, she did, so it's a fact... I'm really glad she did for Giles' sake kind of sort of a because if anyone deserved to come back - it was her. And Tara was here before. Do you

Do you think my mo my mom could, too? I'm not trying to get my hopes up but I could say goodbye at lea

[info]olivialt in [info]thedoorway

» Don't people believe in blinds or curtains anymore?
» I mean, I get it. You're 20 stories up.. Who's going to see you?
» People searching for Waldo, that's who.
» I have glimpsed this fucker not once, not twice, but four times.
» I've seen more people having sex in the last 24 hours than I have seen of Waldo.

» Why is SHIELD putting this much effort into the guy? He belongs in a children's book. Not exactly armed and dangerous.
» I'm mostly just complaining because I want donuts and a latte.

[info]lovecankill in [info]thedoorway

[ Filtered PRIVATE ]

Poor idiot. He's not going to miss those lost months if he goes home to look down the barrel of a gun, is he? Better him than others with years ahead of them. Inter-realm travel's tough on a girl. I didn't even get a bag of peanuts.

This face is famous here - one Gemma Arterton - and I'm already bored with it. But it's got to stick for a while, what with vampire slayers running around. And what the hell is a Shadowhunter?

[ /Filter ]

Thank you so much to everyone who helped me land on my feet yesterday! Special thanks to the boys of the barricade for helping me move my new furniture. I'd be sleeping on the floor if it wasn't for you!

[info]ihaveashotgun in [info]thedoorway

I didn't even know what a doughnut was until I arrived here and now they have a National Doughnut Day? Ummmm. Yes please!!

I'm never going to be able to go back to eating a dextro diet ever again.

[info]missinggrace in [info]thedoorway

Between Father's Day and Waldo, My already limited patience with people has apparently run out. Now taking suggestions for vacation spots where the population is either ridiculously small or easy to avoid. Bonus points awarded if the people that are there are mostly scantly clad women.

Judge away, I don't care. I could use the visual pick-me-up.

[info]kibwana in [info]thedoorway

network post: azari

Filtered to: Ororo Munroe / Storm
I'd like to figure out what classes I'm taking this summer. Tony and Bruce taught us a lot, but learning wasn't like the classes they teach here. I should probably take the placement tests Ms. Pryde mentioned when I first contacted her. Many kids complain about school, but I'm looking forward to it. I've been training every day, and I spend time with Pym and my siblings, but it will be something productive to do. I have the patience for waiting for the right moment, but much of my life has been spent waiting.
Filtered to: T'Challa EMH
We talked about going to Wakanda when I first arrived. I was hoping we could do that in the next few months, if it's possible.
Filtered to: Next Avengers
Are you all taking classes this summer? I will be. We can take some of the same ones together, perhaps.
I keep waiting for something more to happen than a man in a red and white shirt being difficult to track down in New York City.

[info]beameupscotty in [info]thedoorway

Did anyone else know that apparently, when I'm not repairing warp core drives in the most beautiful ship in the entire cosmos, I'm running from zombies or policing a small, English village??

I think I would run from zombies though, but a cricket bat is old news, give me a phaser any day, thanks so much.

Hey! Robot girl with your robot arm, mind if I come about to have a look?

[info]partlighter in [info]thedoorway

Filtered: Sam's Employees
Sooo I'm aiming for a trip to San Francisco at the end of next month because oh boy, have I been feeling homesick like crazy. Not that I think that my house would actually be there and all but I figured a small vacation would be nice.

That being said, who do I have on board that would cover my shifts? Pretty please? I can do sad pouty faces really well.

Filtered: Piper Halliwell
I'm really hoping that you'll come with me.

[info]tictic_boom in [info]thedoorway


I need a job.

I DON'T WANT A JOB but I need a job :( listen i am super talented and can do lots of things so people hiring other people just go ahead and hire me and i'll do ALL the things. Except some of the things because ew, no.

[info]thislooksbad in [info]thedoorway

Who: Clint Barton and Jane Bennet.
When: Afternoon.
Where: A small Ukrainian restaurant.
What: Lunch and talking.
Rating: Low because Jane is a real life Disney princess.

It was weird to think that he had a normal, regular friend who wasn't a product of his crazy life as a superhero )

[info]comic_relief in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Nick Fury]
Colonel Fury,

If your rank has increased, as it no doubt has, I just wanted to say - huge fan. I even wear my eyepatch like you. Not in a creepy stalker mimicry kind of way, it's actually a necessary accoutrement. I've submitted a request to join SHIELD, with the intention of taking the necessary training to move to a Handler status. I understand I've held the role before, so hopefully I've proven myself - and will again.

I'm sure I may have already made it known that I'm also a huge nerd and am incredibly familiar with all things SHIELD since it's all in comic books where I'm from. Grats, I'm fictional here and you're fictional there and that's probably the wrong thing to say to Nick F While I don't think that makes me a security risk that you have to lock down (please don't I'll be good), I probably have a wealth of information that you could find useful. If you don't mind spoilers.

I'm also just writing this to see if you'll actually reply, because it'd be kind of like getting a response to a fan letter - those ones you write to fan clubs when you're a kid. Is an autog


Xander Harris
[End Filter]

[ooc | he doesn't yet know there's two Nicks, so have fun!]

[Filtered to Anya]
So this is

[Filtered to Giles]
You know, now we have something in common. ... need anything?
[End Filter]

My kingdom for a taco cart.

[info]themanonthewall in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to SHIELD Waldo Hunters--Lady Sif, Wanda Maximoff, Olivia Dunham, Myri Antilles, Phil Coulson]
Alright. it's been 24 hours since first sighting of Waldo. Twitter and Instagram have been spotting Waldo #whereswaldo to #waldonyc #waldonycpubcrawl (could be trouble).

I've uploaded a personality profile based on his literature to the Intranet. But he seems to favor crowds, colors and patterns similar to his, and recognizable attractions. Based on his movements, he appears to be capable of some form of teleportation. We've been tracking his sightings, both public and on this network, and he seems to be visiting tourist attractions, subway terminals, and perhaps not surprisingly, Potts Tower.

I would say Grand Central Station is possible around rush hour. And that we might be able to draw him out with a crowd in red and white stripes. Dunham, Maximoff, Antilles, if you've not, take a few hours to sleep and shower. Coffee and food are in the crash room. I'll send replacements out to your sites. From here on, we're taking a new tactic. Pick a site, stake it out. We move to him, he'll be gone by the time we get there. Stun grenades, tranquilizers, and disabling weapons are back on the table.

[info]iskierka in [info]thedoorway

I have started watching Game of Thrones for the dragons. There is not enough of them and they grow rather slowly. I was only that small for a day or two. Plus, they can't talk. What sort of dragon doesn't talk? Granted, some dragons don't want to talk to humans because they consider themselves better than humans. But to call a human mother of dragons is simply laughable.

I have been thinking of getting a tattoo. I miss having colour on my skin. Perhaps something like this?

[info]scream_survivor in [info]thedoorway

Anyone got a good cure to send nightmares packing? I've not slept in about 4 maybe 5 days since the ghosts are in my dreams now.

Plus I'm curious: anyone know if the clinic or Sam's is looking for part timers? Just trying to get a steady cash flow going while options are sorted out. Plus its me trying to get what little control of things I can.

[info]mouthymerc in [info]thedoorway

why do people even open packages from this guy )

[info]biomechanoid in [info]thedoorway

network post: moya

Filtered: private
194 solar days. Talyn left. Couldn't search for him yet. Zhaan needed ground. Zhaan needs ground. It hadn't been so long, but it's so hard to find him again after starburst. I'm happy sad miss him. Miss Pilot. Miss all of them not here. Why not Talyn? Why can't Talyn come here? He can, just as likely as no likelihood available to be calculated, data not enough, have all the data, arrivals departures returns, cannot compute, not enough information. Need to analyze DNA (query: who? human technology can do low level analysis, still costly), know what DNA I have. I know my microbes, why not mine? Must resemble humans, proteins properly funcitoning to keep body at homeostasis. homeostasis well kept good. eggs ovulating. so fertile right now. no sexual intercourse. no meddling hands, no little people inside my walls. i don't want hat i want talyn. Talyn. Talyn. Note:other lines of thought not distracting. 6% attention on Talyn. 3% Pilot. not fully functioning. Must calm do something.
Filtered: John Crichton
I want picture of Talyn. Don't want to search. Please give me a picture, here, need to see him.
Filtered: friends (if you think you should be on it, you are =) and some who shouldn't (ie all the John's, all the Sam's, )
Who sings? Sing to me. Sing to me. Like Zhaan.

[info]wakanda in [info]thedoorway

Azari wishes to visit Wakanda.

Your former My counterpart also brought this up in recent conversation. I have explained, briefly, to Azari that it may not be safe, and I wish to visit without him first. The other T'Challa asked who we are to deny him pilgrimage to his home country, and again I answered that I was not comfortable with allowing such a visit until we discover what the current environment there is. I thought you should know, if my concerns are not enough to dissuade T'Challa.

Thank you, again, for your company the other night. You were correct; I do need to get out more.

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

I've been thinking a lot about what to do with myself in this world. I keep coming back to a conversation I had when I was young with an advisor. He told me that vocation was what you do when you can't imagine doing anything else. That's how I felt about Starfleet and why I've had difficulties here, in a world where that is fiction.

Luckily, horses still exist here and I've been hired on to help teach summer riding camp at the local stables where I ride in addition to teaching refugees. But that still leaves some free time and I've decided that even if it's fiction, I may go back to one of my academic interests - writing a history of Starfleet. I'm not sure there's a market for this, but at the least, it will be for personal edification - especially given the multiple Starfleet universes we have here. I don't have any of my notes here, but I do remember a fair bit of what I started researching.

[Starfleet - All universes]
So, we've had a bunch of new arrivals from our various universes recently, so I thought another weekend event might be good. I know it's short notice, but how about this sunday, June 9? Central Park or one of the local beaches? 1pm?

[info]kathrynjaneway in [info]thedoorway

The science fair I went to the other day at NYU/Washington Square Park was incredibly fascinating. There were a lot of panels and demonstrations and it was fun to talk to the people who were running the actual event. There's a whole lot of stuff that they talked about that I hadn't thought about - mostly due to the fact that I'm used to working with 24th century technology even after working in the science field here for the past year (well just under) especially the experiments they did to see how things would be like in space. For someone who has travelled in space all their life it was interesting because our ships were much like Earth with artificial gravity, oxygen and the like not actual outer space where none of it exists. While I didn't actually participate myself the Dynamic Physics Show with Rutgers University looked interesting and the people who did it seemed to enjoy themselves which is the main thing, right?

Meeting Brian Greene was amazing too as a lot of his discoveries are still used in my time such as the Superstring Theory though of course it has been expanded on and have other theories to go along side it.

Trek Girls
Okay, I think it's time for another get together? Plus Carol's yet to come out with us as it is. What do you guys think?

[info]just_bones in [info]thedoorway

To: Ms. Pepper Potts
From: Dr. Leonard H. McCoy [lhm@pottstower.com]
Subject: Fundraising Query

You have 1 new message )

[info]kibwana in [info]thedoorway

text message: tony stark (mcu)

» What do you know about Wakanda, this one in your world?
» I'd really like to know.

[info]quiteprolific in [info]thedoorway

How cool is this?!

[info]ewoksrule in [info]thedoorway

network post: dorcas meadowes

What, no welcome home party?

I hope I didn't miss anything terribly interesting while I was gone.

Filter: Friends
I'm going out, possibly dancing. Who wants to join me?

[info]stephendedalus in [info]thedoorway

[OOC Disclaimer: Stephen Dedalus is drunk, and a James Joyce character. Don't worry, this shouldn't make sense.]

In the blacks and the tans and the indigo-blues, the everliving stars, or stairs to heaven or a bedroom, all knowing and amaziful, and red, unheemed, hair down. Stuck stuck stuck the rain on bricks and pangs of water on panes of glass and pangs in my heart and pains of empty glasses.

oh nheun nhuen and a gunpowder plot, for tis' the season for treason, infidelity and rotted teeth. Oikkont, ken you, ninny? everargth every day. Every day. qwerty.

[info]ororo in [info]thedoorway

[Text message to T'Challa (616)]
» I will first ask this.
» Did the Tesseract damage your head somehow?
» And secondly what are you exactly planning with my son Azari?

[info]wasatree in [info]thedoorway

Since Homeless Runaway and Immortal Hunter haven't worked out for me as career choices, I guess I should start thinking about what else I can do. What kind of jobs are open to dyslexic teenagers who don't have a high school diploma but are really good at shooting lightning out of a spear?

[Private to Luke]
I'm talking like I'm going to be here for the long term, but we've seen that people are taken away and brought back all the time, and every time it happens they have to start over. And then I started thinking about how much I was still hurting over losing you to Kronos and thinking I hated you for it when I got brought over, and I don't want to go through that again. I don't want to put you through that again either. If it does happen, though, I want some record of what we've gone through that you can point me at, so I can read through it and figure out where to go from there. So here it is:

I love you. I've loved you ever since you almost knocked me over at the dragon's lair. Even when you'd gone over to Kronos and I convinced myself that I hated you, I still loved you. I love you now for managing to find the best parts of yourself again after Kronos tried to stomp it all out. I love you for the tireless way you put yourself into making other people happy. Most of all, I love you because it's you and me against whatever the world throws at us, and nothing, least of all a shiny blue cube, is going to take that away from us again.