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March 25th, 2013

[info]demmedelusive in [info]thedoorway

La, but as I was trying to say the other day in conversation. You would not believe what people in this city will pay for a decent French tutor.

Seemed dreadful charitable to share the tip as it appears several of my contemporaries come from some experience with la langue.

[info]findekano in [info]thedoorway

As my dear friend was busy today, I went to a movie, and saw a movie called The Lorax. I was rather intrigued at the idea, and went to the bookstore to find the book upon which it was based.

I cannot help but wonder if this creature, this Lorax is simply an Ent re-imagined.

Cut for image )

This is nothing like what an Ent looks like, but it is the same sort of thing one would say.

[info]mechromancing in [info]thedoorway


And that's what saved middle earth.

[info]findekano in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Bast]

Lady, I could not help but think that I would dearly wish to provide a place where abandoned and frightened cats could live in safety. The shelter is a good enough place, but it is a sad one, where they live in cages until they are adopted. Perhaps we could provide...I know not what to call it. An asylum, perhaps, where they can find joy before they find a permanent place to live.

Would you be interested in helping me?

[info]sailor_pluto in [info]thedoorway

I wish I had the money and time to fly to Japan right now. The Cherry Blossoms are out and I wish to see them back 'home'. I mean, aren't they simply gorgeous?

Cut for Image! )

[info]adjutant in [info]thedoorway

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice to Potts Tower Network )

[info]fractile in [info]thedoorway

Dance -- ballet, in particular -- is more physically strenuous than one would think just by watching. By no means was their en pointe (leastways not from me) but I feel as though I can pretty successfully say I'll pull out the ladder for the high shelves.

Walter, if I spill anything on you, I'm sorry. But I think your hair might even benefit from a linseed treatment.

[Filter: Isabel]
Again, thank you for introducing me to new experiences.

[Filter: Neal]
It seems I missed your birthday.

[info]starkeeper in [info]thedoorway

»Would you like to maybe have dinner?

[info]nelyafinwe in [info]thedoorway

Faica umbar, melda heru! Aiya astaldir atar - aiya vorondo alcaryatar. Namárië Atar. Namárië.

Whither you go I cannot follow, father. Whither you go [...] you go to death. We were not strong or fast enough to save you then and I have failed to save you now. But I remember your dying words well and to my Oath I hold, until the ends of the world. I so swore it.

Eru guide you to the Halls of the Slain where I will see you again.

I do not know how or where to fill out the 1411-TR. I would be grateful for any who aid me, you will be rewarded.

[Filtered; Don Draper & Elizabeth Burke]
I seek to ease your concern that my father has disappeared. I have access to the smithy and his storage in which his jewels reside, as he made sure I took care of those petty details from the start. They are all, as you say, in my name.

We will proceed with our plans.

[info]onehandedpirate in [info]thedoorway

I woke early this morning and much to my dismay, I still have received no closure confirmation from you, Jefferson. The little vixen looked as though she could eat you alive, which has me half worried you didn't make it out of the evening fully intact. A little reassurance wouldn't go amiss.

[info]castlewriter in [info]thedoorway

I was surfing through the geek boards on Pinterest when this poster caught my eye. Now, I had to do some investigating to find out when the 100th episode of my show was going to be on. Turns out, it's going to air next week on my birthday. How cool is that? The only thing that would make it better is if Alexis and Beckett show up here.

[info]fennelstalk in [info]thedoorway

Farewell, Silas. I hope that you returned to a place which allows you to hear the souls of the departed. Here, your presence will be missed.

[info]xenolinguist in [info]thedoorway


I was wondering what sort of pictures there were of me out there. I found this gem.

Party on the bridge!

There's a whole bunch of funny ones and serious ones (especially from that new movie coming out) that I found here, if you guys haven't stumbled onto it already.

[info]crazytacolady in [info]thedoorway

Nearly here four months and curiosity has finally gotten the better of me. I started watching Angel. I've only watched the first couple of episodes so far, I thought it best to start there instead of jumping in to when I come in, and it's nice to see how Angel Investigations got started. I'm glad I'm part of this team.

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

New York Mets opening day, April 1, 1:10 pm. Don't forget.

There's a game on the 3rd as well, in the evening. I wouldn't mind going to both if the first one isn't convenient for all of you.

[info]goodshepard in [info]thedoorway

Maybe I've judged the existence of our video games too harshly. The fact that these even exist...

OOC cut for gifs. )

Well. There's obviously something magical happening there. Saving these for the next time you jerks mock my dancing.

Especially yours, Kaidan.

[info]revolutionary in [info]thedoorway

[Ms Miss Mlle Summers]

My name is Denis Enjolras and I am quite pleased to make your acquaintance. I have learned also that you teach a seminar on Modern Culture that I am quite interested in. My dear friend Simon Grantaire has been here already some time and has taught me much, but few questions still remain and I hoped you might agree to perhaps talk to me on these matters?

Please, let me know if there is anything you would like me to do for an exchange with your knowledge. Peut-être que dinner might be sufficient, n'est pas?

[info]sadistical in [info]thedoorway

Bad luck for me, now we're short a history teacher. Anyone here feel equipped to teach social studies? As in American history, world history, civics and government, economics, and geography. Most of what I learned in history class hasn't happened yet.

I've decided to embrace this world, clean slate, new opportunities and all that. Guess you could say I've gone native. Still, I can't say I don't miss

[info]fromzerotohero in [info]thedoorway

Can people 'confirm' things for me.

People keep talking about Christine and how cute she is. I really have a daughter?

[info]lownatured in [info]thedoorway

I have been many places, but I until now I had not yet been to New York City.

I am certain everything happens for a reason, though I feel at a loss without my brother. Has anyone seen another man who looks like me called Lysander?

[info]cerebricity in [info]thedoorway

accidental post

[info]underthesee in [info]thedoorway

I'm sad to see that Silas has left, but I'm sure that he is happiest in his own world. He was very kind and I won't forget him until I get taken back if I get taken back.

Hi there. How are you adjusting?

[info]onceaborgia in [info]thedoorway

It’s a strange thing knowing how you’ll die. I expected more dread at the thought, but it’s oddly comforting in a way. If history tells it accurately, I will pass during the delivery of my eighth child. I cannot imagine having so many. There are worse ways to die, I suppose. The Spartans thought death by childbirth as noble as death in battle. If only I was Spartan.

I miss my son. I know I would not want him in this place, but it does little to ease the ache.

[info]babsgordon_ in [info]thedoorway

Will it be spring any time soon?

[Filter: Dr. McCoy, Jim Kirk, Chekhov, Christine Chapel, Spock (09), Uhura]

I haven't had the pleasure of meeting all of you yet, however, I've been seeing I'm friends with Admiral Admiral Pike. I was hoping that you are all available to come over for dinner this Friday evening in celebration of Christopher's birthday, which is coming up soon. Please let me know either way, and also let me know of any dietary restrictions so I can plan the menu accordingly. I hope you can make it!

[Filter: Christine Chapel]

I'm sorry, again, for canceling the other week. A very close friend of mine had departed, and I wasn't taking it well. Can we try again? Preferably before Friday so that I might know better what to expect if everyone comes?

[Filter: Christopher Pike]

Clear your calendar for Friday night.

[info]withthebread in [info]thedoorway

So, I think I found someone with a lot of money to throw around who's willing to give me some for rental space, if you still need it.
Hello sir. I'm Peeta Mellark. I saw on the network that you're a therapist? I was seeing one here, but she left and went back to her world, so I was hoping I might be able to talk to you.
Hey. How a What's u How are things going with the center?

[info]vespermartini in [info]thedoorway

Good God. Is it Christmas yet?

Or can I just pretend this is the same as a chocolate bunny?

[Filter: Draper]
Don't worry. I only put up one picture. Still plenty of room for your postcards.

[info]thewasp in [info]thedoorway

Without divulging too much information on the state of things at SHIELD, I was wondering if I could clear a block of your time this Saturday.

In the spirit of full disclosure: I intend to cook. With pans and pots and ingredients and everything.
Hello! I hope the sizing didn't alarm you too much, but you'll be pleased to know I've got a few shirts made for you. Come by and pick them up any time.
YOU. Hey you. Yeah, I'm talking to you. What are you doing Friday night? You wanna go see a movie with your embarrassing other mother and then get hot chocolate or ice cream or whatever the kids do these days?
I can't believe I'm actually saying this - because HOLY CRAP it makes me feel old - but do you have time say... Thursday for your not-quite-great-grandmother?

[info]openbook in [info]thedoorway

Likely spoilers for last night's OUAT.

You're not still watching that crap, are you?

[info]gigglebangs in [info]thedoorway

OMG YOU GUYS, you have to see these!

Cut, not filtered - for images! )

I think Winston is my favorite.

I have GOT to get off the internet. But at least I haven't started looking at the porn. No doubt, the guys have already loaded up their computers.

[info]lilyluna in [info]thedoorway

Saw a link to this site on the network and I checked it out again today, only to find that...

AUNT HERMIONE! You're on a t-shirt!

[info]turquoises in [info]thedoorway

This is unnerving. Cut, not filtered! )

Bump the dates up and that is almost exactly my progression throughout the years. I don't miss the super long hair of sixth year, though, and I'm sure my grandmother didn't either.

Hey. I was wondering if the two of you might be busy Friday evening?

Hey you. Are you busy Friday evening?

[info]everyone_dies in [info]thedoorway

Who: Jeremy Gilbert and Bonnie Bennet
When: Monday night
Where: Potts Tower, Bonnie's room
What: Jere and Bonnie finally talk about his death on the show
Rating: PG-13 for talk of character death

Quote )

[info]cricketchirp in [info]thedoorway

Email to SHIELD

To: Maria Hill
Cc: Nick Fury (MCU)
From: Archibald Hopper
Subject: Patient File

you have 1 new message )

[info]verdancy in [info]thedoorway

Oh, why did no one mention Mr. Stoppard?

“Autumnal— nothing to do with leaves. It is to do with a certain brownness at the edges of the day… Brown is creeping up on us, take my word for it.. Russets and tangerine shades of old gold flushing the very outside edge of the senses… deep shining ochres burnt umber and parchments of baked earth— reflecting on itself and through itself, filtering the light. At such times, perhaps, coincidentally, the leaves might fall, somewhere, by repute. Yesterday was blue, like smoke.”

(Forgive me this, when we are waiting for the spring; it is still half December, in my head. And perhaps Autumnal is not merely bound to the season itself.)

[info]scudder in [info]thedoorway

This little fellow came in for a bath this morning:

cut for image )

He perked right up when I took his jacket off him. I told the lady who dropped him when she came back that he was just embarrassed but she wouldn't hear a word of it. The blasted thing went right back on again, and if his chin didn't drop right back down to the ground. Poor bastard. At least he got a brushing.

Where I come from dogs was for hunting mostly - I met some sheep dogs of course but the ones I worked with caught birds and that was about all. I guess it's nice they make them now to lie around in sitting rooms because who doesn't like to lie around in sitting rooms? But they don't need jackets. Or jumpers. Or ribbons on their ears. Or shoes, you wouldn't believe the people who bring them in with shoes. What's the point?

I'll get an Irish Setter I think. So far they're my favourite.

[info]misrule in [info]thedoorway

who: Sif & Loki
where: Loki's quarters
when: Uhh, let's say a week or so ago!
what: Sentiment.
rating: PG13 for some mild violence

The iceman cometh. )

[info]imitosis in [info]thedoorway

LADIES (and James Bond) ... listen up. When you get your crayons and your coloring books, send me back your pictures of our very own Don Juan and we'll put up a gallery dedicated to him. You can't protest, Don. It will be so colorful. It will be like Warhol. Yes, I know who Warhol is.

[Filter: Leoben/Kara]
You're quiet. When you're this quiet it either means that you're plotting or you're completely directionless and you're searching for meaning. Have you found any yet? Are you making friends with the locals? Our people are either hard to keep her, up the ass of various others or not really willing to come together as a group.

Seems par for our course.

I joined a paramilitary organization and got to shoot some really big guns when we were last out. There was a smaller craft that flew at us and with one missile it was gone. It wasn't as powerful as a nuke but it was something. No hand-to-hand. Maybe next time I will be so lucky.

[info]fiestyisabel in [info]thedoorway

So - culinary school is something that I appear to have to work harder at getting into. I was not accepted into the next term - but that's okay. I'm just going to work harder. In the meantime, it's been Yoga, Ballet and training. Found a little restaurant who will hire me on part time as a prep cook, and the head chef is going to help me learn. So it's been a productive month. On a good note, they only want me three days a week and two of them are in the mornings, so I can still do home cooking for my roommate and boyfriend, and whoever else drops by~

Unfortunately I felt like dancing this morning after getting the call back and may have twisted my ankle slipping on a wet spot on the floor. Which means no dancing for a few days. I'm not as young as I used to be and might as well rest it for a day or two. Oops? It was a sight, too bad no one was there to see it. There may have been some ungraceful flails and a few curses as I landed on the floor. Ha! Pretty funny, though, now.

[info]duchesss in [info]thedoorway

Hello Network. I'm new.

Plus sides, I've been inside S.H.I.E.L.D, my mother didn't follow me through the Tessaract and there are lots of Super Heroines in this building.

Down side, I'm living with a crazy, train obsessed Texan.

Penny, bring me luck?

[info]ororo in [info]thedoorway

If anyone is interested to know, the air over the next week or so feels significantly warmer. We may yet be in spring. Though how calm that may remain is still uncertain. It will be refreshing to see the city beneath its winter coats and scarves.

[Filtered to T'Challa]
I wish to apologize for disappearing abruptly as I did last week. I hope you are well.

[Filtered to Jean Grey]
You would tell me if I were being foolish, yes?