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January 18th, 2013

[info]rachelruined in [info]thedoorway

Back in my world (which is something I'm still new to saying), our planet was being taken over by an alien race, and I sometimes had this vision of me and my friends in the future having written about our adventures after saving the planet. Only sometimes because mostly my daydreams of the future depicted us still fighting an arms' race that would take maybe decades to win. I'm a realist.

So, seeing that we have about 54 books and then some that already talk about our adventures is just about the most bizarre I have seen my life get. And trust me, it's been pretty freaking bizarre. Now the question is if I read them all or not.

Okay, maybe not all since some of them were written in my perspective and I know that shit already.

ETA: Where's the nearest beach?

[info]weasleygirl in [info]thedoorway

I haven't even gone on it yet, but I think Hogwarts should initiate these field trip things. They sound BRILLIANT.

(Filtered to Hermione)
Speaking of which, Hermione Granger, do you want to go to Washington D.C. and learn about the President of the United States and all that stuff? My Muggle Studies class (that's not actually what its called, but that's basically what it is) is going for an inauguration and they said I could bring a friend! I didn't think Harry or Ron would be interested, but I thought you'd love it.

Let me know soon though, I have to tell them if I have a guest coming or not. We leave Sunday and come back Monday night.

(Filtered to Quidditch Lovers/Albus Dumbledore)

Professor......Mr. Dumbledore, I was wondering if you could help some of us out. See, we've been trying to get brooms to fly so that we could play quidditch. Beyond that, some of the other people here are really eager to watch us play and we'd like to show them how its done properly.

The trouble is, brooms don't fly here like they do at home and, at least so far, none of us know how to make them do that. I've managed to get one to hover, but that isn't very helpful.

If you'd be willing to help us figure it out, we'd all be very grateful. I thought if anyone could figure it out, it'd be you.

[info]soflyohmy in [info]thedoorway

Nothing quite makes a girl feel special like finding out her entire life has been a work of fiction, and worse still, that she wasn't even the main character, or secondary, but a bloody background character. From what I gather, you all know how I feel. In fact, I feel so fucking special that I think I will celebrate with a drink. Pub? Pub.

[info]impsychicnow in [info]thedoorway

And of course the actor in this world who plays my dad also plays the part of the first Vampire in Supernatural.


[info]teslasgirl in [info]thedoorway

Alright peeps. Little blue glowey box. I want deets. Not the word vomit they gave me. Ready, go.

Also, this view is KILLER. Granted, it's mostly just buildings, but when you work underground, any altitude is awesome.

[info]dior_eluchil in [info]thedoorway

So this place still sucks. But at least my job doesn't suck. It shocks me, though, the kind of pathetic-ass people who come into the gym. Like, this fat-ass woman came in the other day and wanted me to teach her how to use all the equipment and shit, and all I could think was a) dammit, her fat ass was going to break all the machines, and I was going to have to calibrate the fucking stuff again, and b) I so would have taken out the pathetic bitch at the Cornucopia. What the hell, seriously.

I wanted to tell her that she'd be better off just walking her lazy ass down the street or what the fuck ever since she wasn't going to be able to do shit until she lost some of her nasty fat rolls. Or maybe tell her a few less hot dogs and burgers a night might help. Disgusting shit. But I didn't. See, I'm learning to be less of an ass. But I've never seen anyone like that before, and hope I never do again.

[Filtered to Glimmer]

Hey, you wanna go jogging with me tomorrow?

[info]savedthechrldr in [info]thedoorway

» Hey, Nathan?
» I just got a text from Lucy
» And she says she 'wants to talk'
» That's almost always bad, isn't it?
» Girls say that when they want to dump you usually, don't they?

[info]prizeofachilles in [info]thedoorway

Hello. I am trying very hard to learn how to use this keyboard, but it takes me a very long time to hit the letters correctly. I do apologize if this is very difficult to read or if I make very many mistakes. I hope that you will have pity on me, as we have nothing like this in my world whatsoever. It is truly wondrous, all the amazing things you have in this world. It is so overwhelming, and beyond even my wildest dreams. I doubt even the Gods have such amazing things back home!

I also wish to apologize for the abruptness of my introduction when I arrived here. I was overwhelmed by fear and emotion. I promise I usually have more manners than that. I was raised to be a lady, even though it has been a long time since I could claim that title.

My name is Briseis, and once I was married to Mynes, the king of Lyrnessus. Lyrnessus was a lovely little town in the Troad, which I believe now is in your nation of Turkey? I do hope I read that map correctly. But when I was eighteen, Lyrnessus fell to Achilles, the famous Greek Warrior, and my world collapsed with our city walls. I hear there is a book of what befell me, so I beg that if you wish to know more, you might read it, for it pains me so to speak of what happens next.

I am fascinated to know and hear of all the new things in this world. I feel that I know so little, even though I was an educated woman, for my time. Would someone be willing to help me understand this world? I have little to offer but my true gratitude, but I would be so very, very grateful.

[Filtered to Academic Personnel]

Dear sirs, I know I am expected to find employment in this world, but I am frightened by such an idea. I know nothing about this world, or what I could possibly do in it. I think, perhaps, before I attempted such a thing I should get some schooling? I hear that it is very appropriate for a woman in this age to do so, although that is so very strange to me. How would I do this?

[Filtered to Anders]

I wanted to thank you very much for your kindness upon my arrival, and for the healing you performed upon me. I feel very much better already. So much of the pain is gone, and I feel like I may actually have the chance to feel good again. You are such a kind man, and if there is anything I can do to repay you, please let me know.

[info]onehandedpirate in [info]thedoorway

Ha ha. Very amusing, whoever put the dead pigeon in our kitchen. Really, well done, attempting to hide it but keep it in plain sight at the same time. I'd give you a round of applause, but, well... I'm sure you understand.

You should know that the days of eating cold winged rodents are well behind me. Not with such delicious roasted rodents offered in the land called Chinatown.

[info]lttomparis in [info]thedoorway

Apparently I should've checked out private sector work years ago. Stark Industries is a lot more willing to take chances than Starfleet. There aren't nearly so many pesky little rules holding down the research or testing here.

Currently I'm stretching my brain around trying to recreate a slipstream drive with using 21st century technology. It'd be a fun project, if I weren't working on it because I'm desperate to get back to my ship and I wish I had some of my old cohorts from Voyager here. Seven of Nine and Commander Tuvok aren't exactly a joy to work with, but they know their business.

It's strange. Last time I got launched millions of miles away from where I started and knew it was going to be years before I saw home again (if I ever did at all) I didn't care. There was nothing waiting for me on that earth that really mattered to me. People talked about going "home" - but it was never home to me, not really. Then I was on Voyager, and after a couple of years, it really was home. I had friends there. I had family there, basically. And now I'm here, and I finally understand why my friend Harry was always so nuts about getting back to Earth, and why he was so stupidly optimistic about getting there again.

It's a little weird for me, too, seeing all the people here who feel like I did about being on Voyager. That sense of "Well, home was lousy, so maybe I'll make a better home here." I don't feel that here, but I recognize the feeling. I remember feeling that way. So, all you folks who are trying to start over here...I hope it works out for you as well as it did for me. And for me, I hope that cube sucks me up and puts me back on my ship where I belong.

[info]adjutant in [info]thedoorway

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice to Potts Tower Network )

[info]openbook in [info]thedoorway

Damnit, August is gone now, too.

[info]susanstohelit in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Logan, Ororo, Peter Parker, Alaric, Charles X., Silas, Padme, and Leia

At tonight's Faculty Meeting, we shall be meeting a new Curriculum Advisor: Leia Organa. We are lucky to have her, as this week's influx of students has been quite high.

Leia will be taking most of the new arrivals, but Alaric, you do have one more of your much loved Problem Children: Carrie White. This one is less a trouble-maker and more sweet but fragile.

Ororo, one of yours (Stiles Stilinski) was among the disappeared this week. Let us know if any students have issues because of that, so their other teachers can be made aware.

Finally: I am still having some trouble maintaining visibility to anyone but dogs, children, wizards, and Sherlocks. I will be at the faculty meeting tonight, but you may forget that I exist partway through. An old teacher of mine used to find it handy to write herself a note to remind her that she was speaking to me. If one of you could do that and then let me know that I've dimmed so I can do something noticeable to counteract it, I would find it most helpful.

[info]kayleefrye in [info]thedoorway

I ain't feelin so up to a party tonight. Not with Inara bein sick and River up and disappearin on us Could one of you take over? There ain't nothin much to do, just make sure the ice is full and there's drinks. We had lots leftover from last week, along with cups and some snacks. I can set it all up, if someone wants to be in charge?

[For anyone who was thinking of attending, this filter will count. If Kaylee knows them, they're probably on this.]

[info]sweetjoannabeth in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Veronica Mars )

[info]kathrynjaneway in [info]thedoorway

It occurred to me this morning that it has nearly been a year since I first arrived here. I mean I have a few more months to go but still it is fast approaching. Well it won't be a year until May 30 but with how quickly these months have gone I'm sure it will be upon us in no time. It's been an interesting time though. Mostly not all that bad, I mean there were some experiences when I first arrived that I would rather not repeat and by far the worse was Sandy. Confession - I've been afraid of storms since I was six and that definitely didn't help matters.

I'm glad so many people are here though, especially people I know already. The friendships I've formed are brilliant and while it's not home, I am thankful to have them.

[info]redridinhood in [info]thedoorway

So it occurs to me that the full moon is next week, and I'm not sure how many weres or shifters are out there. Or if anyone has to shift and is a danger and worried about it, or just wants to hang out with other shifters or ... something. Basically, hi, everyone. I'm Red and I'm a werewolf.

[info]slimed in [info]thedoorway

I was kind of hoping this dimension would have a better priced slice but no matter what reality, New York never really changes all that much. Normally popping into different universes is as much fun as catching bowling balls with my teeth, but this one doesn't seem all that bad. Please don't make me regret making that comment

Hi. I'm Dr. Peter Venkman, Ghostbuster. Yeah, like the movie only I'm real and not Bill Murray.

If you've got a ghost problem, I'm your guy. I'm here to chew bubblegum and kick ecto-plasmic butt, and I'm all out of bubblegum. But if anyone sees an ugly little green spud floating around, most likely crying, I don't want to hear about it.

[info]parlourtricks in [info]thedoorway

So I went to go see one of those newfangled pictures today- color film is really the cat's pajamas! I think I still prefer the pictures that were out in my day, but it was still really nifty. It looked so real! Seeing all this new technology is pretty exciting, but New York just isn't the same anymore, and it makes me feel sort of nostalgic.

I did see a ducky trailer though that gave me a little taste of home. This is more like the city I knew. I hope I'll still be here to see this! I suppose in the mean time I could actually pick up and read Mr. Fitzgerald's book. It only came out about a year ago in my time, and I've had a lot going on lately. How exciting to hear that it became a classic! The Fitzgeralds are positutely the bees knees. My mom's side of the family are Fitzgeralds. I like to think they must be related somehow, but honestly, my mother is nowhere near as exciting as they are, so I'm not sure it's possible.

I think I'm going to give these new sorts of 'clubs' a whirl if anyone wants to come. It's berries to hear that Prohibition was repealed. Bit of an annoyance that whole twenty-one years of age thing, but luckily I just so happen to be 104 years old, so I should be fine.

[info]_believeinmagic in [info]thedoorway

filter to Peter Petrelli

Have you corrupted my sister in the short time she's been here so fully that she accepts a male visitor past decent visiting hours?

I realise I'm from a different time than you, and I realise that I'm not Lucy's mother and if she wants to appear as a whore assimilate to this world that is her choice, but late night/very early morning visits are certainly not a discrete way to go about it.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

Who: Sam & Veronica
What: talking about this
When: Thursday night [backdated]
Where: Sam (& Dean's) unit
Rating: pg-13 ish? emotions and potential mention of violence.

... )

[info]celestialintent in [info]thedoorway

Who: Emma Swan and Castiel
When: Sometime on Friday afternoon
Where: The cafe Emma last saw August in
What: Cas is continuing Team Free Will's investigation, but he also promised Emma a cocoa
Rating: Low

Loss is a strange thing )

[info]startinganew in [info]thedoorway

» Hey, you doing okay?

[info]stephendedalus in [info]thedoorway

[Simon Grantaire]
I've met the woman I'm going to marry.

Well... met.

I spoke on the network with the woman I'm going to marry.

[info]alittledarkness in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Molly
I checked out Jason
He fits right in


Thomas is here.

[info]i_mthedoctor in [info]thedoorway

Who: The Doctor and River Song
What: A broken vortex manipulator and a non-functioning TARDIS locator are a perfect date night.
Where: The rooftop of Potts Tower
When: January 18th, 2013. Evening.
Rating: Rated lowish, though be ready for excessive flirting and likely innuendos.

Spoilers. )

[info]suspendered in [info]thedoorway

network post: ben stone

I have been informed that I should type here and that this device is a computer in the year 2013. St. Patrick's should still be holding mass every day, as this is Manhattan. I shall need to study the penal code and case law, for New York state and national courts, and will look into means in the morning. Tonight, I am jetlagged.

[info]kayleefrye in [info]thedoorway

[info]enoughsleep in [info]thedoorway

Today I learned all about becoming a vegetarian and a vegan. Utterly fascinating. I had no idea people could live that way. I'd try it, but I am rather fond of beef. Pork and chicken too. I'd make a terrible vegetarian.

[Filtered to Snow & Emma]

I hope I'm not disturbing you, but I was wondering if you would be willing to join me on a shopping expedition this weekend? Perhaps if I bought a few items more suitable to this world I won't get quite so many looks on the subway.

[info]bmuggled in [info]thedoorway

Text: Jason Brody


>>Got asolutely wankered onmy way home. Sleepin where I fell. Donttread onme.

[info]discowing in [info]thedoorway


» Do you actually know how to text?
» If you still want to talk, I'm not working this weekend.

[info]azureangel in [info]thedoorway

In which she discovers text messaging!

TEXTS TO ANAKIN (over about an hour):
» There's a new advisor: Leia.
» Do you think I should broach the subject with her?
» I believe I will send her a message, anyway.
» Have you spoken to Jade?
» If you're tinkering, please nothing that might plunge people to their deaths.
» Also, Jaina wants to speak to you about lightsabers.
» I think I'll message Jade myself. She seems to have your unique brand of being able to say all the wrong things and both of you together might cause this galaxy to implode.

» I didn't realise you wanted to look into advising students.

» If you still want that start over, I think lunch would be appropriate.

[info]ofthefierce in [info]thedoorway

peopul shudnt be tyen up there dogs. it takes a hard person, aye, to be hurten a poor anemal so.

an they shudnt be chasen some one iffen they let em go. at leest thats wat i think.