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April 28th, 2013

[info]theotherparker in [info]thedoorway

Late night/early morning delivery to Peter Parker )

[info]letsgocannons in [info]thedoorway

Now that Frugo has stopped puking long enough to think straight again,

Teds, I know you're not all right, and it'd be ridiculous to ask you if you are. But if you need us for anything, you know we're here. And let's face it. Some of us pushier bastards will probably be there even if you don't need us for anything.

In the meantime, I propose obtaining a disgusting amount of chocolate.

[info]gigidee in [info]thedoorway

You ever get those nights where you're completely exhausted, but your brain won't shut off? Not my favorite way to spend an evening.

But I did find this beauty.

cut for image )

[info]call_shaft in [info]thedoorway

»How'd you land in a wheelchair again?

[info]changetherules in [info]thedoorway

Network Post

Now that it appears I can leave the apartment without catching influenza, it's time I began to explore New York City and further acquaint myself with modern living.

Myka will, of course, be giving me thorough lessons. I would be remiss if I did not listen to other perspectives as well. I've spoken to a few of you so far.

Who else would like to offer some opinions and suggestions?

[info]snowflakeinhell in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Teen Filter


It's kind of sad seeing adults get all excited about prom.

I thought I'd get to know some of the people I'll probably have classes with. (Also, I should really get on with getting to know my roommate. Since, uh, we LIVE together and all...) There was that baseball thing, but there's gotta be something else besides just prom that can get us socializing and all that. I don't think we have the space to declare a slumber party, unless someone knows of one we could use.

So, who are you people? Anyone I've missed talking to so far who also went to Xavier's, or even the Massachusetts Academy (ugh)?


Since we've got adults up in our prom, how about a teens-only AND TRY TO KEEP IT SECRET after party?

[info]stingsdoesntit in [info]thedoorway

[ Filtered to Jan Van Dyne (EMH) ]
I can't sleep. I don't know if you're even awake to see this, but my mind is moving a million miles a minute and I can't sleep. I miss you. I miss having you around all the time. I miss when things were easy. I don't know where I fit anymore. I don't belong with the Avengers. Nobody even wants me there except you and Tony. And I didn't fit at Grayburn anymore without you there. I messed it up, Jan. I messed it all up. I'm never what you need. I'm never what anyone needs. No matter how much I try and be that, I always end up doing the exact opposite of what people want, and I'm afraid that one day, I'll end up screw up so badly that there won't be any coming back from it. We were lucky with Ultron. I was lucky. It could have been so much worse than what it turned into. I could have killed you. I could have killed everyone. All my genius has ever done is reap destruction, and now that I'm trying not to use it, that I'm doing what you guys wanted me to do from the start, everyone wants that Pym back. Brilliant Dr. Henry Pym, pacifist, reckless genius, and potential destroyer of worlds. I don't want to be that guy again, Jan. I don't want to be him. I'm safer just punching things. Everyone's safer if I'm just punching things.

I miss you.

[info]theotherparker in [info]thedoorway

» So.
» I'm a bit rusty on web-speak.
» Web to the face?
» Yes, I think they are Aunt May's cookies?
» No, I'm smarter than that and I have more faith in you, Ben, these aren't her cookies?
» OMG you are such a jerk but I ate all the cookies anyways?
» Obviously option 3 can be combined with one or two.

[info]daniel_jackson in [info]thedoorway

I always try to not to post in here too often but I'm afraid I left a book on Celtic mythology at Sam's last night. When I went back it was no longer there and the staff had not seen it.

Has anyone?

[info]dontyouladyme in [info]thedoorway

Soooo, Jan. How many bodyparts do I need to sell for a Janet van Dyne original prom dress?

Patrol with me tonight? I'll buy you dinner.

Avenger kids aside, I'm fine with poking our noses in a little deeper if that's what we need to do.

The last thing we need is 100 hands trying to jump in on this because it's now their mission or purpose. It's only going to hurt progress and possibly even send him underground if he thinks he's that threatened.

It's weird being the hothead and saying that, for the record. Can I just punch a few people?

[info]alittledarkness in [info]thedoorway

Prom huh? Interesting it being open to everyone. Kinda cool really. I didn't get a prom. Things with my adopted dad and shit fell apart around that time, and I ended up in Summer's care. Which, honestly, totally prone to dances, balls,masquerades and the like but it's not the same. Especially since dancing with the Fae is capable of making you feel a new level of dumb and two left footed. However, I did learn to dance a zillion times better because of my years there. Bonus right?

[info]ewoksrule in [info]thedoorway

network post: dorcas meadowes

So, prom. Who's going? I definitely am and the lovely Jane Bennet is making my dress, so you know I'm going to look fantastic. What about you lot? Get dressed up with me and go to this thing? It'll be loads more fun if all my mates are there with me!

[info]e_nocapes in [info]thedoorway

If anyone with superpowers that would make it hard to get clothes for prom still wants to go, please contact me. I'll be glad to design for you.

[info]theanomaly in [info]thedoorway

All of this talk of prom makes me think about all of the basic teenager things that my friends and I missed out on back home because we were too busy saving the world from an alien invasion. Even when we did go to a school dance, it was all overshadowed by Ax getting ill (resulting in everyone else getting ill and my doing brain surgery), so maybe it just wasn't in the stars for us to do any of that.

I have a feeling that we weren't the only ones in that situation, though, given all of the people here. I can't say that I'm really disappointed that I missed out on that bit, since I'm sure it would have meant Rachel making me wear a dress, but sometimes I do wonder what life would have been like without the Yeerks and all of the war and if we'd just grown up as normal teenagers. If Rachel wouldn't have Not much any of could do about it now anyway, though.

[info]ofaphrodite in [info]thedoorway


Since I lived at camp year round and never went to high school or anything like that, I totally missed out on homecoming and prom and winter formal and all of those fantastic things that require really pretty dresses and getting my hair all glammed up. Because of that I am so going and I've already narrowed it down to six dresses that I really, really want which probably doesn't seem like a lot of success, but my "Possible Prom Dress" bookmark folder was kind of embarrassing before I finally sat down and did some compare and contrast.

I have no idea how I'm going to narrow down from those six, though. It's probably frowned upon to have a wardrobe change mid-event, yeah? Yeah, probably. Sigh.

[info]themadgirl in [info]thedoorway

Cut, not filtered! )

[info]tangerinetrees in [info]thedoorway

I've discovered this website, which guarantees that I will be eating like a Queen for at least a few weeks (aka when I get tired of making fancy food all of the time).

Example? This is dinner tonight.


Just for the record, I've been looking around like you asked, Nico. Everything really does seem more or less the same as what we have back home. There are variations, but after looking online and stuff, it's mostly East Coast vs. West Coast regional differences.



How are you doing?


[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

I keep seeing people talking about (and complaining) that they have nothing to do, that there's no one to fight, that they're a soldier and they don't know how to live this way, and I have to bite my tongue. Do they want our home to be at war just so they can fulfill that need? I'll take peace over war any day, for the general public. War isn't the only battle we have to face, either. All they have to do is go down to the poorer areas of the city and they'll see smaller battles being fought every day, much like the ones I lived through, before we met.

And then I think that I know where they're coming from and I know the adjustment isn't easy. I just don't have anything helpful to say to them.

[info]senatorskyboy in [info]thedoorway


Who: Nathan Petrelli
When: Early Sunday morning April 28
Where: The apartment he shares with Kathryn
What: First person complete narrative, reflecting on life
Rating: Low

He'd been lying awake for some time now )

[info]freezeorexplode in [info]thedoorway

Recently, I finished watching the show I was on and all I could think about is if Prue or Leo ever show up here, where would they be coming from.

Filtered Private )

[info]letsgobats in [info]thedoorway

One thing I always wanted while at Hogwarts. A school dance with The Weird Sisters.

[info]letusbebad in [info]thedoorway

Who: Ivy Lynn and Derek Wills
When:Tuesday April 23
Where:Derek’s apartment
What:Discovering Smash, getting a little drunk and trying to figure things out
Rating:Moderate for language

To figuring it all out and starting over )

[info]oftheangels in [info]thedoorway

Is there anyone who isn't excited about mundane prom, or am I the only one who plans on staying as far away from that as possible?

[info]supposedtobe in [info]thedoorway

So, what's the difference between a prom and a school dance?

[Filtered to Tony (616)]
I can't believe I I have a proposition for you.

[info]furrybluefriend in [info]thedoorway

[young X-Men]
Perhaps it is a bit silly, to ask, but with all the talk of it on this network. Are any of us planning on attending this prom?

[Filtered to Raven]
I was wondering if you might like to go with me.

[info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

So. Prom.

First I was crowned Queen of the prom. (Doesn't matter, I rocked that tiara.) And then I attended an anti-prom that wasn't nearly as fun, so I ended up going anyway.

I have mixed feelings.

[info]swordofjedi in [info]thedoorway

Well, this sucks. Looks like my mom got sent back through the Tesseract. At least now she actually gets to go on and save the galaxy and have me and my brothers without creating a weird time paradox. But.. Still. She gets everything else that comes with it too, not sure it's that great of a trade-off

Anything I can do?

[info]blaisethezabini in [info]thedoorway

Filter to: Severus Snape, Albus Potter, Martha Jones
As per my database: currently in New York: 39.
25 Gryffindors
7 Hufflepuffs
2 Ravenclaws
4 Slytherins
1 Non-Hogwarts
Potter-Weasley family: 21 or 53.85%, the first time since I've been keeping track that they've had a majority of the refugee population.

There's a slightly disturbing trend of current departures not being from the Potter-Weasley family, and the last addition of our world was several weeks ago, suggesting a levelling off of those from our world, though the recent departures also indicated a possible trend of keeping just familial units together. Before, the longest stretch of arrivals from this world was 9 days. We are currently at double that (18) days and counting. The last arrival was the re-arrival of Ginny Weasley. Discounting that, the last original arrival from our world was Molly Weasley on the 8th, 20 days ago. There have been 26 total departures. Of those 9 are singular versions that have not reappeared more than once.

I had planned to track ages, though I think that information is going to be too difficult to access. Martha, I hope this provides some insight for you.

Filter: Bennett
I've never seen a Muggle moving picture - they're called movies here, I think. Would you like to accompany me to one and have drinks after?

I think I'm finally settling in here.

[info]pymjr in [info]thedoorway

TEXT to Azari

» Duuudddeeeee
» What's up?
» Are you on the roof again?

[info]adjutant in [info]thedoorway

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice to Potts Tower Network )

[info]misrule in [info]thedoorway

Who: Loki & Sif
When: Now!
Where: Chez Loki
What: Nightmares
Rating: PG-13

Valhalla -- the hall of her fathers and the place of preparation. )

[info]lmartin in [info]thedoorway

How awesome does this look? Anyone want to organise a trip? Or have any other suggestions for what we should do?

[info]ewoksrule in [info]thedoorway

network post: dorcas meadowes

Well, fuck. There went my prom date.

Filter: HP-Verse/friends of Oliver Wood
If you didn't see the notice, Oliver was sent back.

If anyone needs me, I'll be making a dent in the liquor supply at Sam's.

Bloody Tesseract. I'm tired of it taking people I care about.

[info]bitterman in [info]thedoorway

There is always a certain let down when returning from a holiday and realising that you will have to return to work, though at least I am not returning to Hogwarts this time. Always a bonus. I feel I ought to thank Etienne though for suggesting quite forcefully that I take a holiday as it was only when I left San Francisco that I realised that it had been several years since I'd had a true holiday. For the seven years prior to being brought here, my summers had been taken up with work, with very little time left for myself. This holiday emphasised quite succinctly that I am not at home and do not have to do that work anymore, something for which I find myself incredibly grateful.

[Filtered to Wesley]
I trust you got back here safe and sound? Thank you for coming to San Francisco with me. I enjoyed your company.


[Filtered to Lily]
I don't go back to work until Wednesday but I'm dropping in tomorrow to pick up Bastet. I told Etienne that if he was going to make me go on holiday, he could look after my demon cat while I was away. Presuming that Bastet has left him alive and mostly in one piece, I'll have a chance to speak to Abigail, the waitress I mentioned to you, about places to go in New York.


[info]grandiloquence in [info]thedoorway

Who: Ron Weasley & Hermione Granger
What: Moving in and talking about Things
Where: Hermione's apartment, and then Ron's
When: A Saturday Night, backdated due to reasons haha
Rating: SFW though mentions sex, but not explicitly
Status: closed; complete log

+++ )

[info]ex_machine300 in [info]thedoorway

Frak me, I'm getting paranoid. Glad you're all still here.

[FILTERED: Tamara Adama]
So I hear you're getting a job at Sam's.

[info]brrrr in [info]thedoorway

How about one more post about the prom? YEAH, LET'S HAVE ONE MORE.

My name is Bobby. I don't have a date yet. Have some facts about me:

2. I'm even using vaguely proper grammar right now. Isn't that alluring?
3. Also I can freeze things WITH MY MIND.

Ladies who are 16 or older, in need of some coolness to counteract their hotness, and are single so I don't have a guy 10 times my size shoving my head in a toilet when they find out? Hi. Hey. I'm awesome company.

[info]helpmeobwan in [info]thedoorway

Network Post

Once more the Tesseract has taken someone that I know. I didn't get to spend as much time with Leia as I would have liked but I shall miss her.

[Filter: Luke Skywalker]
Are you all right? Would you like company? I'm happy to come by if you would but if not I certainly understand.

[info]ikoloki in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Loki Laufeyson
WHAT: Loki knew that the silence was too good to last.
WHEN: April 28th; Morning
WHERE: Loki & Sif's apartment
RATING: PG [Warning: JiM 645 spoilers]

Loki was sure it was always the same bird )

[info]philanthropist in [info]thedoorway

  Click to Play

listen, if you're going to film me crashing a community college's chem class, at least do it in better resolution.

also, apparently it's impossible to ban strawberries from the entirety of the state for someone's birthday.

[info]ikoloki in [info]thedoorway

[ Filtered to MCU Avengers + Nick Fury & Phil Coulson ]
I've been meaning to make a request, and it'll likely come off as horribly unorthodox and I don't expect anyone to think it's a very good idea. But I was wondering if I might be given clearance to speak with my other self. His restlessness is unnerving, and I believe I would at the very least serve as a distraction.

[ Filtered to Thor (MCU) ]
I need to Something Did I ever explain So. How are things?

[info]wmtriker in [info]thedoorway

Network Post

A couple of weeks ago, Jean-Luc I still have a hard time not calling him captain was talking about possibly having a talent night. The two of us starting looking around antique shops and pawn stores trying to find something similar to the flute he had as well as a used trombone for me. Yesterday I found it.

Here she is. A vintage Conn 1927 ballroom model trombone. I've always wanted one but finding one in my time is next to impossible and the one time I did see one, it was more than I could afford. Thankfully the shop I found this one in was so amazed at seeing Jean-Luc Picard walk through his door that he sold it to me for practically nothing.

I think I'm going to name her Louise.

[info]younghero in [info]thedoorway

I'm 100% better than I was at the beginning of the week. So glad that whatever it was that I had is gone. I missed going to my classes this week, but I've been working extra hard this weekend so that I stay caught up in them.


I'm well enough to help you out whenever now!

[info]neurarchitect in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Lucy Stillman]
I hadn't thought of it until the other day, but there was that fellow giving away the Raspberry Pis. I got one and have been playing with it, and I think if we modify the processor to something more robust than an SD card, it might be a good platform for the MRI data. I've been uploading one of the mice onto it. But I'll drop by what I've been playing with so you can see if you can find any flaws in it before we try putting it on one of the test mice.

Also, how many times can you go get drinks with someone before it becomes a thing?

[info]crazytacolady in [info]thedoorway

I've successfully finished the Harry Potter series. Would have read them years ago or as they came out, but being stuck in a hell dimension for five years tends to put a hold on normal things like recreational reading. It seems like a lot of books and shows and such came out/started at some point while I was in hell.


I hope you don't mind that Wes comes over to watch Angel. You can join us if you want.

And how are things going with figuring out school?

[info]lilyluna in [info]thedoorway

Okay, apparently there is this thing on the internet. It's called Pottering, which is where someone takes a broom, jumps with it between their legs, someone else snaps a photograph, and then they're forever immotalized as looking as though they're riding said broom.

And it is brilliant.

Cut, not filtered. )

[info]greatballs in [info]thedoorway


[info]withthebread in [info]thedoorway

Do you ever think about our future back home? I've been t Annie and You know what the books said, right?

[info]dinocrazy in [info]thedoorway


Hello family!

I hope this letter finds you well.
The cookies you sent me arrived safe and well, and I've shared them with the rest of the crew. They were a nice change from all the protein we've been eating lately. Thank you.
Zoe's pregnant. And yes, we've decided on a name. Trac(e)y Washburne. Sorry dad. We're not going for Hoban. Or Philomon. I'm not entirely sure that this is the right time, but she's coming, no matter what.
I've also arrived in a strange place that I can't really talk about too much, but I'm famous here.
And Zoe's here. Most the crew's here. Only the priest is missing. I haven't got a ship to fly, but I've got a honest job now, working as a night guard in a museum. (Dad, I'm trying to hatch my own dinosaurs, any tips?)

This is acidulous.</s>

[Filtered to Zoe Washburne]
Lamby toes? Maybe we should talk.

I just saw someone carrying a monkey in a diaper and he had a little hat.

That's just wrong.

[info]lownatured in [info]thedoorway

It is odd to see the cherry blossoms lush and full and yet not met at all with the same celebrations and wonder as in Japan. Still, it's familiar and comforting to walk under the cherry trees at work every morning.

[info]perceweasley in [info]thedoorway

This...this is EXTRAORDINARY! Wizarding folk! I have just learned of magic that muggles have discovered!


I have eaten 3 bowls of this wonder food, though I think I might have gotten myself a bit sick...

Molly, Lucy...have you experienced this miracle?

[info]stephendedalus in [info]thedoorway

Who: An Extremely Drunk Stephen Dedalus.
Witness: An Unfortunately Not-Drunk Steve Rogers (616)
When: Sunday Night
Where: The Playwright Irish Pub
What: Stephen Dedalus makes an effort to restore Rogers' Irishness with a strong dose of all of the booze. At a certain point in the evening, Stephen realises that Steve isn't getting drunk -- but by then he's really too plastered to care. And certainly too plastered to really realise that he's telling Steve all about Peggy Carter
Rating: PG-13 for swearing and references to Samuel Beckett

and yet her name was like a summons to all my foolish blood )

[info]drewlove in [info]thedoorway

So apparently my boyfriend is just like....GONE.

This tesseract SUCKS.

[Filtered to: Vicki Donnovan]

I could use a LOT of ice cream right now.

[info]wantedout in [info]thedoorway

Spring is certainly taking its sweet time warming up, isn't it?

Mark off the weekend of the 11th, please.

[info]ivlivs in [info]thedoorway

I have seen and been through a lot of crazy things, but this just might be top five level of crazy.

I've been filled in on some of what is apparently going on, no matter how unbelievable much of it sounds. I was brought to an apartment that I was told I was previously living in because I was here before, despite that I have no memories of it, which is something that should really stop surprising me. I was in a ship in Rome, but somehow I was brought to a building in New York City. I am also apparently a character in a series of books.

All right, maybe this is more top three.

I should probably mention, I'm Jason Grace, son of Jupiter. I was also told that I have friends here. Pipes, are y

[info]ossified in [info]thedoorway

I'm not quite sure what to think. Someone from SHIELD explained what happened, but it still doesn't make any sense to me. Then again, it feels like little does these days.

Rumplestiltskin Mr. Gold, they told me you were here. Is that true?

[info]oswaldftw in [info]thedoorway

Hang on.

I've been uploaded to the internet before, so the whole "You're on a TV show thing" sort of makes me feel like this is just another one of Chin Boys adventures. This isn't really some TV station that likes to make people THINK they're a TV show, but really they're on a reality show about people who handle how their lives would be if their lives were a TV show.

Anyone seen a really skinny, really pale weird fellow with a giant chin and funny hair? I sort of need him to give me a ride home.

[info]alwaysfindher in [info]thedoorway

It looks like things are taking a better turn.

I'm not talking about the show. I've decided avoiding it really is the best course.

But just...in general.

( Mary Margaret )
So, I was thinking. It's been a long time since we've danced together.

I know it's not quite the same as the balls back home, but would you do me the honor of being my prom date?

( Sam )
Just asked Mary Margaret to prom. You should be equally lame and ask Ruby, so I don't feel like an idiot.

( Ruby )
I just asked Mary Margaret to prom. Was that dumb? I think it might have been dumb.

( Neal )
I'm taking Henry for a swordfighting lesson tomorrow. I figured we'd grab something to eat after. Would you like to come along? I don't really feel like we've gotten a chance to get to know each other here. And you're his father, so we should change that.

( Emma )
I just asked your mom to prom. Feel free to laugh.

( Rumplestiltskin )
I told you it would work out. You've just got to have faith.

And, for the record, I'm glad you have her back.

[info]barbiefangs in [info]thedoorway

network post: caroline forbes

Prom again. No Tyler again. And he's not going to show up afterward. At least you won't steal my dress again, Elena.

[info]iwillsoonbegone in [info]thedoorway

Sometimes, with how much this looks like home, it is hard to remember that it isn't. Not until you see yourself on television, at least.

There was a delay on the trains tonight. First time I've missed an episode since Em told me about Tamara.

Someone fill me in. Prom?

[info]theotherparker in [info]thedoorway

» How you holding up?

[info]deadwalker in [info]thedoorway

I've made some liver soup. And if I guess correctly, nobody's going to be very keen on joining me, right? That's perfectly fine with me, just as long as you know you're missing out on an Adamsa classic.

And after four years, I finally cut my hair. My neck feels very light.