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December 27th, 2012

[info]incorruptible in [info]thedoorway

I need to know if anyone has heard of or been to a city called Gotham.

[info]trackinganklet in [info]thedoorway

Now, I know that everyone's got plans for New Year's Eve, but I'd like to invite everyone for a meal back at my place anytime on New Year's Day. Working off a hangover? Want something hearty to beat the cold weather? Have I got the solution for you.

Where I'm from (the state, not the universe), it's a New Year's Day tradition to eat black-eyed peas. It's supposed to help you stay lucky, and I can't say I've ever regretted keeping the tradition. Anyway, I make (with no false modesty) a fantastic Hoppin' John with enough hot sauce on it to bite you back. And there's no such thing as too much good luck, right?

Anyway, come by anytime that day. It's easy to make and I'd like to see some new faces.

Neal Caffrey, by the way.

One request: no talk of New Year's resolutions. I can' Why? Because BORING.

[ Filtered to Sara and Diana ]

Ladies. Brunch that day? I have the ingredients for the perfect mimosa.

Also, don't put anything sensitive in emails using the network here; they watch that sort of thing pretty closely.

[ /Filter ]

[info]bmuggled in [info]thedoorway


They said I could find people from my time and "universe"on here. Not really sure how. But at least with the "keyboard" you don't have to try and decipher my handwriting. Wicked.

My name is Kirley Duke. I'm in a band and there's someone on tv that looks like me. He's in a band too, but he's American. Anyway, I'm from 1998. I'm Scottish and I'm a wizard. But not a hugely powerful one. I was a Gryffindor.

2012 is a bit different. New York has changed since I was last here on tour.

Tinkerbell didn't come through the tesathingy with me. So if anyone can point me at a Gibson dealer please let me know!

[info]behindtheline in [info]thedoorway

Sorry for the radio silence round the holidays, it's always been a bit odd for me and it is also a bit odd here. Also I caught a dreadful lurgy and was not a sight for any eyes, sore or otherwise. Do you think it'd be the cause of a paradox if I If you're on my floor (or are generally doughty and brave), I've got several cases of jammie dodgers that I'm willing to share.

Likewise, I'll let you have a nip of the Kentucky Bourbon if you let me shoot an apple off your head.

[info]runawaynico in [info]thedoorway

I rank this Christmas a 4 out of 10. Full of style, good food, but ultimately lost its way on the sentimental meaning and family togetherness bull-crap.

Also, not being able to drink sort of sucked.

BUT, thank you to everyone who went caroling!

[ Filtered to Julie ]

I preemptively apologize for what I'm about to do. Don't hate me.

[ /Filter ]

[ Filtered to Humberto ]

Do you have a date for New Year's Eve?

[ /Filter ]

[info]coolshades in [info]thedoorway

Is it over?

[info]unaskedquestion in [info]thedoorway

Hope everyone had a merry Christmas, or for those who don't celebrate, hope you had a merry Tuesday.

But small talk aside, I have a question. One mostly for the Gotham and Metropolis people, but other groups may want to talk about it too.

Wayne's arrival post and some subsequent conversations made it obvious, though it's come up before, but there are at least three universes here with a Gotham City, Bats, and Superpeople. I'm from one and can think of probably half a dozen people from the same universe. Helena and Barbara are from a different one, and this Wayne's from another one on top of that.

Do we want to come up with names to more easily talk about them? Or better, does anyone know official names for them?

Because if no one has a better idea. I'm going with Renee's Universe.

[Filtered to Kate Kane]
Hey. Feeling better?

[info]alittledarkness in [info]thedoorway

The snow is just beautiful. Although I miss the winters in Chicago AND the winters in California. It's so cold here. You'd think I would be used to cold having spent much of my life in places like Chicago.

However I am enjoying my Christmas gift! Well gifts since I procured two beautiful additions to my home. Cut for Length )

[info]lovespies in [info]thedoorway


[info]redshield in [info]thedoorway

I find this a wholly unacceptable arrangement. I thank the powers that be for the swank comfortable habitat, and it has been a very long time since I have been in New York City, but I would prefer to be returned to my home. It is not safe right now for me to be surrounded by so many Alex and Tom will be worried about where I am given my detoxification, and I have very important things to contend with.

[info]kayleefrye in [info]thedoorway

So I was thinkin with all the new folks comin in, we should do some kinda weekly welcome gatherin. Folks can do things like they would on their own planets and get to know each other. Weren't even need to be just for new folks either. Could just be for people who don't know nobody here. I seen lots of people not knowin anyone here & i think it could be good.

Anyone wanna help out with that kinda thing?

[info]bigdeal in [info]thedoorway

I don't give a damn about a magic box or legal mumbo jumbo. Taking my weapons and leaving me alive was pretty fucking stupid. I'll be getting them back. Later. Food first. Peter Parker eats likes a teenage girl on the rag, BTW. I love junk food as much as the next kid, but jesus christ.

If I order a pizza, are the asshats with guns gonna try and take that, too? I don't feel like getting tranq'd again today.

[info]foxfacetribute in [info]thedoorway

The Capitol has really pulled out all the stops on this one. Strangest game diversion I've ever seen, and I've watched almost all of them in my training. I've got to admit that this new arena is extraordinary. It's almost believable.

[info]eyesupherebro in [info]thedoorway

Okay okay, I promised that I wouldn't be THAT PERSON, but I'm totally going to be THAT PERSON; I don't know why I even tried to contain it.

What's your New Year's Resolution, if you have one? Gloomy Holiday Gus-types NEED NOT APPLY.

Mine is to eat more broccoli, get a pet cat, and figure out what I'm going to do with the boob window on my costume. THIS IS IT. IT'S HAPPENING THIS YEAR.

OH and I almost forgot - I've made one more batch of my fragrances and I'm running SUPER-LOW on "Emma Frosty", so if you're interested, you'd better stop by the store!

[info]lupas in [info]thedoorway

Thanks for the mini-snack, O Anonymous Not Christmas Gift Giver, can't imagine who you might be. Not sure what to do with the air fresheners, but if I ever get around to getting a car I'm sure they'll be handy.

[info]grumpyalpha in [info]thedoorway

Let me know when the holiday season is over.

[info]wallofwtf in [info]thedoorway

I know there is going to be a big New Years Eve thing here at the Tower, but how often are you in New York for New Years? Okay, for some of you all the time. It just seems like a waste not to do the big Times Square thing since we're here. Would anyone be interested in braving the madness downtown with me? I can't guarantee your safety or your warmth, but I can promise a thermos full of hot chocolate. No matter what, it's bound to be an experience.

[info]theshedevil in [info]thedoorway

Well now, this is certainly interesting. I've been around a very long time, and I have to say that I'm impressed. It's not often that I can be surprised like this.

Still, I can't complain. I could use a good vacation.

Hello New York, this is going to be fun isn't it?

[info]mollycarpenter in [info]thedoorway

This is my new friend:

Cut for photo )

His name is Rajah, and he's a very sweet old man. He doesn't see so well anymore, and he moves a little slowly, so though he's very big, there's no need to be afraid of him. He's only ever bitten one person, and it was a long time ago, and that asshole had it coming anyway.

I love his mind. It's like this big, slow river, just trundling along with steady simplicity, easy to navigate. Dog brains are never like the insane rush of people brains, but an elderly Saint Bernard brain is the best. I can lay back and rest my head on his back, and even then his emotions are just the same kind of warm fluffy blanket that his fur is.

Speaking of that crap, is anybody around here good with mental magic? I need to talk spell theory with someone, specifically about mental shields and area wards specific to thoughts and emotions. I've got to do some problem-solving soon, or living on the first floor right next to all the lobby hullabaloo is going to drive me bonkers.

[info]finnthegomo in [info]thedoorway

The name's Finn; sharpshooter for the Storm Hawks and the legendary, magnificent, great Gomo. Some of you have probably heard of me already got recognized by a little kid, chicka-cha! I gotta say, for being the Far Side this place is like... a lot less gloomier and scary-looking than I was expecting. A lot colder too. Kinda like Terra Blizzaris.

Does it ever get warm here? And do you guys have like beaches and stuff?

OH MAN-- what kind of music do you guys have?! And where can I get a guitar? And surfboard. I think I need a new Skimmer and energy bow too, since they kinda confiscated mine -- which by the way, so not cool, dudes.

I hope I'm using this right? Some dude tried explaining it to me after that tutorial or whatever but we don't really have cellphones in Atmos. And honestly I don't really think taking advice from a dude who said I needed to get angry birds is like, a good idea, y'know?

[info]sober_enough in [info]thedoorway

Who: Haymitch Abernathy & Katniss Everdeen
What: Haymitch doesn't sleep at night & has something to say
When: Thursday night
Rating: Probably low.

Knock, knock )

[info]ex_toaster757 in [info]thedoorway

I was on Caprica for one Christmas before -- everything. I wasn't sure if I understood it back then. The concept seemed so foreign to me, so human. I think I understand it a little better now. Christmas brings people together. It's an excuse for everyone to show each other how they feel. I like it.

[info]chippedheart in [info]thedoorway

TEXT TO NAME: Belle French
» I have a proposal for you.
» One I think you'll like very much.

[info]missinggrace in [info]thedoorway

Okay. I wasn't going to ask, because I'm not sure I even care, but it's aggravating me, so I'm just going to have out with it.

Who left a scarf outside my door?

I suppose I owe you an apology of sorts. I don't really feel all that apologetic, but I wasn't looking to send things backwards either, so. I'm sorry I'm an asshole? I guess that's the point here.

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

Hey Stiles. I have a question for you! ... Well, an idea. So our friend Laura. Nico and I were thinking she could use a date to the New Year's Eve party, and we don't think she's going to find one herself even if she wanted to. So we were thinking about the guys we know here and trying to help her out, and we thought about how you'd be perfect for the job. Yes, no? I know she liked hanging out with you that day she gave you the tour of the city, soooooooo... let me know! You have our blessing to ask. Nico even said she'd ship it. If that's not an endorsement, I don't know what is.
Two questions. One: are you going with anyone to the big New Year's party?

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

New theory.

[info]hatesducks in [info]thedoorway

nothing has changed since my arrival and i loathe to think that my only accomplishment is that this device is still in one piece for once. it was suggested that i be more social with my neighbours. however all i can think is, must i?

[info]cuppa_tea in [info]thedoorway

Who: Annie and Mitchell
When: Backdated: December 26th
Where: Outside Regal Battery Park Stadium 11 after a screening of Les Misérables
What: Reunion!!
Rating: PG, emotions are running high!

Are you sure you're not a dwarf? )

[info]fromkrypton in [info]thedoorway

I promised Ma I'd be home in time for Christmas. What exactly is this for?

[info]chapelrn in [info]thedoorway

» So I hear Times Square is the place to be on New Year's Eve
» I've never done it. You game?
» How drunk would we have to get McCoy to make him come with us?

[info]xlharris in [info]thedoorway

Text message to Anya Jenkins

>>Thank you.
>>For the soup.
>>Did you get the Christmas present?

[info]phytogenic in [info]thedoorway

I'm used to Big celebrations (trees covered in lights, too much food and drinks that only come out in December, lots of stripy singing socks) but I haven't seen Christmas done quite like this before. New York must use a lot of electricity!

[Alice Longbottom, Frank Longbottom]
Hul SoI
Mum, Dad? Hullo. I think

[info]not_betty in [info]thedoorway

Journal Entry

Well, so this is New York. I always wanted to come, I just didn't think I would get here by being cosmically kidnapped.

So I'm Veronica, and I'm more than a little freaked out.

I don't suppose Wallace is hiding somewhere, is he?