July 2016



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May 7th, 2013

[info]oftwominds in [info]thedoorway

I'm glad to see that we're having fewer people come in with that flu that was going around. Hopefully everyone in the tower has had it clear up. Though I can't say that I've ever seen magic quite like what's going on right now.

Though Flemeth did seem rather young looking for an ancient witch. Or dragon. I'm still not quite sure what she is. I'd blame her if it wasn't for the fact she's not here.


You might need to start reminding Justice and I to sleep again. And eat. He's gotten better about eating over the years I think.

[Clinic Staff]

We have had some departures recently. I know that makes the work load a bit more intense for those of us that remain, but I do thank you for sticking with us. And if there's ever anything I can do for any of you, don't hesitate to let me know.

Lucrezia Borgia has offered to join us as a receptionist to try and help us with our appointments, which I think we can all agree that we need the help.

[info]venomblast in [info]thedoorway

» Hey kiddo
» Lololol I can call you kiddo and really mean it
» How goes it with being elementary school aged?

[info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

Can I have ten seconds alone time with the Tesseract? I just want to glare at it.

Ten seconds.

And the only dulcet tones I want to hear tonight are Patti Lupone's.

[info]rumiko in [info]thedoorway

You know, I really would have liked to see what I'd look like as an old lady, seeing as I'll never get to see it any other way. This is pretty much bullshit. Most people didn't even want it. Next time, ask for volunteers.

[info]childofthor in [info]thedoorway

I keep thinking I've imagined this whole thing. But no, every morning it's very real.

As interesting as this is, people are getting closer to reversing what happened, right?

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

  • I'll be gone tomorrow and friday, so my classes (Calculus, Military Tactics, Diplomacy, Hand to Hand) for those days are cancelled. If you have questions about anything, message me.

  • Starfleet picnic will be going ahead as scheduled on Saturday.

    The best part of having my 20 year old body back - being able to ride how I used to. Rode Bulletproof (the horse I bought) yesterday and today. She's amazing. I may be in love. An amazing jumper. Decided to have a bit of fun today at the stables - did some bareback jumping.
    video )
    It's not me in that video, but that gives you an idea. Jumped 1.2 meters bareback and spent time just galloping around the ring. To feel her underneath me and have my legs respond, it's incredible.

    Yesterday I ran 8 miles, today I did 10. Call me selfish, but I'm in no rush to get my other body back.

    Do I need to be taking my meds right now? Because I haven't and I feel fine. Better than fine.

  • [info]basementman in [info]thedoorway

    Network Post; Fox Mulder

    Apparently I waste a lot more time on the Internet as a teenager. There could be worse things I could be up to, I'm sure. And besides, I wouldn't be able to find gems like this.

    [info]call_shaft in [info]thedoorway

    I'm going on my little road trip back home again tomorrow. Alone, I'm startin' to think. Farm might not be there, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the diner in Hutchinson. Sometimes, you just gotta have a little piece of home. And sometimes that piece of home is an apple pie with plenty of cinnamon and a dollop of whipped cream. Not knocking Ned here though -

    Fourth of July's taken too, sorry- going to Arlington Cemetery. My days are pretty full.

    [info]slicendice in [info]thedoorway

    This bullshit still ain't over?

    [info]william_pratt in [info]thedoorway

    Now that nobody recognizes me, they bloody well leave me alone. Ever thought that's what I wanted in the first place? That, and someone/something not insanely superpowered (sorry, not going to fight superman or Zod) and not inherently good to fight and kill?

    I don't ask for that much, do I? A crypt, comfy stone, a dusty skeleton to keep me company. Passions, onion blossoms. Occasionally a Chicago-style hot dog. Bourbon. Four Roses bourbon, if I can afford it. Now, vampire or not, I still want to help. Even if that means, stepping in front of a fist and letting my boss take me to the hospital.The fucking shame

    Good times.

    After that, I said I was going to be back to work when the spell was over. So? Any bloody luck?

    Yes, go ahead. Laugh. But some of us were Victorian school teachers before they went bad. Didn't need to bulk up for that. Giles, shut up. You come to the bar again, I've told my boss and the other bartender not to serve you either.

    OOC: Spike needs glasses.

    [info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

    A properly brewed cup of coffee can speed along a recovery.

    [Cell four]
    Sorry again about getting injured during Friday's mission. Good news though, medical just cleared me to return to active duty.

    [info]archerhawke in [info]thedoorway

    I'm kind of glad I haven't gotten caught up in this whole 'let's make people older or younger' thing because it'd be just my luck to be turned back to when I was a kid and believe me, I was a gawky looking kid. Skinny, all arms and legs and always covered in scrapes and bruises because I'd tripped over my own feet or been punched in the face for being a skinny fiesty smartmouth. Do you guys here have some story along the lines of the spindly ugly sapling turning into a beautiful tree with lovely flowers? Because I got that one a lot when I was a kid.

    [info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

    Who: Ianto & Jack Harkness-Jones
    When: Late Friday night (5/3) after this mission
    Where: Their flat
    What: Ianto gets injured on the job.
    Rating: pg13?
    Status:in progress thread

    Quote )

    [info]selfmadman in [info]thedoorway

    "Wait and see" isn't cutting it any more than it did the first


    Left your apartment lately?

    [info]tookthestupid in [info]thedoorway

    Probably a good idea I didn't turn into the kid version of me. I was a little shit with a penchant for getting into fights all the time. Most of them because Steve wouldn't back down Really. It's for the best.

    [info]bmuggled in [info]thedoorway

    Hi! Umm I see I'm not the only one with an age problem. I tried Finite Incantatem on myself and it didn't work. But I don't ken if that's because I'm six and I couldn't really control my magic then. I have managed to turn my hair blue... by accident.

    I'm really tiny I can't remember being this wee, but I suppose I must have been. I have to jump to hit the 9 button in the lift.

    It's Kirley, by the way.

    [info]mostresilient in [info]thedoorway

    Went to bed hoping someone would finally correct whatever caused this and woke up exactly the same. I cannot take much more of this

    [info]sorcerersupreme in [info]thedoorway

    [Filtered to Mages, all worlds + Sam Winchester & Natasha Romanoff (MCU) ]
    I'd like to get back to my own work, so will make this brief. It is clear this project is magical in nature, and what I first think we need to do is get a full assessment of how broadly this is effecting everything. I know Winchester had a useful post, and from what it seems, there does not seem to be some connection between those affected by this or not. Or at least they do not remember anything of the sort. As such, this might be more difficult than just severing some spell. I have been communing astrally, and intend to do so more but was wondering what approaches others have tried or thought to try.

    Does someone have a full list of affected individuals? Also, it appears there are at least a handful of cases where people were cured of disabilities and/or curses. I wonder if perhaps they might not be interested in their cases being reversed.

    added after Natasha's email )

    [Filtered to Antonio Stark]
    You're younger, right?

    Have you seen a doctor in this form?

    [info]wmtriker in [info]thedoorway

    I have to say that I'm really glad I was affected by this aging thing. I have no desire to relive my childhood whatsoever. It was traumatic enough the first time. And Deanna has already shown me some pictures of how I'm going to look nine years from now. I was happy to see that it wasn't that bad.

    For those of you that did get hit, I hope it's taken care of soon. Unless you're enjoying it which some of you might be.

    [info]houseoflife in [info]thedoorway

    Now I can't go to school right now since, well, it'd be a bit weird right? So I've been having the school send me my homework. Which is sort of neat since I don't have to spend all day in school but this is kind of hard to explain to my friends at school. "Oh yeah I'm like way old right now."

    [Filtered to Steve(MCU)]

    Sooooo, I'm pretty sure I'm over 18 now. You said that was the only issue.

    [info]shinytomato in [info]thedoorway

    Yesterday was strange and more than a little upsetting. But getting to the rooftop and scaling the tower cleared the mental gunk out.

    Today means a plan of action: somehow finding a job being high on the list. Hard enough given my true life being pretty useless here among other factors like never having a legit job before.

    Anyone else in my shoes and can offer insights? This would usually be Nate's turf but being alone is not helping matters much either.

    [info]thelittleliar in [info]thedoorway

    It's weird when you look older 'en you're not older.

    I don't like it. I wanna be me again.

    [info]revolutionary in [info]thedoorway

    While I happily pay 8.875% sales tax in New York City, which I know includes state and city taxes as well as a Metropolitan Commuter Transportation District surcharge -- I've been distressed about not having in income because it means not paying income tax and not financially supporting this city or her establishments. I have, with my abundance of free time, been spending a great deal of it at The Door as a volunteer and I've learned far more about this city, I think, than I ever could by staying here, in this tower.

    As outsiders, I imagine it can be easy to stick and swell within our ranks, but I believe it is important to become a part of this world, as we are still all the same no matter our specific gifts, advantages or backgrounds. We are responsible for the citizens of New York as they are now responsible for us and I wish to do everything that I can to do what's needed of me, and perhaps of all of us.

    However, I'm still at a loss as to what to do for work. I would like, very much, to use the time I'm paid for in much the same way that I volunteer, only to feel as though I'm consistent in doing everything that I can.

    [info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

    Group Text to Rupert Giles

    [Group Text to Rupert Giles & Severus Snape]
    >> Still youngish?
    >> Or have they figured out something?

    >> I've been doing some reading.
    >> There's that aging potion in Goblet of Fire.
    >> Weasley twins used it to become older.
    >> But I'm guessing there's a younger version too - Severus?
    >> Anyway - neither of you drank anything out of the ordinary?

    [info]sinkorswim in [info]thedoorway

    We've got a mission. Fueling up now. You'll be on your own since Liv's been reassigned, but I'll back you up from the van. I'll give you a full brief on the way. The short version is that intel has a suspected agent of the Ten Rings inside a warehouse at [address]. Estimated departure time is ten minutes.

    [info]thebuffster in [info]thedoorway

    It's one of those days where I really miss my sister. Who do you miss most?

    Going out patrolling tonight. Not all those vampires were captured or killed, and I need something normal.

    I can't believe I just said that.

    [info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

    I was on my way to work when I realized it's my day off today.

    What am I going to do now? I guess I'll vacuum my apartment.

    Really now.

    [info]beingreen in [info]thedoorway

    Apparently Chuck E. Cheese is a picky bastard and requires you to have a kid with you in order to enter. Normally I am without any kids at my disposal, but given recent events it looks like I might know a few. Anyone interested in a field trip? First ten tokens are on me!

    For those that don't know what it is, think of it like a child casino complete with a ball pit. Or google it. You know how.

    [info]jt_kirk in [info]thedoorway

    In less than two weeks a movie will be coming out about my life as well as the lives of my crew. For those of you who don't know, it's called Star Trek. I don’t know if anyone here is planning on seeing it, but if you do I hope that you can respect our privacy. This is not simply a summer blockbuster for us, it will be personal. Some of us might not want to know what happens, others might not want to talk about it. Please respect that decision. Thank you.

    I will be seeing it. There is no way in hell I’m talking If you wish to discuss it with me my door is open.

    [info]supposedtobe in [info]thedoorway

    [Filtered to Shep]

    You know what tomorrow is, right?

    [info]reptilsaur in [info]thedoorway

    [Filter to Steve Rogers (616) & Tony Stark (1610)]
    Hello, sirs. I know you’re busy and I don’t mean to bother you at all, but I was wondering if you knew anything about suits? I’m going to prom and I’ve never really had to wear one except for a funeral when I was eight. There was also this other school dance, but I didn’t wear anything too fancy. Anyways, I am going with a really great girl so I want to look nice.

    Which is to say I know you’re busy and don’t have time for this, but if you have any advice it would be appreciated. Sirs.

    [Filter to Carol Danvers]
    I’m sorry to bother you, but do girls generally like the corsage you wear on your wrist or the one you pin to your dress? Or are both too cheesy? I’d really appreciate some advice.

    [Filter to Nico Minoru]
    I don’t mean to rush you, but do you know what color dress you’re wearing? I think couples people usually try to match. Unless you don’t want to.

    [info]ex_tenfold188 in [info]thedoorway

    If anyone sees me around and it's not me, like it's not prime or there are more than two of me and...

    If it's not Lee, either, just tell me to come on home, please and thank you. DON'T MAN HANDLE ME THOUGH.

    [Filter X-Men 616 verse]
    I've gone missing since this morning, I had to have left the building, I may have made myself mad. I don't think I'm going to do anything rash but still, be on the look out for a rogue dupe with an attitude problem.

    IT'S NOT A HUGE DEAL, just saying because I hate when I make myself mad.


    [info]_nightcrawler in [info]thedoorway

    I need opinions.

    People have been touching my tail.

    Logan says punch them.

    [info]verymodel in [info]thedoorway

    Have spent last few days studying age regression. Would have posted findings sooner, but solution currently undiscovered. Perplexing. Am uncomfortable with current stage of human development. Difficult to concentrate. Problematic for research.

    [info]nicepantiesyang in [info]thedoorway

    Dude. What is this place? The freakin' Twilight Zone?

    Where's the bar?

    [info]frozeninice in [info]thedoorway

    Failed filter to Tony Stark [EMH]




    [info]deanna_troi in [info]thedoorway

    While I am enjoying my time here I feel like I'm not doing all that much. I have completed getting my degree recognized here and besides working I have only spent time with a small handful of people which I would like to do. What do people enjoy doing? I have to admit I've spent so much time working here and back home though I did relax of course with poker nights and on the holodeck among other things. I haven't played much card games here as I wasn't sure how people would react to my ability to tell when they are bluffing though I suppose when I think about it there are plenty of others with unique mental abilities so perhaps it wouldn't be so off putting?

    Still I think I need to get out some more and meet some other people.

    Also if any of the people who have been deaged need anything or someone to talk to I am happy to help.

    Will & Jean-Luc
    Despite that I would very much like to have dinner with both of you at some point.

    [info]drstam in [info]thedoorway

    Who: Simon and Bing
    Where: Clinic
    What: Meeting
    Rating: TBD

    Read more... )

    [info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

    Dear Karolina,

    I found a recipe for you to try out, as long as you let me taste-test.

    Vegan avocado chocolate cake with a vegan chocolate ganache. Yeah, you read that right. Avocado. It has avocado in it.


    [info]ladymacgyver in [info]thedoorway

    Just something I have been thinking about but would a repair business go over well within the area? I was thinking along the lines of the minor things like kitchen appliances, minor car problems, electronics and that sort of thing. Mostly since school is on hold but in progress I figured something would keep me busy and feeling useful beyond the yard.

    But I finally flipped through the first couple of parts of the books, this Lemony Snicket has inside info because its all too true to what I remember.

    [info]venomblast in [info]thedoorway

    » HI THERE!
    » So I have a dilemma
    » And so I need you
    » You and your chemistry skills!
    » Because... you got plenty of those

    [info]stilllucy in [info]thedoorway

    I'm not sure I've seen so many children since I was one.

    Actually it's likely more than what I saw growing up. Frightening thought that.

    [Filtered to Bennett and Sage]

    Given the problem we are approaching, I would reccomend overnight observation. However do you think it would be helpful to establish a a waking baseline? Either way, let us know when would work best for you, Sage.

    [Filtered to Bennett and Bucky(MCU)]

    Bucky, were you still interested in us attempting to retrieve your memories? Or at the very least doing a superficial examination to attempt to see if we can uncover at least possible damage or tampering?

    If so, we can make time to bring you into the lab.