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January 8th, 2013

[info]mostresilient in [info]thedoorway

I should have known better than to watch the show I'm from. Nothing good was going to come of it. Don't believe I will be sitting down and watching ever again....

[info]finnthegomo in [info]thedoorway

So like.. I hope I seriously didn't freak you out with the computer-maybe-being-alive thing? If I did I'm totally sorry. I think I legit understand the technology a lot better now and.. yeah..

What's up?

If I did just y'know, keep this in mind?

[info]greymatter in [info]thedoorway

» Someone told me the man who looks like you in this world can sing and suggested I watch a movie called 'Hairspray'.
» If I come back to the apartment with the DVD, are you going to flee the premises?
» I can throw in Chinese for lunch, if that's any consolation.

[info]rumiko in [info]thedoorway

Job hunting is my least favorite titty in the whirled. I always herd a job lined up with my family so I never thought I'd need to goat lurk for one. The titty that really sucks is that I had a merchantman degree from Kyoto to use before, and I've still got the knowledgeable, but not the actual piece of paper. SHIELD's doing sorcery about that, right? You can get your decoupage and stuff transfinite over?

[info]fiverhrairoo in [info]thedoorway

Who do we speak to about moving lower? This man room is too high.

[info]oswin_oswald in [info]thedoorway

Okay, so let me wrap my head around this. First, I'm with the Doctor having a grande adventure being chased by an insane ice nanny. Next, the ice nanny yanks on me and I start to fall. I see mad sky images, reach out to touch, because, you know, I never know when to keep my hands in me pockets, and now I'm here, in New York City, with a handful of fictitious people who are not fictitious because they are real. And I have been deemed one of these people.

Brilliant! Yet another adventure.

I'm Clara Oswin Oswald, and I'm looking for a fantastic man referred to as simply, The Doctor.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

Well, maybe I'm not meant to understand this place yet, but I'm going to keep trying anyway. But, rather than ask if all of you came from significant points in your life (emotionally speaking), I'm going to try and disprove this theory right off.

Would any of you say that the time you came from, right before showing up here through the tesseract, was insignificant? Not in a bad way, necessarily, just completely ordinary and not noteworthy, whatever that would be for you. If you were just going about your usual routines, having your 500th cup of coffee, having your everyday run of the mill fight for your life, that sort of thing.

[info]kyoshileader in [info]thedoorway

I've just finished watching the show that I come from! For those that are interested, it's called Avatar: The Last Airbender! It's really a fantastic show!

I suppose the only problem I have with it is that there were a lot of private moments, I'm not necessarily talking about myself, but it's strange to know that everyone else in the world who has watched the show now have seen those moments where you think no one else is watching. It's a bit embarrassing.

Well, I'm also officially sixteen years old. Or at least yesterday I turned sixteen. To be honest, I don't feel any different.

I'm so excited that I signed up for this tournament, is it? I mean I would have loved to have my fans or at least my katana, but maybe there will be something there that will work just as well.

I was wondering if anyone would like to practice with me? I can only do so much on my own, I'd love to have a partner!

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

Now I've got a deerstalker.

Everything is right with the universe.

[info]lmartin in [info]thedoorway

Who: Mara Jade & Luke Skywalker
What: Discussion of parentage, past-employment, and drinks.
Where: Room 1502.
When: BACKDATED to 22 December (following this.
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Mara took a few moments to straighten her living space and looked around to see if there was anything out that she would prefer not to be. . )

[info]castlewriter in [info]thedoorway

I watched my show, Castle, last night. It was a new episode so I figured I would watch it and see what the show is like. Boy, am I glad to have missed that awkward situation. Aside from that, it was enjoyable to watch because to be honest, I'm fantastic. I'll be making it a habit to watch the show, for the good and the bad. If I were in charge of the show, I would have shown a scene of Beckett and Meredith talking over dinner so that I would know what they said about me.

[info]runawaynico in [info]thedoorway

[ Text to Julie ]

>> If my body is found, it was Magneto.

>> Just as an FYI. I'm sparring with Erik later today.

>> Don't freak out.


[info]venomblast in [info]thedoorway

My autonomy can stop sucking up any day November.

[info]heisenberg in [info]thedoorway

To: Jesse Pinkman <capncook@pottstower.com>
From: Walter White <ww@pottstower.com>
Subject: [no subject]
Attachment: letter.docx

you have 1 new message )

[info]vulcanmind in [info]thedoorway

It a pairs that we are experimenting same difficulties with hour Newark devises. I suspect hat perhaps this night be the world of some sort of wires, but furrier instigation sames to suggest an intermediate glib of unknown original. I wood knees to send some ties refurbishing my knowledgeable of this centurion's commuter languid before I wold have any happenstance of of cornering the era. Pinterest the nature of the problem is quiet deference from determinate the sauce and fornicating a visible solution.

Parsnips there arse other technicality reclined individuals farm the curry centurion who woods be better sated to contacting the problem. Thoughts I wand be happy to provide assonance whenever stitch assistance is needed.

[ OOC: Span titles, used. Hover for intended text. ]

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

Text to Fred Burkle

>> I hadn't heard from you for a bit.
>> Thought I would check to see how you were.

>> I'm a bit tired of cooking & was thinking of going out. Would you like to join me?

[info]elspethgordie in [info]thedoorway

Who: Elspeth and Leon
Where: Starbucks
What: Meeting for the first time
When: Mid afternoon
Rating: TBD
Status: Complete

Read more... )

[info]elspethgordie in [info]thedoorway

I have been informed that I need something called a CV when applying for jobs. What is this exactly?

[info]bertie_wooster in [info]thedoorway

I am free ply consecrated about this giant squib business. Free ply. I don't undulatingly write letters to papers, because of coarse we moss leave something wroth which the warted ants of the wold may irrigate themselves, but I'm sorted to say the ants have let us drown. There's a thong out there, and it's four teams the draught of a man, and it's goiter ten armies, and I don't thing it's too terrifically much to ass to demain some answort. Politik.

To make my mind offer the whores of the block of the Oceanaire, I went out toad in search of sucks. Arugula is a boat harder to comb by thin expectorated, but I conspire myself to be amphora composite by the face that I found a poire with tropes. Mondrian, I toff my hat to you.

[info]wantedout in [info]thedoorway

I don't know exactly who you are or what you've done to me, "S.H.I.E.L.D.," but I'm going to find out so I can get back to my husband and the batch of gingerbread I left in the oven. I thought that I left all of this behind Can someone point me towards a library? I have some research to do.

[info]thebuffster in [info]thedoorway

I've been torpedoing emus all day, and every single once keeps autocorrecting to smurfing else. I'd arc if anyone's got any suggestive for how to turn it offal, but it lurks like it's not just me.

Hey! I wonder house long it'll go on and how mutiny stunted things I can write before I get something remember funny. Dysentery not that.

[info]clarifray in [info]thedoorway

» So I'm still doing the competition.
» Will you help me train?
» I'm trying to compromise with you.

[info]impsychicnow in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Remus Lupin and Bonnie Bennett
WHERE: Potts Tower
WHEN: January 8th, 2013
WHAT: Practising magic
RATING: PG at the most
STATUS: log; complete

This noble pillow did not sacrifice it’s life in vain. It shall always be remembered as a hero. We salute you. )

[info]i_mthedoctor in [info]thedoorway

No, no no no no!!! To whoever my lodger is--sorry, haven't met you yet, a bit busy with the whole saving the universe and fixing everything, thing.

Still! Brilliant to meet you when I do, I'm sure! Anyway, yes, the living room may be a bit black, and smokey, and if you feel a slight dizziness, just sit down and chew on a leaf. Preferably a green one.


I'll get to work on fixing that right away.

Oh and, watch out for sparks... they happen.

[info]sweetjoannabeth in [info]thedoorway

Well I have to say sometimes I love my life. Although maybe it's more I love the people that are in my life. Keeps life interesting.

Filter: Dean. Sam. Castiel

Please tell me we aren't staying in this Tower complex? Because I'm not staying here. I have to say it'd be a stupid question to ask if we're treating this like work because I'm pretty sure it's work.

Fucked up work. But work.

Now that I've had a day to ... sort my brain out a tiny bit I need a drink.

[info]odysseys in [info]thedoorway

[Text to Luke Castellan]

>> Hey, love. I'm sorry we haven't spent much time together lately.
>> I just wanted to let you know, though, that I've moved apartments.
>> I'm now in 213 with your father.

[info]morethanpretty in [info]thedoorway

So guess what?

I have a job.

I was out shopping yesterday while Leo was at work, right, and they were doing auditions for models for this store called The Gap? Weird name, right? But anyway, I auditioned and they called me back and they want me to model for them! It's only a few hours during the week and on weekends, since I have to be at school, but now I'm making money too.

And by the way, I hate school. It sucks. They don't even have Quidditch to make it bearable.

[info]tuosheng in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Inara Serra and Kaylee Frye]
cut for image )

[Filtered to Mal Reynolds and Jayne Cobb]
Found a place sells animals without too many questlines. Likely guts too.

[info]slicendice in [info]thedoorway

If we're gonna have to deal with all this shuttle, this palace nerds more boobs.

[info]onlyfour in [info]thedoorway

Who: Tobias Eaton & Beatrice Prior
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Their apartment- 308 Potts Tower
What: Discussing the ending of Insurgent.
Rating: PG?

He felt deeply appreciative of the fact that there wasn't a movie to go along with the books )

[info]bitterman in [info]thedoorway

One of the waitresses at Vervain mentioned something called 'fanfiction' then looked at me and giggled.

One of these days I will learn to temper my curiosity. I believe I need to scourgify my brain. Repeatedly. And then have a drink. Several drinks. Large, strong drinks.

The people in this world are demented.

[info]dontyouladyme in [info]thedoorway

Who: Peter Parker / Spider-Man (616) & Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel (616)
When: January 8th, evening.
Where: The mean streets of New York City.
What: Carol and Peter are out on patrol and run into a littttle problem.
Rating: S for massive amounts of snark. (Minor violence.)


[info]likesbees in [info]thedoorway

America has gang wars over grammar? I hope that doesn't spread to New York. I've never been too good with words.

[info]lovespies in [info]thedoorway

[text to kate]
» Rented a car.
» It's a shitty economy car that's got nothin on my baby, but it drives.
» And I'm going to drive somewhere. Dunno where, just somewhere that's not this damn city.
» If you want shotgun, it's yours.
» But I'm leaving in twenty after I grab some jerky and tunes.

[text to sam ~later]
» Went for a drive with Kate
» Not sure when I'll be back exactly
» Keep that damn angel away from Mom and Dad
» And don't let Jo get in any fights with this world's equivalent of hell hounds
» Or any angry dogs at all for that matter
» We gotta keep her safe Sammy

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

Who: Sam & Castiel
When: Tuesday, after this, before this
Where: Sam & Dean's room
What: team free will, hurrah?
Rating: probably low.

... )

[info]wantedout in [info]thedoorway

Who: John & Mary Winchester
When: 8 January
Where: Lobby of Potts Tower & etc.
What: Mary’s arrived!
Rating: TBD

Read more... )

[info]ihaveashotgun in [info]thedoorway

My people have a saying that's quite common amongst our race: Keelah Se'lai. The closest way I can translate it is "by the homeworld I hope to see one day", or following that "may peace be with you". It's often used as a send-off, not just for the departed but for friends we wish on their way.

Keelah Se'lai, to those sent home. We hope to see you again one day and wish you well on your journey, wherever it may take you.

I just got home from work and had the realization that I still technically live alone.

[info]lttomparis in [info]thedoorway

Group Text to B'Elanna and Capt. Janeway

>> I think my new roommate is an alternate-reality version of Neelix
>> If Neelix were an underpowered Q
>> The living room walls are black
>> And reportedly "reality is extra bendy" there
>> I'm going to the bar.

[info]theanomaly in [info]thedoorway

I started working at an animal shelter last week and have thus far managed to keep myself from bringing any of the pets home with me. It's been quite a battle, but I've stayed strong. I can't promise myself that I will continue to stay strong, but we'll see.

That being said, if anyone else is looking for a pet to keep them company in their apartment, we have a number of dogs and cats that are looking for loving homes at BARC. There is a lab mix named Leroy that is particularly sweet and while I would be heartbroken not to see him every day, it would be worth it to know that he's being cared for.

We have gotten a number of new people in the past few weeks and while I've made my rounds and said hi in person to some, I'm sure that I've missed too many for my liking. So, for those I missed and as a reminder to those who have been here, I'm Cassie and I'm your HA. If you have any questions or needs, please don't hesitate to find/email/text me. My door is always open, even if it's physically closed.

[info]ewoksrule in [info]thedoorway

network post: dorcas meadowes

Oi. This SHIELD business is more paperwork than Auror training. Please tell me it gets not boring at some point.

[info]ladysuit in [info]thedoorway

I have experienced some weird stuff in my life, but nothing compares to channel surfing and landing on a commercial when suddenly there's your face. In the van. I miss the van. No one should ever miss the van.

I think I need to find a job.

[info]tic_tac in [info]thedoorway

Text to Q

>> There seems to be a problem on the Potts Tower network affecting all devices attached.

>> Spock is looking in to it and I volunteered you to help.

>> As you're brilliant. Even in your pyjamas.

[info]mouthymerc in [info]thedoorway


check this out!

also, harvey dent. i want you to know two things: i cried when you-but-not-you died in the dark knight movie. and i WALKED OUT when you-but-not-you didn't come back in the dark knight rises! what the hell was that shit? I BELIEVED IN HARVEY DENT'S RESURRECTION.

and nothing. just nothing. you should have your own movie, man. that should happen.

BTW sorry batman but sherlock totally owned you.

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

My handsome roommate ala Instagram, about 30 seconds after waking me up and scaring the shit out of me this afternoon. He's lucky I don't have superhuman reflexes.

[ooc: I know this is Jurassic Park, but let's pretend it's not, okay? OKAY. It just looks similar. THANKS.]

[info]imitosis in [info]thedoorway

HAY PURRY!!!!!!!!