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May 8th, 2013

[info]philanthropist in [info]thedoorway

[FILTER: Pepper & Rhodey]
spur of the moment decision to stay in cali until the end of the week.

back by friday, or when these age up/down shenanigans are done. whichever comes first.

word to the wise: (my) captain rogers brutalized me at the poker table. watch out.

[info]thatsmytech in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Tony Stark (616) and Tony Stark (Ultimates). Aka thing 2 and 3]

Okay what the hell are we supposed to do if we're not Avengers leader or SI CEO?

[Filtered to Steve Rogers (EMH]

Been up for two days Hey hey hey hey Cap are you awake? Of course you're awake you get up at dawn right?

[info]pianoandcoke in [info]thedoorway

[Text message to Kara Thrace]

» How's it going in Starbuck land?

[Text message to Kurt Hummel]

» I've got coffee and food and my room is 50% cleaner than usual. I'm bored. Come entertain me.

[info]coolshades in [info]thedoorway

[ Filtered to Ororo (616) and Kitty ]

I forwarded you information about a location for a potential -- what are we calling these? Training sessions? Town halls? It's got a large, open field and an obstacle course, and it's near-enough to Syracuse that if Emm someone wants to spend the night in civilization it's not out of the question.

[ /Filter ]

I think I need a Pinterest interventi Welcome to the recent arrivals.

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

1. TJ Hammond
2. Spike
3. ... Deadpool.

[Tony Stark (616)]
Boeing is offering 5 million for a series of consultation. It's not as much as Hewlett-Packard, but there aren't any contracts involved and you'd be considered an independent contractor, a consultant, meant to look over their designed and give your suggestion or approval. I'm taking 20%, you know.

[info]acryingshame in [info]thedoorway

The traffic here is fucking brutal. Do'nt people know that when it's a red light YOU STOP and NOT hit the reaper? I might've startled them when I got back up again, though. That was amayzing. But anyway, we do you a public service. Please don't hit Mason unless it's with an English cab? I don't think there's any reapers down here anyway. So I'm not taking anyone's soul.



But I'm starting to think I should sober up.

I don't know if I can.


Fucking freaky shit. Glad I don't have to reap animals. Give me a mob hit any day.

[info]deadwalker in [info]thedoorway

I would've liked to see myself older, I think. Or Lee younger. And while I don't even know if I'm going to prom yet, I bought a dress. We'll see.

There's no law classes but I joined some others anyway.

And small glowing cube thing, I really want the rest of my family here. Or was I a hiccup? Or honestly, you can just throw me back into V-World.

I need chocolate before I snark at someone for looking at me wrong. TMI. But chocolate. Dark chocolate. I was at the store this morning, I got chocolate ice cream. Chocolate ice cream with little bits of crushed chocolate in it and raspberry. It's all gone already. I'm not even sorry. I want more. And maybe something else, something greasy.

And there's this pigeon on my window sill AND HE WON'T LEAVE

Is he one of yours? Does that explain it?

I ate pigeons for LUNCH back home. A pigeon's going to make me cry. Frak me. If I had a sword

[info]shadowofacat in [info]thedoorway

Yikes, Tesseract, what'd we ever do to you?

Which leads me into another request for advisors and teachers for the ESD. We've lost two of ours recently and while I'm covering all their advisees, if anyone has an interest in supporting the under 18s and newcomers to this world, we could use you!

[info]mouthymerc in [info]thedoorway

deliveries to don draper & james bond.

delivery to don draper )

delivery to james bond )

[info]boswell in [info]thedoorway

Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Frigid Coffin

I was woken this morning by the sound of a large crash coming from the kitchen, followed by the familiar whimper-barks of my dog, Gladstone. Fearing the worst, as per usual, I dressed with haste and left my bedroom. The apartment seemed to be in the same chaotic state of disarray that it was when I went to sleep the night before (I won't pretend "order" or "cleanliness" are words that have ever entered my vocabulary when the topic of shared loggings with Holmes is brought up). It wasn't until I'd reached the kitchen that I realised what the cause for the sound, and my dog's distress, had been.

The small collection of groceries that I had acquired since arriving were thrown about the tile floor. Gladstone, it seemed, was numbing the pain of whatever had caused him to bark, with the remains of the previous night's glazed ham. The refrigeration itself had been tipped over with Holmes, standing inside it an attempting to re-purpose his jackknife as a makeshift screwdriver.

Allegedly, it was of great scientific importance that he understand how the device used electricity (typically hot, as light bulbs, etc) was used to keep things cold.

...At which point I decided to try an experiment of my own. I've read that refrigerators cannot be opened from the inside leading to the suffocation of trapped occupants. The results? Much to my chagrin, Holmes certainly hasn't suffocated, though his time on ice definitely cooled his temper.

[info]imitosis in [info]thedoorway

You know what I haven't handed out lately? AWARDS. I know, I know ... where's the real fun? Where's the scavenger hunt? I'm busy, people. We'll make it happen soon, though. I promise. Until then, here you go:
  • most likely to make his father faint LEE ADAMA
  • most likely to burn the place down BILL ADAMA
  • most adorable age-mishap DON DRAPER is that ok JAMES BOND
  • most likely to birth a unicorn sliding down a rainbow of joy THOR
  • best biceps to match his bulging intellect SAMUEL T. ANDERS
  • most likely to be honest even if it kills him DORIAN GRAY
  • most likely to make me bust a gut with pride TJ HAMMOND
  • best weaponry WOLVERINE
  • most suave SIRIUS BLACK
  • most annoying tony stark OLD BLUE EYES
  • most adorable space-ginger AMY POND
  • keep her out the rain because sugar melts KAYLEE FRYE
  • you tried SAM WINCHESTER
  • most annoying power MULTIPLE MAN jamie? (stay away from me)
  • most annoying group, as a whole ALL DOPPELGANGERS
  • most likely to get a pass NICK FURY(the one without the helicarrier)
  • most likely to get a sock in the jaw NICK FURY(with the helicarrier)
  • jealousy is ugly - JESS whatever. I am jealous of your hair.
  • cutest SAM MERLOTTE
  • hottest dad FINNICK ODAIR
  • could take you in a fight BRUCE BANNER
  • baddest badass lady INARA SERRA
  • cold as frakking ice NATASHA (from this world)

  • All winners get to pick up my tab at the bar.

    [info]purebiotic in [info]thedoorway

    [Filter: Normandy Crew]
    I just 'bit the bullet' and looked our fictional universe up on their extranet.

    I feel repetitive, but:

    [info]hairysituation in [info]thedoorway

    I didn't know I was
    How could they have never found me
    Did they just stop looking?

    I bet Rapunzel isn't even my real name. What if I was named something else? Now I'll never know.

    Edited to add: Even if it isn't that's all I've ever known, but I'm not going to let being stuck here deter me from my dreams! I'm going to make the most of this! Thank you Elle. :)

    [info]jennasommers in [info]thedoorway

    Network Post: Jenna Sommers

    Things were a lot simpler when I was this age. My sister was still-- I was still-- Elena and Jeremy--

    [info]singletonjones in [info]thedoorway

    Text to Ivy Lynn

    >> How's it going?
    >> Do you want me to stop and pick up some of that cleaner stuff?
    >> For your face I mean?
    >> Not that you need it, but I think I used all of yours.
    >> Or wine. I could definitely get wine.

    [info]vespermartini in [info]thedoorway

    » Well. I imagine we could now have a picnic.

    [info]dressedforrio in [info]thedoorway

    This morning, I was on my way to Soho, but I was listening to my iPod on the train and not paying much attention, so I missed the Canal Street Street stop and had to get off another stop down.

    As I was getting off the train, I swear to god, I caught a glimpse the Doctor on the platform behind a crowd of tourists. I couldn't get a good look at him with everyone in the way, but I knew it was him. I was so excited I nearly knocked the fellow in front of me down trying to get out of the bloody train so I could find him before he had a chance to run off.

    Turned out it was a poster. Advertisement for Series 7.

    But to my credit, I did get to it before it escaped?

    [info]tonystark in [info]thedoorway

    I took a job with Boeing. $5 million for a series of consultations (less my agent's fees, of course.) Nothing long term, I'll be an independent contractor. And there will be a free trip(s?) to Chicago. It might even be enough for me to start my own business again.

    Given my recent windfall, I've been looking at restored Aston Martins. But now that James Bond is kind of my bodyguard, it just seems like I'd be stealing his thing, you know?

    Also, I got you something. For helping with stuff, bringing me coffee, etc. It is extremely impractical in this climate, but clearly you're into that sort of thing.

    Come outside before the cops come back and make me move it.

    [ NOTE: The gift in question is a 1945 Harley Davidson Liberator in a nice, patriotic shade of blue. It is parked on the sidewalk for dramatic effect. And because parking in Manhattan is a nightmare. ]

    I'm heading out to Chicago next week. Who wants me to bring back some deep dish pizza?

    (Obligatory New York vs. Chicago style pizza debate can commence.... now.)

    [info]barbiefangs in [info]thedoorway

    network post: caroline forbes

    Prom dress is off my checklist.
    Still need a mancessory. If you can match me and this gown grope-free, please comment.

    Images cut, not filtered )

    I know I was leaning toward purple, but this gown is perfect and remarkable, and I can hardly believe I got it on such a great sale. I'll admit, they recognized my face and liked the idea of the picky perfectionist Caroline Forbes wearing their gown.

    [info]shinytomato in [info]thedoorway

    Today was even stranger.

    I had gone to replace my rig when someone joked about my stabbing a mark with a fork (in my defense it was an early attempt at grifting and well I freaked). Turns out the last 4 years worth of jobs are on dvd and people keep asking about Eliot and Hardison plus Nate and Sophie. So I fibbed, had to escape the questions for the moment.

    Now I'm more confused but part of me is tempted to watch them too. Might as well pretend its a job to plan for, but its going to make going legit ten times harder.

    [info]muse_of_comedy in [info]thedoorway

    I can has cheeseburger is hilarious. Some of them anyway.

    I wish I could get a fawn or a lamb.

    [info]notacomputer in [info]thedoorway

    I have been utterly exhausted lately. This is been a long week I fear. So much going on here.

    [info]daisywillrocku in [info]thedoorway

    Inching closer to graduation date - only a few weeks - I look forward to working afterwards.

    Filter: Nick Fury 616
    Hey Boss.

    [info]oldparkerluck in [info]thedoorway

    » This is probably gonna sound like I'm using you for your lab.
    » Which I guess I am...
    » So not intentional, though. I promise.
    » So long as this age kerfuffle is fuffling, Jess is having some powers control issues.
    » i. e. pheromones be e'erywhere. Hide yo wife and... well, kids would be weird. Never mind. Bad reference.
    » Wanna go do chemistry?
    » I have a sample of a perfume she uses to counter her powers. Just need to replicate it.
    » It'll be fun!
    » :D?

    [info]chapelrn in [info]thedoorway

    Who: Christine Chapel and Barbara Gordon
    When: March 28 (terribly backdated)
    Where: Barbara's apartment
    What: Having dinner and getting to know each other
    Rating: Low

    I'm glad we could do this )

    [info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

    » http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnM2O8kxPeQ
    » That's going to be me someday. Minus the British accent.
    » Just imagine loving someone that much that it's okay to insult them like that
    » And everyone just being cool with that
    » Because it's love after all

    [info]chapelrn in [info]thedoorway

    WHO: Leonard “Bones” McCoy and Christine Chapel
    WHERE: A department store .
    WHEN: Early evening Thursday, May 2nd.
    WHAT: Christine helps McCoy look for a suit to wear to the prom.
    RATING: Low.
    STATUS: Complete

    No pinstripes. You'll look like Al Capone )

    [info]unaskedquestion in [info]thedoorway

    Alright kids and adults who look like kids!

    Let's play a game. Think of it like truth or dare without anyone collecting elf panties. Commenting opens you up to it.

    Who has any questions?

    Here's one to start you off. Who was your first kiss?

    [info]letusbebad in [info]thedoorway

    Filter[A private post written in a notebook by Ivy on May 8, 2013]

    Dear Diary )

    [info]stephenmaturin in [info]thedoorway

    I can say without hyperbole that the advancements in medicine between my time and today are amazing. Procedures and surgeries that I would have considering miraculous are now both successful and routine. Skin grafts, facial transplants, the means to fight off severe and deadly infection -- now all well within the realm of mankind's ability. It does fill me with a great deal of pride.

    ...And yet, and perhaps it is simply because I am so beyond my depth -- but I can't help but miss my own practices. There were far fewer decisions to make, I'm afraid, when one depended heavily on leeches.

    [info]un_leashed in [info]thedoorway

    voice post

    [mild beeping as if someone is pressing buttons on a phone, and then it stops]


    Is that all?

    Say, this ain't so bad, you got it. Boy if they can do it, of course I can. Man, they think they're the only smart ones around.

    [info]frozeninice in [info]thedoorway

    [Filtered to ALL Avengers/SHIELD, except Tony Stark (EMH)]
    (My) Tony needs something to do before he goes and stays awake for another 48 hours. Does anyone have any scrap metal - anything needlessly complicated for him to keep his hands busy with?

    I already told him he could teach me all about ...


    Did I do this right? Tony's not supposed to see this.