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June 6th, 2013

[info]thislooksbad in [info]thedoorway

It's weird how quiet the apartment can be when certain teenage girls who've abandoned their home are all moved out. Francis, that is not an invitation to create chaos and destruction.

Still, it's definitely noticeably calmer around here. Which, I guess, goes to show things don't go straight to hell without Kate here.

Also, Game of Thrones is complete bullshit. Just saying. cut for GoT spoilers )

( Katie-Kate )
Settled in okay?

( Francis )
Pizza tonight?

( Bobbi )
Hey, birdie. So, I heard Francis offered the third room to you. I just wanted to let you know I am fine with it, if you want to move in. It might be a little weird at first, but we'll manage. We always do.

We just need to make sure he knows that this doesn't mean you and I are getting together. He's a pretty practical kid, but all kids want their parents together. Unless their parents are like mine were

( Steve, Jan, Tony, Natasha, Peter, Logan, Pietro, T'Challa - All 616 )
I'm actually contemplating letting my ex-wife move in.

How insane is this? On a scale of one to ten. I'm genuinely curious here.

[info]arseniclace in [info]thedoorway

txt: Mettle

-- Hey, you up?
-- Can't sleep, feel like being a bother.

[info]celestialintent in [info]thedoorway

[Private to all Winchesters and Jo Harvelle]
There are...many dead animals within the park here. All with similar puncture wounds...

And if that is not disconcerting enough, all of the blood is drained. I'm searching for human victims now.

[info]lovecankill in [info]thedoorway

  • We're pulled out from all we know and love.
  • We're told our past deeds and misdeeds are part of the trajectory of a fictional work (an intervening God?), and thereby not our fault or intention.
  • Yet we're given a stipend to survive (physical lure to root us to the half-between).
  • Some go quickly, but some stay for ages.

Are we absolutely sure that this isn't Purgatory? Or even the realm of Those that Stood for Nothing? I've never been to either, but I've heard stories. Drunk stories that ended in tears, but stories, and this smacks of their brand of head games. This realm is fictional too, right? I've heard it's been pulling people from its own timeline. I don't know how to explain the people that go away and come back (Dropkicked by Heaven - ooooh, now there's a band name for you punk rockers).

Hi, everyone. My name's Georgina. Shorten that however you see fit; I know it's a mouthful. Sorry about the above, but I'm in a state of freaking out and my boss isn't answering my summons his phone, so I guess he's not here either. Which hey! My boss isn't here either! Party in the USA! But it's leaving me a little fried.

I need a drink. Who do I have to smile at around here for one of those teeth-rotting mocha lattes? I haven't been to New York in a while but I know those can't just be a Seattle thing...

[info]bitterman in [info]thedoorway

It appears my cat has decided that I should stop brooding get out more. She managed to slip out the door this morning. If anyone sees a small black cat who answers to the name Bastet, please let me know. I do not recommend approaching her or trying to pick her up. She doesn't like many people and she is very free with her claws.

[info]revolutionary in [info]thedoorway

Be it on the beaches of Normandy, or behind the barricades in Paris, today was a day that freedom was fought for -- and today is a day we should not only remember those who helped us to where we now stand, but also to remember to keep fighting. Freedom for the people.

la liberté pour tout.

[info]myeu_muh in [info]thedoorway

LOL okay so the SHIELD prank of the day is apparently Waldo is running around the building. A+ guys.

[info]17sir in [info]thedoorway

network post: pavel chekov

What'd I miss? I've been taking my electronics apart and rebuilding them since Tuesday. There's nothing wrong with them electronically that I saw, but they're behaving like they should again.

[info]demmedelusive in [info]thedoorway

Well demoiselles and gents, as useful as this internet may be, it shall never replace a good old go and see. I've managed to find a most hospitable pub in the harbour--and quite literally twould be said at that.

The Honorable William Wall--she's a boat you see, a floating clubhouse for the yacht club. I thought, with as noisome as most of the pubs round here can be, it'd be most spiffing to take a bit of a cruise whilst playin a round or two of hasard. So, Mulan, Maximoff, Thursday next 5:30 and see where the evening takes us?

I'm booking some space, though it's promised first to club members. Should anyone other be interested?

[info]barbiefangs in [info]thedoorway

network post: caroline forbes

OOC: Before Darcy's post

Since it's not Halloween and all, I'm a bit surprised to see who made it into the picture I just took of myself...

Cut, not filtered )

[info]boygirlalien in [info]thedoorway

network post: xavin

Someone can't keep other people's hands off their tech. This network isn't so secure after all.

[info]suspendered in [info]thedoorway

network post: ben stone

The DA's office is not currently hiring anyone of refugee status. I've heard back positively from a few non-profits and civil rights groups. I know I leave the DA's office in my future and have thought about such work before, but I will have to reflect on these offers before making a decision. Life here is about changes.

[info]amber_waves in [info]thedoorway

...Waldo can't show up in my shower, right?

[info]supposedtobe in [info]thedoorway

(After this, per Captain America Reborn, for 616ers.)

Sixty-nine years ago, 156,000 Allied soldiers landed on the coast of Normandy and attacked the Nazis in their sleep. It was a day that would go down in history as beginning of the end of Hitler's reign of terror, but we didn't know it at the time. Our commanders told us that we'd take the enemy by surprise, but it seemed like nothing of the kind when machine gunfire rained down on us as we stormed the beaches. I remember the terror gleaming in their eyes like it was yesterday, because I had the distinction of living that day twice. Soldiers are often portrayed as stoic and impervious to their own peril, but you can't be brave if you're not scared. Valor, by its very definition, is the courage to persevere in the face of your greatest fears.

I take no shame in admitting that I was afraid that day -- and unlike my comrades, I had the benefit of a shield capable of repelling bullets. The valiant Americans, Britons, and Canadians beside me had only the uniforms on their backs. When their fellow soldiers fell, they pushed on. When they felt shrapnel tear into their flesh, they mustered the strength to disable the weapons of their own wounding. Nearly 4500 Allied soldiers died that day, with 115,000 more Allied deaths in the month-long battle that followed. And yet, to say that they lost their lives is a misnomer. To lose something is to misplace it. To be lost is to have gone astray. Those noble, courageous, and unselfish men (and a number of equally noble, courageous, and unselfish women) knowingly sacrificed themselves so that others might live in a world without tyranny. Without their willingness to lay down their lives for the sake of the human race, we would not be sitting here today with the freedom to speak out against our oppressors -- if we were even sitting here today at all. Whether this is natively your world or whether you are simply a visitor, there would be no refuge, shelter, or sanctuary to grant if not for their valor and their suffering.

There can no overstating the magnitude of that sacrifice, but death is not the only sacrifice that those brave men and women made. For the millions of soldiers who returned home, having watched their friends die, having glimpsed the carnage of concentration camps, and having witnessed some of the greatest atrocities ever committed on this Earth, peace was -- and for many, still is -- the most difficult thing to find. Today, there are over a million veterans of World War II living in the United States alone, and far too many of them have been forgotten. We take for granted the freedom that they faced unimaginable horrors to return to us. We take for granted the liberty that would have been lost without their bravery. For the young, especially, World War II and D-Day are words and photographs in history books, but for the old, the memories are all too real.

Today, when you see the memorials honoring the dead, I ask that you also remember the living. Tomorrow, this anniversary will pass and you will return to your lives, but for the soldiers who survived those beaches and outlived all but a tiny fraction of their loved ones, the battle goes on.

Help them.

Find an hour a week, a weekend a month, or a few days a year to take the time to thank them with a word, a meal, a dollar, or a smile. Honor them, by telling them about your lives and reminding them what they sacrificed so much of theirs for. It takes so little to give so much to the people who need and deserve it the most.

[info]scream_survivor in [info]thedoorway

Since school is not an option for the moment I am taking what control I can right now.

Anyone within the tower or close by need a desk clerk or even a temp?

[info]lettheriverrun in [info]thedoorway

Network Post

Do any of you know a guy named Waldo? He was in the elevator with me earlier and he seemed kind of strange.

[info]estrangedsister in [info]thedoorway


Hello? CACan people see this? This isn't... quite what I was expecting from today. At all. Things seem, well, odd and I.. Well, I can't say I'm too pleased, if I'm honest.

Nymphadora? Sweetheart, are you here? I thought someone said you were... Anyone?

[info]arseniclace in [info]thedoorway

network post: open

I don’t think I mentioned this, but I got a job last week. I’m at Vintage Thrift on 3rd Ave. I’ll give directions if you’d like…by the name of the store it’s obviously a vintage thrift shop, there’s a lot of amazing things in here. The fact that proceeds help support the UJC was just a bonus. UJC is the United Jewish Council…don’t expect many people to know what that is, but they’re a good group. They do a lot of good things for seniors and even help with community sponsored events and the like.

I found this 40’s dress before my shift was over yesterday, it’s now hanging in my bedroom—reminder that losing an extra ten pounds is going to be worth it when I can slip into that damn dress. I forgot why I wanted to talk about this…oh, right! If you’re looking to get a bit spiffy you should really head down here. No musty ‘thrift’ smell, we’re clean, organized…we really are the cat’s meow.

[info]peggycarter in [info]thedoorway

Long violin sobs rock my heart in monotonous languish.

The French Resistance taught me the importance of dynamite and a clean getaway. For that, and for their friendship, I will be forever grateful to my comrades-in-arms.

[info]shinytomato in [info]thedoorway

I just had a freaking sighting of Waldo on the roof! Was just trying out some adjustments on the rig when he just peeked out the door.

[info]bornagoddess in [info]thedoorway

What: The Hunt for Waldo
When: Thursday 6th June 2013
Where: NYC Baby
Who: Nick Fury 616, Sif (any other Level Three Clearance and higher SHIELD agents on duty feel free to jump in "spotting" him).
Status: IC Internal Communications Log

SHIELD INTERNAL RADIO COMMUNICATION - Level Three Security Clearance and Higher

"All agents we have a fugitive from the Tesseract. This is not a drill. Suspect is a human of caucasian heritage with dark hair, six feet two inches tall, wearing a red and white striped shirt and red and white striped hat. Suspect is not armed. Last seen in a crowd outside the Tesseract building. Please report any sightings. Approach with caution. All Agents be on the lookout for a ..."

[info]bornagoddess in [info]thedoorway

Residents of Potts Tower please be on the lookout for this human. Do not approach - report his presence to the nearest SHIELD agent.

[info]therealnickfury in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Coulson]

Errant children's book characters. Are the red and blue fish going to show up next?

[info]mintedcards in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Nick Fury 616, Nick Fury MCU, and Lady Sif]

Lady Sif, as you have already begun the hunt, please make contact with Agent Fury. Agent Fury, you are assigned to assist her in tracking down the culprit. Approach with caution.

[info]themanonthewall in [info]thedoorway

[Text to Cell Eight--Olivia Dunham, Wanda Maximoff, Myri Antilles.]
»Corralling Waldo.
» Have him on the BMT-Broadway southbound.
» Head to 42nd at Times Square. Likely exit point.

[info]det_benson in [info]thedoorway

I didn't expect a real-life version of Where's Waldo when I left my apartment today, but that's what happened.

At least I wasn't the only one and at least I didn't see him in my apartment.

picture under cut, no filters )

[info]braidsnbowties in [info]thedoorway


Out of curiosity, would anyone be up for a Father's Day treat service like I did for Valentines Day months ago? If not that's totally okay, but if anyone would like things let me know. I have a small menu thought out, and I'll just leave it here, but it can be changed if there are any requests.
Sugar Spice Brioche Buns
Funfetti Chocolate Chip Scones
Irish Cream Brownies
Mini Apple Pies
I know it's a small gesture to convey that my thoughts are with you today, but I made a pan of cinnamon rolls and some fresh orange juice for anyone who would like some this morning.

[info]guyles in [info]thedoorway

Who: Rupert Giles and Jenny Calendar
When: [backdated] June 5, 2013
Where: Jenny's Apartment
What: A reunion
Rating: low / in progress

She was there, bright as ever while his own star had waned half a decade )

[info]alexcabot in [info]thedoorway

[Warded to Law and Order People]

I told Ben already, Olivia, but I've been contacted by SHIELD to work with them in a legal capacity. They interviewed me.

I went in yesterday to fill out paperwork. I just thought you should know.

I admit I'm settling in far better than I thought I would. Funny when you still have the familiar sights and sounds of home how much easier it is to feel you hadn't left. And having my best friend show up didn't hurt either.

I grew up in the city so if anyone needs any advice on places to go I'd be happy to help. It's not actually that different, Stark and Potts towers aside.

[info]daniel_jackson in [info]thedoorway

I have just discovered there are actually books based on my television show as well. I think I shall have to read them for curiosity sake.

I also managed to be kicked out of the library today. The librarian told me I needed to get a life - I would like to point out I don't spend all of my time there. I mean I work for SHIELD and teach a number of classes as well.

How's the job hunt coming along?

How's things? I haven't seen you in a bit.

[info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

Waldo's is better than the bees, yes? Or April fools.

And I keep forgetting what I wanted to do today. This is the fifth time I've approached Java Moment, only to go back to my place and so on. I'm becoming Neville Longbottom.

Writing reminders on your hand is so tacky, but I just resorted to that.

[info]call_shaft in [info]thedoorway

So, I was drinking a coffee this morning when I saw Waldo. YES, I WIN.

You were aggravating during my childhood, Waldo. Just pure aggravation.

[info]raisingkaine in [info]thedoorway

Ben convinced me to stick around until Monday, then I'm heading out the door. I won't I'll check in after that, but let's face it, guys, it's probably not going to be very often. And don't try arguing with me, Pete, I know you think it's dumb that I'm going, but I've got to do this. Our methods don't mesh anyway and

You've got me until Monday morning.

[info]labrat in [info]thedoorway

Filtered: Peter Parker (616), Ben Reilly, Jaina Solo, May Parker
So the good news is that I can walk again. It wasn't something too serious so I'm not going to be lying on my butt all day in bed for 6 weeks. And I can go back to a light jog and a walk in the mornings again. Thank god. I'm ready to chuck this crutch out the window.

The bad news? I probably won't be able to go back to kick-boxing for another week. Or anything really too strenuous, which is somewhat disappointing because my body was starting to get used to the sore muscles and I have a feeling it'll go back to that when I go back. ALAS. Jaina, don't replace me! Unless you're going to pull your brother into it then that's totally fine.

Filtered: Peter Parker (616) and Ben Reilly
Also want to throw in a note here that I've started asking about SHIELD job openings.

And you both have excellent taste in jewelry, just saying.

[info]shinytomato in [info]thedoorway

The Waldo sighing on the roof was strange enough. But seeing Nate and Sophie on the TV was even stranger. It was like it was them but it was not them. I even saw Archie in a really old movie, now that was freaky.

Just makes me miss them, Eliot and Hardison even more.

[info]talkbacked in [info]thedoorway

goddamnit come on Kings get your sticks outta your asses. quick is so much better than crawford!! please tell me there's someone else here feeling my pain. though, i gotta say, it's pretty sweet to be able to actually relax and watch the game. game 5 on Saturday? anyone wanna come over for beer, pizza, and the best game to come in hockey?

[ooc: so hard to write this post cuz GO HAWKS! 3-1!!!!!]

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

» You know, somehow you roped yourself into dating me for almost six months so far. I'm thinking it's time we went out of town again, minus the entourage from DC.
» So I have a question. How do you feel about beaches and/or camping?

[info]trenching in [info]thedoorway

New item at the top of my wishlist: the red and white striped shirt of one Waldo.

[info]thepieman in [info]thedoorway

Who: Ned The Piemaker & Sam Winchester
What: Sam's trying to figure out mysterious deaths and Ned accidentally demonstrates his powers
Where: Sam & Dean's apartment
When: Thursday evening
Rating: TBD but probably low
Status: closed; in progress

He was funny, hard working, and had an appreciation for pies. That was really all Ned needed in a companion. )

[info]lauriejuspeczyk in [info]thedoorway

[Howard Stark]

So thanks for the drinks last night. Glad I proved interesting.

[info]alexcabot in [info]thedoorway

[Text Message to Ben Stone from Alex Cabot]

>> So I tried to sleep and I keep seeing our Waldo map. What if there's more than one of him.
>> Like he can duplicate himself like that one fellow.
>> Do you even know how to answer this?
>> Make sure to hit send.