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March 4th, 2013

[info]soflyohmy in [info]thedoorway

LIZZIE. Lizzie. Lizzie! There's a thing here. Why aren't you in your room? You should be comatose after last night. I'm not getting out of my pyjamas. So why aren't you in your room?

Seriously. You've got a rose and a present and it's all so mysterious and Darcy shaped.

Thanks to everyone who came out last night! If your heels were as high as mine, and if you drank as many mojitos as I did, I imagine we are spending the day similarly: sitting in our pyjamas eating doritos and watching tv. In the dark. With no more booze.

Ahh the glam life.

[info]wakanda in [info]thedoorway

I expect our good friends at S.H.I.E.L.D. must have given the Wakandans notice of my arrival, as those at the consulate were neither surprised nor happy to see me several days ago.

Our situation here is more complicated than I realized.

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to McCoy & Chapel
It seems only appropriate that I inform you that a certain part of my anatomy whose functionality we were uncertain of, is indeed functional and capable of responding to stimulation.

Filtered to Barbara Gordon
I had a fun time last night. You do realize, if there's ever a costume party, I'm going to insist you wear that black leather outfit.

Hopefully you're not hungover.

[info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

Who: Captain Jack Harkness & Ianto Jones
When: Saturday, March 2, 2013 - late night after the encounter with Spike
Where: their flat
What: talking
Rating: PG-13? for smooches?

I lost my temper and I came fairly close to doing something stupid )

[info]thessalian in [info]thedoorway

Not cool, Morpheus.

Since I was told that hurting others is a no-go, I suppose I can tell you my name. Hi. I'm Thessaly. Which is all you really need to know about me. What's the art scene like here? I generally prefer the other coast, and they told me I had to find a job. Since I'm not a fan of taking someone else's money because it always comes with a hidden price, I'd like to give it back as soon as possible. I know more about art history than you can imagine, I'm a little rusty on South American traditions, but something in that area would be good for me. I suppose I could go to college again, if I had to.

[info]findekano in [info]thedoorway

So glad I am that they did not try to make a movie of my life.

[info]firstrider in [info]thedoorway

(ooc: Voice to text post)

Hello? This is how this magic works? The man told me to introduce myself. I am Eragon of Carvahall. I have been told that my dragon, Saphira, is not here. I have also been told not to use magic here for a period of time to adjust.

This place... this New York, is much larger than anything I have ever seen, though I have seen little except Teirm. I am living with someone named Percy Jackson. I will be pleased to meet you and have a better reaction to you than those I first met.

The man also asked if someone can continue my teaching in reading? It has been nearly a month since Brom taught me, and the runes are unfamiliar to me.

Thank you.

[info]trackinganklet in [info]thedoorway

[ Filtered to Peter Burke, Diana Berrigan, and Sara Ellis ]

Went into work yesterday (yes, on a Sunday; I'll wait for the shock to die down).

Are we good? All right: I went into work yesterday and it was a skeleton crew. Well, Ryan, this kid who sits near me and works with alkaline, mostly - he's into paper restoration - he's always brown-bagged it. But yesterday he orders in from Felicito's for him and me. Told me about a new bike he'd purchased and was restoring. Was wearing a new coat. All the flashiest signs of Fast Money and Too Stupid to know how to keep it quiet.

Anyway. I poked, I prodded, I showed him a trick with the Mylar enclosure to cut down on his works' acclimation time. Seems there's some street-job recruiting those with a chemistry background for a little after-hours work. It's gotta be big-time with the green he's flashing, but he wouldn't introduce me to anyone. I think he likes lining his own pen.

I think I'm going to show off a dusty skill-set or two and see if I get any bites.

[ Filtered to Elizabeth Burke ]

How do you feel about helping me out with a project? I'll get you and Peter a reservation into Brooklyn Fare's Chef Table which is, by the by, impossible for lesser mortals.

[ /Filter ]

New York - one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Artists throughout history have tried to capture her spirit.

Some of my favorites, for those of you not native to the area... )

[info]redridinhood in [info]thedoorway

[ooc: because ij was a butt last night I didn't get this posted, backdated to last night plz!]

Text Messages to Snow White

» Hey.
» Incoming hugs?

[info]jasontoddwayne in [info]thedoorway

[filter to Dick, Babs, Elaine, Isa]

I'm back, yes the Child Prostitution ring was mine. Elaine Isa and I moved in together, 410.


Best hangover cure?

[info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

Just for the record, I don't appreciate being kidnapped against my will.

Rachel, are you here? Blaine? Santana? Anyone?

[info]fractile in [info]thedoorway

I'm of a very much sound mind but, you see, circumstances indicate a break with reality that I cannot help but wonder about. I fell. I fell very intentionally and then, instead of the fencing, there was this. It's not a lack of proportion. The sun still feels like our sun and the

Well, the cars are very different and the lights are very bright but it's not a lack of proportion. The sun is hot. I abide. But I can't help but be quite convinced that this is not reality. I'm told that there are people here whose powers exceed that of a general human nature and further, that I should not be surprised if they practise it before me.

So, you see. I'm quite sure that my physical body is still on that fence. I guess I'm now behind the arras, so to speak. I guess that it's time to accept the truth that I am dead and this is the after-effects. Maybe this is the process of death? Either way, I'd very much like to speak with Evans now.

[info]areyoudeaf in [info]thedoorway

Nathan's gone, Duke. He's usually awake before me, and I went to see what was going on. SHIELD confirmed it.

[info]liftandseparate in [info]thedoorway

This whole thing? Almost exactly like fantasy #14, so I'm having a hard time believing this wasn't completely orchestrated by Schmidt. After tonight, I really wouldn't be surprised if he went completely half-co

As much as I love New York, I should not be celebrating the night of my engagement here.

[info]stilllucy in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Bucky, Julie, Nico, Humberto, Veronica]

Now's your chance to ask for souvenirs from Hawaii. I promise not to just bring back the notes from presentations.

[Filtered to Iskierka]

Did your filtering process work? I have to admit it was very bold. An admirable plan really.

[info]adjutant in [info]thedoorway

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice to Potts Tower Network )

[info]slicendice in [info]thedoorway

FILTERED TO X-MEN (all sources):
Drinks on me.

[info]feanaro in [info]thedoorway

I am amazingly glad that February is over. I did not enjoy last month in the least.

This month, of course, we mourn the death of Caesar, but other than that, I see no reason why it cannot be a better month. After all, spring is coming, and it will be nice to get away from this deathly cold weather. Another way California is better than New York. In addition to all the Greeks here.

[Filtered to Luke Castellan]

Have you had any interest in the fundraiser position? I have received no e-mails but it is possible they might contact you instead, as you are seen to be more personable.

Also, when is Easter? I don't know the dates of Christian holidays.

Lastly - is the Youth Center planning anything for St. Patrick's? We wouldn't like the youth of the city getting themselves intoxicated for lack of a better option.

[Filtered to Drew]

We should do something.

[info]thepieman in [info]thedoorway

Things can never go well for me, it seems. This morning I woke up and Chuck was gone. Just like that, I'm alone again.

It's like suddenly my world was sunshine and now it's rain again.

Thank goodness for work on the shop, otherwise I don't know if I'd cope so well. Do any of the people that leave come back again?

Filtered to: Rainbow Dash

Would you still be interested in working as a waitress? I could use a good one.

Filtered to: Dean Winchester

I don't know if you've already found one, but I'm looking for someone to work delivering pies for my pie shop I'm opening at the end of the month, and to potentially be a taster/helper in the kitchen. I'd been told by your brother that you are an especial fan of pies. Would you be interested in that? Let me know.

[info]babsgordon_ in [info]thedoorway

I honestly can't recall the last time that I had a hangover at work felt this awful on a Monday morning.

Whole Foods' Three Wishes brand wine is not only cheap but also very good. If you're looking for something to drink and toast with but don't want to spend a large amount of money. Actually, Whole Foods has a nice selection. Of course, I wish I could have NY Wine Expo. I'm disappointed that I missed it.

Filter: Helena Kyle

I've remembered why a) I don't drink and b) I don't date.

Filter: Dick Grayson

Hey, you're a guy

Can I get some advice from you, from a man's standpoint? Fair warning, it's about another man. I just don't ever do this sort of thing, well, not since Wade, and a long time since before Wade

Also, Bruce is gone. Did you see?

Filter: Christopher Pike

I should have

[info]stephendedalus in [info]thedoorway

There was much ado in South Dublin's Clondalkin.

Apparently a stomach and entrails were discovered in a bin and everyone had their shit in a knot (ha) over whether or not the remains were human -- it turns out they weren't, they belonged to a dearly-departed sheep, but given the Republic's devotion to the glorious Kathleen Ni Houlihan and the Catholic church, its no wonder they've lost the ability to tell the difference between citizens and sheep.

This would have never happened in Scotland, wasting sheep innards like that.

[[OOC: Stephen is referring to This Article]

[info]fiestyisabel in [info]thedoorway

I have decided on a career of choice. Or well at least a path to it. I researched this weekend since it was that or worry myself into being sick... and I've decided that I want to go to Culinary school. I looked at two of the top schools - the Culinary Institute of America and The International Culinary Center. I decided to take a shot at International Culinary Center, as it is within the city limits. I think between my own skill and some help, I can manage to get some financial aid.

I feel that this could be fun.

Jason, darling. Elaine, Dick, Barbara, TJ - and whoever else lands in our little group here, I dare say be prepared to be my guinea pigs!

Of course. I still plan on dancing, and training but this could be good for me.

[info]timetorun in [info]thedoorway

Amy and River and other Dad gone, all at once. I don't understand why this keeps happening.

[info]startinganew in [info]thedoorway

There are a few things I've been holding close to my chest here, things that I've held close ever since they happened, all in an attempt to avoid thinking about it and avoid owning up to what I've done. I've felt that way here too, despite knowing how easily everyone can discover some of our dirty secrets. In an effort to stop running from what I've done, I think I need to get it off my chest. I can't move on if I'm carrying it on my back like this forever.

I lived on a planet called Caprica, years ago. It was one of the twelve planets that made up our colonies. My father had been in the military for my entire life, which meant he was away a lot. My parents divorced when I was eight, and I saw him less after that. It took us years to fix our relationship and to stop blaming each other for everything that went wrong.

I had a fiancée on Caprica. Gianne. She was pregnant, and when she told me, I ran. I was afraid that I would only repeat the mistakes my father made with my brother and I. I was afraid of a lot of things that didn't really matter in the end. When the colonies fell to the Cylons during their attack, she was there. I never saw her again. I spent a long time blaming myself for being a coward and for never going back to apologize. The guilt I felt got in the way of too much over the years, and I still haven't managed to shake it all. I don't know if I ever can. The funny thing about being here is that I find myself thinking more about my mistakes than I did when all I had to worry about was where I was going to find my next meal. I don't know what it is about it. The similarities to home, my face being on a new show about doctors.

It's a relief to finally talk about it, at least.

Gods, and to think it's only Monday.

[info]mechromancing in [info]thedoorway

Come on tesseract! Where am I going to get an awesome rockstar soul sucking vampire friend now? That's totally not a common thing.


You wouldn't happen to have any dangerous fellows for us to track down atm would you, Sherlock?

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

Does anyone know what Exelauno Day is? It's happening in Boston at the moment and I'm not sure if I should be disappointed or not that I haven't already migrated west. I am quite looking forward to mine and Joan's 'getaway' to Southie (South Boston's sobriquet). I can hardly think of a more romantic destination.

It would appear that Vagabond Sherlock Holmes has departed. How sad. I raise my glass of ginless tonic to you, poor soul. I hope you find comfort in Jude Law's warm embrace.

[info]20pctcooler in [info]thedoorway

network post: rainbow dash

Pinkie is gone :(

I don't understand

I think I'm going to find a bakery and get a cake in her honor. Does anypony know where the best one is?

How will I have a party without her cannon?

Posted via Journaler.

[info]vampirenow in [info]thedoorway

network post: vicki donovan

Well, this sucks. My roommate - who was actually reasonably cool - got sent back or whatever you call it. I mean, I know she's probably happy about it, since she was sort of upset about her friend leaving, but now I have this big apartment and NO ROOMMATE. Living alone is boring, especially when you can't go out during the day.

I officially hate the fucking tesseract.

Posted via Journaler.

[info]notacomputer in [info]thedoorway

I am not going to be productive today. Which is a shame. Hawaii is brilliant, as will be this conference. Sun's barely up here, and it is simply... peaceful. I wish I felt as peaceful as it appears here.

[info]triplescoop in [info]thedoorway

I was about to talk about the glamorous things I was doing before I somehow tripped over a broken lawn mower and fell into space and found myself in NYC several years ago but a) Vi is the classy one and b) I was wearing yoga pants and a WADA sweatshirt when I showed up and c) I was holding an old radio, not pointe shoes. Geeeeeez, Vi, always trying to outdo me. I am Dominique [dah-men-eek] Weasley [weez-lee] and that's about as glammy as we're going to get.

Also, I have a roommate buuuut she was out when I got here so if you live in 1904 hello! We should probably talk.

[info]dauntlessborn in [info]thedoorway

So I splurged on myself and bought a ticket to see the band Dropkick Murphy's on the 12th at Terminal 5. Floor tickets so I'll be able to be in the thick of things. I feel this may have been my best purchase yet. Apparently this is a great live band. So I'm excited.

[info]onehandedpirate in [info]thedoorway

Who: Aurora & Captain Hook
When: Sunday, March 3rd.
Where: Candy Store, out on the town.
What: These two avoid the show by doing a little shopping for sweets. Killian flirts, Aurora snarks.
Rating: PG

“Not a man, only a scoundrel. Who else could make candy anything other than completely innocent?” )

[info]iskierka in [info]thedoorway

I still do not quite understand this fiction thing, but I looked for myself on the google today and people have drawn pictures of me! My favourite might be this one of me and Granby.

My spots are actually more green than that, but considering the person has never seen me, it is fairly accurate.

[info]susanstohelit in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Curriculum Advisors]
We have had several departures and arrivals over the past few weeks. This has unbalanced workloads Significantly. If you are feeling overworked or underutilised, please let me know.

[OOC: Advisee lists are here.]

[Filtered to Refugees under 18]
Welcome, new arrivals.

I am Susan Sto Helit, Headmistress of the SHIELD Educational Services Division. You may address me as Miss Susan.

Within the week, your Advisor should contact you to discuss your academic interests and help you determine what coursework or school situation will be most appropriate for you. They will then assist you with enrolling in classes. If you would like to review the Course List ahead of time, it is located here. Please also note that for those who wish to pursue a more conventional educational path, we do have agreements with a few local schools to allow our students to attend.

For those of you who are not new here: please attempt to be friendly to the new arrivals. Introduce yourselves, tell them when Movie Night in the Youth Center is, et cetera.

Anyone with further questions, concerns, issues, or complaints may feel free to address them with me or with your advisor.

Sincere regards,
Susan Sto Helit

[Filtered to Susan Hastings]
Thank you very much for the company and brandy on Friday. It truly was just the thing. We should do it again sometime. If you would like, we should do it again in the future.

[info]glissement in [info]thedoorway

I've always wondered how much ground I could cover in a single jeté if I really put my mind to it, but mon Dieu I never thought I'd be able to leap through time and space - literally - and land in a different world. It's really impressive when you think about it, and too bad I can't put that on my resumé. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Royal Ballet.

[...] Aaand I'm rambling. I swear that typing on this little box takes longer than getting the French Ministry of Magic to send me a copy of their case files, so I should probably introduce myself so I can I go find proper shoes before my first gray hair appears. My name's Victoire Weasley, and I'm pretty sure there's a ton of my family around here somewhere because you can never really have just one Weasley.

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

Who: Humberto Lopez & Julie Power
When: early morning 2/22
Where: Florida.
What: Berto & Julie escape NYC in a spontaneous flight to Florida and end up on a beach.
Rating: G! They are basically Disney characters.

If Berto was honest with himself, he knew why they made it down here so quickly. He needed out of that place. He needed out of his head. )

[info]albusdumbledore in [info]thedoorway

I should learn by now that if I attempt to listen to Sullivan's Symphony in E and make tea at the same time, the kettle will have cooled by the time I remember I was attempting to boil water.

Music, the most bewitching magic of all, I'm afraid.

[Filtered To: The Esteemed Mr. Regulus Black]

How have you been managing with the Transfiguration assignment I outlined for you?

[info]theshedevil in [info]thedoorway

It looks like I'm getting myself a new roommate. Vicki? I think we ought to celebrate our new living arrangement, what do you think? Once I get everything moved, of course.

Filter: Pavel Chekov
Would I be able to talk to you into helping me move my things?

[info]ohhsweetie in [info]thedoorway

Two things.

1) Any chance my wardrobe and my things will randomly show up here? Seriously, I can't just live here without my shoes.


[info]likesbees in [info]thedoorway

In my world a werewolf is a werewolf and ain’t nothing that can change that. There’s no cure or magic pill to stop the transformation every month. There’s also no synthetic blood for vampires. So I was thinking that maybe someone from another world might be able to help me. Or at least give me a few new ideas to try. Maybe. If not that’s okay. Probably a silly idea anyway.

[info]guyles in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Buffy and Angel people]
I am going to hope that somehow my notes are failing me when I say this, but are they truly allowing these two vampires to start a nest?

[info]snakeamonglions in [info]thedoorway

I was told if I log into the Network, I could speak with others in the remote vicinity. I was only hours ago in London. It should be impossible to travel between place to place in only seconds time and yet here I stand. Unless of course you involve a portkey but I was reaching outwards to the sky... I cannot say that I am thrilled to be in New York. I was supposed to be arranging my things for a proper flight, on an airplane, to Sydney.

I am going to wager I won't be making that flight anytime soon.

How many others have been whisked away to here?

[info]gigglebangs in [info]thedoorway

Hey guys... I was told we could introduce ourselves on this network thing, and maybe meet some other people who are famous for one reason or another too.

This is weird.

Seriously, you guys, there is a BILLBOARD with my FACE on it. My last run in with modeling went HORRIBLY, so I'm kind of like, how did you get me to not screw it up?

I don't even have my crafts box. I can't just KNIT. I am SO BORED.

True American?

[info]reynaway in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Deirdre, Jason and Lancelot

The weather grows warmer. We'd better go up to the mountain before the ice begins to melt. This weekend?

Jason, do you have a tent? If not I can go buy one with you, or you can share one of ours.

[info]wormtailings in [info]thedoorway

Who: Peter Pettigrew & Sirius Black
When: BACKDATED to Feb. 21, afternoon
Where: Elevators of Potts Tower
What: A tense encounter
Rating: High for threats and violence and hate.

He scurried in along the wall, waiting behind a potted plant until an elevator door in the lobby opened, and then he made a run for it. )

[info]wasatree in [info]thedoorway

Text message to Legolas

» Wanna go camping this weekend?
» It's with me and Diana

[info]theboywhois in [info]thedoorway

Happy belated birthday to my best mate, Ron. If you see him don't forget to wish him a good one. The whole month, really.

Filter: Ginny Weasley, James Sirius Potter, Lily Luna Potter, Albus Severus Potter

There's this Indian take away place I really like that delivers (did you know you can get delivery of just about EVERYthing here in New York?). Are you lot all free sometime this week and I'll order in and we can have some weird, awkward family dinner that makes no sense at all? I mean, if you don't want to, I get it. But I just think it'd be kind of cool. You don't even have to consider me your dad if you don't want to. And I know there were some things that came up earlier about Sirius and my Dad but maybe we can just all get past that? We have to all be here together for the foreseeable future, right?

Filter: Sirius Black

You all right? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever. Want to go take the Staten Island Ferry soon, just you and me?

[info]selfmadman in [info]thedoorway

It's my birthday. I know Mr. Winchester has already inventoried the circumstances of everyone's introduction to the Tesseract.

Who can remembers the last time you were happy before coming here?

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

Today marks three months since I first got here. Three months that I haven't seen or talked to my parents, or my brothers or my sister, or my friends that aren't here. I actually feel like I'm getting used to that, which makes me feel bad. Like... every day that passes that I don't think about them all the time means I don't miss them, or I don't love them, or what have you. Which obviously isn't the case. I do miss them, and it's weird to think that I might get stuck here and never see Jack or Katie grow up. I know they do back in our world, they have to, but it's not the same. The four of us were always pretty inseparable up until the last few years. Alex was our leader, and the one we looked up to most. Jack's wild and brave and hardly ever thinks things through, and Katie's just the sweetest girl with the biggest heart, and I don't really know where that leaves me, but that's okay. I wish I had some pictures here. Anything. Words aren't enough.

Anyway, as much as I love them and miss them, I can't imagine being anywhere else now. I know they'll be okay wherever they are. The longer I'm here, the more it feels like I should start really planning for the future, whatever that means now. My future at home was going to be so much different than this one will be. I could go to college here. I have so much time for things I never had time for before. It's a crazy chance that I never would have had otherwise, so I'm grateful for that even if I won't re.

Filtered to Howard Stark:
Want to try that museum thing again?

Filtered to Pepper Potts, Susan Sto Helit & Emma Frost:
... Hi! So, okay, I don't really know how to go about this here, or who I should talk to, so I was hoping one (or more!) of the three of you could help out. If I wanted to take some college classes, how would I even apply here? I don't exactly have my high school transcripts, and I don't know which schools are welcoming to people in our position. Or how much it'd cost, or anything like that. Any help would be much appreciated.

[info]celestialintent in [info]thedoorway

Who: Lindir and Castiel
When: BACKDATED to March 1st
Where: Likely wherever Lindir is living since Cas just pops into places whenever he feels like it.
What: They've talked and now stories are in order.
Rating: Low. No warnings here.

Read more... )

[info]certaindestiny in [info]thedoorway

Does anyone know where I might find a blacksmith here? And a space I could use to provide lessons?

[Filtered to Morgana, Lancelot, Merlin]
Guinevere's suggestion that I give lessons here has lodged itself in my mind. I've already volunteered my services as a teacher to Matty but I am thinking about trying to make a living at it. Assuming I can find a place to give lessons and students would you be willing to help me in this?

I'm not asking you to give up whatever jobs you have found for yourselves, but just any time you could spare.

[info]xlharris in [info]thedoorway

Text message to Anya Jenkins

»I've booked us a table for two at Robert.
»Yes, that's the name of the restaurant.
»I'll see you at 8.
»Semi-formal. I'm sure you have something already.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

I have the strangest desire to go to the zoo right now. I guess I'm getting a little bored

This also looks really cool. And I'd go to see this with you, if you were interested. It seems like it would be right up your alley.

We've still got that weekend away thing coming up too, right? It occurred to me that it might be a little awkward inviting both Jo and Dean along for something like that. And it also occurred to me that I might not actually mind going alone with you quite as much anymore.

[info]priestofbowflex in [info]thedoorway

I thought I'd be happy to get the apartment to myself, but now I find myself missing Leon and his constant disapproval of my empty pizza boxes.

Harry, I blame you.

[info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

I bought two pairs of shoes, none of them in fashion but ahead of it, have managed to piece together my grand collection of moisturizing creams and of course bought other necessities, which might include chocolate ice cream and those cheap plastic spoons that break as soon as you try to scoop up some ice cream. I am probably nearing bankruptcy, so if anyone knows of a job opening anywhere, it would be appreciated. I also have college brochures.

But I don't think I'll be watching the show I come from. There's really quite nothing like being reminded of your past through another perspective - and I'm not so sure I want to be glued to the television just to see where the next episode leads me and the people I care about. Youtube told me enough. And I'm not so sure that I should wait around for Blaine either.

After all, why torture yourself?

And does anyone have a sewing machine I could borrow?

[info]lupas in [info]thedoorway

I was looking up Life of Pi to see if I wanted to watch it. Found this instead. Normally I wouldn't start posting images of other people here, but I really couldn't help myself.

Life of Pie )

[info]masterofbows in [info]thedoorway

I'm going to New Orleans this weekend. I've never been, but I feel like I should. I leave on Thursday and return Sunday. I feel like I need to. Just to see it and feel closer to Hazel